First Republican We Need To Vote Out!!!

Honestly, we NEED to get rid of these 2 DemoRATS first!


I imagine this hit was encouraged from Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwwwwd-d also.


Paul Ryan stated had Hillary Clinton won in 2008 instead of Barack Obama, they would have already had this fiscal mess fixed.

And this is the guy you want to get rid of. Sweet baby Jesus you people are stttttuuuuuppppiiiid-d.

Actually Rush has nothing to do with why we need Ryan gone.... The first reason is


And we only have to look at the Obomanations CHIEF Architect of ObumaCare and what he said to prove it's all smoke and mirrors!

Actually Rush has nothing to do with why we need Ryan gone.... The first reason is


And we only have to look at the Obomanations CHIEF Architect of ObumaCare and what he said to prove it's all smoke and mirrors!


Why don't you and Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwdddd-d come up with your own budget and deliver it to congress and see how far you get. Exactly what do you want to cut out of this budget that would make a substantial difference in it? Put up of STFU.


1. You can't DEFUND Obamacare leaving millions that were forced onto this plan without insurance overnight. Republicans could do this, but the odds of them getting elected to county dog catcher would be zero to none after they did it.
2. It does no good to send up 30 house bills to repeal Obamacare, with Obama sitting in the oval office with a veto pen.
3. It does no good to threaten to shut down the government. Been there, done that it only backfires on Republicans.
4. TO REPEAL Obamacare. Will take a Republican President, with Super Majorities in both houses. That's how we got Obamacare, that's the only way to get rid of it. Ted Cruz is lying to you when he says (he is going to repeal every single word of Obamacare.) He can't.
5. It does no good to read Green Eggs and Ham from the United States Senate floor.


What Ted Cruz Really Stands For | RealClearPolitics

Now to add insult to injury you Trumpet's are supporting a candidate in Trump that has supported more big spending liberal Democrat policies, than you can shake a stick at. So don't give me your smaller government, less spending bullshit rhetoric.
Donald Trump wants to replace Obamacare with a single-payer health care system, GOP congressman says
That Time Donald Trump Praised The Stimulus Package On Fox News
Last edited:
Actually Rush has nothing to do with why we need Ryan gone.... The first reason is


And we only have to look at the Obomanations CHIEF Architect of ObumaCare and what he said to prove it's all smoke and mirrors!


Why don't you and Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwdddd-d come up with your own budget and deliver it to congress and see how far you get. Exactly what do you want to cut out of this budget that would make a substantial difference in it?


1. You can't DEFUND Obamacare leaving millions that were forced onto this plan without insurance overnight. Republicans could do this, but the odds of them getting elected to county dog catcher would be zero to none after they did it.
2. It does no good to send up 30 house bills to repeal Obamacare, with Obama sitting in the oval office with a veto pen.
3. It does no good to threaten to shut down the government. Been there, done that it only backfires on Republicans.
4. TO REPEAL Obamacare. Will take a Republican President, with Super Majorities in both houses. That's how we got Obamacare, that's the only way to get rid of it, and the "repeal every single word of it," as Ted Cruz has often campaigned on. Frankly, he's lying to you.
5. It does no good to read Green Eggs and Ham from the United States Senate floor.


Probably because neither one of us is a politician, and would be arrested if we tried to get on the floor of the House trying to explain it to a bunch of bought and paid for politicians!
He said "until after the election is COMPLETED". It's not completed until the new president is sworn in.

The election is complete after election day.

The rest is the counting of results and swearing in the new office holders. But the election is complete once the ballots are cast.

I don't really see the functional difference. The results of the election will decide if they are going to go ahead with the nominations and I don't think for one second that congress would vote a nominee in if they were guaranteed to get a better deal in 2 months - do you?

True, but what if the results of the election meant that the party in power in the Senate no longer would be after Jan. 3?
Actually Rush has nothing to do with why we need Ryan gone.... The first reason is


And we only have to look at the Obomanations CHIEF Architect of ObumaCare and what he said to prove it's all smoke and mirrors!


Why don't you and Mr. Talent on loan from Gawwwdddd-d come up with your own budget and deliver it to congress and see how far you get. Exactly what do you want to cut out of this budget that would make a substantial difference in it?


1. You can't DEFUND Obamacare leaving millions that were forced onto this plan without insurance overnight. Republicans could do this, but the odds of them getting elected to county dog catcher would be zero to none after they did it.
2. It does no good to send up 30 house bills to repeal Obamacare, with Obama sitting in the oval office with a veto pen.
3. It does no good to threaten to shut down the government. Been there, done that it only backfires on Republicans.
4. TO REPEAL Obamacare. Will take a Republican President, with Super Majorities in both houses. That's how we got Obamacare, that's the only way to get rid of it, and the "repeal every single word of it," as Ted Cruz has often campaigned on. Frankly, he's lying to you.
5. It does no good to read Green Eggs and Ham from the United States Senate floor.


Probably because neither one of us is a politician, and would be arrested if we tried to get on the floor of the House trying to explain it to a bunch of bought and paid for politicians!

And of course the candidate you're supporting Donald Trump, has been buying off politicians for all of his life. This is the guy you're supporting.
He said "until after the election is COMPLETED". It's not completed until the new president is sworn in.

The election is complete after election day.

The rest is the counting of results and swearing in the new office holders. But the election is complete once the ballots are cast.

I don't really see the functional difference. The results of the election will decide if they are going to go ahead with the nominations and I don't think for one second that congress would vote a nominee in if they were guaranteed to get a better deal in 2 months - do you?

I could see a 4 possible different scenarios.

1. Dem President / Dem Senate
Worst case scenario for the GOP but a likely outcome (IMHO). If Trump gets the nomination, then I think Hillary will win the Oval Office. The GOP is seeing high turnout for the primaries because of the conflict, something not really there in the Dem primaries. However in the General Election with Hillary v. Trump you will have strong number coming out in the Dem side while the #nevertrump group stays home. If Trump doesn't get the nomination, then Trump will run a 3rd party and split the GOP - again with Hillary in the Oval Office.

With support for Hillary and high turnout in election years, there is an impact on down-ticked/down-ballot races. Someone shows up to vote for a parties President and then votes the rest of the ballot for that party.

Now you have a Dem President making a FAR left liberal nomination to a Dem Senate.​

2. Dem President / GOP Senate
Slightly better than #1 but still bad for the GOP. They are not going to get another Scalia type nomination out of a Dem President.​

3. GOP President / Dem Senate
Slightly better than #1 but still bad for the GOP. They are not going to get another Scalia type on the court as the Senate will not confirm them.​

4. GOP President / GOP Senate
Best case for the GOP but least likely to happen for the reasons sighted in #1. A GOP President nominating into a GOP Senate could get a Scalia type confirmed. Down side is that (IMHO) this is the least likily outcome of the election.​

I've got news for you; what we fondly refer to as the "conservative movement" is about to disappear or become a splinter party which will exist in only some of the state's.

Many if not most who call themselves conservatives have a very limited concept of what that is - as indicated by the Trump phenomenon - and if challenged (as it is being) to become a stand-alone party will cease to exist.

Personally I have voted Republican as a conservative since JFK and I've never felt so hopeless as now.

Yo, why didn`t you, the brain, explain when asked about Conservative? Only because you are a Moderate Republican! Keep feeling the way you do, Love It!!! And no, we Conservatives carry on, like the Tea Party, Media can`t get rid of us, so Good Luck!
Please clarify the statement underlined in your post above so that I'll know what you are talking about.
He said "until after the election is COMPLETED". It's not completed until the new president is sworn in.

The election is complete after election day.

The rest is the counting of results and swearing in the new office holders. But the election is complete once the ballots are cast.

I don't really see the functional difference. The results of the election will decide if they are going to go ahead with the nominations and I don't think for one second that congress would vote a nominee in if they were guaranteed to get a better deal in 2 months - do you?

True, but what if the results of the election meant that the party in power in the Senate no longer would be after Jan. 3?
If the present's party won the senate and the WH? There would be absolutely no way in hell that he would put up a nominee. He would let a congress that was his own party vet the nominee. That is why the republicans are playing with fire - if they lose both governmental checks on the supreme court nominees then the dems get to put whoever they want in there.

I wonder what happens to the current nominee though? I wonder if the senate could suddenly confirm him during the lame duck session or if Obama could withdraw the selection or if he even thinks there is a better candidate? Perhaps that is why they do not want to finish the confirmation with a rejection. Of course I could see the left filibustering such a move.
If the present's party won the senate and the WH? There would be absolutely no way in hell that he would put up a nominee. He would let a congress that was his own party vet the nominee. That is why the republicans are playing with fire - if they lose both governmental checks on the supreme court nominees then the dems get to put whoever they want in there.

I wonder what happens to the current nominee though? I wonder if the senate could suddenly confirm him during the lame duck session or if Obama could withdraw the selection or if he even thinks there is a better candidate? Perhaps that is why they do not want to finish the confirmation with a rejection. Of course I could see the left filibustering such a move.

There are three steps: Nomination, Advice and Consent, and Appoint.

If the Senate decides (because Hillary wins and will have a Dem Senate) to have a vote after the November elections. and they consent, then they notify the President that the nominee is acceptable. At that point the President can: (a) choose to appoint the nominee, or (b) withdraw the nominee and submit someone else. The new nominee would then be submitted to the Senate who would then have to go through a new Advise and Consent process.

If the present's party won the senate and the WH? There would be absolutely no way in hell that he would put up a nominee. He would let a congress that was his own party vet the nominee. That is why the republicans are playing with fire - if they lose both governmental checks on the supreme court nominees then the dems get to put whoever they want in there.

I wonder what happens to the current nominee though? I wonder if the senate could suddenly confirm him during the lame duck session or if Obama could withdraw the selection or if he even thinks there is a better candidate? Perhaps that is why they do not want to finish the confirmation with a rejection. Of course I could see the left filibustering such a move.

There are three steps: Nomination, Advice and Consent, and Appoint.

If the Senate decides (because Hillary wins and will have a Dem Senate) to have a vote after the November elections. and they consent, then they notify the President that the nominee is acceptable. At that point the President can: (a) choose to appoint the nominee, or (b) withdraw the nominee and submit someone else. The new nominee would then be submitted to the Senate who would then have to go through a new Advise and Consent process.

So that is a no then. Obama could simply not appoint him.
Yo, here is a traitor in the Conservative Movement, who needs another job, like ditch digging!!! Let`s see who the others are?

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination


Mar. 18, 2016 9:21 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Mark Kirk became the first Republican senator to break with party leaders and call for a vote on President Barack Obama's Supreme Court selection, saying Friday, "It's just man up and cast a vote."

The statement by Kirk, who faces a difficult re-election battle this fall in Democratic-leaning Illinois, came two days after Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy created by the February death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Garland, a Chicago native, is chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Kirk's stance directly contradicts the path charted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that most GOP senators have followed. McConnell has said for weeks that there will be no Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for any Obama nominee for the vacancy and no confirmation vote by the Senate.

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination

Sen. Mark Kirk Below:
View attachment 68051

If I had my choice the first Republicans to be voted out would be the ones who filibustered the bill that would take federal subsidies away from the mega-profitable Corporations who continue to ship jobs overseas while receiving those subsidies, hell they even deduct the cost of moving from their tax bill, which they minimize to the maximum by using the loopholes handed out to them by your representatives. So a business has a right to pursue profits, that's a given. What about facts like - These businesses have grown and prospered by utilizing all the infrastructure American taxpayers have funded over the years - The American consumer, while they still had a seat at the table of power and earned decent wages were on the whole loyal customers who made these companies profitable and rich - Many of these companies received subsidies from the American taxpayer while those companies became huge profit makers and and their CEO's went from earning 30X the average worker to 300X - while the American middle classes wages stagnated - But the mother of all insults inflicted on the American Taxpayer? How about the fact that they are the Venture Capitalists who invested in,and partially or wholly subsidized much of the technology that is the author of not just most of these companies golden bottom lines who are saying "Fuck you, American Worker, we go where we can pay slave labor wages!" Not just America's economy but the World's economy revolves around American taxpayer developed tech. Did you know that? Are you getting your royalty cheque every month from (just to scratch the surface, one example out of many) the Darpa R&D? (DARPA - Defense Advanced Research an Development Agency is of course wholly funded by you American taxpayer). Darpa research and development (translation: your R&D) is responsible partly or in whole for;

1) The Internet Although there are many individuals to whom the development of the net can be attributed, without DARPA it simply wouldn’t exist. The first host-to-host connection between PCs on the new Arpanet was established at 10.30pm on 29 October 1969, creating the world’s first fully operational packet-switching network. By December, a four-node network was up and running, the first email was sent across it in 1972, and people started referring to it as the internet in 1973.
2)Windows, the World Wide Web and videoconferencing The GUI that was the forerunner of Windows was Darpa developed. The oN-Line System was the brainchild of PC mouse inventor Douglas Engelbart, who in 1961 proposed to the director of information sciences of the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research to “develop a comprehensive framework for augmenting human intellect”. Oh yeah, the Mouse was one of the minor products of Darpa funded research.
3)Google Maps - In 1979, 30 years before Google Darpa funded some MIT students who demonstrated the roots of Google's street view complete with roof mounted camera's. If you ever wished you were an early investor in Google, guess what? You were.
4)Siri Yup, American taxpayers have a considerable stake in Apple too. COLA, Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes was funded by DARPA in order to develop better tools for soldiers in the field. The private company that was born out of that was bought by Apple in 2010.
5)GPS How many trillions upon trillions of dollars worth of business has this one Darpa/Taxpayer technology generated? What the fuck would the world do without it if the American Taxpayer foreclosed on it, demanded back royalty payments, sent its Repo Men to seize all the tech utilizing it? Or have you been reimbursed for the tax dollars? Have all the businesses that benefit from this list of tech said thanks?(and this is a tiny scratch on the surface, Darpa is responsible for trillions upon untold trillions worth of high-tech, then you have to get into other R&D contributors like NASA) Laughing....Laughing...that thanks has been every sort of plant closing all over America, and millions of jobs shipped to where oppressed peoples have to work under slave labor conditions for less than a buck an hour. I'm not pinning all this theft from Americans on just the Republicans but they have been the biggest and loudest boosters of Cut-throat Vulture Capitalism and some of the "conservative" posters on these boards have been happy to parrot the myth of the "job creators" and have been the biggest fanboys of lowering taxes on the top 1% who are the Princes of Thieves. I think a lot of you have awoke to the truth finally, that's why the revolt in the Party, why a human wrecking ball like Trump is cheered on while he demolishes the very foundations of the GOP. Hopefully out of the rubble something positive will emerge. And the most positive thing possible would be an electorate with the blinkers off and the Fox News filters removed. 'Til then the Corporatocracy is going to keep treating America like P.T. Barnum blowing through Smallville North Dakota after he's milked the local yokels for all they're worth. Or is there a line up of USMB "conservatives" waiting to explain why I'm so wrong? Ready to recite to me and lecture me on the CEO Mantra that his only, his one and only responsibility, is to maximize profits for his shareholders, only bound by what the laws permit. (Of course when his lobbyists have written those laws....) And if SCOTUS has decreed that his Corporation has all the rights of a person like you and me that doesn't mean it really is a person who can recognize that good citizens owe responsibilities to the society that has nurtured them. A Corporation has no conscience nudging it to moral behavior or the least imperative to acknowledge gratitude for services rendered or any inherent altruism to suggest foregoing the slightest percent of profit that might benefit victims of the carnivorous predatory practises coded into its DNA or LLB or INC LTD..
Yo, here is a traitor in the Conservative Movement, who needs another job, like ditch digging!!! Let`s see who the others are?

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination


Mar. 18, 2016 9:21 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Mark Kirk became the first Republican senator to break with party leaders and call for a vote on President Barack Obama's Supreme Court selection, saying Friday, "It's just man up and cast a vote."

The statement by Kirk, who faces a difficult re-election battle this fall in Democratic-leaning Illinois, came two days after Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy created by the February death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Garland, a Chicago native, is chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Kirk's stance directly contradicts the path charted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that most GOP senators have followed. McConnell has said for weeks that there will be no Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for any Obama nominee for the vacancy and no confirmation vote by the Senate.

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination

Sen. Mark Kirk Below:
View attachment 68051

If I had my choice the first Republicans to be voted out would be the ones who filibustered the bill that would take federal subsidies away from the mega-profitable Corporations who continue to ship jobs overseas while receiving those subsidies, hell they even deduct the cost of moving from their tax bill, which they minimize to the maximum by using the loopholes handed out to them by your representatives. So a business has a right to pursue profits, that's a given. What about facts like - These businesses have grown and prospered by utilizing all the infrastructure American taxpayers have funded over the years - The American consumer, while they still had a seat at the table of power and earned decent wages were on the whole loyal customers who made these companies profitable and rich - Many of these companies received subsidies from the American taxpayer while those companies became huge profit makers and and their CEO's went from earning 30X the average worker to 300X - while the American middle classes wages stagnated - But the mother of all insults inflicted on the American Taxpayer? How about the fact that they are the Venture Capitalists who invested in,and partially or wholly subsidized much of the technology that is the author of not just most of these companies golden bottom lines who are saying "Fuck you, American Worker, we go where we can pay slave labor wages!" Not just America's economy but the World's economy revolves around American taxpayer developed tech. Did you know that? Are you getting your royalty cheque every month from (just to scratch the surface, one example out of many) the Darpa R&D? (DARPA - Defense Advanced Research an Development Agency is of course wholly funded by you American taxpayer). Darpa research and development (translation: your R&D) is responsible partly or in whole for;

1) The Internet Although there are many individuals to whom the development of the net can be attributed, without DARPA it simply wouldn’t exist. The first host-to-host connection between PCs on the new Arpanet was established at 10.30pm on 29 October 1969, creating the world’s first fully operational packet-switching network. By December, a four-node network was up and running, the first email was sent across it in 1972, and people started referring to it as the internet in 1973.
2)Windows, the World Wide Web and videoconferencing The GUI that was the forerunner of Windows was Darpa developed. The oN-Line System was the brainchild of PC mouse inventor Douglas Engelbart, who in 1961 proposed to the director of information sciences of the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research to “develop a comprehensive framework for augmenting human intellect”. Oh yeah, the Mouse was one of the minor products of Darpa funded research.
3)Google Maps - In 1979, 30 years before Google Darpa funded some MIT students who demonstrated the roots of Google's street view complete with roof mounted camera's. If you ever wished you were an early investor in Google, guess what? You were.
4)Siri Yup, American taxpayers have a considerable stake in Apple too. COLA, Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes was funded by DARPA in order to develop better tools for soldiers in the field. The private company that was born out of that was bought by Apple in 2010.
5)GPS How many trillions upon trillions of dollars worth of business has this one Darpa/Taxpayer technology generated? What the fuck would the world do without it if the American Taxpayer foreclosed on it, demanded back royalty payments, sent its Repo Men to seize all the tech utilizing it? Or have you been reimbursed for the tax dollars? Have all the businesses that benefit from this list of tech said thanks?(and this is a tiny scratch on the surface, Darpa is responsible for trillions upon untold trillions worth of high-tech, then you have to get into other R&D contributors like NASA) Laughing....Laughing...that thanks has been every sort of plant closing all over America, and millions of jobs shipped to where oppressed peoples have to work under slave labor conditions for less than a buck an hour. I'm not pinning all this theft from Americans on just the Republicans but they have been the biggest and loudest boosters of Cut-throat Vulture Capitalism and some of the "conservative" posters on these boards have been happy to parrot the myth of the "job creators" and have been the biggest fanboys of lowering taxes on the top 1% who are the Princes of Thieves. I think a lot of you have awoke to the truth finally, that's why the revolt in the Party, why a human wrecking ball like Trump is cheered on while he demolishes the very foundations of the GOP. Hopefully out of the rubble something positive will emerge. And the most positive thing possible would be an electorate with the blinkers off and the Fox News filters removed. 'Til then the Corporatocracy is going to keep treating America like P.T. Barnum blowing through Smallville North Dakota after he's milked the local yokels for all they're worth. Or is there a line up of USMB "conservatives" waiting to explain why I'm so wrong? Ready to recite to me and lecture me on the CEO Mantra that his only, his one and only responsibility, is to maximize profits for his shareholders, only bound by what the laws permit. (Of course when his lobbyists have written those laws....) And if SCOTUS has decreed that his Corporation has all the rights of a person like you and me that doesn't mean it really is a person who can recognize that good citizens owe responsibilities to the society that has nurtured them. A Corporation has no conscience nudging it to moral behavior or the least imperative to acknowledge gratitude for services rendered or any inherent altruism to suggest foregoing the slightest percent of profit that might benefit victims of the carnivorous predatory practises coded into its DNA or LLB or INC LTD..

Yo, who controlled Congress and the Senate, when Obama was elected? I rest my case!

Trump leads the GOP to an electoral disaster, costing the GOP the Senate.

President Hillary appoints an even more liberal justice.

"Conservatives" who supported Trump blame the more liberal justice on RINOs and the establishment, not themselves.

It's pretty easy to see what's coming.
Yo, here is a traitor in the Conservative Movement, who needs another job, like ditch digging!!! Let`s see who the others are?

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination


Mar. 18, 2016 9:21 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Mark Kirk became the first Republican senator to break with party leaders and call for a vote on President Barack Obama's Supreme Court selection, saying Friday, "It's just man up and cast a vote."

The statement by Kirk, who faces a difficult re-election battle this fall in Democratic-leaning Illinois, came two days after Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy created by the February death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Garland, a Chicago native, is chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Kirk's stance directly contradicts the path charted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that most GOP senators have followed. McConnell has said for weeks that there will be no Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for any Obama nominee for the vacancy and no confirmation vote by the Senate.

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination

Sen. Mark Kirk Below:
View attachment 68051

Tell me what other republican can win in Illinois and i will join you. I support Kirk because he can keep the seat.
Yo, here is a traitor in the Conservative Movement, who needs another job, like ditch digging!!! Let`s see who the others are?

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination


Mar. 18, 2016 9:21 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Mark Kirk became the first Republican senator to break with party leaders and call for a vote on President Barack Obama's Supreme Court selection, saying Friday, "It's just man up and cast a vote."

The statement by Kirk, who faces a difficult re-election battle this fall in Democratic-leaning Illinois, came two days after Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy created by the February death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Garland, a Chicago native, is chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Kirk's stance directly contradicts the path charted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that most GOP senators have followed. McConnell has said for weeks that there will be no Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for any Obama nominee for the vacancy and no confirmation vote by the Senate.

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination

Sen. Mark Kirk Below:
View attachment 68051

Tell me what other republican can win in Illinois and i will join you. I support Kirk because he can keep the seat.

Yo, Kirk is A Moderate Democrat! I don`t care if he loses his seat, let him go find a job in this Obama Economy!!!

Yo, here is a traitor in the Conservative Movement, who needs another job, like ditch digging!!! Let`s see who the others are?

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination


Mar. 18, 2016 9:21 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Mark Kirk became the first Republican senator to break with party leaders and call for a vote on President Barack Obama's Supreme Court selection, saying Friday, "It's just man up and cast a vote."

The statement by Kirk, who faces a difficult re-election battle this fall in Democratic-leaning Illinois, came two days after Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy created by the February death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Garland, a Chicago native, is chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Kirk's stance directly contradicts the path charted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that most GOP senators have followed. McConnell has said for weeks that there will be no Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for any Obama nominee for the vacancy and no confirmation vote by the Senate.

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination

Sen. Mark Kirk Below:
View attachment 68051

If I had my choice the first Republicans to be voted out would be the ones who filibustered the bill that would take federal subsidies away from the mega-profitable Corporations who continue to ship jobs overseas while receiving those subsidies, hell they even deduct the cost of moving from their tax bill, which they minimize to the maximum by using the loopholes handed out to them by your representatives. So a business has a right to pursue profits, that's a given. What about facts like - These businesses have grown and prospered by utilizing all the infrastructure American taxpayers have funded over the years - The American consumer, while they still had a seat at the table of power and earned decent wages were on the whole loyal customers who made these companies profitable and rich - Many of these companies received subsidies from the American taxpayer while those companies became huge profit makers and and their CEO's went from earning 30X the average worker to 300X - while the American middle classes wages stagnated - But the mother of all insults inflicted on the American Taxpayer? How about the fact that they are the Venture Capitalists who invested in,and partially or wholly subsidized much of the technology that is the author of not just most of these companies golden bottom lines who are saying "Fuck you, American Worker, we go where we can pay slave labor wages!" Not just America's economy but the World's economy revolves around American taxpayer developed tech. Did you know that? Are you getting your royalty cheque every month from (just to scratch the surface, one example out of many) the Darpa R&D? (DARPA - Defense Advanced Research an Development Agency is of course wholly funded by you American taxpayer). Darpa research and development (translation: your R&D) is responsible partly or in whole for;

1) The Internet Although there are many individuals to whom the development of the net can be attributed, without DARPA it simply wouldn’t exist. The first host-to-host connection between PCs on the new Arpanet was established at 10.30pm on 29 October 1969, creating the world’s first fully operational packet-switching network. By December, a four-node network was up and running, the first email was sent across it in 1972, and people started referring to it as the internet in 1973.
2)Windows, the World Wide Web and videoconferencing The GUI that was the forerunner of Windows was Darpa developed. The oN-Line System was the brainchild of PC mouse inventor Douglas Engelbart, who in 1961 proposed to the director of information sciences of the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research to “develop a comprehensive framework for augmenting human intellect”. Oh yeah, the Mouse was one of the minor products of Darpa funded research.
3)Google Maps - In 1979, 30 years before Google Darpa funded some MIT students who demonstrated the roots of Google's street view complete with roof mounted camera's. If you ever wished you were an early investor in Google, guess what? You were.
4)Siri Yup, American taxpayers have a considerable stake in Apple too. COLA, Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes was funded by DARPA in order to develop better tools for soldiers in the field. The private company that was born out of that was bought by Apple in 2010.
5)GPS How many trillions upon trillions of dollars worth of business has this one Darpa/Taxpayer technology generated? What the fuck would the world do without it if the American Taxpayer foreclosed on it, demanded back royalty payments, sent its Repo Men to seize all the tech utilizing it? Or have you been reimbursed for the tax dollars? Have all the businesses that benefit from this list of tech said thanks?(and this is a tiny scratch on the surface, Darpa is responsible for trillions upon untold trillions worth of high-tech, then you have to get into other R&D contributors like NASA) Laughing....Laughing...that thanks has been every sort of plant closing all over America, and millions of jobs shipped to where oppressed peoples have to work under slave labor conditions for less than a buck an hour. I'm not pinning all this theft from Americans on just the Republicans but they have been the biggest and loudest boosters of Cut-throat Vulture Capitalism and some of the "conservative" posters on these boards have been happy to parrot the myth of the "job creators" and have been the biggest fanboys of lowering taxes on the top 1% who are the Princes of Thieves. I think a lot of you have awoke to the truth finally, that's why the revolt in the Party, why a human wrecking ball like Trump is cheered on while he demolishes the very foundations of the GOP. Hopefully out of the rubble something positive will emerge. And the most positive thing possible would be an electorate with the blinkers off and the Fox News filters removed. 'Til then the Corporatocracy is going to keep treating America like P.T. Barnum blowing through Smallville North Dakota after he's milked the local yokels for all they're worth. Or is there a line up of USMB "conservatives" waiting to explain why I'm so wrong? Ready to recite to me and lecture me on the CEO Mantra that his only, his one and only responsibility, is to maximize profits for his shareholders, only bound by what the laws permit. (Of course when his lobbyists have written those laws....) And if SCOTUS has decreed that his Corporation has all the rights of a person like you and me that doesn't mean it really is a person who can recognize that good citizens owe responsibilities to the society that has nurtured them. A Corporation has no conscience nudging it to moral behavior or the least imperative to acknowledge gratitude for services rendered or any inherent altruism to suggest foregoing the slightest percent of profit that might benefit victims of the carnivorous predatory practises coded into its DNA or LLB or INC LTD..

Yo, who controlled Congress and the Senate, when Obama was elected? I rest my case!

View attachment 68404

Yo, Rambo, What case? You've called Sen. Kirk, who has asked his colleagues to follow through on their sworn commitment to "support and defend the Constitution" a traitor for doing so. I could make a better case that those who dodge, or refuse to perform their constitutionally mandated duties are more a traitor than he is. Kissing Republican establishment ass is not a constitutional duty, you might enjoy it but the majority of Republicans have told the establishment, especially Mitch, to fuck off.
Check this out
[Push button for goofy smiling mitch!],
Yo, here is a traitor in the Conservative Movement, who needs another job, like ditch digging!!! Let`s see who the others are?

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination


Mar. 18, 2016 9:21 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Mark Kirk became the first Republican senator to break with party leaders and call for a vote on President Barack Obama's Supreme Court selection, saying Friday, "It's just man up and cast a vote."

The statement by Kirk, who faces a difficult re-election battle this fall in Democratic-leaning Illinois, came two days after Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy created by the February death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Garland, a Chicago native, is chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Kirk's stance directly contradicts the path charted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that most GOP senators have followed. McConnell has said for weeks that there will be no Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for any Obama nominee for the vacancy and no confirmation vote by the Senate.

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination

Sen. Mark Kirk Below:
View attachment 68051

If I had my choice the first Republicans to be voted out would be the ones who filibustered the bill that would take federal subsidies away from the mega-profitable Corporations who continue to ship jobs overseas while receiving those subsidies, hell they even deduct the cost of moving from their tax bill, which they minimize to the maximum by using the loopholes handed out to them by your representatives. So a business has a right to pursue profits, that's a given. What about facts like - These businesses have grown and prospered by utilizing all the infrastructure American taxpayers have funded over the years - The American consumer, while they still had a seat at the table of power and earned decent wages were on the whole loyal customers who made these companies profitable and rich - Many of these companies received subsidies from the American taxpayer while those companies became huge profit makers and and their CEO's went from earning 30X the average worker to 300X - while the American middle classes wages stagnated - But the mother of all insults inflicted on the American Taxpayer? How about the fact that they are the Venture Capitalists who invested in,and partially or wholly subsidized much of the technology that is the author of not just most of these companies golden bottom lines who are saying "Fuck you, American Worker, we go where we can pay slave labor wages!" Not just America's economy but the World's economy revolves around American taxpayer developed tech. Did you know that? Are you getting your royalty cheque every month from (just to scratch the surface, one example out of many) the Darpa R&D? (DARPA - Defense Advanced Research an Development Agency is of course wholly funded by you American taxpayer). Darpa research and development (translation: your R&D) is responsible partly or in whole for;

1) The Internet Although there are many individuals to whom the development of the net can be attributed, without DARPA it simply wouldn’t exist. The first host-to-host connection between PCs on the new Arpanet was established at 10.30pm on 29 October 1969, creating the world’s first fully operational packet-switching network. By December, a four-node network was up and running, the first email was sent across it in 1972, and people started referring to it as the internet in 1973.
2)Windows, the World Wide Web and videoconferencing The GUI that was the forerunner of Windows was Darpa developed. The oN-Line System was the brainchild of PC mouse inventor Douglas Engelbart, who in 1961 proposed to the director of information sciences of the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research to “develop a comprehensive framework for augmenting human intellect”. Oh yeah, the Mouse was one of the minor products of Darpa funded research.
3)Google Maps - In 1979, 30 years before Google Darpa funded some MIT students who demonstrated the roots of Google's street view complete with roof mounted camera's. If you ever wished you were an early investor in Google, guess what? You were.
4)Siri Yup, American taxpayers have a considerable stake in Apple too. COLA, Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes was funded by DARPA in order to develop better tools for soldiers in the field. The private company that was born out of that was bought by Apple in 2010.
5)GPS How many trillions upon trillions of dollars worth of business has this one Darpa/Taxpayer technology generated? What the fuck would the world do without it if the American Taxpayer foreclosed on it, demanded back royalty payments, sent its Repo Men to seize all the tech utilizing it? Or have you been reimbursed for the tax dollars? Have all the businesses that benefit from this list of tech said thanks?(and this is a tiny scratch on the surface, Darpa is responsible for trillions upon untold trillions worth of high-tech, then you have to get into other R&D contributors like NASA) Laughing....Laughing...that thanks has been every sort of plant closing all over America, and millions of jobs shipped to where oppressed peoples have to work under slave labor conditions for less than a buck an hour. I'm not pinning all this theft from Americans on just the Republicans but they have been the biggest and loudest boosters of Cut-throat Vulture Capitalism and some of the "conservative" posters on these boards have been happy to parrot the myth of the "job creators" and have been the biggest fanboys of lowering taxes on the top 1% who are the Princes of Thieves. I think a lot of you have awoke to the truth finally, that's why the revolt in the Party, why a human wrecking ball like Trump is cheered on while he demolishes the very foundations of the GOP. Hopefully out of the rubble something positive will emerge. And the most positive thing possible would be an electorate with the blinkers off and the Fox News filters removed. 'Til then the Corporatocracy is going to keep treating America like P.T. Barnum blowing through Smallville North Dakota after he's milked the local yokels for all they're worth. Or is there a line up of USMB "conservatives" waiting to explain why I'm so wrong? Ready to recite to me and lecture me on the CEO Mantra that his only, his one and only responsibility, is to maximize profits for his shareholders, only bound by what the laws permit. (Of course when his lobbyists have written those laws....) And if SCOTUS has decreed that his Corporation has all the rights of a person like you and me that doesn't mean it really is a person who can recognize that good citizens owe responsibilities to the society that has nurtured them. A Corporation has no conscience nudging it to moral behavior or the least imperative to acknowledge gratitude for services rendered or any inherent altruism to suggest foregoing the slightest percent of profit that might benefit victims of the carnivorous predatory practises coded into its DNA or LLB or INC LTD..

Yo, who controlled Congress and the Senate, when Obama was elected? I rest my case!

View attachment 68404

Yo, Rambo, What case? You've called Sen. Kirk, who has asked his colleagues to follow through on their sworn commitment to "support and defend the Constitution" a traitor for doing so. I could make a better case that those who dodge, or refuse to perform their constitutionally mandated duties are more a traitor than he is. Kissing Republican establishment ass is not a constitutional duty, you might enjoy it but the majority of Republicans have told the establishment, especially Mitch, to fuck off.
Check this out
[Push button for goofy smiling mitch!],

Yo, go back in time? The "Socialist Democrat Party" did the same thing when a Republican was in there!!!


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