First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This piece of shit is a radical Muslim who is no different than ISIS or any of the other scumbags who think Sharia law will rule the U.S. This was not a case of workplace violence as the liberal media are claiming. It was the first beheading by a Muslim terrorist on our soil. I am sick of political correctness. We have radicals here and with the porous border, more can come whenever they want.

This Islamic terrorist beheaded one woman and was in the process of trying to kill a second woman when he was shot by a company executive. I am betting that the surviving woman, despite her political beliefs, was glad that she wasn't in a gun-free zone. She'd be dead now if not for a gun in the right hands.

Where is NSA? They spy on everyone, but don't raise a red flag for the kind of shit on this guy's Facebook page. I think it should be a federal crime to openly call for the destruction of America and death of "infidels." Funny how Facebook deletes posts that it deems offensive, yet allows shit like this to continue. The guy used a lot of words that rightfully should be on the watch list for Homeland Security and other agencies. Of course, a lot of those lists were changed, with the help of Muslims, and replaced with words that ex-military or Republicans might use. No wonder the JV terrorists are now Varsity.

Oklahoma Muslim beheading suspect Alton Alexander Nolen celebrated terrorism and attacked America, Israel and non-Muslims on his Facebook page, before committing the first jihadist beheading on American soil.

Nolen was fired from Vaughn Foods, in Moore, OK, for aggressive and repeated arguments with co-workers, trying to convert them to Islam. He returned to work this morning, stabbed and beheaded Colleen Hufford, 54, while "shouting Islamic phrases." He was in the processes of trying to murder another female co-worker, when he was shot by a company executive.

Despite clear evidence that this was an obvious act of Muslim terror – the mainstream media continues to peddle the "workplace violence" angle – or downplay the attack completely.
not sure it was the first

Aasiya Hassan was beheaded by her husband Muzzammil Hassan

on February 12 2009

during an "honor killing"

Sorry, I forgot that one. Of course, that was probably labeled a domestic dispute.

I guess this would be the first infidel beheaded in America.

The radicals in our country are increasing.
One more racist murdering piece of shit black man perpetrating a crime of horror against a white person. I wonder how much value that other black racist piece of shit in the White House would put on the life of this innocent white victim? None? That's what all democrats believe isn't it?
not sure it was the first

Aasiya Hassan was beheaded by her husband Muzzammil Hassan

on February 12 2009

during an "honor killing"

Sorry, I forgot that one. Of course, that was probably labeled a domestic dispute.

I guess this would be the first infidel beheaded in America.

The radicals in our country are increasing.

it pretty much they way it was summed up

some said he was not even a practicing muslim
This piece of shit is a radical Muslim who is no different than ISIS or any of the other scumbags who think Sharia law will rule the U.S. This was not a case of workplace violence as the liberal media are claiming. It was the first beheading by a Muslim terrorist on our soil. I am sick of political correctness. We have radicals here and with the porous border, more can come whenever they want.

This Islamic terrorist beheaded one woman and was in the process of trying to kill a second woman when he was shot by a company executive. I am betting that the surviving woman, despite her political beliefs, was glad that she wasn't in a gun-free zone. She'd be dead now if not for a gun in the right hands.

Where is NSA? They spy on everyone, but don't raise a red flag for the kind of shit on this guy's Facebook page. I think it should be a federal crime to openly call for the destruction of America and death of "infidels." Funny how Facebook deletes posts that it deems offensive, yet allows shit like this to continue. The guy used a lot of words that rightfully should be on the watch list for Homeland Security and other agencies. Of course, a lot of those lists were changed, with the help of Muslims, and replaced with words that ex-military or Republicans might use. No wonder the JV terrorists are now Varsity.

Oklahoma Muslim beheading suspect Alton Alexander Nolen celebrated terrorism and attacked America, Israel and non-Muslims on his Facebook page, before committing the first jihadist beheading on American soil.

Nolen was fired from Vaughn Foods, in Moore, OK, for aggressive and repeated arguments with co-workers, trying to convert them to Islam. He returned to work this morning, stabbed and beheaded Colleen Hufford, 54, while "shouting Islamic phrases." He was in the processes of trying to murder another female co-worker, when he was shot by a company executive.

Despite clear evidence that this was an obvious act of Muslim terror – the mainstream media continues to peddle the "workplace violence" angle – or downplay the attack completely.
not sure it was the first

Aasiya Hassan was beheaded by her husband Muzzammil Hassan

on February 12 2009

during an "honor killing"
I had a client that beheaded his wife in an honor killing way back in the 80s.
Yusuf Ibrahim was arrested for the double murder of two Coptic Christian young men in Jersey City, NJ.

Two bodies were located buried in the backyard of a home in Buena Vista, NJ. The bodies were those of Hany Tawadros (25) and Amgad Konds (27) who both just moved to the states from Egypt to escape religious persecution. They were both roomates and members of a Coptic Christian Church on Bergen Avenue in Jersey City, NJ.
Both of the young men were shot, beheaded and had both of their hands cut off by Yusuf Ibrahim. He is currently in jail awaiting his hearing

Yusuf Ibrahim Of Jersey City Indicted In 2013 Beheadings CBS New York
This piece of shit is a radical Muslim who is no different than ISIS or any of the other scumbags who think Sharia law will rule the U.S. This was not a case of workplace violence as the liberal media are claiming. It was the first beheading by a Muslim terrorist on our soil. I am sick of political correctness. We have radicals here and with the porous border, more can come whenever they want.

This Islamic terrorist beheaded one woman and was in the process of trying to kill a second woman when he was shot by a company executive. I am betting that the surviving woman, despite her political beliefs, was glad that she wasn't in a gun-free zone. She'd be dead now if not for a gun in the right hands.

Where is NSA? They spy on everyone, but don't raise a red flag for the kind of shit on this guy's Facebook page. I think it should be a federal crime to openly call for the destruction of America and death of "infidels." Funny how Facebook deletes posts that it deems offensive, yet allows shit like this to continue. The guy used a lot of words that rightfully should be on the watch list for Homeland Security and other agencies. Of course, a lot of those lists were changed, with the help of Muslims, and replaced with words that ex-military or Republicans might use. No wonder the JV terrorists are now Varsity.

Oklahoma Muslim beheading suspect Alton Alexander Nolen celebrated terrorism and attacked America, Israel and non-Muslims on his Facebook page, before committing the first jihadist beheading on American soil.

Nolen was fired from Vaughn Foods, in Moore, OK, for aggressive and repeated arguments with co-workers, trying to convert them to Islam. He returned to work this morning, stabbed and beheaded Colleen Hufford, 54, while "shouting Islamic phrases." He was in the processes of trying to murder another female co-worker, when he was shot by a company executive.

Despite clear evidence that this was an obvious act of Muslim terror – the mainstream media continues to peddle the "workplace violence" angle – or downplay the attack completely.
not sure it was the first

Aasiya Hassan was beheaded by her husband Muzzammil Hassan

on February 12 2009

during an "honor killing"
I had a client that beheaded his wife in an honor killing way back in the 80s.

there is a bunch of them actually
One more racist murdering piece of shit black man perpetrating a crime of horror against a white person. I wonder how much value that other black racist piece of shit in the White House would put on the life of this innocent white victim? None? That's what all democrats believe isn't it?
Projection of the nation to come. Perhaps we will all live in peace and smoke dope together like a hippie commune...or White people will all die.
"First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil"

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, where the actions of one are not representative of all.

Sorry but one radical Muslim terrorist pretty much does represent them all. I guess you failed to notice the word 'radical.' The radicals are all slime that need to be wiped from the earth.
not sure it was the first

Aasiya Hassan was beheaded by her husband Muzzammil Hassan

on February 12 2009

during an "honor killing"
Not the first or the second - an entire family of Coptic Christians were beheaded by Muslims over an internet dispute years ago. Heads and hands have washed up on the shores of Lake Michigan more than what has been reported. It is part of Islam. It's here in the USA and it isn't moderate. Two things to stay aware of.
"First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil"

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, where the actions of one are not representative of all.

Sorry but one radical Muslim terrorist pretty much does represent them all. I guess you failed to notice the word 'radical.' The radicals are all slime that need to be wiped from the earth.

Islam is radical. He is no different from the thousands of Muslims who came from 10 different nations and many different mosques to join ISIL. It is the replica of Mohammad's teaching on Islam. This guy could be a poster child for Islam. He isn't an aberation. The aberation is the moderate people who claim to be Muslim.
Yusuf Ibrahim was arrested for the double murder of two Coptic Christian young men in Jersey City, NJ.

Two bodies were located buried in the backyard of a home in Buena Vista, NJ. The bodies were those of Hany Tawadros (25) and Amgad Konds (27) who both just moved to the states from Egypt to escape religious persecution. They were both roomates and members of a Coptic Christian Church on Bergen Avenue in Jersey City, NJ.
Both of the young men were shot, beheaded and had both of their hands cut off by Yusuf Ibrahim. He is currently in jail awaiting his hearing

Yusuf Ibrahim Of Jersey City Indicted In 2013 Beheadings CBS New York

Thanks, Jon. That was the story although I thought it happened several years ago. The murder was over an internet fight.
This piece of shit is a radical Muslim who is no different than ISIS or any of the other scumbags who think Sharia law will rule the U.S. This was not a case of workplace violence as the liberal media are claiming. It was the first beheading by a Muslim terrorist on our soil. I am sick of political correctness. We have radicals here and with the porous border, more can come whenever they want.

This Islamic terrorist beheaded one woman and was in the process of trying to kill a second woman when he was shot by a company executive. I am betting that the surviving woman, despite her political beliefs, was glad that she wasn't in a gun-free zone. She'd be dead now if not for a gun in the right hands.

Where is NSA? They spy on everyone, but don't raise a red flag for the kind of shit on this guy's Facebook page. I think it should be a federal crime to openly call for the destruction of America and death of "infidels." Funny how Facebook deletes posts that it deems offensive, yet allows shit like this to continue. The guy used a lot of words that rightfully should be on the watch list for Homeland Security and other agencies. Of course, a lot of those lists were changed, with the help of Muslims, and replaced with words that ex-military or Republicans might use. No wonder the JV terrorists are now Varsity.

Oklahoma Muslim beheading suspect Alton Alexander Nolen celebrated terrorism and attacked America, Israel and non-Muslims on his Facebook page, before committing the first jihadist beheading on American soil.

Nolen was fired from Vaughn Foods, in Moore, OK, for aggressive and repeated arguments with co-workers, trying to convert them to Islam. He returned to work this morning, stabbed and beheaded Colleen Hufford, 54, while "shouting Islamic phrases." He was in the processes of trying to murder another female co-worker, when he was shot by a company executive.

Despite clear evidence that this was an obvious act of Muslim terror – the mainstream media continues to peddle the "workplace violence" angle – or downplay the attack completely.
not sure it was the first

Aasiya Hassan was beheaded by her husband Muzzammil Hassan

on February 12 2009

during an "honor killing"
I had a client that beheaded his wife in an honor killing way back in the 80s.

"I had a client "

you a male street walker?

Did you not consider they could be a lawyer?
"First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil"

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, where the actions of one are not representative of all.

and when a white christian terrorist bombs a building the christers say he was just lone wolf

Tim McVey was trained by an Iraqi Muslim who was an expert in making bombs. Ted Gunderson - head of FBI for 27 years said there is no way Nichols and McVey did that job alone - they suspect more were involved. The explosion evidence proved explosives were planted inside the building but that evidence was never allowed in.

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