First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil

Are all gun owners responsible for the deaths these mass murders commit with guns like at Sandy Hook or Ft Hood or at the movie theater that happened?
"First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil"

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, where the actions of one are not representative of all.

and when a white christian terrorist bombs a building the christers say he was just lone wolf

Tim McVey was trained by an Iraqi Muslim who was an expert in making bombs. Ted Gunderson - head of FBI for 27 years said there is no way Nichols and McVey did that job alone - they suspect more were involved. The explosion evidence proved explosives were planted inside the building but that evidence was never allowed in.

OK. Calling out the bullshit. Post a credible source or be labeled the liar you are. McVeigh was a far outlier of our radical right. The outliers of every radical group, whether political or religious seem to think it is their right to take human life as they wish.
We should be very proud of out multiculturalism!

Multiculturalism is a failure across the world. Europe being a prime example and in Australia recently as they stopped a murder plot by Muslim immigrant citizens...............

They come here and demand their rights which include Sharia Law rights on our own soil, and we are supposed to be PC correct about it....................If they become citizens they need to honor their oath of citizenship or leave.........

We offer Freedom here, and if you want Sharia law here you have refused to respect our culture and traditions..........While we respect Freedom we in no way need to respect traditions of a culture that spawns violence around the globe. We don't need that chit here.

Does Christianity not "spawn violence around the globe"? I mean, Iraq, Afghanistan are two examples of Christian violence that has killed far more people.

In fact ISIS is a by product of Bush's mess up in Iraq. It was pretty obvious to anyone who wanted to see that something like this would happen out of his invasion.

So you don't need to respect Christianity any more then, hey?
Oklahoma Beheader Linked to Al Qaeda Leader Awlaki Boston Bomber s Mosque

Suhaib Webb, an Imam with ties to former Al Qaeda mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki, had also previously been the leader of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, which had been attended by Alton Nolen -- the man who on Thursday beheaded a former coworker after recently converting to Islam, Breitbart News has learned.

Yeah, just workplace violence...perhaps they can put this guy in the same cell as the shooter from Ft. Hood....
The liberals are more concerned about....








and especially this.....


Fucking liberals folks. They control decisions. That, my friends is the scary part. Basically, our country is already lost. Hate to be pessimistic, but that is what all children are being taught in schools, what all entertainment in teaching our kids, and that is our future.
We should be very proud of out multiculturalism!

Multiculturalism is a failure across the world. Europe being a prime example and in Australia recently as they stopped a murder plot by Muslim immigrant citizens...............

They come here and demand their rights which include Sharia Law rights on our own soil, and we are supposed to be PC correct about it....................If they become citizens they need to honor their oath of citizenship or leave.........

We offer Freedom here, and if you want Sharia law here you have refused to respect our culture and traditions..........While we respect Freedom we in no way need to respect traditions of a culture that spawns violence around the globe. We don't need that chit here.

Does Christianity not "spawn violence around the globe"? I mean, Iraq, Afghanistan are two examples of Christian violence that has killed far more people.

In fact ISIS is a by product of Bush's mess up in Iraq. It was pretty obvious to anyone who wanted to see that something like this would happen out of his invasion.

So you don't need to respect Christianity any more then, hey?

You again? The fucking isis problem was created by Obama when he armed them to battle assad.
You ignorant piece of shit.

The actual problem between the middle east and the US dates to the Jimmy Carter policies.

That is when they declared jihad against the US and the west.

You are stupid. You are a fucking hack. You, are a piece of shit. If stupid were stink, you would be a fart passing through a partially digested onion.
I think Liberals want to have this incident defined as.....
A slight falling out between former co-workers...
Leading to a minor altercation.

How about we just use the rightwing logic here and say this guy was just some crazy psychopath?

You know, that was what we were told when those two rightwing extremists out in Nevada shot the two cops.
The liberals are more concerned about....








and especially this.....


Fucking liberals folks. They control decisions. That, my friends is the scary part. Basically, our country is already lost. Hate to be pessimistic, but that is what all children are being taught in schools, what all entertainment in teaching our kids, and that is our future.
It's what you teach your children at home that matters....
Don't just throw up your hands and call UNCLE.
"First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil"

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, where the actions of one are not representative of all.

and when a white christian terrorist bombs a building the christers say he was just lone wolf

Tim McVey was trained by an Iraqi Muslim who was an expert in making bombs. Ted Gunderson - head of FBI for 27 years said there is no way Nichols and McVey did that job alone - they suspect more were involved. The explosion evidence proved explosives were planted inside the building but that evidence was never allowed in.

OK. Calling out the bullshit. Post a credible source or be labeled the liar you are. McVeigh was a far outlier of our radical right. The outliers of every radical group, whether political or religious seem to think it is their right to take human life as they wish.
McVeigh wasn't part of the radical right at all. He was a democrat agnostic. What he did have was a personal grievance against the government for the slaughter at Waco.

Islamic jihad is not one person with a gripe. It isn't even a collection of like minded individuals with gripes. It is a world wide movement with central direction. That doesn't come close to describing Timothy McVeigh.
BEHEADINGS are gruesome and barbaric!!!

None the less though....when a person is murdered with poisoning, a knife, a handgun, strangulation or an automatic weapon...the victims are less dead than any other person murdered....OR than the person beheaded.
Somewhere mixed in here is what the guy was before he became a Muslim fanatic. Isn't that just a new horse to ride down a path to hell that he has been on for years? School shooters, workplace violators, cop shooters, bombers....they live among us...all around...maybe another committee to study the problem is needed.
Are all gun owners responsible for the deaths these mass murders commit with guns like at Sandy Hook or Ft Hood or at the movie theater that happened?
That's your analogy? What is it about the 2nd Amendment that would lead someone to think murder is OK? Obviously many do with Islam. Have you thought about this? Can you think about it?
Are all gun owners responsible for the deaths these mass murders commit with guns like at Sandy Hook or Ft Hood or at the movie theater that happened?
That's your analogy? What is it about the 2nd Amendment that would lead someone to think murder is OK? Obviously many do with Islam. Have you thought about this? Can you think about it?
Let me ask you to clarify some things first....are all American Muslims radicals and murders? Should they all be labeled as radicals and murderers? Should they ALL be watched by homeland security and the NSA or be gathered in to internment camps?
Serious thought should be given to re-opening those World War II interment camps and this time do it for Muslims who are showing signs of radicalizing.
Let me ask you to clarify some things first....are all American Muslims radicals and murders? Should they all be labeled as radicals and murderers? Should they ALL be watched by homeland security and the NSA or be gathered in to internment camps?

No...only the ones who are radicals and murderers...and those are the ones who need to be watched....

Please...can we be serious...these guys are not hiding...they are in the open preaching their hate and their desire to kill...I saw that this guy got into an argument at work where he was justifying stoning women...and the Fort Hood shooter preached the virtue of jihad at military psychiatric conferences and had a card he handed out stating he was a warrior for jihad and counciled soldiers not to fight against radical muslim terrorists...and you have radical muslim imams with contacts overseas with actual terrorists...who had contact with the Fort Hood jihadi...who openly preach terrorism in the Mosques in the U.S. and over seas...

Could we just start with the guys who tell us that they are radical muslims who support the killing of Americans, the overthrow of our way of life so they can implement shariah law...

Could we start with those muslims....really?
"First Beheading By Radical Muslim On Our Soil"

This fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, where the actions of one are not representative of all.

LMAO......and yet you present that very "fallacy" concerning Repubs and anyone else you disagree with.

You are a moron kid.

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