***Fire Mueller***

Sorry bout that,

1. But the time is past due, "You're Fired!"\
2. Should be jailed too.
3. Any questions?
4. He's going hard after Trump over some tramp he banged years ago....big deal.....
5. Is Trump the Pope?

Shocking that aTrump ball chugger would advocate getting rid of somebody who is looking into Donnie Shitstain. How delightfully Stalinesque
Do you think that firing Mueller means the evidence he has will vanish?
what "evidence"?

that he banged a chic a decade ago? hell he's still a WAY DISTANT 3rd in this race behind kennedy and clinton. likely not even in the top 5 and those 2 did it while in office and were in and out of courts. the left didn't give a turd stuck up a rats ass. now that it's trump suddenly your morals kick in.

russia? why do you think he's going after the moistened bint schtick? cause there is nothing there and he's already said so. now they're trying to find another angle. it's bullshit and if done to your side, you'd be furious.

these 1 sided morals fucking suck.
Sorry bout that,

1. Mueller over played his hand.
2. He deserves firing, wait and see dumb ass.


For what?

The President on Airforce One basically threw Cohen under the bus... There was a crime by Cohen if Trump is to be believed... It is a federal crime, feds investigate that crime. There was just coordination so one set of feds don't impede on another set... But Cohen could be asked to testify against Trump if wants a deal...

Sorry but this is all serious crimes... There has already been guilty pleas..

At the very least there is plenty of proof that the Russians broke the law to get help Trump get elected and then had people in his administration to try and influance Trump after the election, in the con game Trump is the patsy... And that is the minimum...
So what law was broken, shit stick?

Bank Fraud
Wire Fraud
Campaign Finance Violation

Where's the evidence, turd? Oh, I know . . . . . wait until Mewler issues his report.

By Cohen asking and paying for an NDA with Stormy Daniels for Trump he is acting for Trump without Tumps consent.. Trump said so on Airforce One. That means he was defrauding both Trump and Daniels.. Wire for the fraud, Bank Fraud for the money transfer and Campaign Finance because it was days away from the election and this could be easily interpreted to help Trump the candidate.

Wire fraud and bank fraud are charges the feds always throw in when they have no real crimes to indict someone with. How could Trump have defrauded anyone when the only person who lost any money in the deal was Cohen who says he did it of his own volition?

This is a big nothing burger, once again. Obergruppenfuher Mewler is desperate for something to make himself relevant and to divert attention from his corruption.

The document shows that he was saying he was representing Trump when Trump said he wasn't... That is called fraud

....Lawyers can't instruct themselves to represent someone with out their consent... That is the law...

It says no such thing. Furthermore, in order for fraud to occur someone has to have suffered damages. Who's the victim?

Daniels lost as well, she was supposed to have a mutual NDA... That meant Trump wasn't allowed to talk either, but he didn't sign and claimed to know nothing about it... That is fraud...

Trump didn't say a thing until Daniels had been running her mouth off for months. I still don't think he has ever commented on Daniels.

Another bullshit claim.

The laugh is Trump threw Cohen under the bus... All he had to do is say nothing, but he couldn't resist...

If he does this to a long time associate, who wants to really be his lawyer?

Nobody said this is about Trump... Actually Trump is in the clear to the point, if any legal authority believes Cohen paid for this out his own pocket...

I think we will see 2 hours of depositions for Cohen and Trump...

The whole thing will get thrown out because the warrant was illegal.
Yes, an unconstitutional raid of a cooperating lawyer is really good and will really improve the justice system! Crazy ass anti-Donald dumbasses hate the 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendments. :p

Sad really, for the rest of us. At some point, if justice does not prevail, White folks will stop paying any federal and state income taxes and local real estate taxes.

...the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan had an extremely good reason to search Cohen’s workplace.

"Extremely good?" Let me guess the author of that is a transgender who is extremely butthurt The Donald is President. :p
How is it unConstitutional?
Sorry bout that,

1. But the time is past due, "You're Fired!"\
2. Should be jailed too.
3. Any questions?
4. He's going hard after Trump over some tramp he banged years ago....big deal.....
5. Is Trump the Pope?


The only reason to fire Mueller is because you think he's found something that will lead to Trump being impeached.
If Trump fires Mueller, he's going to be impeached anyway.
For what?

The President on Airforce One basically threw Cohen under the bus... There was a crime by Cohen if Trump is to be believed... It is a federal crime, feds investigate that crime. There was just coordination so one set of feds don't impede on another set... But Cohen could be asked to testify against Trump if wants a deal...

Sorry but this is all serious crimes... There has already been guilty pleas..

At the very least there is plenty of proof that the Russians broke the law to get help Trump get elected and then had people in his administration to try and influance Trump after the election, in the con game Trump is the patsy... And that is the minimum...
So what law was broken, shit stick?

Bank Fraud
Wire Fraud
Campaign Finance Violation

Where's the evidence, turd? Oh, I know . . . . . wait until Mewler issues his report.

By Cohen asking and paying for an NDA with Stormy Daniels for Trump he is acting for Trump without Tumps consent.. Trump said so on Airforce One. That means he was defrauding both Trump and Daniels.. Wire for the fraud, Bank Fraud for the money transfer and Campaign Finance because it was days away from the election and this could be easily interpreted to help Trump the candidate.

Wire fraud and bank fraud are charges the feds always throw in when they have no real crimes to indict someone with. How could Trump have defrauded anyone when the only person who lost any money in the deal was Cohen who says he did it of his own volition?

This is a big nothing burger, once again. Obergruppenfuher Mewler is desperate for something to make himself relevant and to divert attention from his corruption.

The document shows that he was saying he was representing Trump when Trump said he wasn't... That is called fraud

....Lawyers can't instruct themselves to represent someone with out their consent... That is the law...

It says no such thing. Furthermore, in order for fraud to occur someone has to have suffered damages. Who's the victim?

Daniels lost as well, she was supposed to have a mutual NDA... That meant Trump wasn't allowed to talk either, but he didn't sign and claimed to know nothing about it... That is fraud...

Trump didn't say a thing until Daniels had been running her mouth off for months. I still don't think he has ever commented on Daniels.

Another bullshit claim.

The laugh is Trump threw Cohen under the bus... All he had to do is say nothing, but he couldn't resist...

If he does this to a long time associate, who wants to really be his lawyer?

Nobody said this is about Trump... Actually Trump is in the clear to the point, if any legal authority believes Cohen paid for this out his own pocket...

I think we will see 2 hours of depositions for Cohen and Trump...

The whole thing will get thrown out because the warrant was illegal.
It's not about Stormy Daniels, I'm guessing.
I suppose it could just be the going behind the client's back and signing a NDA on his behalf without telling him. I don't see why he couldn't just send a letter to the Bar Association on that one, though--it's an ethical, not a criminal, violation.
So I'm guessing it's not about Stormy Daniels.
He probably has nothing on trump. This shit has nothing to do with trump any damn way.
The guy is finding many crimes committed. Let the man work.
Does the republican party now support criminals like the dem party? :D
Why did the FBI raid the office of Trump lawyer Michael Cohen?

...federal agents seized “records related to several topics including payments to a pornographic-film actress,” presumably referring to the $130,000 payments Cohen made to Stephanie Clifford—who is known professionally as Stormy Daniels—during the 2016 campaign. According to the Times, the search warrants were obtained by the federal prosecutor in Manhattan after receiving a referral from special counsel Robert Mueller.

Executing a search warrant against any attorney’s office, let alone a personal lawyer for the president of the United States, is no small matter.

Attorney and legal blogger Ken White noted that the federal guidelines require prosecutors to seek approval from the Justice Department’s upper echelons before applying for a warrant targeting a lawyer’s office.

That DOJ officials approved the raid suggests that the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan had an extremely good reason to search Cohen’s workplace.

This is the first public indication that Cohen is involved in a federal investigation that’s unrelated to Mueller’s inquiry into Russian election meddling.

Why did the FBI raid the office of Trump lawyer Michael Cohen?

1- Because they are corrupt sons of bitches
2- They know that their actions are not subject to judicial review so they can search and invade WITH IMPUNITY
3- Ask the surviving Davidians the reason the FBI showed up at 4 AM with bulldozers - after they incinerated their compound - and sanitized a crime scene

And so it goes
Obama corrupted the IRS, NSA, DOJ and the FBI.
The Democrats turned the DOJ and the FBI into illegal political weapons.
The Mueller investigation is 100% political.
The only Russian collusion was with Hillary and Dossiergate.
Democrats are not just wrong, They are bad people.
Democrat corruption and abuse of power is a threat to our democracy.
And Hillary can have her lawyers wipe servers and delete emails et al, but no searches were ever conducted citing Attorney/Client confidentiality

The only "Evidence" Mueller has is Evidence he obtained Illegally and through Prosecutorial Misconduct.
He has now TWICE violated Attorney Client Privilege by Confiscating Illegally, documents that were covered under "Attorney Client Privilege"

This is no longer about Mueller and his sham investigation.

It's about defending his attack on the US Constitution, and his assault on Lady Liberty and our protections from an overreaching all too powerful government.

He should be fired, brought up on charges, sentenced and disbarred.

The Mueller team has already paid out Millions via the Taxpayers in Restitution for prosecutorial misconduct.
He probably has nothing on trump. This shit has nothing to do with trump any damn way.
The guy is finding many crimes committed. Let the man work.
If it were about Trump, Mueller would have handled it himself. This was only a referral from Mueller about something that happened in NYC. However, Trump is beyond furious. I don't think Mueller is going to make it through the day. I hope I'm wrong, though.
He probably has nothing on trump. This shit has nothing to do with trump any damn way.
The guy is finding many crimes committed. Let the man work.
If it were about Trump, Mueller would have handled it himself. This was only a referral from Mueller about something that happened in NYC. However, Trump is beyond furious. I don't think Mueller is going to make it through the day. I hope I'm wrong, though.
Of course he is. The stormy daniels bullshit is now being dragged into this investigation. He has been trying to dodge that shit.
I dont figure trump will fire him.. but you never know with peaches-in-chief.. lol
And Hillary can have her lawyers wipe servers and delete emails et al, but no searches were ever conducted citing Attorney/Client confidentiality

One has to wonder why Comey, McCabe Yates and Rosenstein allowed Clinton to delete 33,000 emails, rather than raid her office and take the server before she could do that, especially when there were two court orders prohibiting that. Same thing with the DNC server. Where was the Pre Dawn Raid at The DNC?

Fuck Mueller. He should be hung as a traitor. I'll trust him when he looks in to Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm, Christopher Steele and Skirpal, and The DNC's roles in colluding with Russia and using Russian Propaganda paid for by Clinton in a Fictitious and Illegal FISA Surveillance Warrant.
The only "Evidence" Mueller has is Evidence he obtained Illegally and through Prosecutorial Misconduct.
He has now TWICE violated Attorney Client Privilege by Confiscating Illegally, documents that were covered under "Attorney Client Privilege"

This is no longer about Mueller and his sham investigation.

It's about defending his attack on the US Constitution, and his assault on Lady Liberty and our protections from an overreaching all too powerful government.

He should be fired, brought up on charges, sentenced and disbarred.

The Mueller team has already paid out Millions via the Taxpayers in Restitution for prosecutorial misconduct.
Relax, the raid was approved by people Trump picked. Such raids do need approval.

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