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First majority Muslim city council in America

American jurisprudence has always been fluid and not static.

A hundred years ago women weren't allowed to vote......neither could blacks......now both vote.

Homo marriage and open gays serving in the military was unthinkable just a couple of decades ago.

So it's not a stretch to envision that some aspects of Islamic law will be melded into American law sometime in the future. ...... :cool:

some aspects of Islamic law? like what? you envision a law legalizing
rape by muslim men upon non muslim women?
You really need to relax

I am always relaxed------Long ago I was a bit out of shape----It was the 1971 civil
war between West and East Pakistan-----when muslim clerics issued an edict of
TAKFIR upon east Pakistani muslims making rape of not only the HINDU girls in
east Pakistan legal-----but also rape of muslim girls ----also legal. I was learning
lots about Islamic law back then-------I was working with lots of west Pakistani muslims.-----some indian but mostly west pakistani
And you somehow believe that could happen here?

why not?
Well for one it wouldn't be a constitutional law; for another i dont believe anyone would be the 'pro-rape' candidate
you have some examples of bias? Denial of building permits is not at all uncommon in my city-------for just about any proposed building. Of course any
muslim denied will BLAME DA JOOOOOOOOS (or any kaffirin around)
Sterling Heights Planning Commission votes 9-0 to deny building Mosque
Lomita rejects plan to expand South Bay Islamic center

there's a couple. i'm sure i could find more, but if you want to do the work here's a nice site
Nationwide Anti-Mosque Activity

so why do you think that the city council in Hamtramck would start denying permits to anyone?

Oh---they are keeping records of every muslim denied a right to build? I got news for you-----building permits are denied for ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE in the USA
You really should at least look at the site before discussing it

no thanks----I know the drill I have even attended some of the hearings
regarding objection to this and that building-------in one case I initiated an
objection and WON!!!! (it was not a mosque)
So you know these cases are unique and not just routine permit denials, right?

for all kinds of reasons------any reason works. I am nobody and I convinced a panel of engineers that a building near me -------would HARM my house-----so
the permit was denied. I did not even have to present an expert witness. When
I described my reasoning to a real civil engineer ----he shook his head and laughed.
I grew up in a town in which building permits were denied simply petition
of ----"three neighbors"-------such petitions stopped installations of FENCES.
My mom refused to sign one because she knew that the petition was initiated
simply because the petitioners hated hispanics
some aspects of Islamic law? like what? you envision a law legalizing
rape by muslim men upon non muslim women?
You really need to relax

I am always relaxed------Long ago I was a bit out of shape----It was the 1971 civil
war between West and East Pakistan-----when muslim clerics issued an edict of
TAKFIR upon east Pakistani muslims making rape of not only the HINDU girls in
east Pakistan legal-----but also rape of muslim girls ----also legal. I was learning
lots about Islamic law back then-------I was working with lots of west Pakistani muslims.-----some indian but mostly west pakistani
And you somehow believe that could happen here?

why not?
Well for one it wouldn't be a constitutional law; for another i dont believe anyone would be the 'pro-rape' candidate

Oh----you are quite naïve------there are enough people murdered in the USA because the IMAM said it was ok--------it does not have to be made "LEGAL"
in US law-------just declared a mechanism for getting into Jannah with access
to the whories
Not even in your dreams is it constitutional. Cutting off a hand for stealing a piece of gum is cruel and unusual punishment, outlawed by the what?... The CONSTITUTION.
Getting 1000 lashes for criticizing Islam is what? ... Say it with me: UNCONSTITUTIONAL. :lol:
Sharia law, like U.S. law, is divided into civil and criminal law.

The muslim city council could only vote on civil issues pertaining to the town........not criminal law or punishment. ...... :cool:
Oh, so they are going to pick and choose and aren't real muslims. Got it.

FYI, sharia isn't divisible, you either accept it or you don't.

Sharia means different things to different Muslims.
Until they get in front of a Sharia court, then the hands start coming off for everyone.

How silly.

Sharia, how it's viewed and interpreted, varies across cultures. There is also a big difference between civil and criminal. There are majority Muslim countries that use Sharia for civil law, for example, but have a secular code for criminal.

In the US - the only role Sharia plays is the same role Rabbinical law plays - civil cases, voluntary arbritation most of which involve marriage, divorce, contract law. I have yet to see anyone, other than a few loonies, advocating for religious law over constitutional law. People are acting like frightened brainwashed hamsters.

you have never had any interaction with muslims. I have. I have also had
interaction with jews. In all the years I have dealt with the universe's most
fanatical jews-----hospitalized, I have never experienced one who refused to
be examined by a WOMAN. ------lots of them schlepped their wives along to
? ? protect them-----but never a refusal. -----now guess the rest.
The 9-11-01 VICTORY was such an encouragement
You really need to relax

I am always relaxed------Long ago I was a bit out of shape----It was the 1971 civil
war between West and East Pakistan-----when muslim clerics issued an edict of
TAKFIR upon east Pakistani muslims making rape of not only the HINDU girls in
east Pakistan legal-----but also rape of muslim girls ----also legal. I was learning
lots about Islamic law back then-------I was working with lots of west Pakistani muslims.-----some indian but mostly west pakistani
And you somehow believe that could happen here?

why not?
Well for one it wouldn't be a constitutional law; for another i dont believe anyone would be the 'pro-rape' candidate

Oh----you are quite naïve------there are enough people murdered in the USA because the IMAM said it was ok--------it does not have to be made "LEGAL"
in US law-------just declared a mechanism for getting into Jannah with access
to the whories
Name one
I am always relaxed------Long ago I was a bit out of shape----It was the 1971 civil
war between West and East Pakistan-----when muslim clerics issued an edict of
TAKFIR upon east Pakistani muslims making rape of not only the HINDU girls in
east Pakistan legal-----but also rape of muslim girls ----also legal. I was learning
lots about Islamic law back then-------I was working with lots of west Pakistani muslims.-----some indian but mostly west pakistani
And you somehow believe that could happen here?

why not?
Well for one it wouldn't be a constitutional law; for another i dont believe anyone would be the 'pro-rape' candidate

Oh----you are quite naïve------there are enough people murdered in the USA because the IMAM said it was ok--------it does not have to be made "LEGAL"
in US law-------just declared a mechanism for getting into Jannah with access
to the whories
Name one[/QUOTE

just one? ok---just one Ari Halberstam----murdered by Rashid Baz for the glory of allah and entry to the cat house in the sky------jannah
And you somehow believe that could happen here?

why not?
Well for one it wouldn't be a constitutional law; for another i dont believe anyone would be the 'pro-rape' candidate

Oh----you are quite naïve------there are enough people murdered in the USA because the IMAM said it was ok--------it does not have to be made "LEGAL"
in US law-------just declared a mechanism for getting into Jannah with access
to the whories

just one? ok---just one Ari Halberstam----murdered by Rashid Baz for the glory of allah and entry to the cat house in the sky------jannah
No no, you said an imam (actually you said "the IMAM" said it was ok... show me the proof
And you somehow believe that could happen here?

why not?
Well for one it wouldn't be a constitutional law; for another i dont believe anyone would be the 'pro-rape' candidate

Oh----you are quite naïve------there are enough people murdered in the USA because the IMAM said it was ok--------it does not have to be made "LEGAL"
in US law-------just declared a mechanism for getting into Jannah with access
to the whories
Name one[/QUOTE

just one? ok---just one Ari Halberstam----murdered by Rashid Baz for the glory of allah and entry to the cat house in the sky------jannah

Don't you think it's a little more likely that Baz's motivation was more focused on revenge for the Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre that had occurred 4 days before, rather than "the Glory of Allah"?
Well for one it wouldn't be a constitutional law; for another i dont believe anyone would be the 'pro-rape' candidate

Oh----you are quite naïve------there are enough people murdered in the USA because the IMAM said it was ok--------it does not have to be made "LEGAL"
in US law-------just declared a mechanism for getting into Jannah with access
to the whories
Name one[/QUOTE

just one? ok---just one Ari Halberstam----murdered by Rashid Baz for the glory of allah and entry to the cat house in the sky------jannah

Don't you think it's a little more likely that Baz's motivation was more focused on revenge for the Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre that had occurred 4 days before, rather than "the Glory of Allah"?
Irosie says the shooting happened because "the IMAM" said it was ok.
Hamtramck is 1st American city to elect majority Muslim council

First line just shows how bad #whitegenocide has become

The Polish flocked to Hamtramck in the 1900s and evidence of the city's Polish roots remain.

However, over the last few decades a new wave of immigrants, primarily from the Middle East, South Asia and Southeastern Europe, has dramatically changed the face and culture of this community.

What was once Polish is now ragheads. Lovely.

So? How many city councils are controlled by Christians or specific denominations? Muslims have skin in the game with our country too, should be represented with their own control of some of the country as a result. Fair's fair.
Well for one it wouldn't be a constitutional law; for another i dont believe anyone would be the 'pro-rape' candidate

Oh----you are quite naïve------there are enough people murdered in the USA because the IMAM said it was ok--------it does not have to be made "LEGAL"
in US law-------just declared a mechanism for getting into Jannah with access
to the whories
Name one[/QUOTE

just one? ok---just one Ari Halberstam----murdered by Rashid Baz for the glory of allah and entry to the cat house in the sky------jannah

Don't you think it's a little more likely that Baz's motivation was more focused on revenge for the Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre that had occurred 4 days before, rather than "the Glory of Allah"?
Irosie says the shooting happened because "the IMAM" said it was ok.

yup----the IMAM not only said it was ok------the MUSLIM COMMUNITY came out to support the murderer-------lots of character witnesses testified including "HE PRAYED EVERY DAY". "revenge"-----oh goody-----I have a right to murder
german children and my husband has a right to murder muslim children according to YOUR LOGIC. In fact, according to YOUR logic Dr. Baruch Goldstein had a
RIGHT to shoot up muslims in the building associated with the tomb. I like your
logic----it glorifies your "allah"
Oh----you are quite naïve------there are enough people murdered in the USA because the IMAM said it was ok--------it does not have to be made "LEGAL"
in US law-------just declared a mechanism for getting into Jannah with access
to the whories
Name one[/QUOTE

just one? ok---just one Ari Halberstam----murdered by Rashid Baz for the glory of allah and entry to the cat house in the sky------jannah

Don't you think it's a little more likely that Baz's motivation was more focused on revenge for the Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre that had occurred 4 days before, rather than "the Glory of Allah"?
Irosie says the shooting happened because "the IMAM" said it was ok.

yup----the IMAM not only said it was ok------the MUSLIM COMMUNITY came out to support the murderer-------lots of character witnesses testified including "HE PRAYED EVERY DAY". "revenge"-----oh goody-----I have a right to murder
german children and my husband has a right to murder muslim children according to YOUR LOGIC. In fact, according to YOUR logic Dr. Baruch Goldstein had a
RIGHT to shoot up muslims in the building associated with the tomb. I like your
logic----it glorifies your "allah"
Who told him it was ok? Who is "the IMAM?"
Name one[/QUOTE

just one? ok---just one Ari Halberstam----murdered by Rashid Baz for the glory of allah and entry to the cat house in the sky------jannah

Don't you think it's a little more likely that Baz's motivation was more focused on revenge for the Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre that had occurred 4 days before, rather than "the Glory of Allah"?
Irosie says the shooting happened because "the IMAM" said it was ok.

yup----the IMAM not only said it was ok------the MUSLIM COMMUNITY came out to support the murderer-------lots of character witnesses testified including "HE PRAYED EVERY DAY". "revenge"-----oh goody-----I have a right to murder
german children and my husband has a right to murder muslim children according to YOUR LOGIC. In fact, according to YOUR logic Dr. Baruch Goldstein had a
RIGHT to shoot up muslims in the building associated with the tomb. I like your
logic----it glorifies your "allah"
Who told him it was ok? Who is "the IMAM?"

the IMAM is what muslims call just about any MUSLIM LEADER. but mostly the guy who organizes the prayer thing in mosques. In the shariah shit hole in which
my husband was born the KING was called "THE IMAM" Fairly recently the fact
that Imams have advised muslims world wide to murder jews did make news----
but ----LONG LONG AGO----when I was young, I got the news from muslims with
whom I worked that the killing of any jew of any age of gender is legal for
muslims because any jew ----is or was or might become a soldier in the Israeli
army. That information came to me circa the mid 1960s when Islamic
celebrations included airport actions legal by Islamic law-----especially if the targets were jews. My informants were physicians educated in muslim countries-----like
Pakistan. Way back then Iranians were still sane. Islamic law is very logical-----
something like plane geometry-------it is an internally logical system. Way back
then I was also a tutor for high school kids who could not cope with plane
geometry-----thus, I do understand Islamic "logic" and APPRECIATE IT----
because a logical system is very easy for me to understand and REMEMBER

Don't you think it's a little more likely that Baz's motivation was more focused on revenge for the Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre that had occurred 4 days before, rather than "the Glory of Allah"?
Irosie says the shooting happened because "the IMAM" said it was ok.

yup----the IMAM not only said it was ok------the MUSLIM COMMUNITY came out to support the murderer-------lots of character witnesses testified including "HE PRAYED EVERY DAY". "revenge"-----oh goody-----I have a right to murder
german children and my husband has a right to murder muslim children according to YOUR LOGIC. In fact, according to YOUR logic Dr. Baruch Goldstein had a
RIGHT to shoot up muslims in the building associated with the tomb. I like your
logic----it glorifies your "allah"
Who told him it was ok? Who is "the IMAM?"

the IMAM is what muslims call just about any MUSLIM LEADER. but mostly the guy who organizes the prayer thing in mosques. In the shariah shit hole in which
my husband was born the KING was called "THE IMAM" Fairly recently the fact
that Imams have advised muslims world wide to murder jews did make news----
but ----LONG LONG AGO----when I was young, I got the news from muslims with
whom I worked that the killing of any jew of any age of gender is legal for
muslims because any jew ----is or was or might become a soldier in the Israeli
army. That information came to me circa the mid 1960s when Islamic
celebrations included airport actions legal by Islamic law-----especially if the targets were jews. My informants were physicians educated in muslim countries-----like
Pakistan. Way back then Iranians were still sane. Islamic law is very logical-----
something like plane geometry-------it is an internally logical system. Way back
then I was also a tutor for high school kids who could not cope with plane
geometry-----thus, I do understand Islamic "logic" and APPRECIATE IT----
because a logical system is very easy for me to understand and REMEMBER

Just admit you cant show even one murder in the us sanctioned by "the IMAM"
Don't you think it's a little more likely that Baz's motivation was more focused on revenge for the Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre that had occurred 4 days before, rather than "the Glory of Allah"?
Irosie says the shooting happened because "the IMAM" said it was ok.

yup----the IMAM not only said it was ok------the MUSLIM COMMUNITY came out to support the murderer-------lots of character witnesses testified including "HE PRAYED EVERY DAY". "revenge"-----oh goody-----I have a right to murder
german children and my husband has a right to murder muslim children according to YOUR LOGIC. In fact, according to YOUR logic Dr. Baruch Goldstein had a
RIGHT to shoot up muslims in the building associated with the tomb. I like your
logic----it glorifies your "allah"
Who told him it was ok? Who is "the IMAM?"

the IMAM is what muslims call just about any MUSLIM LEADER. but mostly the guy who organizes the prayer thing in mosques. In the shariah shit hole in which
my husband was born the KING was called "THE IMAM" Fairly recently the fact
that Imams have advised muslims world wide to murder jews did make news----
but ----LONG LONG AGO----when I was young, I got the news from muslims with
whom I worked that the killing of any jew of any age of gender is legal for
muslims because any jew ----is or was or might become a soldier in the Israeli
army. That information came to me circa the mid 1960s when Islamic
celebrations included airport actions legal by Islamic law-----especially if the targets were jews. My informants were physicians educated in muslim countries-----like
Pakistan. Way back then Iranians were still sane. Islamic law is very logical-----
something like plane geometry-------it is an internally logical system. Way back
then I was also a tutor for high school kids who could not cope with plane
geometry-----thus, I do understand Islamic "logic" and APPRECIATE IT----
because a logical system is very easy for me to understand and REMEMBER

Just admit you cant show even one murder in the us sanctioned by "the IMAM"

I just showed one---------I understand that you dance on the bodies of the dead
murdered for 'allah'
Irosie says the shooting happened because "the IMAM" said it was ok.

yup----the IMAM not only said it was ok------the MUSLIM COMMUNITY came out to support the murderer-------lots of character witnesses testified including "HE PRAYED EVERY DAY". "revenge"-----oh goody-----I have a right to murder
german children and my husband has a right to murder muslim children according to YOUR LOGIC. In fact, according to YOUR logic Dr. Baruch Goldstein had a
RIGHT to shoot up muslims in the building associated with the tomb. I like your
logic----it glorifies your "allah"
Who told him it was ok? Who is "the IMAM?"

the IMAM is what muslims call just about any MUSLIM LEADER. but mostly the guy who organizes the prayer thing in mosques. In the shariah shit hole in which
my husband was born the KING was called "THE IMAM" Fairly recently the fact
that Imams have advised muslims world wide to murder jews did make news----
but ----LONG LONG AGO----when I was young, I got the news from muslims with
whom I worked that the killing of any jew of any age of gender is legal for
muslims because any jew ----is or was or might become a soldier in the Israeli
army. That information came to me circa the mid 1960s when Islamic
celebrations included airport actions legal by Islamic law-----especially if the targets were jews. My informants were physicians educated in muslim countries-----like
Pakistan. Way back then Iranians were still sane. Islamic law is very logical-----
something like plane geometry-------it is an internally logical system. Way back
then I was also a tutor for high school kids who could not cope with plane
geometry-----thus, I do understand Islamic "logic" and APPRECIATE IT----
because a logical system is very easy for me to understand and REMEMBER

Just admit you cant show even one murder in the us sanctioned by "the IMAM"

I just showed one---------I understand that you dance on the bodies of the dead
murdered for 'allah'
No, you didn't. Who sanctioned the shooting?
yup----the IMAM not only said it was ok------the MUSLIM COMMUNITY came out to support the murderer-------lots of character witnesses testified including "HE PRAYED EVERY DAY". "revenge"-----oh goody-----I have a right to murder
german children and my husband has a right to murder muslim children according to YOUR LOGIC. In fact, according to YOUR logic Dr. Baruch Goldstein had a
RIGHT to shoot up muslims in the building associated with the tomb. I like your
logic----it glorifies your "allah"
Who told him it was ok? Who is "the IMAM?"

the IMAM is what muslims call just about any MUSLIM LEADER. but mostly the guy who organizes the prayer thing in mosques. In the shariah shit hole in which
my husband was born the KING was called "THE IMAM" Fairly recently the fact
that Imams have advised muslims world wide to murder jews did make news----
but ----LONG LONG AGO----when I was young, I got the news from muslims with
whom I worked that the killing of any jew of any age of gender is legal for
muslims because any jew ----is or was or might become a soldier in the Israeli
army. That information came to me circa the mid 1960s when Islamic
celebrations included airport actions legal by Islamic law-----especially if the targets were jews. My informants were physicians educated in muslim countries-----like
Pakistan. Way back then Iranians were still sane. Islamic law is very logical-----
something like plane geometry-------it is an internally logical system. Way back
then I was also a tutor for high school kids who could not cope with plane
geometry-----thus, I do understand Islamic "logic" and APPRECIATE IT----
because a logical system is very easy for me to understand and REMEMBER

Just admit you cant show even one murder in the us sanctioned by "the IMAM"

I just showed one---------I understand that you dance on the bodies of the dead
murdered for 'allah'
No, you didn't. Who sanctioned the shooting?

Muslim koranic scholars and the muslim community of
Brooklyn, New York -----his defense was ---HOTSHOT---and
paid for------his supporters came to the court house to mock the mother
of the dead child. Your kind of people.
Who told him it was ok? Who is "the IMAM?"

the IMAM is what muslims call just about any MUSLIM LEADER. but mostly the guy who organizes the prayer thing in mosques. In the shariah shit hole in which
my husband was born the KING was called "THE IMAM" Fairly recently the fact
that Imams have advised muslims world wide to murder jews did make news----
but ----LONG LONG AGO----when I was young, I got the news from muslims with
whom I worked that the killing of any jew of any age of gender is legal for
muslims because any jew ----is or was or might become a soldier in the Israeli
army. That information came to me circa the mid 1960s when Islamic
celebrations included airport actions legal by Islamic law-----especially if the targets were jews. My informants were physicians educated in muslim countries-----like
Pakistan. Way back then Iranians were still sane. Islamic law is very logical-----
something like plane geometry-------it is an internally logical system. Way back
then I was also a tutor for high school kids who could not cope with plane
geometry-----thus, I do understand Islamic "logic" and APPRECIATE IT----
because a logical system is very easy for me to understand and REMEMBER

Just admit you cant show even one murder in the us sanctioned by "the IMAM"

I just showed one---------I understand that you dance on the bodies of the dead
murdered for 'allah'
No, you didn't. Who sanctioned the shooting?

Muslim koranic scholars and the muslim community of
Brooklyn, New York -----his defense was ---HOTSHOT---and
paid for------his supporters came to the court house to mock the mother
of the dead child. Your kind of people.
So you can't name the imam. Got it.
Do you have a source for the claim about mocking?
the IMAM is what muslims call just about any MUSLIM LEADER. but mostly the guy who organizes the prayer thing in mosques. In the shariah shit hole in which
my husband was born the KING was called "THE IMAM" Fairly recently the fact
that Imams have advised muslims world wide to murder jews did make news----
but ----LONG LONG AGO----when I was young, I got the news from muslims with
whom I worked that the killing of any jew of any age of gender is legal for
muslims because any jew ----is or was or might become a soldier in the Israeli
army. That information came to me circa the mid 1960s when Islamic
celebrations included airport actions legal by Islamic law-----especially if the targets were jews. My informants were physicians educated in muslim countries-----like
Pakistan. Way back then Iranians were still sane. Islamic law is very logical-----
something like plane geometry-------it is an internally logical system. Way back
then I was also a tutor for high school kids who could not cope with plane
geometry-----thus, I do understand Islamic "logic" and APPRECIATE IT----
because a logical system is very easy for me to understand and REMEMBER

Just admit you cant show even one murder in the us sanctioned by "the IMAM"

I just showed one---------I understand that you dance on the bodies of the dead
murdered for 'allah'
No, you didn't. Who sanctioned the shooting?

Muslim koranic scholars and the muslim community of
Brooklyn, New York -----his defense was ---HOTSHOT---and
paid for------his supporters came to the court house to mock the mother
of the dead child. Your kind of people.
So you can't name the imam. Got it.
Do you have a source for the claim about mocking?

yes----the people who were present at the trial. The most likely name for
most of the IMAMS is----'muhummad' I have known lots of muslims----at least
30% were 'muhummads" but in the USA they used----other names
I support putting all the US muslims in one place


some city where lots of muslims already live. That way they can get HALAL groceries-------and muslim clothes and build mosques and their kids can marry
each other and be HAPPY. Jews living in shariah shit holes always lived
together. That way muslims could conveniently do pogroms. Green hats would
be a good idea

The way Hitler did it?

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