Fire up the ovens, awesome gassing exercise coming soon to your hometown!

Nazi Persecution of the Mentally Physically Disabled Jewish Virtual Library

"In October 1939, Hitler himself initiated a decree which empowered physicians to grant a "mercy death" to "patients considered incurable according to the best available human judgment of their state of health." The intent of the socalled "euthanasia" program, however, was not to relieve the suffering of the chronically ill. The Nazi regime used the term as a euphemism: its aim was to exterminate the mentally ill and the handicapped..."
Yes, I have. You know nothing about me.
Oh lord.

Anyway, life is often painful. Doctors currently ease their terminal patients into death, there's no need for a law that makes it legal for people to off others.
You have no right to tell others what they can and cannot do...or should be able to do or not do.
If your child or parent or spouse wound up with a horrible disease, you would be selfish enough to want to FORCE them to live what time they have left IN PAIN? Really. That says much about you.
If you are asking would I kill my sick mother or my sick child..the answer is no. And I wouldn't let anyone else kill them either.
Sick. And dying. Painfully. Horribly.
Of course you wouldn't. Its called selfishness.

Selfishness is being such a weak minded loser that you would rather kill people than have to witness pain.
Witness pain? Get real. If the person THEMSELVES want to end it, who am I to say they can't? If they want to continue fighting, ok. Then they need all the support they can get. But if they DON'T, then they should be able to CHOOSE.

You are just begging for karma to bite you on the ass. Once you are grown up, maybe you will be wiser.
Logan's Run anyone?

We're harvesting dead babies, and encouraging people to get gassed. Aren't progressives awesome?

"Right-to-die campaigner Philip Nitschke, 67, will invite people on stage to inhale gas from his updated version of the Deliverance machine that helped end the lives of four terminally people in the 1990s using intravenous drugs. Dr Nitschke said the move to gas made his new Destiny euthanasia machine much easier to use as no special skills, such as inserting an IV tube, are required.
"Destiny asks three questions before delivering a lethal gas made up of nine per cent carbon monoxide and 91 per cent nitrogen through either a face mask, or nasal prongs, to the patient wanting to die. Volunteers at next month’s ‘Dicing with Dr Death’ show, the first public appearance of the new machine, will receive 100 per cent nitrogen."

This particular douchebag isn't in the US, but it's just a matter of time. Keep in mind how many times a day you hear the left lamenting how far we lag behind the modern, *civilized* countries across the sea when it comes to things like killing people *mercifully* for things like mental illness, pain, distress, or just economics.

I submit for your consideration the obvious stupidity of anybody who would volunteer to participate in such an experiment. I'm sure they are all progressives themselves. Which is almost an argument FOR it, except we all know that they will quickly realize it's a lot more fun to gas others than it is to gas oneself.

Dr Death s Edinburgh Fringe 2015 show will see right-to-die campaigner gas audiences - Edinburgh - Arts and Entertainment - The Independent

You've provoked the culture of death. The armies of Mordor are on the march!

"The completed forms were, in turn, sent to expert assessors physicians, usually psychiatrists, who made up "review commissions."

" At every step, the medical authorities involved were usually expected to quickly process large numbers of forms."

""Meticulous records discovered after the war documented 70,273 deaths by gassing at the six "euthanasia" centers between January 1940 and August 1941."

Nazi Persecution of the Mentally Physically Disabled Jewish Virtual Library
Nazi Persecution of the Mentally Physically Disabled Jewish Virtual Library

"In October 1939, Hitler himself initiated a decree which empowered physicians to grant a "mercy death" to "patients considered incurable according to the best available human judgment of their state of health." The intent of the socalled "euthanasia" program, however, was not to relieve the suffering of the chronically ill. The Nazi regime used the term as a euphemism: its aim was to exterminate the mentally ill and the handicapped..."

Ah a stupid goyim compares the shoa to end of life personal decisions
So..since you don't believe in relieving painful death, does that apply to animals as well?
Your dog is yelping in pain, diagnosed with cancer. Can't eat, can't drink, can't hold its bowels, can't walk, is deaf, blind, and yelps continually. Do you put the dog down or let it suffer?
Oh lord.

Anyway, life is often painful. Doctors currently ease their terminal patients into death, there's no need for a law that makes it legal for people to off others.
You have no right to tell others what they can and cannot do...or should be able to do or not do.
If your child or parent or spouse wound up with a horrible disease, you would be selfish enough to want to FORCE them to live what time they have left IN PAIN? Really. That says much about you.
If you are asking would I kill my sick mother or my sick child..the answer is no. And I wouldn't let anyone else kill them either.
Sick. And dying. Painfully. Horribly.
Of course you wouldn't. Its called selfishness.

Selfishness is being such a weak minded loser that you would rather kill people than have to witness pain.
Witness pain? Get real. If the person THEMSELVES want to end it, who am I to say they can't? If they want to continue fighting, ok. Then they need all the support they can get. But if they DON'T, then they should be able to CHOOSE.

You are just begging for karma to bite you on the ass. Once you are grown up, maybe you will be wiser.
Fuck off, fruitcake. I have a family and deal with these issues every day, like a real person in the real world does. And never will I ever say to any of them, "I will kill you if you ask me". If they want to commit suicide, they are responsible for doing it themselves.
So..since you don't believe in relieving painful death, does that apply to animals as well?
Your dog is yelping in pain, diagnosed with cancer. Can't eat, can't drink, can't hold its bowels, can't walk, is deaf, blind, and yelps continually. Do you put the dog down or let it suffer?
I'm not super quick to euthanize animals, either. And as a result, I've seen a lot of animals who went through a lot of pain..and who got better and lived on as a result.

Pain is a part of life. Get over it.
So, to recap...progressives think that mentally ill people should never have their self destructive impulses moderated.
To recap, a mentally ill o.p. who literally wished for the death of over a third of Americans....

Has an issue with assisted suicide

Derp derper grl.

To recap, a mentally fucked up op let's no opportunity go by to demonize other people as if they are the eternal enemy, all the while claiming to be a Christian. LOL.

Nothing could possibly be more mentally fucked up than your stupid clown face.
Ever hear anyone screaming in pain and begging to be "let go" by the loved one that IF they "let them go" would end up in prison?

We treat our pets more humanely than we do our loved ones.

Since you are one of the sane people on this otherwise insanse thread, I will tell you a story from about 5 months ago. I was at a chic party at a castle near Remagen, Germany - was working that night, and after the performance, got to sit at a table with some pretty damned neat people. One is a Christian psychiatrist, a really interesting and super intelligent person. Somebody at the table was talking about a very old relatively dying very slowly, very painfully, and the pyschiatrist said, very loud: "water".

All heads turned to him. He said, it's really simple. Before the age of advanced medical technology, if a person who was old really started getting sick, they would usually lie down somewhere, stop drinking, fall into a peaceful coma and then, that was that. But everytime you stick an IV in a person and rehydrate him, then the battle starts all over again.

That's not to say that the advances in medical technology aren't wonderful. They are. But some illnesses are so horrible, so painful, that all we are doing is putting a person who just 50 years ago would have died peacefully in a bed through the horror of another battle, only to come away from it all for the worse, but still alive and still cognizant of the pain. That's inhumane.

That doesn't mean I'm for assisted suicide. But if a person decides to not get medical attention and wants to stop the hydration and let his body fail one organ at a time and be done with it, who am I to judge him?

And the OP jumps to make it sound like progressives want to murder people. What a crock of shit, as usual.

That's stupid. Dying of thirst is actually VERY PAINFUL.

Dying of Thirst is Excruciating Agony National Review Online

Good God, you agents of death aren't that bright.
So..since you don't believe in relieving painful death, does that apply to animals as well?
Your dog is yelping in pain, diagnosed with cancer. Can't eat, can't drink, can't hold its bowels, can't walk, is deaf, blind, and yelps continually. Do you put the dog down or let it suffer?
I'm not super quick to euthanize animals, either. And as a result, I've seen a lot of animals who went through a lot of pain..and who got better and lived on as a result.

Pain is a part of life. Get over it.
You are a cold hearted bitch, KG. I feel pity for anyone you are affilitated with.
If a person wants to participate in this because they feel that they are in too much pain and feel they are out of options, I say let them do it, and get assistance from someone else if they need it.

I also supported Kevorkian when he was alive. He wasn't a merchant of death, but rather a person of mercy.
So..since you don't believe in relieving painful death, does that apply to animals as well?
Your dog is yelping in pain, diagnosed with cancer. Can't eat, can't drink, can't hold its bowels, can't walk, is deaf, blind, and yelps continually. Do you put the dog down or let it suffer?
I'm not super quick to euthanize animals, either. And as a result, I've seen a lot of animals who went through a lot of pain..and who got better and lived on as a result.

Pain is a part of life. Get over it.
You are a cold hearted bitch, KG. I feel pity for anyone you are affilitated with.
Shes the biggest 2 faced hypocrite on this entire board. She was calling for the death of others a week ago.

Now this.

Shes a sycophant & a fruitcake.
I've pretty much been saying since day one that a) I didn't want to live to be 100 and b) that I /would not/ waste away on life support for 20 years like my grandmother had to. My children, my husband, and my parents are fully aware of this and they've had their entire relationships with me to understand my position on the matter. Why should I /not/ have the right to die peacefully, with what dignity I have left in my frail dying body?

That said, I hear freezing to death is the least painful way to do it; there's some pain in the limbs as frostbite sets in, but it numbs before too long. Most often you fall asleep and never wake up, and you can forward that progress by legal chemical means.
So, to recap...progressives think that mentally ill people should never have their self destructive impulses moderated.

I guess you feel so strongly about it because you are one of those mentally ill people, but nobody wants to kill you.......just stop you from whining so much about the crazy things you imagine.
I've pretty much been saying since day one that a) I didn't want to live to be 100 and b) that I /would not/ waste away on life support for 20 years like my grandmother had to. My children, my husband, and my parents are fully aware of this and they've had their entire relationships with me to understand my position on the matter. Why should I /not/ have the right to die peacefully, with what dignity I have left in my frail dying body?

That said, I hear freezing to death is the least painful way to do it; there's some pain in the limbs as frostbite sets in, but it numbs before too long. Most often you fall asleep and never wake up, and you can forward that progress by legal chemical means.

I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather. Not screaming in panic like the people riding with him in his car.
So..since you don't believe in relieving painful death, does that apply to animals as well?
Your dog is yelping in pain, diagnosed with cancer. Can't eat, can't drink, can't hold its bowels, can't walk, is deaf, blind, and yelps continually. Do you put the dog down or let it suffer?
I'm not super quick to euthanize animals, either. And as a result, I've seen a lot of animals who went through a lot of pain..and who got better and lived on as a result.

Pain is a part of life. Get over it.
You are a cold hearted bitch, KG. I feel pity for anyone you are affilitated with.
Yeah because it's cold hearted to refuse to kill the weak and vulnerable.

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