First majority Muslim city council in America

Not even in your dreams is it constitutional. Cutting off a hand for stealing a piece of gum is cruel and unusual punishment, outlawed by the what?... The CONSTITUTION.
Getting 1000 lashes for criticizing Islam is what? ... Say it with me: UNCONSTITUTIONAL. :lol:
Sharia law, like U.S. law, is divided into civil and criminal law.

The muslim city council could only vote on civil issues pertaining to the town........not criminal law or punishment. ...... :cool:
Oh, so they are going to pick and choose and aren't real muslims. Got it.

FYI, sharia isn't divisible, you either accept it or you don't.

Chapter 1: Beliefs About Sharia

Muslims differ widely as to whether sharia should be open to multiple understandings. While many say there is only one true interpretation, substantial percentages in most countries either say there are multiple interpretations or say they do not know.
Real Muslims follow sharia, or, if in a western country, can follow our laws but must want to live under sharia. Everyone else is a faker.

However, consitutes Sharia varies as does how it should be followed and interpreted. I'm just curious why those who aren't Muslim can claim that other Muslim's are "fakers" because they don't follow a particular interpretation of Sharia. There's variations in Islam, just as there are in other religions. For the record, I'm not a Muslim but Sunni is, yet you call him a faker because he doesn't believe in abusing women and children?

The link I posted earlier is to an extremely fundamentalist Christian sect that views the biblical interpretations of punishement literally - in otherwords abusing women and children. Are they "real Christians" because they follow the bible?
Sunni's a faker because he doesn't even have a beard.
Anyways, most muslims abuse women and children by making them wear sheets over themselves or the head coverings... arranged marriages...
So you agree that you are an anti-American cultist who seeks to destroy this nation and its constitution.
American jurisprudence has always been fluid and not static.

A hundred years ago women weren't allowed to vote......neither could both vote.

Homo marriage and open gays serving in the military was unthinkable just a couple of decades ago.

So it's not a stretch to envision that some aspects of Islamic law will be melded into American law sometime in the future. ...... :cool:
The muslim city council won't call it sharia law outright.

But the council's agenda will be in accordance with sharia law. ...... :cool:
They going to start by banning ham sandwiches? :D

they may outlaw PUBLIC EATING during Ramadan. You can be sure
churches and synagogues will not get BUILDING PERMITS------I am delighted---
build a wall around the developing shit hole and sentence prison reverts to islam
to live there forever
What makes you think that will happen? Is it the denial of permits to muslims by christian city councils?

you have some examples of bias? Denial of building permits is not at all uncommon in my city-------for just about any proposed building. Of course any
muslim denied will BLAME DA JOOOOOOOOS (or any kaffirin around)
Sterling Heights Planning Commission votes 9-0 to deny building Mosque
Lomita rejects plan to expand South Bay Islamic center

there's a couple. i'm sure i could find more, but if you want to do the work here's a nice site
Nationwide Anti-Mosque Activity

so why do you think that the city council in Hamtramck would start denying permits to anyone?
they still aren't allowed to do that, sunni.
it's called the first amendment and it exists no matter who runs government.
The city council voting sharia law over the town would be legal and not against the 1st Amendment. ....... :cool:

Actually, yes it would. The CONUS specifically forbids theologic rule. Sorry to burst your bubble.
Sunni Man continually shows his bias against American law. If that be the case, why the hell is he still living here? Perhaps we ought to pass the hat around to get him a one-way ticket to Iran.
I am not against American law per se.

The parts of the law that agree with Islamic teachings I support.......and only seek to change those laws which are at odds with Islam. ........ :cool:

So you agree that you are an anti-American cultist who seeks to destroy this nation and its constitution.

Most American Muslims are like most American Christians - the believe in the Constitution. I strongly suspect you'll find that with Sunni as well.
Sharia law, like U.S. law, is divided into civil and criminal law.

The muslim city council could only vote on civil issues pertaining to the town........not criminal law or punishment. ...... :cool:
Oh, so they are going to pick and choose and aren't real muslims. Got it.

FYI, sharia isn't divisible, you either accept it or you don't.

Chapter 1: Beliefs About Sharia

Muslims differ widely as to whether sharia should be open to multiple understandings. While many say there is only one true interpretation, substantial percentages in most countries either say there are multiple interpretations or say they do not know.
Real Muslims follow sharia, or, if in a western country, can follow our laws but must want to live under sharia. Everyone else is a faker.

However, consitutes Sharia varies as does how it should be followed and interpreted. I'm just curious why those who aren't Muslim can claim that other Muslim's are "fakers" because they don't follow a particular interpretation of Sharia. There's variations in Islam, just as there are in other religions. For the record, I'm not a Muslim but Sunni is, yet you call him a faker because he doesn't believe in abusing women and children?

The link I posted earlier is to an extremely fundamentalist Christian sect that views the biblical interpretations of punishement literally - in otherwords abusing women and children. Are they "real Christians" because they follow the bible?
Sunni's a faker because he doesn't even have a beard.
Anyways, most muslims abuse women and children by making them wear sheets over themselves or the head coverings... arranged marriages...

There are a lot of misconceptions in that statement. Just saying.

Muslims are no more required to have beards than Jews or Christians.

How do you even know what Sunni looks like?

Arranged marriages are a cultural issue, not a religious issue.

How do you know Muslim women, who wear a head scarf, don't choose to? Never heard of children here being forced to wear sheets unless there's a Jr. KKK League.
Hamtramck is 1st American city to elect majority Muslim council

First line just shows how bad #whitegenocide has become

The Polish flocked to Hamtramck in the 1900s and evidence of the city's Polish roots remain.

However, over the last few decades a new wave of immigrants, primarily from the Middle East, South Asia and Southeastern Europe, has dramatically changed the face and culture of this community.

What was once Polish is now ragheads. Lovely.
And the world continued turning and the sun still came up
For now. I don't expect a libtard such as yourself to be worried about the makers of this world being genocided.
Excuse me for not taking a warning from a complete retard like yourself seriously.
60 years ago completely Polish today almost completely Muslim..nope no ethnic genocide going on there...they don't have to KILL anyone,simply by forced replacement of the ethnic people already there is genocide.

Nope. Genocide has a specific meaning, and you can't change that all by yourself.
Not even in your dreams is it constitutional. Cutting off a hand for stealing a piece of gum is cruel and unusual punishment, outlawed by the what?... The CONSTITUTION.
Getting 1000 lashes for criticizing Islam is what? ... Say it with me: UNCONSTITUTIONAL. :lol:
Sharia law, like U.S. law, is divided into civil and criminal law.

The muslim city council could only vote on civil issues pertaining to the town........not criminal law or punishment. ...... :cool:
Oh, so they are going to pick and choose and aren't real muslims. Got it.

FYI, sharia isn't divisible, you either accept it or you don't.

Chapter 1: Beliefs About Sharia

Muslims differ widely as to whether sharia should be open to multiple understandings. While many say there is only one true interpretation, substantial percentages in most countries either say there are multiple interpretations or say they do not know.

so? the general population was polled? sheeeesh---that was a stupid idea

Probably, since getting people's real opinions doesn't help the propoganda.

ROFLMAO "people's real opinions" ----very significant. Let's ask every inebriated bum in the gutter what he thinks of the value of Sir Isaac Newton's
innovation ---CALCULUS
Sharia law, like U.S. law, is divided into civil and criminal law.

The muslim city council could only vote on civil issues pertaining to the town........not criminal law or punishment. ...... :cool:
Oh, so they are going to pick and choose and aren't real muslims. Got it.

FYI, sharia isn't divisible, you either accept it or you don't.

Chapter 1: Beliefs About Sharia

Muslims differ widely as to whether sharia should be open to multiple understandings. While many say there is only one true interpretation, substantial percentages in most countries either say there are multiple interpretations or say they do not know.

so? the general population was polled? sheeeesh---that was a stupid idea

Probably, since getting people's real opinions doesn't help the propoganda.

ROFLMAO "people's real opinions" ----very significant. Let's ask every inebriated bum in the gutter what he thinks of the value of Sir Isaac Newton's
innovation ---CALCULUS
Who should define sharia? Is it up to you?
Sunni Man continually shows his bias against American law. If that be the case, why the hell is he still living here? Perhaps we ought to pass the hat around to get him a one-way ticket to Iran.
I am not against American law per se.

The parts of the law that agree with Islamic teachings I support.......and only seek to change those laws which are at odds with Islam. ........ :cool:

So you agree that you are an anti-American cultist who seeks to destroy this nation and its constitution.

Most American Muslims are like most American Christians - the believe in the Constitution. I strongly suspect you'll find that with Sunni as well.

there are people who "BELIEVE IN THE CONSTITUTION" ?? I do not understand the statement -----they worship the constitution? They worship President Madison as a "god"????
So you agree that you are an anti-American cultist who seeks to destroy this nation and its constitution.
American jurisprudence has always been fluid and not static.

A hundred years ago women weren't allowed to vote......neither could both vote.

Homo marriage and open gays serving in the military was unthinkable just a couple of decades ago.

So it's not a stretch to envision that some aspects of Islamic law will be melded into American law sometime in the future. ...... :cool:

some aspects of Islamic law? like what? you envision a law legalizing
rape by muslim men upon non muslim women?
So you agree that you are an anti-American cultist who seeks to destroy this nation and its constitution.
American jurisprudence has always been fluid and not static.

A hundred years ago women weren't allowed to vote......neither could both vote.

Homo marriage and open gays serving in the military was unthinkable just a couple of decades ago.

So it's not a stretch to envision that some aspects of Islamic law will be melded into American law sometime in the future. ...... :cool:

some aspects of Islamic law? like what? you envision a law legalizing
rape by muslim men upon non muslim women?
You really need to relax
The muslim city council won't call it sharia law outright.

But the council's agenda will be in accordance with sharia law. ...... :cool:
They going to start by banning ham sandwiches? :D

they may outlaw PUBLIC EATING during Ramadan. You can be sure
churches and synagogues will not get BUILDING PERMITS------I am delighted---
build a wall around the developing shit hole and sentence prison reverts to islam
to live there forever
What makes you think that will happen? Is it the denial of permits to muslims by christian city councils?

you have some examples of bias? Denial of building permits is not at all uncommon in my city-------for just about any proposed building. Of course any
muslim denied will BLAME DA JOOOOOOOOS (or any kaffirin around)
Sterling Heights Planning Commission votes 9-0 to deny building Mosque
Lomita rejects plan to expand South Bay Islamic center

there's a couple. i'm sure i could find more, but if you want to do the work here's a nice site
Nationwide Anti-Mosque Activity

so why do you think that the city council in Hamtramck would start denying permits to anyone?

Oh---they are keeping records of every muslim denied a right to build? I got news for you-----building permits are denied for ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE in the USA
They going to start by banning ham sandwiches? :D

they may outlaw PUBLIC EATING during Ramadan. You can be sure
churches and synagogues will not get BUILDING PERMITS------I am delighted---
build a wall around the developing shit hole and sentence prison reverts to islam
to live there forever
What makes you think that will happen? Is it the denial of permits to muslims by christian city councils?

you have some examples of bias? Denial of building permits is not at all uncommon in my city-------for just about any proposed building. Of course any
muslim denied will BLAME DA JOOOOOOOOS (or any kaffirin around)
Sterling Heights Planning Commission votes 9-0 to deny building Mosque
Lomita rejects plan to expand South Bay Islamic center

there's a couple. i'm sure i could find more, but if you want to do the work here's a nice site
Nationwide Anti-Mosque Activity

so why do you think that the city council in Hamtramck would start denying permits to anyone?

Oh---they are keeping records of every muslim denied a right to build? I got news for you-----building permits are denied for ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE in the USA
You really should at least look at the site before discussing it
So you agree that you are an anti-American cultist who seeks to destroy this nation and its constitution.
American jurisprudence has always been fluid and not static.

A hundred years ago women weren't allowed to vote......neither could both vote.

Homo marriage and open gays serving in the military was unthinkable just a couple of decades ago.

So it's not a stretch to envision that some aspects of Islamic law will be melded into American law sometime in the future. ...... :cool:

some aspects of Islamic law? like what? you envision a law legalizing
rape by muslim men upon non muslim women?
You really need to relax

I am always relaxed------Long ago I was a bit out of shape----It was the 1971 civil
war between West and East Pakistan-----when muslim clerics issued an edict of
TAKFIR upon east Pakistani muslims making rape of not only the HINDU girls in
east Pakistan legal-----but also rape of muslim girls ----also legal. I was learning
lots about Islamic law back then-------I was working with lots of west Pakistani muslims.-----some indian but mostly west pakistani
So you agree that you are an anti-American cultist who seeks to destroy this nation and its constitution.
American jurisprudence has always been fluid and not static.

A hundred years ago women weren't allowed to vote......neither could both vote.

Homo marriage and open gays serving in the military was unthinkable just a couple of decades ago.

So it's not a stretch to envision that some aspects of Islamic law will be melded into American law sometime in the future. ...... :cool:

some aspects of Islamic law? like what? you envision a law legalizing
rape by muslim men upon non muslim women?
You really need to relax

I am always relaxed------Long ago I was a bit out of shape----It was the 1971 civil
war between West and East Pakistan-----when muslim clerics issued an edict of
TAKFIR upon east Pakistani muslims making rape of not only the HINDU girls in
east Pakistan legal-----but also rape of muslim girls ----also legal. I was learning
lots about Islamic law back then-------I was working with lots of west Pakistani muslims.-----some indian but mostly west pakistani
And you somehow believe that could happen here?
they may outlaw PUBLIC EATING during Ramadan. You can be sure
churches and synagogues will not get BUILDING PERMITS------I am delighted---
build a wall around the developing shit hole and sentence prison reverts to islam
to live there forever
What makes you think that will happen? Is it the denial of permits to muslims by christian city councils?

you have some examples of bias? Denial of building permits is not at all uncommon in my city-------for just about any proposed building. Of course any
muslim denied will BLAME DA JOOOOOOOOS (or any kaffirin around)
Sterling Heights Planning Commission votes 9-0 to deny building Mosque
Lomita rejects plan to expand South Bay Islamic center

there's a couple. i'm sure i could find more, but if you want to do the work here's a nice site
Nationwide Anti-Mosque Activity

so why do you think that the city council in Hamtramck would start denying permits to anyone?

Oh---they are keeping records of every muslim denied a right to build? I got news for you-----building permits are denied for ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE in the USA
You really should at least look at the site before discussing it

no thanks----I know the drill I have even attended some of the hearings
regarding objection to this and that building-------in one case I initiated an
objection and WON!!!! (it was not a mosque)
So you agree that you are an anti-American cultist who seeks to destroy this nation and its constitution.
American jurisprudence has always been fluid and not static.

A hundred years ago women weren't allowed to vote......neither could both vote.

Homo marriage and open gays serving in the military was unthinkable just a couple of decades ago.

So it's not a stretch to envision that some aspects of Islamic law will be melded into American law sometime in the future. ...... :cool:

some aspects of Islamic law? like what? you envision a law legalizing
rape by muslim men upon non muslim women?
You really need to relax

I am always relaxed------Long ago I was a bit out of shape----It was the 1971 civil
war between West and East Pakistan-----when muslim clerics issued an edict of
TAKFIR upon east Pakistani muslims making rape of not only the HINDU girls in
east Pakistan legal-----but also rape of muslim girls ----also legal. I was learning
lots about Islamic law back then-------I was working with lots of west Pakistani muslims.-----some indian but mostly west pakistani
And you somehow believe that could happen here?

why not?
What makes you think that will happen? Is it the denial of permits to muslims by christian city councils?

you have some examples of bias? Denial of building permits is not at all uncommon in my city-------for just about any proposed building. Of course any
muslim denied will BLAME DA JOOOOOOOOS (or any kaffirin around)
Sterling Heights Planning Commission votes 9-0 to deny building Mosque
Lomita rejects plan to expand South Bay Islamic center

there's a couple. i'm sure i could find more, but if you want to do the work here's a nice site
Nationwide Anti-Mosque Activity

so why do you think that the city council in Hamtramck would start denying permits to anyone?

Oh---they are keeping records of every muslim denied a right to build? I got news for you-----building permits are denied for ALL KINDS OF PEOPLE in the USA
You really should at least look at the site before discussing it

no thanks----I know the drill I have even attended some of the hearings
regarding objection to this and that building-------in one case I initiated an
objection and WON!!!! (it was not a mosque)
So you know these cases are unique and not just routine permit denials, right?

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