Fire Protection Engineer: 9/11 BOMBSHELL INTERVIEW

Not having a prior example of something is NOT evidence you are correct that it HAS to be done via explosives. It is only an example of your very simplistic thinking and rather ignorant outlook on reality.

so your answer is you can not provide a single one...I see

And neither can you. Yet you can't see that. Nobody is as blind as one blind by their own ignorance. Could the towers and WTC 7 be taken down by controlled demolition? Sure! But there is no such thing as the perfect crime, and this particular crime would leave so much evidence it wouldn't even be funny! Yet not one scrap, not one iota of evidence has ever been found. Don't even bother with Jones and company's bullshit claims. Dust they had to process the hell out of before they could get it to spark and then it sparked at the wrong temperature for a thermite reaction of any kind so they just called it an "active thermitic substance" isn't evidence other than of the extreme gullibility of truthtards. A matchhead is an "active thermitic substance". :lol:

So the difference between us is that I can see all possibilities, but you can only see one. I go off the evidence, you go off your hopes and dreams. I use common sense, logic and science, you go off bullshit and lies. There is a huge difference between us, eots. You're a piece of shit and I'm not. :lol:

what type of evidence would you expect to find ?
Nope never hit by a plane, just had a 110 story building fall on it....

Why ya gotta lie like that ollie ? ...peices of debris from a 100 story building damged it...why do you feel the need to pretend it was an entire building ?...and why do you still pretend NIST determined it was not significant to the collapse

Lol, talk about exaggerations, damn WTC 4,5,6 had more debris on them and they DID NOT COLLAPSE!
Face it NIST lied to you, to everybody, criminals have the country by the balls. Connect the dots man, this shit could have been stopped, but information was stonewalled, Bush demanded the FBI leave things alone...there is so much that points to corrupt government complicity, it isn't funny, and folks like you-ex military and all, why do you cover for these motherfuckers?

I cover for them <sarcasm> because it pisses you off. No other reason.
Why ya gotta lie like that ollie ? ...peices of debris from a 100 story building damged it...why do you feel the need to pretend it was an entire building ?...and why do you still pretend NIST determined it was not significant to the collapse

Lol, talk about exaggerations, damn WTC 4,5,6 had more debris on them and they DID NOT COLLAPSE!
Face it NIST lied to you, to everybody, criminals have the country by the balls. Connect the dots man, this shit could have been stopped, but information was stonewalled, Bush demanded the FBI leave things alone...there is so much that points to corrupt government complicity, it isn't funny, and folks like you-ex military and all, why do you cover for these motherfuckers?

I cover for them <sarcasm> because it pisses you off. No other reason.

and thats why you are a pathetic,sad and irrelevant being
what type of evidence would you expect to find ?

Ah, the typical truthtard tactic of constantly rehashing the same shit over and over and over and over and over and over again. :lol:

List of evidence one would expect to find from a controlled demolition:

Audible evidence of high explosives going off. Audio tapes show no signs of high explosives going off before or during the collapses.

Seismic evidence. Controlled demolitions leave distinct fingerprints that can be monitored via seismographs. Neither the seismograph from Lamont Doherty or the local seismographs in downtown Manhattan picked up the signatures from a controlled demolition. In contrast, the hits from the planes and the collapses were clearly seen on seismographs.

Steel beams showing signs of being cut via high explosives.

There would be the telltale chemical signatures of high explosives.

Wiring, detonators and other paraphanalia required for a controlled demolition. You can't set off the explosives without these.

Numerous workers taking months to wire much smaller buildings.

Now, every controlled demolition has these tell tale signs.

No audible evidence of high explosives going off. High explosives can be heard for miles.

No seismic evidence in any of the collapses

No steel beams showing signs of being cut with high explosives. The crews doing the removal were all well versed in controlled demolitions and looking for the signs of controlled demolition.....

Which leads us to the complete lack of the wiring, detonators and other paraphanalia of a controlled demolition which the crews were ALSO well versed in identifying as it is not unusual from some explosives not to go off in a controlled demolition. When one's life might be at stake, one tends to keep a sharp eye out, wouldn't you say?

Nobody saw the numerous workers who would have to plant the demolitions over the course of many months.

Nobody saw their handiwork from the time they planted explosives until 9/11.

Not one of these experts in controlled demolition has ever come forward to admit their part in the conspiracy. Now, since there isn't a bunch of suddenly very rich controlled demolitions experts retiring to Aruba or a bunch of dead controlled demolitions experts turning up all over the place, one has to wonder how they are keeping all these workers quiet.

So again I ask you, eots..... where is your evidence? You have Kevin McPadden's testimony which is directly refuted by the physical evidence (numerous audio recordings all having the same general audio tracks) and by the testimony of others who were close to WTC 7 yet didn't hear the "massive explosions" McPadden claimed he heard.

And before you go the thermite/thermate/nano-whatever, let me remind you that thermitic materials are NEVER used in controlled demolitions because they cannot be times with the millisecond timing needed for controlled demolitions. There are numerous other reasons why it wasn't thermitic materials, but that is the main reason why it couldn't be thermitic materials. You truthtards claim the symmetric and complete collapse are your evidence of controlled demolition, but that result cannot be achieved via thermitic materials; only high explosives.

So where is your seismic evidence. Your steel samples of cut steel. Your chemical traces of high explosives. Your paraphanalia. Your workers who did the work. Your witnesses who saw suspicious stuff wired up to the columns. Go ahead and show us those. Or run away. Your choice.
[ame=]YouTube - evidence of suspicious activities at the World Trade Center.flv[/ame]
Dr. Quintiere said he originally &#8220;had high hopes&#8221; that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. &#8220;They&#8217;re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what I also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it&#8217;s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

Same old debunked bullshit as every other time. I got to the point where they start bringing up Marvin Bush and knew it was just more of the same. If there was a specific point you were trying to make vs. just spamming videos and hoping there was something pertinent, tell us where in the video to watch or make the point yourself. Don't waste everyone's time with the same bullshit if you expect a real response.
Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. “They’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what I also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

Have you READ Dr. Quintieres' response to the NIST report? I don't think so because he completely disagrees with your bullshit! He believes the buildings were brought down by fire alone, but not the specific way the NIST claims. He doesn't believe your bullshit conspiracy theories at ALL. :lol: I love it when truthtards prove their ignorance through the constant reposting of evidence that proves they are full of shit!
Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. “They’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what I also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

Dr. Quintiere, based on what he has seen, also states that he thinks it was the floor trusses that failed due to heat, but you fail to bring that up. Why is that?
Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. “They’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what I also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

Have you READ Dr. Quintieres' response to the NIST report? I don't think so because he completely disagrees with your bullshit! He believes the buildings were brought down by fire alone, but not the specific way the NIST claims. He doesn't believe your bullshit conspiracy theories at ALL. :lol: I love it when truthtards prove their ignorance through the constant reposting of evidence that proves they are full of shit!

that is not really relevant to his view the investigation was blocked and failed to determine the cause does it...
Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. “They’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what I also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

Dr. Quintiere, based on what he has seen, also states that he thinks it was the floor trusses that failed due to heat, but you fail to bring that up. Why is that?

he also calls for his fellow engineers to be conspiracy theorist...if he is Correct that "fact finding was Deterred" and "government lawyers blocked everything" and the need for" ATF to do gumshoe type work...then we have a cover-up and a re-investigation is required regardless
Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. “They’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what I also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

Have you READ Dr. Quintieres' response to the NIST report? I don't think so because he completely disagrees with your bullshit! He believes the buildings were brought down by fire alone, but not the specific way the NIST claims. He doesn't believe your bullshit conspiracy theories at ALL. :lol: I love it when truthtards prove their ignorance through the constant reposting of evidence that proves they are full of shit!

that is not really relevant to his view the investigation was blocked and failed to determine the cause does it...

Bullshit. That might be your opinion, but it is still bullshit, nor is it the truth. The NIST did not come up with the same answer as Dr. Quintieres. Dr. Quintieres doesn't say the investigation was blocked or that the investigation failed to determine the cause of the collapse.

If you're going to post someone's work as evidence, the very least you can do is read it and make sure it is making the same claims you are making.
Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. “They’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what I also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

Have you READ Dr. Quintieres' response to the NIST report? I don't think so because he completely disagrees with your bullshit! He believes the buildings were brought down by fire alone, but not the specific way the NIST claims. He doesn't believe your bullshit conspiracy theories at ALL. :lol: I love it when truthtards prove their ignorance through the constant reposting of evidence that proves they are full of shit!

can you lInk to the quote he calls other theories bullshit and says he does not believe in them at ALL.....NO, OF COURSE YOU CANT...BECAUSE YOU MADE IT UP
Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. “They’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what I also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

Dr. Quintiere, based on what he has seen, also states that he thinks it was the floor trusses that failed due to heat, but you fail to bring that up. Why is that?

he also calls for his fellow engineers to be conspiracy theorist...if he is Correct that "fact finding was Deterred" and "government lawyers blocked everything" and the need for" ATF to do gumshoe type work...then we have a cover-up and a re-investigation is required regardless

Ah, the usual bullshit from someone cherry picking what they want to read and ignoring the rest.

Here is what Dr. Quintiere said about the lawyers:

What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything.”

It his OPINION. Not fact. Not substantiated. It is why he felt the ATF did not help the NIST. The ATF only gets involved when there is explosives involved. Since there was absolutely zero evidence of explosives, the ATF was never called in.

BTW, you DO know that an independant investigation of the collapse mechanism of the towers was made over in the UK, right? They came to the conclusion that the NIST overemphasized the damage from the impact of the planes and that the fires were enough by themselves to bring down the buildings given the circumstances. :lol:
Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. “They’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what I also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation

Have you READ Dr. Quintieres' response to the NIST report? I don't think so because he completely disagrees with your bullshit! He believes the buildings were brought down by fire alone, but not the specific way the NIST claims. He doesn't believe your bullshit conspiracy theories at ALL. :lol: I love it when truthtards prove their ignorance through the constant reposting of evidence that proves they are full of shit!

can you lInk to the quote he calls other theories bullshit and says he does not believe in them at ALL.....NO, OF COURSE YOU CANT...BECAUSE YOU MADE IT UP

Sure I can. Read his paper as you've been repeatedly asked to do. Not ONCE does he claim explosives were involved or even needed. Read it for yourself.

He clearly claims there are TWO possibilities for collapse:

1 Core columns fail as stripped of insulation and heated by fore: as contended by the NIST and their findingds or
2 Trusses fail as heated by fire (with insulation intact) as due to the instability of the external columns according to Usmani et al., or the trusses fail at the connections according to Burgess et al. and the NIST truss computations.

That's it. In his own words. No explosives. No thermite, thermate, termites, or nano anything. If he gave a rat's ass about you assholes, surely he would have mentioned your bullshit theories as some kind of possibility. Right? :lol:
dr. Quintiere, based on what he has seen, also states that he thinks it was the floor trusses that failed due to heat, but you fail to bring that up. Why is that?

he also calls for his fellow engineers to be conspiracy theorist...if he is correct that "fact finding was deterred" and "government lawyers blocked everything" and the need for" atf to do gumshoe type work...then we have a cover-up and a re-investigation is required regardless

ah, the usual bullshit from someone cherry picking what they want to read and ignoring the rest.

Here is what dr. Quintiere said about the lawyers:

what prevented all of this? I think it&#8217;s the legal structure that cloaks the commerce department and therefore nist. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything.&#8221;

it his opinion. Not fact. Not substantiated. It is why he felt the atf did not help the nist. The atf only gets involved when there is explosives involved. since there was absolutely zero evidence of explosives, the atf was never called in.

Then why did he think they should be involved ????

Btw, you do know that an independant investigation of the collapse mechanism of the towers was made over in the uk, right? They came to the conclusion that the nist overemphasized the damage from the impact of the planes and that the fires were enough by themselves to bring down the buildings given the circumstances. :lol:

one professor with coca cola
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have you read dr. Quintieres' response to the nist report? I don't think so because he completely disagrees with your bullshit! He believes the buildings were brought down by fire alone, but not the specific way the nist claims. He doesn't believe your bullshit conspiracy theories at all. :lol: I love it when truthtards prove their ignorance through the constant reposting of evidence that proves they are full of shit!

can you link to the quote he calls other theories bullshit and says he does not believe in them at, of course you cant...because you made it up

sure i can. Read his paper as you've been repeatedly asked to do. Not once does he claim explosives were involved or even needed. read it for yourself.

he clearly claims there are two possibilities for collapse:

1 core columns fail as stripped of insulation and heated by fore: As contended by the nist and their findingds or
2 trusses fail as heated by fire (with insulation intact) as due to the instability of the external columns according to usmani et al., or the trusses fail at the connections according to burgess et al. And the nist truss computations.

That's it. In his own words. No explosives. No thermite, thermate, termites, or nano anything. If he gave a rat's ass about you assholes, surely he would have mentioned your bullshit theories as some kind of possibility. Right? :lol:

no, you post the quote you claim ...liar

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