First lesbian black woman elected mayor of Chicago

....she will be like Foxx and try to run it pro-black/gay--without common sense or fairness---hate cops = love criminals
The voters picked the outsider again. Very interesting heading into 2020.....
Should be interesting.

Lets see if things change in Chicago. She is black and I'd bet she's sick of all the black gangbangers killing each other and innocent bystanders.

Have to wait and see if things change.
Neither her race, nor her sex, nor her sexual orientation matters. What matters is how well she can do the job. Let me remind folks that we have a white, male, heterosexuals fuck-ups in office now, who are capable of doing only a very lousy job and messing up the place: case in point, trump, pigpence, mcconnell. Certainly there is no talent there.They are the bottom of the barrel (I hope).
Neither her race, nor her sex, nor her sexual orientation matters. What matters is how well she can do the job. Let me remind folks that we have a white, male, heterosexuals fuck-ups in office now, who are capable of doing only a very lousy job and messing up the place: case in point, trump, pigpence, mcconnell. Certainly there is no talent there.They are the bottom of the barrel (I hope).

Neither her race, nor her sex, nor her sexual orientation matters. What matters is how well she can do the job. Let me remind folks that we have a white, male, heterosexuals fuck-ups in office now, who are capable of doing only a very lousy job and messing up the place: case in point, trump, pigpence, mcconnell. Certainly there is no talent there.They are the bottom of the barrel (I hope).

You left out Pelosi, Boxer, Biden, etc
Neither her race, nor her sex, nor her sexual orientation matters. What matters is how well she can do the job. Let me remind folks that we have a white, male, heterosexuals fuck-ups in office now, who are capable of doing only a very lousy job and messing up the place: case in point, trump, pigpence, mcconnell. Certainly there is no talent there.They are the bottom of the barrel (I hope).

You left out Pelosi, Boxer, Biden, etc

I left them out because they are quality people and good leaders. I was referring to the failures, the lowlifes, that untalented goonies. They should leave DC and go do their sex thing in a barn somewhere.

You seem to be fond of "conservatives," and lurking in the background of your comments and those of others is a notion that somehow white, heterosexual males are somehow better than others and that people of this description define "conservatives." At rock bottom, I simply find "conservatives" to be full of shit and policies that cause problems and solve nothing, and there seem to be a bumper crop of white, straight, men who say and do woefully ignorant things in support of "conservatism."

If the great definer is not race, sex, and sexual orientation, I will happily vote for Biden.
The black lesbo will do as good as any other black mayor.

Poor Chicago. It deserves bad but not this bad.

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