First it was global cooling, then global, warming, then climate change, now it's.....

nice you said something stupid.....dont feel bad,even Presidents have said stupid things....

It's not my fault that what I said went over your head.

i think what you said you are now trying to justify by acting like you said something intelligent....if it went over my head.....then explain it to dumbass me....and if you dont,then we know it did not go over anyone's head....
I don't have time to read past your title which is Hilarious.

Global warming means erratic changes in temperature and not "the globe is getting warm" IMAGINE THAT RIGHT WING SMALL BRAINS. Your media says, "they cover all their bases and sometimes it's not warm............

Science isn't the Right Wing Strong point...........

There is no argument if the earth is getting warmer, it is getting warmer and has been since the little ice age ended which was around 1850. This is about man made global warming and if CO2 is causing it.

That is the debate, and there are plenty of scientists that are not on board with the man made global warming scam.

Of course when we provide the list of 31000 scientists that signed a petition, there is always one asshole who claims they are mainly physicists and not climatologists.

Funny, because when we do provide climatologists they call them whack jobs. I also find it pretty funny as if any liberal actually looked to see if EVERY scientist that did sign the petition were ONLY physicists.

These are the types of morons we are dealing with in regards to the global warming hysteria.

If you want, I will not only provide all of the names of the 31000 scientists and their ethos, but I will provide the money that is generated from the green scams.

I will provide the real motivation behind the "climatologists" who are on board with this notion.

There is more than enough science that contradicts the MAN MADE claims. More than enough.

It ought to clue you in when John Kerry goes and publicly calls man made global warming a "WMD" and he goes right to the left wing script by blaming "BIG OIL."

If that does not provide you with what it is really all about when they go to cliches, then you are the one that is not relying on science.

Now, let me know if you want me to list the 31000 scientists with their names and credentials. Then after that tell us how science is not the conservatives strong suit.

What is the one variable that exists within the time frame you mentioned above? From the mid 1800's or so? It is the burning of huge amounts of coal and oil. Man burns the oil and coal. But you don't think man is the cause of the warming that even you acknowledge.

Well what the fuck do you think burning all this oil and coal is doing? You think it is just an innocent habit that has no consequences? Why would you think that?

You do understand that man has never done this before (burnt all this oil and coal)?
And therefore we don't know what the outcome will be. Can you at least admit that?

The combustion engine was invented long after the 1850s.

The world has been burning coal since the bronze age. Mass burning too.

So, how with all of the burning of coal, did the world fall into a mini-ice age starting in the 1300s and end around 1850?

There is no link to increased CO2 causing rise in temperature. If there was a causation of rise in temperature then there would not be a cooling trend over the last 15 years. Since, the CO2 levels have not dropped significantly.

In fact the opposite is true. The rise in temperature actually causes CO2 levels to rise, and not the other way around.

Now, just stop. You not acknowledging the ancillary benefits and multi-billion dollar revenue streams through countless fraudulent regulations and fake green companies is what is truly pathetic.

I mean for you and left wing pigs to not even consider that as being a prominent factor in countries pushing MAN MADE global warming is entertaining to all of us that have an ability to think for ourselves.

Let me know if you want me to list all of scientists by name and their qualifications along with all of the revenues being generated let me know. Not that that would convince brainwashed puppets like you. However, it may enlighten others.

Let me know.
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There is no argument if the earth is getting warmer, it is getting warmer and has been since the little ice age ended which was around 1850. This is about man made global warming and if CO2 is causing it.

That is the debate, and there are plenty of scientists that are not on board with the man made global warming scam.

Of course when we provide the list of 31000 scientists that signed a petition, there is always one asshole who claims they are mainly physicists and not climatologists.

Funny, because when we do provide climatologists they call them whack jobs. I also find it pretty funny as if any liberal actually looked to see if EVERY scientist that did sign the petition were ONLY physicists.

These are the types of morons we are dealing with in regards to the global warming hysteria.

If you want, I will not only provide all of the names of the 31000 scientists and their ethos, but I will provide the money that is generated from the green scams.

I will provide the real motivation behind the "climatologists" who are on board with this notion.

There is more than enough science that contradicts the MAN MADE claims. More than enough.

It ought to clue you in when John Kerry goes and publicly calls man made global warming a "WMD" and he goes right to the left wing script by blaming "BIG OIL."

If that does not provide you with what it is really all about when they go to cliches, then you are the one that is not relying on science.

Now, let me know if you want me to list the 31000 scientists with their names and credentials. Then after that tell us how science is not the conservatives strong suit.

What is the one variable that exists within the time frame you mentioned above? From the mid 1800's or so? It is the burning of huge amounts of coal and oil. Man burns the oil and coal. But you don't think man is the cause of the warming that even you acknowledge.

Well what the fuck do you think burning all this oil and coal is doing? You think it is just an innocent habit that has no consequences? Why would you think that?

You do understand that man has never done this before (burnt all this oil and coal)?
And therefore we don't know what the outcome will be. Can you at least admit that?

The combustion engine was invented long after the 1850s.

The world has been burning coal since the bronze age. Mass burning too.

So, how with all of the burning of coal, did the world fall into a mini-ice age starting in the 1300s and end around 1850?

There is no link to increased CO2 causing rise in temperature. If there was a causation of rise in temperature then there would not be a cooling trend over the last 15 years. Since, the CO2 levels have not dropped significantly.

In fact the opposite is true. The rise in temperature actually causes CO2 levels to rise, and not the other way around.

Now, just stop. You not acknowledging the ancillary benefits and multi-billion dollar revenue streams through countless fraudulent regulations and fake green companies is what is truly pathetic.

I mean for you and left wing pigs to not even consider that as being a prominent factor in countries pushing MAN MADE global warming is entertaining to all of us that have an ability to think for ourselves.

Let me know if you want me to list all of scientists by name and their qualifications along with all of the revenues being generated let me know. Not that that would convince brainwashed puppets like you. However, it may enlighten others.

Let me know.

Let you know what? That there is NOTHING that you could say, post or link to that would make me agree with your opinion? OK, I am letting you know. Opinions are like assholes. I like my opinion much better than yours. Your opinion makes no fucking sense. No big deal. It is only the fate of the world as we know it that we are arguing about.

But because of the serious nature of the topic, I actually hope that I am wrong. That GW is not man caused. The consequences are pretty bad if I am not wrong.
What is the one variable that exists within the time frame you mentioned above? From the mid 1800's or so? It is the burning of huge amounts of coal and oil. Man burns the oil and coal. But you don't think man is the cause of the warming that even you acknowledge.

Well what the fuck do you think burning all this oil and coal is doing? You think it is just an innocent habit that has no consequences? Why would you think that?

You do understand that man has never done this before (burnt all this oil and coal)?
And therefore we don't know what the outcome will be. Can you at least admit that?

The combustion engine was invented long after the 1850s.

The world has been burning coal since the bronze age. Mass burning too.

So, how with all of the burning of coal, did the world fall into a mini-ice age starting in the 1300s and end around 1850?

There is no link to increased CO2 causing rise in temperature. If there was a causation of rise in temperature then there would not be a cooling trend over the last 15 years. Since, the CO2 levels have not dropped significantly.

In fact the opposite is true. The rise in temperature actually causes CO2 levels to rise, and not the other way around.

Now, just stop. You not acknowledging the ancillary benefits and multi-billion dollar revenue streams through countless fraudulent regulations and fake green companies is what is truly pathetic.

I mean for you and left wing pigs to not even consider that as being a prominent factor in countries pushing MAN MADE global warming is entertaining to all of us that have an ability to think for ourselves.

Let me know if you want me to list all of scientists by name and their qualifications along with all of the revenues being generated let me know. Not that that would convince brainwashed puppets like you. However, it may enlighten others.

Let me know.

Let you know what? That there is NOTHING that you could say, post or link to that would make me agree with your opinion? OK, I am letting you know. Opinions are like assholes. I like my opinion much better than yours. Your opinion makes no fucking sense. No big deal. It is only the fate of the world as we know it that we are arguing about.

But because of the serious nature of the topic, I actually hope that I am wrong. That GW is not man caused. The consequences are pretty bad if I am not wrong.

Then don't rely on opinion. Read some history. It was warmer during the Roman Warming Period and the Medieval Warming Period. Look at how culture and commerce flourished at those times.

Then look at how miserable it was during the intervening years....when it was cold.
What is the one variable that exists within the time frame you mentioned above? From the mid 1800's or so? It is the burning of huge amounts of coal and oil. Man burns the oil and coal. But you don't think man is the cause of the warming that even you acknowledge.

Well what the fuck do you think burning all this oil and coal is doing? You think it is just an innocent habit that has no consequences? Why would you think that?

You do understand that man has never done this before (burnt all this oil and coal)?
And therefore we don't know what the outcome will be. Can you at least admit that?

The combustion engine was invented long after the 1850s.

The world has been burning coal since the bronze age. Mass burning too.

So, how with all of the burning of coal, did the world fall into a mini-ice age starting in the 1300s and end around 1850?

There is no link to increased CO2 causing rise in temperature. If there was a causation of rise in temperature then there would not be a cooling trend over the last 15 years. Since, the CO2 levels have not dropped significantly.

In fact the opposite is true. The rise in temperature actually causes CO2 levels to rise, and not the other way around.

Now, just stop. You not acknowledging the ancillary benefits and multi-billion dollar revenue streams through countless fraudulent regulations and fake green companies is what is truly pathetic.

I mean for you and left wing pigs to not even consider that as being a prominent factor in countries pushing MAN MADE global warming is entertaining to all of us that have an ability to think for ourselves.

Let me know if you want me to list all of scientists by name and their qualifications along with all of the revenues being generated let me know. Not that that would convince brainwashed puppets like you. However, it may enlighten others.

Let me know.

Let you know what? That there is NOTHING that you could say, post or link to that would make me agree with your opinion? OK, I am letting you know. Opinions are like assholes. I like my opinion much better than yours. Your opinion makes no fucking sense. No big deal. It is only the fate of the world as we know it that we are arguing about.

But because of the serious nature of the topic, I actually hope that I am wrong. That GW is not man caused. The consequences are pretty bad if I am not wrong.

I did not express opinions. I expressed facts, and we have presented more than enough evidence to support our "opinions" that they can be classified as facts.

You ignoring those facts, is not you expressing an OPINION. That is you clinging to false information. Me saying you are not considering the economic motives for creating the great world wide hoax of MAN MADE global warming is you being nothing short of a left wing hack and used as a pawn for the democrats along with the world for their nefarious purposes. That is also a fact. I get it, you people hate truth. Always have.

I am curious. Which in your opinion is my "opinion?"
How many of you liberals drive flintstone mobiles, mow your yards with electric mowers, have your roofs covered with solar panels, NEVER bbq or use a fireplace, never fly, never send your trash to a landfill, light your home with candles, heat your homes with heating oil, etc?

If so you have earned the right to pitch your bullshit. If not you're just a hypocrite with a big mouth.
How many of you liberals drive flintstone mobiles, mow your yards with electric mowers, have your roofs covered with solar panels, NEVER bbq or use a fireplace, never fly, never send your trash to a landfill, light your home with candles, heat your homes with heating oil, etc?

If so you have earned the right to pitch your bullshit. If not you're just a hypocrite with a big mouth.

Indeed. They should give it all up and practice what they preach. Hypocrite was too nice Gramps.
Remember that Christian Conservative Republicans are the only real scientists on Earth. They have devoted their entire lives to learning the intricacies of the universe. That's how they knew exactly where to find all of the WMD in Iraq.

It's like Republicans have studied so much that they've become clairvoyant. They just know everything.
Remember that Christian Conservative Republicans are the only real scientists on Earth. They have devoted their entire lives to learning the intricacies of the universe. That's how they knew exactly where to find all of the WMD in Iraq.

It's like Republicans have studied so much that they've become clairvoyant. They just know everything.

Troll fail

Religion is not part of this discussion.
How many of you liberals drive flintstone mobiles, mow your yards with electric mowers, have your roofs covered with solar panels, NEVER bbq or use a fireplace, never fly, never send your trash to a landfill, light your home with candles, heat your homes with heating oil, etc?

If so you have earned the right to pitch your bullshit. If not you're just a hypocrite with a big mouth.
Grow Cannabis which can be turned into paper, construction materials, biodegradable plastic, gasoline and electricity. Cannabis takes in CO2 as it's growing, and the oil and the trees stay in the ground so that less pollution is introduced to the environment.

Problem solved.

Remember that Christian Conservative Republicans are the only real scientists on Earth. They have devoted their entire lives to learning the intricacies of the universe. That's how they knew exactly where to find all of the WMD in Iraq.

It's like Republicans have studied so much that they've become clairvoyant. They just know everything.

Troll fail

Religion is not part of this discussion.
Except that religion is part of this discussion because American Taliban Teabagger Republicans who believe that there is an invisible man in the sky who created humans from sand and a rib are trying to talk about science.
How many of you liberals drive flintstone mobiles, mow your yards with electric mowers, have your roofs covered with solar panels, NEVER bbq or use a fireplace, never fly, never send your trash to a landfill, light your home with candles, heat your homes with heating oil, etc?

If so you have earned the right to pitch your bullshit. If not you're just a hypocrite with a big mouth.
Grow Cannabis which can be turned into paper, construction materials, biodegradable plastic, gasoline and electricity. Cannabis takes in CO2 as it's growing, and the oil and the trees stay in the ground so that less pollution is introduced to the environment.

Problem solved.



A pothead thinking pot is the solution to the worlds problems....
Remember that Christian Conservative Republicans are the only real scientists on Earth. They have devoted their entire lives to learning the intricacies of the universe. That's how they knew exactly where to find all of the WMD in Iraq.

It's like Republicans have studied so much that they've become clairvoyant. They just know everything.

Troll fail

Religion is not part of this discussion.
Except that religion is part of this discussion because American Taliban Teabagger Republicans who believe that there is an invisible man in the sky who created humans from sand and a rib are trying to talk about science.

Yeah, he is done. Right into the bag of cliches.

It is funny watching him though in his hour desperation.
Remember that Christian Conservative Republicans are the only real scientists on Earth. They have devoted their entire lives to learning the intricacies of the universe. That's how they knew exactly where to find all of the WMD in Iraq.

It's like Republicans have studied so much that they've become clairvoyant. They just know everything.

Troll fail

Religion is not part of this discussion.
Except that religion is part of this discussion because American Taliban Teabagger Republicans who believe that there is an invisible man in the sky who created humans from sand and a rib are trying to talk about science.

American Taliban Teabagger?

And you still wonder why no one will have a rational discussion with you....
Troll fail

Religion is not part of this discussion.
Except that religion is part of this discussion because American Taliban Teabagger Republicans who believe that there is an invisible man in the sky who created humans from sand and a rib are trying to talk about science.

Yeah, he is done. Right into the bag of cliches.

It is funny watching him though in his hour desperation.

Except I don't believe in "god"

You assess can't articulate a reasonable argument so you resort to infantile bullshit KNB. It's all you got
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How many of you liberals drive flintstone mobiles, mow your yards with electric mowers, have your roofs covered with solar panels, NEVER bbq or use a fireplace, never fly, never send your trash to a landfill, light your home with candles, heat your homes with heating oil, etc?

If so you have earned the right to pitch your bullshit. If not you're just a hypocrite with a big mouth.
Grow Cannabis which can be turned into paper, construction materials, biodegradable plastic, gasoline and electricity. Cannabis takes in CO2 as it's growing, and the oil and the trees stay in the ground so that less pollution is introduced to the environment.

Problem solved.



A pothead thinking pot is the solution to the worlds problems....

I'm sure there were some Conservative assclowns back in 1942 who were saying, "Yeah, ****** jazz weed is going to stop the great white Hitler. Stupid lib trolls." And guess what? America won World War II because of the legalization of "marihuana". America won the war, stopped global genocide, and saved freedom and democracy for you, me, and everyone else alive right now.

So Conservatives are yet again, as always, on the wrong side of history. Good job, fucking imbeciles. Vote for tougher drug laws, you fucking cretins. Put some more Americans in jail for the same thing that stopped Hitler, you god-damned unAmerican pieces of shit. Draw some more guns on Federal agents from behind unarmed human shields, you fucking cowards.

Learn, Republican Taliban Teabaggers, or just put a bullet in your head.
Except that religion is part of this discussion because American Taliban Teabagger Republicans who believe that there is an invisible man in the sky who created humans from sand and a rib are trying to talk about science.

Yeah, he is done. Right into the bag of cliches.

It is funny watching him though in his hour desperation.

Except I don't believe in "god"

You assess can't articulate a reasonable argument so you resort to infantile bullshit KNB. It's all you got
Republicans KNOW that Saddam smuggled his WMD to Syria just before the invasion, completely outsmarting Bush and the entire global intelligence network. Republicans KNOW that Obama is a Kenyan Socialist, Republicans KNOW that the Keystone XL pipeline will lower gas prices for Americans, Republicans KNOW that Cliven Bundy is a victim, and Republicans KNOW that the Greenhouse Effect is all a big government Socialist Kenyan Muslim lie.

Conservatism is your religion and the GOP is your God, and since Conservatism and the GOP are always wrong, why should anyone respect your opinion?
Yeah, he is done. Right into the bag of cliches.

It is funny watching him though in his hour desperation.

Except I don't believe in "god"

You assess can't articulate a reasonable argument so you resort to infantile bullshit KNB. It's all you got
Republicans KNOW that Saddam smuggled his WMD to Syria just before the invasion, completely outsmarting Bush and the entire global intelligence network. Republicans KNOW that Obama is a Kenyan Socialist, Republicans KNOW that the Keystone XL pipeline will lower gas prices for Americans, Republicans KNOW that Cliven Bundy is a victim, and Republicans KNOW that the Greenhouse Effect is all a big government Socialist Kenyan Muslim lie.

Conservatism is your religion and the GOP is your God, and since Conservatism and the GOP are always wrong, why should anyone respect your opinion?

Because I'm not a full fledged retard like you.
Pot won WWII?

really dude? You've lost your fucking mind
Why did America legalize marijuana then? I mean, if it wasn't essential to the war effort, and pot can only get people high, why would America legalize the world's most dangerous narcotic during a time of global peril?

Tell us how the Navy would have functioned without rope. Tell us how paratroopers would have survived without parachute rigging. Tell us how our soldiers would have stormed those French beaches if they were naked and barefoot.

Watch Hemp For Victory, small-minded Republican. America would not have won World War II without the legalization of "Marihuana".

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