first LOSE your healthcare....then PAY for NO healthcare?


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
It sounds Orwellian but that's exactly what is going to happen thanks to the liberal fiasco called Obamacare......starting 2014 lots of people will be dumped from their company plans and will have to buy Obamacare from the state exchanges or else pay a fine....lots will pay the fine because they can't afford Obamacare...

"Come Jan. 1, all Americans must purchase health insurance or pay a penalty tax of $95 or 1 percent of their adjusted gross income, whichever is higher."

take Nevada for example...which just released preliminary 2014 premiums...
Plenty of Nevadans who currently have health insurance very well might find themselves in the market for an individual policy by this fall. They won’t like what they find.

As the Review-Journal’s Jennifer Robison reported last week, today Southern Nevadans can find individual catastrophic policies online for as little as $29 per month. High-deductible PPOs are available for about $83 per month.

But ObamaCare piles new coverage mandates and rules on top of ones already in effect, including caps on premiums for older Americans that necessitate higher costs on younger, healthier men and women.

As a result, the exchange’s catastrophic plans for Southern Nevadans in their 20s start at about $150 per month. A 40-year-old in need of a plan comparable to typical employer coverage can expect to pay up to $300 per month. Plans for rural and Northern Nevadans cost even more.

The rates won’t be finalized until Sept. 1, and those who purchase coverage through the exchange can qualify for tax credits to offset some of those costs. But for those working part-time and temporary jobs to get by, and for the young and healthy, even subsidized premiums will be unaffordable. They’ll pay the penalty tax and remain uninsured.

Last month, researchers from Harvard University and the City University of New York estimated that about 300,000 Nevadans will remain uninsured after ObamaCare takes effect, a figure that matches the state’s own projections. Nationally, the researchers estimate that about 30 million Americans will decline coverage.

Such a lack of participation would send premiums even higher and collapse the exchanges. This design flaw is one reason why the federal government is spending $700 million marketing ObamaCare to persuade Americans to sign up. It won’t work. There’s no sweetening this lemon.

Repeal and replace this policy disaster.

Individuals can't afford ObamaCare | Las Vegas Review-Journal
I can not wait till December, It will be headline news that no one signs up for Obama care in October thru December.
20-somethings.....can you answer this....?
will you pay $150/mo for Obamacare vs. the $29/mo you used to pay (or $0 if your company did)....?
or will you pay the $95/year(2014) for nothing....?

How about you 40-year olds.....?
after losing your company healthcare will you pay the $300/mo out-of-pocket or the $95/year(2014) for nothing....?

great 'Choice'......:rolleyes:
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Private health insurance companies have the option of pulling out of a particular states health exchange. For example, Aetna recently pulled out of Arkansas, leaving them with five smaller companies to assume the risk. Arkansas is keeping their fingers crossed that no more companies pull out.
It is not beyond the realm of possibility that a particular state could be left with 2 to zero providers.
Ensuing 'train wrecks' upcoming.........

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