First draft of Obama's speech found

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
It seems that Obama didn't plan on seeking anyone's approval, and that a first draft of his speech was slightly different from the final version he gave today.

But it’s my second term, and I’m awfully tired of talking in clichés.
So let’s be frank: Striking Syria isn’t going to put an end to the killing there or plant democracy in Damascus, so it’s hard to make the case that our values are really on the line.
Nor are our immediate interests: Assad’s regime doesn’t pose a direct threat to the United States or our allies, and given the kind of people leading the Syrian rebellion these days, we may be better off if the civil war drags out as long as possible without a winner.
Nor do we have much in the way of official international support — no Security Council, no Arab League, not even the British. We’re down to the same “coalition of the willing” we started with in the 1770s: It’s just us and the French.
Even at home, I don’t have many cheerleaders. My base is naturally antiwar, half the Republican Party has turned anti-interventionist, and the hawks of the right and left see this kind of strike as too limited to be worthwhile.
No, this one’s on me. And I owe you an explanation of what I’m thinking.
Basically, it comes down to America’s role on the international stage, and how we can use our extraordinary military preponderance for our own good and the world’s.
Nah. The first draft of obama's speech is:

April fool in August. I never thought there was a chemical attack to begin with."
All the Right can ever do is make shit up. It's what the Right does best!
"The following is a not-entirely-verified draft of remarks President Obama planned to deliver this weekend announcing a strike in Syria. It was found in a rubbish bin outside the White House shortly after he changed course and decided to seek Congressional approval first:"

That is pretty much an open admission of satire.
I call bullshit.

Bullshit on what?

I know you sourced the times but the entire gist of that draft seems odd. I didn't hear the real speech but that speech is much too humble to be believable. That's just my opinion but he's using language and citing people most Americans are too stupid to have even heard of.

Perhaps this will give you a clue, from my link.

The following is a not-entirely-verified draft of remarks President Obama planned to deliver this weekend announcing a strike in Syria. It was found in a rubbish bin outside the White House shortly after he changed course and decided to seek Congressional approval first:

Do you think it could possibly be satire?
"The following is a not-entirely-verified draft of remarks President Obama planned to deliver this weekend announcing a strike in Syria. It was found in a rubbish bin outside the White House shortly after he changed course and decided to seek Congressional approval first:"

That is pretty much an open admission of satire.

That is how I took it.

Nice to see somebody besides me actually reads the links.
Do folks think Barry "The TELEPROMPTER" Hussaine actually writes his own speeches? :lol:
All the Right can ever do is make shit up. It's what the Right does best!

I suggest you look up the word satire.
It's not satire. Satire requires some germ of truth to give it its bite. There was nothing even remotely truthful about that fabrication. It is a lie trying to masquerade as satire.

If you are so blind you can't see the truth in the column that is a reflection on you, not the writer.

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