First it was global cooling, then global, warming, then climate change, now it's.....

Except I don't believe in "god"

You assess can't articulate a reasonable argument so you resort to infantile bullshit KNB. It's all you got
Republicans KNOW that Saddam smuggled his WMD to Syria just before the invasion, completely outsmarting Bush and the entire global intelligence network. Republicans KNOW that Obama is a Kenyan Socialist, Republicans KNOW that the Keystone XL pipeline will lower gas prices for Americans, Republicans KNOW that Cliven Bundy is a victim, and Republicans KNOW that the Greenhouse Effect is all a big government Socialist Kenyan Muslim lie.

Conservatism is your religion and the GOP is your God, and since Conservatism and the GOP are always wrong, why should anyone respect your opinion?
Because I'm not a full fledged retard like you.
I know, Republican Taliban. "Everyone else is a low-information voter. FOX and Rush said so, so it must be true."

No, American Taliban Teabagger, you're not a full-fledged retard. You're a full-fledged Republican. That's infinitely worse. At least retards have a legitimate excuse for being stupid.

What's the American Taliban GOP Teatard excuse?
Climate Change: Consensus

Once again, every Scientfic Society, every National Academy of Science, and every major University states in their policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. 31,000 on that statement? That is about 0.03 % of the scientists in the world. Actually, we give you better odds, because we only state that 97% of the qualified scientists worldwide state that AGW is real, and that we are it's cause. So, instead of 0.03%, we are giveing you 3%.

As for some of the ridicoulous rants here, glaciers and icecaps are not Marxists. Thawing permafrost has no knowledge of Communism. An ocean with a pH that is lessoning knows nothing of Lenin.

That you people have to make such ignorant and ridiculous assertations simply demonstrates the lack of knowledge, and even sanity, on your part.

Science is not done by consensus, you're thinking of "Project Runway"
These 'Scientists' get away with it because they get a lot of Government funding. They have to really try to keep the gravy train going. They're bilking the taxpayers with this nonsense.

Let's step back for a moment and take a look at the bigger picture of what you're implying.

You're essentially saying that money can be the primary reason for why someone adopts a particular position. In other words, getting money, or keeping money flowing can be the motivation behind why people and even entire institutions adopt certain positions. Okay, fine. I agree with that. So, let me ask this question. Do you think there's more money available for climate research through gov't, or do you think there's more money at stake with the continued exploitation of oil and coal worldwide when it comes to mining, refining, and the manufacturing and sales of any and all products that use petroleum-based products (like internal combustion engines as an example)? Where is there more money at stake?
Remember that Christian Conservative Republicans are the only real scientists on Earth. They have devoted their entire lives to learning the intricacies of the universe. That's how they knew exactly where to find all of the WMD in Iraq.

It's like Republicans have studied so much that they've become clairvoyant. They just know everything.

So are you going to make a point or just though bigoted statements around? The facts are simple, every prediction the CAGW crowd has ever made has failed. The historical data shows that the theory that CO2 drives climate is not just flawed, but fatally flawed.

The facts further show that a one degree increase in global temperature would be overwhelmingly beneficial, this is not opinion, this is fact based on the benefits that have ben seen and reported throughout history.

Those are facts. You present us science fiction in the form of computer models that have been found to be so terrible that a MIT review declared them to be less than useless.

In other words, you need to find a new boogyman, this one is toast.
The AGW religions suppresses real science. Anyone backing AGW and claiming to love science obviously is not connected to reality.
The AGW religions suppresses real science. Anyone backing AGW and claiming to love science obviously is not connected to reality.
Indeed. And they're tied to politics and the purse of the TAXPAYER.

Absolutely correct.
Remember that Christian Conservative Republicans are the only real scientists on Earth. They have devoted their entire lives to learning the intricacies of the universe. That's how they knew exactly where to find all of the WMD in Iraq.

It's like Republicans have studied so much that they've become clairvoyant. They just know everything.

So are you going to make a point or just though bigoted statements around? The facts are simple, every prediction the CAGW crowd has ever made has failed. The historical data shows that the theory that CO2 drives climate is not just flawed, but fatally flawed.

The facts further show that a one degree increase in global temperature would be overwhelmingly beneficial, this is not opinion, this is fact based on the benefits that have ben seen and reported throughout history.

Those are facts. You present us science fiction in the form of computer models that have been found to be so terrible that a MIT review declared them to be less than useless.

In other words, you need to find a new boogyman, this one is toast.

And just as it is with ANY computer model? G I G O, Garbage In, Garbage Out. Computers can be manipulated to do what you want them to. These people that did this crap should be brought up on charges for the hysteria generated for no good reason but to fill their pockets with money that doesn't belong to them but the taxpayers, and the politicians that exploit it equally should be voted OUT of office...and charged.

It's a HOAX with the intentions of poseurs getting rich and the politicians garnering more control over US.

The Earth is going to do what it is going to do regardless of whether WE are here at not. The forces at work here are both internal to the Earth (the Core), and external (the SUN). WE are merely along for the ride.

Don't buy into this AGW horseshit folks. YOU are the ones that will pay the price with your liberty.
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Science is not done by consensus, you're thinking of "Project Runway"
These 'Scientists' get away with it because they get a lot of Government funding. They have to really try to keep the gravy train going. They're bilking the taxpayers with this nonsense.

Let's step back for a moment and take a look at the bigger picture of what you're implying.

You're essentially saying that money can be the primary reason for why someone adopts a particular position. In other words, getting money, or keeping money flowing can be the motivation behind why people and even entire institutions adopt certain positions. Okay, fine. I agree with that. So, let me ask this question. Do you think there's more money available for climate research through gov't, or do you think there's more money at stake with the continued exploitation of oil and coal worldwide when it comes to mining, refining, and the manufacturing and sales of any and all products that use petroleum-based products (like internal combustion engines as an example)? Where is there more money at stake?
nice you said something stupid.....dont feel bad,even Presidents have said stupid things....

It's not my fault that what I said went over your head.

i think what you said you are now trying to justify by acting like you said something intelligent....if it went over my head.....then explain it to dumbass me....and if you dont,then we know it did not go over anyone's head....

Low IQ jobs often involve wearing a name tag. Not always, but usually. You must have recognized this much as you tried to justify people who wear name tags that aren't idiots. Which just reconfirms my assertion that name tags usually signifies low intelligence.

You're welcome.

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