First Lady ..Goes Mad

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
This was quite an interesting article about Michelle Obama..I'd read the full article

I'm thinking the 2012 election cycle ought to to be a rip roaring extravaganza of race cards, personal attacks, dirty politics, class warfare and so on and that's just from the left.. So who's ready for the roller coaster ride..?


Michelle’s back, and she’s madder than ever. She was already pretty angry, seemingly unhappy with just about everything. As her husband wrapped up the Democratic nomination in 2008, she let fly her real feelings: “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country.” A few months into her job as first lady, her French counterpart asked how she liked the gig: “Don’t ask!” she reportedly spat. “It’s hell. I can’t stand it!”

She even seems to be mad at her silver-tongued husband. When the two were to set off on a luxurious 10-day vacation to Martha’s Vineyard, she left early - four hours early - and flew up alone. And those private vacations. She’s traveled to some of the world’s most plush resorts, taking 42 days off in the past year - that’d be eight weeks of vacay time if she held down a normal job.

Now, she is ready to spew her bilious disgust with America on the campaign trail. A dignified, transcendent first lady? No chance. Michelle is going to break with a hundred years of tradition and play the role of attack dog, heaping derision on her husband’s political opponents like no other first lady before her.

And it’s already begun. Mad Michelle this week popped down to Davis Island, Fla., to hobnob with the very people her husband despises - the 1 percent. At a massive mansion on the bay, filled with the wealthiest of the wealthy, America’s first lady launched into a tirade about “them” - the Republicans.

(Plenty more in the Article)

CURL: The very angry first lady Michelle Obama - Washington Times
Another angry Moonie writing nonsense at the behest of the "Second Coming of Jesus Christ" himself.

Would you take anything I posted from Huffington Post seriously?

I'm not sure what you mean by your first sentence but as for your question, I'd say quite unlikely as it would be for the N.Y. Times and many other far leftist diminished publications.
Another right wing whackadoodle.....

Sun Myung Moon (born January 6, 1920) is the Korean founder and leader of the worldwide Unification Church. He is also the founder of many other organizations and projects. Among of the best-known of these are News World Communications, an international media conglomerate which published The Washington Times and other newspapers,[1] and the Tongil Group, a South Korean business group or chaebol with business interests world-wide. Moon and his wife Hak Ja Han are also famous for holding blessing ceremonies, often referred to as "mass weddings".

Moon has claimed, and it is generally believed by Unification Church members, that he is the Messiah and the Second Coming of Christ and is fulfilling Jesus' unfinished mission.[2][3] He has been among the most controversial modern religious leaders, both for his religious beliefs and for his social and political activism.[4].

Sun Myung Moon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Another angry Moonie writing nonsense at the behest of the "Second Coming of Jesus Christ" himself.

Would you take anything I posted from Huffington Post seriously?

I'm not sure what you mean by your first sentence but as for your question, I'd say quite unlikely as it would be for the N.Y. Times and many other far leftist diminished publications.

I mean that The Washington Times is owned by the Reverend Moon, "messiah" of the Unification Church, who has repeatedly laid claim to being the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

And if you won't take something from Huffington Post seriously, why would you expect anyone to take a far-right cult-owned newspaper seriously?
Another angry Moonie writing nonsense at the behest of the "Second Coming of Jesus Christ" himself.

Would you take anything I posted from Huffington Post seriously?

I'm not sure what you mean by your first sentence but as for your question, I'd say quite unlikely as it would be for the N.Y. Times and many other far leftist diminished publications.

I mean that The Washington Times is owned by the Reverend Moon, "messiah" of the Unification Church, who has repeatedly laid claim to being the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

And if you won't take something from Huffington Post seriously, why would you expect anyone to take a far-right cult-owned newspaper seriously?

After reading up on the ownership of The Washington Times I get your point..:eusa_eh:
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Yes I do not doubt we're in for more personality cult politics.

That is the kind of political discourse that truly stupid people most enjoy.

Why do they always look so crazy?!

It must be these wingnut men driving them to drink.

I just wish you understanding.. No.. were not using the worst pictures possible, this is the only ones available, folks, would consider tapping into your... long lost guilt....:lol:
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Why do they always look so crazy?!

It must be these wingnut men driving them to drink.

I just wish you understanding, no were not using the worse pictures possible, this is the only ones available, folks, would consider tapping into your long lost guilt....:lol:

Huh? English please. :)
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