Fire Protection Engineer: 9/11 BOMBSHELL INTERVIEW

so you have no link and have never read the just heard it mentioned on some debwunking site....why the big charade..just say so and maybe I will post the link so you can actually read the paper

Give a truthtard enough rope and he will hang himself from the highest tree! Since you are too lazy, too fucking stupid, or both to find the paper, here is your link you will probably not read.

As for you posting the link, .!.. :lol: ..!. Dream on, dumbfuck!

so they also think NIST failed in its investigation

They have an alternate theory. The investigation will NEVER be conclusive because of all the unknowns. What we DO know is there is zero evidence of controlled demolition or explosives being used. It is a recurring theme amongs the true experts. I will leave it up to the experts to determine what they think really happened. None of the true experts endorse your bullshit theories for the same reasons I call them bullshit.
You've already been proven a baldfaced liar in that regard. I guess you just don't give a shit what your credibility is so you just lie every chance you get. I'm not surprised.

are you denying this is what he said...or just rambling an flinging monkey shit in a flailing attempt to distract from the fact ?

Read what I wrote, dumbfuck! The answers are all there. Fucking liars like you are always altering what people say to try and pretend they are somehow getting one over on everyone. Like everything else in life, you fail, eots.

btw that is not a link to the paper is it...
are you denying this is what he said...or just rambling an flinging monkey shit in a flailing attempt to distract from the fact ?

Read what I wrote, dumbfuck! The answers are all there. Fucking liars like you are always altering what people say to try and pretend they are somehow getting one over on everyone. Like everything else in life, you fail, eots.

btw that is not a link to the paper is it...

Why? Were the words to big for you? Did you not understand it? Is it not written by Arups with the help of the University of Edinburgh? What is confusing you?
Read what I wrote, dumbfuck! The answers are all there. Fucking liars like you are always altering what people say to try and pretend they are somehow getting one over on everyone. Like everything else in life, you fail, eots.

btw that is not a link to the paper is it...

Why? Were the words to big for you? Did you not understand it? Is it not written by Arups with the help of the University of Edinburgh? What is confusing you?

the lack of any data or forensic testing, witness testimony validation of the computer model , all they do simulate how a fire induced collapse could be initiated but do not address,the actual collapse itself, the speed of the collapse ,no examination of the building 7 collapse ...but I have no question these concepts are far to confusing for you
btw that is not a link to the paper is it...

Why? Were the words to big for you? Did you not understand it? Is it not written by Arups with the help of the University of Edinburgh? What is confusing you?

the lack of any data or forensic testing, witness testimony validation of the computer model , all they do simulate how a fire induced collapse could be initiated but do not address,the actual collapse itself, the speed of the collapse ,no examination of the building 7 collapse ...but I have no question these concepts are far to confusing for you

All reports were all about how the collapse was initiated and not the collapse itself! :lol: Thanks for proving what a dumb shit you are and that you haven't actually read any of the reports! All the experts understand that a collapse event of that scale is going to result in a complete collapse. It is one of the reasons everyone laughs at you and your fellow truthtards when you claim it could only happen through controlled demolition. :lol:
I knew it, they won't accept any study that does not include their theories as the cause....

Why? Were the words to big for you? Did you not understand it? Is it not written by Arups with the help of the University of Edinburgh? What is confusing you?

the lack of any data or forensic testing, witness testimony validation of the computer model , all they do simulate how a fire induced collapse could be initiated but do not address,the actual collapse itself, the speed of the collapse ,no examination of the building 7 collapse ...but I have no question these concepts are far to confusing for you

All reports were all about how the collapse was initiated and not the collapse itself! :lol: Thanks for proving what a dumb shit you are and that you haven't actually read any of the reports! All the experts understand that a collapse event of that scale is going to result in a complete collapse. It is one of the reasons everyone laughs at you and your fellow truthtards when you claim it could only happen through controlled demolition. :lol: were they address the speed of the fall
I knew it, they won't accept any study that does not include their theories as the cause....




not if it doesn't include wittiness testimony subpoena power, over site by the family steering committable and forensic testing

What do you need subpoena power for when doing an engineering study? Why would the family steering committee (committable?!?) have oversight of an engineering study? They are not engineers nor are they in any way qualified to oversee an engineering study.

In other words, you want a study where you might possibly get an answer you are looking for instead of the truth and you will do anything and everything to weigh the study to get the results you want.

Ain't gonna happen. You still haven't been able to prove ANY of your bullshit, much less present evidence that the studies or investigations were fundamentally wrong. Other experts are going to have their own opinions on what initiated the collapse, and that is their right to discuss amongst themselves to get to the right answer as much as possible. Bottom line, though, is that one will never know for sure with absolute certainty what initiated the collapse because there isn't enough evidence to come to that kind of conclusion.

What we DO know, however, is that there is still ZERO EVIDENCE of controlled demolition. Opinions of retards who don't understand engineering, physics or much else in the real world pretend that if it LOOKS like a controlled demolition then it must BE a controlled demolition. Never mind that the towers were completely bass ackwards from how a controlled demolition should have looked.
because it is a criminal investigation where engineers and forensic experts would testify ...nipple head
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because it is a criminal investigation where engineers and forensic experts would testify ...nipple head

The NIST studies were never part of a criminal investigation you moron! Do you have evidence a crime was committed? No. All you have is opinion that doesn't fit the evidence at hand. Why would ANY chowderhead open a criminal investigation based on that? :lol:
Dr. Quintiere said he originally “had high hopes” that NIST would do a good job with the investigation. “They’re the central government lab for fire. There are good people there and they can do a good job. But what I also thought they would do is to enlist the service of the ATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives], which has an investigation force and a laboratory of their own for fire. And I thought they would put people out on the street and get gumshoe-type information. What prevented all of this? I think it’s the legal structure that cloaks the Commerce Department and therefore NIST. And so, instead of lawyers as if they were acting on a civil case trying to get depositions and information subpoenaed, those lawyers did the opposite and blocked everything.”

OpEdNews - Article: Former Chief of NIST's Fire Science Division Calls for Independent Review of World Trade Center Investigation
clearly the murder of thousands is a crime..nipplehead

Yo. Shit for brains. The crime was investigated. The collapse of the buildings was not part of the crime, but needed to be studied from an engineering aspect to determine how to make buildings safer. The NIST investigations were NOT to figure out WHO did it as one would have in a criminal investigation, but to determine HOW the collapse was initiated.

Now, if the NIST had found ANY evidence of explosives, the ATF would have gotten involved and I am sure a criminal investigation would have been initiated or it would have been rolled into the FBI PENTTBOM investigation.

But since you stupid fucks have ZERO EVIDENCE to back up your bullshit about controlled demolitions, no criminal investigation into the collapse itself is forthcoming. As for the murder of thousands, that has had its own investigation and conviction. Soon more will be convicted. You have yet to provide one piece of evidence that shows this criminal investigation is in any way fundamentally flawed, and thus your hopes for a mock investigation will never see fruition.
NIST never looked or tested for explosive residue

They didn't have a reason to. There was not one shred of evidence that would make an expert suspect explosives were used. Hint. You fuckers aren't experts. :lol:


N.F.P.A. 921- 19.2.4 Exotic Accelerants states that molten steel and concrete could indicate the use of exotic accelerants, specifically Thermite.

N.F.P.A. 921 – Extremism
During an investigation, many things must be considered. Aside from the physical evidence, and witness testimony, suspect criminal history also must be analyzed. The investigation must include past history and the Modus Operandi, “M.O.” for short.

N.F.P.A. 921 – Extremism addresses terrorism specifically.
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NIST never looked or tested for explosive residue

They didn't have a reason to. There was not one shred of evidence that would make an expert suspect explosives were used. Hint. You fuckers aren't experts. :lol:


N.F.P.A. 921- 19.2.4 Exotic Accelerants states that molten steel and concrete could indicate the use of exotic accelerants, specifically Thermite.

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11: Molten Metal at Ground Zero[/ame]

N.F.P.A. 921 – Extremism
During an investigation, many things must be considered. Aside from the physical evidence, and witness testimony, suspect criminal history also must be analyzed. The investigation must include past history and the Modus Operandi, “M.O.” for short.

N.F.P.A. 921 – Extremism addresses terrorism specifically.

What are you babbling about?
They didn't have a reason to. There was not one shred of evidence that would make an expert suspect explosives were used. Hint. You fuckers aren't experts. :lol:


N.F.P.A. 921- 19.2.4 Exotic Accelerants states that molten steel and concrete could indicate the use of exotic accelerants, specifically Thermite.

[ame=]YouTube - 9/11: Molten Metal at Ground Zero[/ame]

N.F.P.A. 921 – Extremism
During an investigation, many things must be considered. Aside from the physical evidence, and witness testimony, suspect criminal history also must be analyzed. The investigation must include past history and the Modus Operandi, “M.O.” for short.

N.F.P.A. 921 – Extremism addresses terrorism specifically.

What are you babbling about?

the fire investigation standards for all large building fires with a collapse
its probably to advanced for you to comprehend

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