First House Judiciary hearing will be on the border!! Erstwhile McCarthy-hold-outs get positions on Committee!


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022

So happy-making to hear about McCarthy putting Boebert and Greene and other Freedom Caucus people on this committee.

Thank you, America, for voting right in November :)

The border needs to be closed.

The wall needs to be finished

And during all of that going all the illegals need to be rounded up and sent back home.

And they can cap it all off with ending that nonsense of a illegal having a baby here and suddenly it becomes a citizen and the parents get to stay.

The border needs to be closed.

The wall needs to be finished

And during all of that going all the illegals need to be rounded up and sent back home.

And they can cap it all off with ending that nonsense of a illegal having a baby here and suddenly it becomes a citizen and the parents get to stay.

Did you hear about the illegals who were given a hotel room and they trashed it? I doubt all of them did that but a lot of them did.. it was on Ingraham on Fox News... food thrown everywhere and they even rejected a lot of the food. I guess food is better in S. America and Mexico. So why did they come here?

the ungrateful bastards. Even homeless Americans don't get a free hotel room. And it was a nice hotel also... no roach infested one

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