Fired Navy Secretary Confirms He's Part of the Deep State, Pens Op-Ed

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Most insubordinate employees would quietly disappear after publicly humiliating themselves and being fired. Not former Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer. After President Trump canned Spencer for repeatedly working against the president's wishes, Spencer penned an op-ed for The Washington Post titled, "Richard Spencer: I was fired as Navy secretary. Here's what I've learned because of it." In the op-ed, Spencer appears to have learned nothing from his termination and confirms everything Trump said about him and the deep state.

"It is highly irregular for a secretary to become deeply involved in most personnel matters," Spencer acknowledges. The former Navy secretary then goes on to say how he inserted himself into the case of Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher in order to undermine the president's wishes.

"Before the trial began, in March, I received two calls from the president asking me to lift Gallagher’s confinement in a Navy brig," Spencer writes. "I pushed back twice, because the presiding judge, acting on information about the accused’s conduct, had decided that confinement was important."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Lead and rope deficiency.
Three minute tribunal and swift execution for sedition based on his OWN editorial.

“Spencer acknowledges. The former Navy secretary then goes on to say how he inserted himself into the case of Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher in order to undermine the president’s wishes.”

That is admitting to the crime of intentionally attempting to undermine the will of a legitimate government (in this case the President). Perhaps someone can help me with the term of that specific crime as sedition treason etc. don’t precisely fit.
IMHO every "witness" in the schiff circus (except maybe sonland) proved the existence of the deep state!

Trump didn't stick to my talking points...This is not the time to change our relationship with ukraine...

These are not the decisions for mid-level bureaucrats...they are decisions for the PRESIDENT!

The fact that they are so self-important does not surprise me...what surprises me is they are willing to display their self-importance even on national TV or in writing for the world to see!

There ain't no inferiority complexes with these people!
Most insubordinate employees would quietly disappear after publicly humiliating themselves and being fired. Not former Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer. After President Trump canned Spencer for repeatedly working against the president's wishes, Spencer penned an op-ed for The Washington Post titled, "Richard Spencer: I was fired as Navy secretary. Here's what I've learned because of it." In the op-ed, Spencer appears to have learned nothing from his termination and confirms everything Trump said about him and the deep state.

"It is highly irregular for a secretary to become deeply involved in most personnel matters," Spencer acknowledges. The former Navy secretary then goes on to say how he inserted himself into the case of Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher in order to undermine the president's wishes.

"Before the trial began, in March, I received two calls from the president asking me to lift Gallagher’s confinement in a Navy brig," Spencer writes. "I pushed back twice, because the presiding judge, acting on information about the accused’s conduct, had decided that confinement was important."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Lead and rope deficiency.
Three minute tribunal and swift execution for sedition based on his OWN editorial.

“Spencer acknowledges. The former Navy secretary then goes on to say how he inserted himself into the case of Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher in order to undermine the president’s wishes.”

That is admitting to the crime of intentionally attempting to undermine the will of a legitimate government (in this case the President). Perhaps someone can help me with the term of that specific crime as sedition treason etc. don’t precisely fit.

"The public should know that we have extensive screening procedures in place to assess the health and well-being of our forces." former Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer

Obviously we need to screen our Navy Secretaries better.
The "Deep State" is really just a metaphorical term for people dedicated to preventing the kind of corrupt abuses of power the Orange Fraud is determined to impose. They stand against the deterioration of order, discipline, and for the protocols set up to handle lawless actors like Gallagher.
I had T-day dinner with a retired vet of the Army. She said of all the despicable things Trump has done, and she acknowledged there have been thousands, Gallagher's pardon was for her the worst because it undermines the chain of command, excuses inexcusable acts, and damages the reputation of all US military personnel around the globe. She believes this transparent attempt to win favor with servicemen and women and their families will backfire on President Bonespurs.
The "Deep State" is really just a metaphorical term for people dedicated to preventing the kind of corrupt abuses of power the Orange Fraud is determined to impose. They stand against the deterioration of order, discipline, and for the protocols set up to handle lawless actors like Gallagher.
I had T-day dinner with a retired vet of the Army. She said of all the despicable things Trump has done, and she acknowledged there have been thousands, Gallagher's pardon was for her the worst because it undermines the chain of command, excuses inexcusable acts, and damages the reputation of all US military personnel around the globe. She believes this transparent attempt to win favor with servicemen and women and their families will backfire on President Bonespurs.
I guess you missed the part where at trial Chief Gallagher was found NOT GUILTY of all the murder charges?
I was a Sergeant in the Army when President Clinton enacted Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. It was not a popular policy. My assistant squad leader was a Corporal. I overheard him telling the troops that if he knew someone was Gay, he would insure that the troop suffered. I called the Corporal to follow me, and we walked away from the rest of the troops after I gave them some busy work to attend to.

The Corporal and I walked over to the wood line, and I locked his heels up. In other words put him at Parade Rest and began to chew his ass. I told him his oath and duty as a Soldier, and a Non Commissioned Officer, was to carry out his orders in a professional and military manner. President Clinton was the Commander in Chief, and he would obey those orders unless the order was unlawful.

I then gave the Corporal an opportunity to have me take my rank off and discuss it far more personally if he felt unable to obey my orders because I was a Sergeant. I had already shown the troops that I was in charge, not just because I had more rank, but because I was tougher, meaner, and far nastier than they were. The Corporal declined the opportunity to appeal my position.

It was a year later that I ended up processing that soldier out of the Army. He liked being in charge, but did not like doing what anyone else thought he should. None of my troops ever bothered anyone who may or may not have been Gay.

Personally I thought it was a stupid policy. No one else was expected to be ashamed of finding someone. But that was not my call. My job, my duty, was to carry out the orders I was given to the best of my ability. That was what I always did. That is what I was taught a good leader does. The Best of the officers I served under understood this. We don’t do what we want. We do what we are ordered to do. We don’t run the Army, the Army runs us.

That is what the Secretary of the Navy failed to do. You don’t have to like the orders, you may even think they are idiotic. But when given an order, you obey. That is why our system works. That is why our Military is respected and feared. Because our troops obey the orders they are given.

And the idea that the superiors should not get involved? Nonsense. They are always involved. The Courts Martial Conviction is always reviewed by a Flag Officer. That Flag Officer can accept the finding, or set it aside. Even after the Soldier or Sailor in this case, arrives at Prison, his sentence can be reduced. That Flag Officer does what He or She feels is right. While President Trump’s orders were very unusual, it just moved the review to a higher level of leadership. The pardon was issued because the Leadership, the Civilian Secretary of the Navy, and the Admirals, did not want to follow orders.

And we know that those same Admirals would be forgiven if they were busted. How many have been quietly relieved and retired over sexual harassment complaints? No Courts Martial, no loss of rank or benefits. Just a quiet trip out of the service and into ignominious retirement. No Officers were Courts Martialed over the Tail Hook Scandals from a decade ago.

Was Gallagher wrong? I said it before. I believe he earned the conviction. Was the President out of line? Absolutely not. The Constitution gives him the power to do just what he did. And if the Military is not defending the Constitution, what the hell are they doing?
Most insubordinate employees would quietly disappear after publicly humiliating themselves and being fired. Not former Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer. After President Trump canned Spencer for repeatedly working against the president's wishes, Spencer penned an op-ed for The Washington Post titled, "Richard Spencer: I was fired as Navy secretary. Here's what I've learned because of it." In the op-ed, Spencer appears to have learned nothing from his termination and confirms everything Trump said about him and the deep state.

"It is highly irregular for a secretary to become deeply involved in most personnel matters," Spencer acknowledges. The former Navy secretary then goes on to say how he inserted himself into the case of Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher in order to undermine the president's wishes.

"Before the trial began, in March, I received two calls from the president asking me to lift Gallagher’s confinement in a Navy brig," Spencer writes. "I pushed back twice, because the presiding judge, acting on information about the accused’s conduct, had decided that confinement was important."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Lead and rope deficiency.
Three minute tribunal and swift execution for sedition based on his OWN editorial.

“Spencer acknowledges. The former Navy secretary then goes on to say how he inserted himself into the case of Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher in order to undermine the president’s wishes.”

That is admitting to the crime of intentionally attempting to undermine the will of a legitimate government (in this case the President). Perhaps someone can help me with the term of that specific crime as sedition treason etc. don’t precisely fit.

Do you need a tissue little snowflake?
Most insubordinate employees would quietly disappear after publicly humiliating themselves and being fired. Not former Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer. After President Trump canned Spencer for repeatedly working against the president's wishes, Spencer penned an op-ed for The Washington Post titled, "Richard Spencer: I was fired as Navy secretary. Here's what I've learned because of it." In the op-ed, Spencer appears to have learned nothing from his termination and confirms everything Trump said about him and the deep state.

"It is highly irregular for a secretary to become deeply involved in most personnel matters," Spencer acknowledges. The former Navy secretary then goes on to say how he inserted himself into the case of Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher in order to undermine the president's wishes.

"Before the trial began, in March, I received two calls from the president asking me to lift Gallagher’s confinement in a Navy brig," Spencer writes. "I pushed back twice, because the presiding judge, acting on information about the accused’s conduct, had decided that confinement was important."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Lead and rope deficiency.
Three minute tribunal and swift execution for sedition based on his OWN editorial.

“Spencer acknowledges. The former Navy secretary then goes on to say how he inserted himself into the case of Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher in order to undermine the president’s wishes.”

That is admitting to the crime of intentionally attempting to undermine the will of a legitimate government (in this case the President). Perhaps someone can help me with the term of that specific crime as sedition treason etc. don’t precisely fit.

"The public should know that we have extensive screening procedures in place to assess the health and well-being of our forces." former Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer

Obviously we need to screen our Navy Secretaries better.
You didn't do too well screening that idiot president you helped elect. I suppose all the entrenched former candidates who endorsed Trump weren't "deep state", right numbnuts?
Gallagher was on Fox Rape Channel talking shit about his commanding officers. So much for respect for authority. The only reason his ass isn't locked up for that offense alone is because he has his nose stuffed up Trump's ass.
When I was in the army I met a lot of very dedicated people who took their career deadly serious. They knew that they had put their lives on the line for the good guys. I wonder what it's like now that we have a commander in chief that approves of war crimes?

Most insubordinate employees would quietly disappear after publicly humiliating themselves and being fired. Not former Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer. After President Trump canned Spencer for repeatedly working against the president's wishes, Spencer penned an op-ed for The Washington Post titled, "Richard Spencer: I was fired as Navy secretary. Here's what I've learned because of it." In the op-ed, Spencer appears to have learned nothing from his termination and confirms everything Trump said about him and the deep state.

"It is highly irregular for a secretary to become deeply involved in most personnel matters," Spencer acknowledges. The former Navy secretary then goes on to say how he inserted himself into the case of Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher in order to undermine the president's wishes.

"Before the trial began, in March, I received two calls from the president asking me to lift Gallagher’s confinement in a Navy brig," Spencer writes. "I pushed back twice, because the presiding judge, acting on information about the accused’s conduct, had decided that confinement was important."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Lead and rope deficiency.
Three minute tribunal and swift execution for sedition based on his OWN editorial.

“Spencer acknowledges. The former Navy secretary then goes on to say how he inserted himself into the case of Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher in order to undermine the president’s wishes.”

That is admitting to the crime of intentionally attempting to undermine the will of a legitimate government (in this case the President). Perhaps someone can help me with the term of that specific crime as sedition treason etc. don’t precisely fit.
Thank you for showing us one of the signs of a true Cultist.......not being able to handle ANY criticism of their your case, your orange god....the god of cowards and liars.
Look where the weasel ran as soon as he was fired for going against his orders. The Washington Compost, Liberal landfill for dredging up fake news.
you brainwashed functional morons had so many phony scandals they finally had to make up a conspiracy of our government against you Patriots. Poor America.
Most insubordinate employees would quietly disappear after publicly humiliating themselves and being fired. Not former Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer. After President Trump canned Spencer for repeatedly working against the president's wishes, Spencer penned an op-ed for The Washington Post titled, "Richard Spencer: I was fired as Navy secretary. Here's what I've learned because of it." In the op-ed, Spencer appears to have learned nothing from his termination and confirms everything Trump said about him and the deep state.

"It is highly irregular for a secretary to become deeply involved in most personnel matters," Spencer acknowledges. The former Navy secretary then goes on to say how he inserted himself into the case of Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher in order to undermine the president's wishes.

"Before the trial began, in March, I received two calls from the president asking me to lift Gallagher’s confinement in a Navy brig," Spencer writes. "I pushed back twice, because the presiding judge, acting on information about the accused’s conduct, had decided that confinement was important."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Lead and rope deficiency.
Three minute tribunal and swift execution for sedition based on his OWN editorial.

“Spencer acknowledges. The former Navy secretary then goes on to say how he inserted himself into the case of Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher in order to undermine the president’s wishes.”

That is admitting to the crime of intentionally attempting to undermine the will of a legitimate government (in this case the President). Perhaps someone can help me with the term of that specific crime as sedition treason etc. don’t precisely fit.
Thank you for showing us one of the signs of a true Cultist.......not being able to handle ANY criticism of their your case, your orange god....the god of cowards and liars.
Aw, our own little Muslim terrorist is triggered....

Most insubordinate employees would quietly disappear after publicly humiliating themselves and being fired. Not former Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer. After President Trump canned Spencer for repeatedly working against the president's wishes, Spencer penned an op-ed for The Washington Post titled, "Richard Spencer: I was fired as Navy secretary. Here's what I've learned because of it." In the op-ed, Spencer appears to have learned nothing from his termination and confirms everything Trump said about him and the deep state.

"It is highly irregular for a secretary to become deeply involved in most personnel matters," Spencer acknowledges. The former Navy secretary then goes on to say how he inserted himself into the case of Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher in order to undermine the president's wishes.

"Before the trial began, in March, I received two calls from the president asking me to lift Gallagher’s confinement in a Navy brig," Spencer writes. "I pushed back twice, because the presiding judge, acting on information about the accused’s conduct, had decided that confinement was important."

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Lead and rope deficiency.
Three minute tribunal and swift execution for sedition based on his OWN editorial.

“Spencer acknowledges. The former Navy secretary then goes on to say how he inserted himself into the case of Chief Petty Officer Eddie Gallagher in order to undermine the president’s wishes.”

That is admitting to the crime of intentionally attempting to undermine the will of a legitimate government (in this case the President). Perhaps someone can help me with the term of that specific crime as sedition treason etc. don’t precisely fit.

He deserves kudos for being a honorable man unlike Trump. He cares about the Navy and that includes holding them accountable for their crimes. it is trash like you that wants to turn our military into thugs like the Nazis were. You are the one committing treason.

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