First In The Nation Primary: Democratic

Select Your Democratic Candidate For President

  • Hillary Clinton

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • Martin O'Malley

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 9 52.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm sorry you have such a need for someone else to run and finance your poor pathetic little life. And tell me again why Europeans and Canadians come here for health care if they can afford to do so.

You also might want to consider this:

Advocates of universal health coverage have long argued that better access to primary care will lead to a reduction in costly emergency room visits. But a new study conducted in Oregon has found the reverse is true. <<snip>>
MY Bold:
The study is the third in a series.
Previous studies by the group, which include researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, found that those covered under the Oregon Health Plan used health care more, paid less and were 30 percent less likely to be depressed than the uninsured. However, theresearchers found coverage led to no statistically significant improvement in physical health measures, such as cholesterol and hypertension.

If you learned to COMPREHEND what you read, you'd be surprised at how much more your brain could function.

NO ONE ever stated that because you have easier access to health coverage that you could avoid getting sick; on the contrary, if you comprehended what the study found you too would conclude that easier access to health coverage helps to MONITOR and mitigate the effects of debilitating health conditions.
I'm sorry you have such a need for someone else to run and finance your poor pathetic little life. And tell me again why Europeans and Canadians come here for health care if they can afford to do so.

You also might want to consider this:

Advocates of universal health coverage have long argued that better access to primary care will lead to a reduction in costly emergency room visits. But a new study conducted in Oregon has found the reverse is true. <<snip>>
MY Bold:
The study is the third in a series.
Previous studies by the group, which include researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, found that those covered under the Oregon Health Plan used health care more, paid less and were 30 percent less likely to be depressed than the uninsured. However, theresearchers found coverage led to no statistically significant improvement in physical health measures, such as cholesterol and hypertension.

If you learned to COMPREHEND what you read, you'd be surprised at how much more your brain could function.

NO ONE ever stated that because you have easier access to health coverage that you could avoid getting sick; on the contrary, if you comprehended what the study found you too would conclude that easier access to health coverage helps to MONITOR and mitigate the effects of debilitating health conditions.

Guess you failed to comprehend the portion I put in bold.

coverage led to no statistically significant improvement in physical health measures, such as cholesterol and hypertension.
Guess you failed to comprehend the portion I put in bold.

coverage led to no statistically significant improvement in physical health measures, such as cholesterol and hypertension.

You still don't get it......It is NOT that easier access to health care PREVENTS these ailments.....rather, easier access to health care helps in the treatment of these ailments.

Look, have it your way.....but just look at how the World Health Organization ranks US citizens health, AND also look at how much we spend for the poorer health care deliveries. ...Conversely, you have the option of staying just as dumb as you are now.
Guess you failed to comprehend the portion I put in bold.

coverage led to no statistically significant improvement in physical health measures, such as cholesterol and hypertension.

You still don't get it......It is NOT that easier access to health care PREVENTS these ailments.....rather, easier access to health care helps in the treatment of these ailments.

Look, have it your way.....but just look at how the World Health Organization ranks US citizens health, AND also look at how much we spend for the poorer health care deliveries. ...Conversely, you have the option of staying just as dumb as you are now.

Not going to let you get away with your semantics games, those ailments are chronic conditions that are improved with treatment, however the article says that even with the improved access, there are no statistically significant improvements. So far it's just raising costs with no determinable benefits. Feel free to keep on spinning, or accept the facts.

We've strayed way off topic for the thread so this is my last response, feel free to start another thread if you want to continue.
The Democrat Party:

Bernie Sanders!!!

Tax payer paid college
Higher minimum wage
Stronger Unions
No crappy trade deals!
More money for the poor and middle class
Infrastructure, science, r&d, and education all the way!
Rich pay their taxes and no more loop holes.

AHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA, the wet dreams of communist world wide. Good job comrade.

you should probably, once again, learn the difference between a communist and a socialist.

now go click the button on the other thread for the rightwingnut loon of your choice.
Bernie Sanders!!!

Tax payer paid college
Higher minimum wage
Stronger Unions
No crappy trade deals!
More money for the poor and middle class
Infrastructure, science, r&d, and education all the way!
Rich pay their taxes and no more loop holes.

AHHHHHAAAAAAAAAA, the wet dreams of communist world wide. Good job comrade.

you should probably, once again, learn the difference between a communist and a socialist.

now go click the button on the other thread for the rightwingnut loon of your choice.

Maybe you should stop trying to split hairs, both want government in charge of and paying for everything. Neither understands the government produces nothing, it only consumes.
Clinton and Sanders are now tied in the poll.
I'm going with Bernie.

Free? You got to be kidding. Nothings "Free". Even UH is not "Free" unless you are not working. Then someone else has to pay for it!

Free crap is not the reason I'm voting for Bernie. Less corporatism and foreign influence is why. Plus, I think Hillary is a neoconservative. That is enough to turn me against her.

I would take O'Malley over Hillary. Too many Dems are blinded by the Clinton Stardust effect. They are mess and it shows in the policies they supported.
Bernie Sanders!!!

Tax payer paid college
Higher minimum wage
Stronger Unions
No crappy trade deals!
More money for the poor and middle class
Infrastructure, science, r&d, and education all the way!
Rich pay their taxes and no more loop holes.

Massive massive tax increases. The economy will go into the toilet. No jobs. The deficit will explode.

Yeah, that sounds appealing.

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