First Republican We Need To Vote Out!!!

Yo, here is a traitor in the Conservative Movement, who needs another job, like ditch digging!!! Let`s see who the others are?

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination


Mar. 18, 2016 9:21 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Mark Kirk became the first Republican senator to break with party leaders and call for a vote on President Barack Obama's Supreme Court selection, saying Friday, "It's just man up and cast a vote."

The statement by Kirk, who faces a difficult re-election battle this fall in Democratic-leaning Illinois, came two days after Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy created by the February death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Garland, a Chicago native, is chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Kirk's stance directly contradicts the path charted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that most GOP senators have followed. McConnell has said for weeks that there will be no Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for any Obama nominee for the vacancy and no confirmation vote by the Senate.

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination

Sen. Mark Kirk Below:
View attachment 68051

Sure vote out the one that is following the constitution...

Where does it say in the Constitution that the Senate must rubber stamp all lame duck President's appointees? I must have missed that in all of my years of study.
Where is it written in the Constitution that the Senate must refuse to allow hearings and a vote on a Supreme Court nominee for purely partisan reasons.

Where is it written in the Constitution that a president's authority to make Supreme Court appointments is in any way mitigated or diminished because he's at a given point in his term.

Where is it written in the Constitution that Supreme Court appointments can't be made during an election year.

A majority of the voters re-elected the president in 2012 to a full four-year term, reflecting the will of the people, including the will of the people to make Supreme Court appointments – the will of the majority of the American people in effect until January 20, 2017, which is in the Constitution.

Yo, you might want to ask Joe Biden? He thinks he`s an expert!!! :boohoo:

Yo, here is a traitor in the Conservative Movement, who needs another job, like ditch digging!!! Let`s see who the others are?

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination


Mar. 18, 2016 9:21 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Mark Kirk became the first Republican senator to break with party leaders and call for a vote on President Barack Obama's Supreme Court selection, saying Friday, "It's just man up and cast a vote."

The statement by Kirk, who faces a difficult re-election battle this fall in Democratic-leaning Illinois, came two days after Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy created by the February death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Garland, a Chicago native, is chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Kirk's stance directly contradicts the path charted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that most GOP senators have followed. McConnell has said for weeks that there will be no Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for any Obama nominee for the vacancy and no confirmation vote by the Senate.

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination

Sen. Mark Kirk Below:
View attachment 68051
Not familiar with his constituents enough to know if he is supporting their wishes or not.
without that, I have no way to from a decision on his staying or going.
My personal choice would be that he is gone, however since I dont vote for him, not much I can do about it.
Yo, here is a traitor in the Conservative Movement, who needs another job, like ditch digging!!! Let`s see who the others are?

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination


Mar. 18, 2016 9:21 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Mark Kirk became the first Republican senator to break with party leaders and call for a vote on President Barack Obama's Supreme Court selection, saying Friday, "It's just man up and cast a vote."

The statement by Kirk, who faces a difficult re-election battle this fall in Democratic-leaning Illinois, came two days after Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy created by the February death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Garland, a Chicago native, is chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Kirk's stance directly contradicts the path charted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that most GOP senators have followed. McConnell has said for weeks that there will be no Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for any Obama nominee for the vacancy and no confirmation vote by the Senate.

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination

Sen. Mark Kirk Below:
View attachment 68051
He's a Republican senator in a democrat state. If he's voted out he will be replaced by a dem. Would the Republican Party or the conservative movement be better off in that case?

He may not be a completely reliable vote but the other way would be a complete loss of a Republican vote on a lot of otherwise important issues.
Yo, here is a traitor in the Conservative Movement, who needs another job, like ditch digging!!! Let`s see who the others are?

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination


Mar. 18, 2016 9:21 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Mark Kirk became the first Republican senator to break with party leaders and call for a vote on President Barack Obama's Supreme Court selection, saying Friday, "It's just man up and cast a vote."

The statement by Kirk, who faces a difficult re-election battle this fall in Democratic-leaning Illinois, came two days after Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy created by the February death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Garland, a Chicago native, is chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Kirk's stance directly contradicts the path charted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that most GOP senators have followed. McConnell has said for weeks that there will be no Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for any Obama nominee for the vacancy and no confirmation vote by the Senate.

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination

Sen. Mark Kirk Below:
View attachment 68051
He's a Republican senator in a democrat state. If he's voted out he will be replaced by a dem. Would the Republican Party or the conservative movement be better off in that case?

He may not be a completely reliable vote but the other way would be a complete loss of a Republican vote on a lot of otherwise important issues.

Yo, fine and dandy, let him run as a Democrat in a Democrat State! We don`t need Moderates in the Republican Party, period! We are not in the Old Days? We need to save this Country from a bunch of Mini Socialist trying to take what we have left, after Obama!!!

Nice try, asshole, but they're just following the Biden Rule.

Did you actually watch the video?

Biden called for hearings and a vote for a nominee after the November elections.

McConnell is saying no hearings or votes based on who the President is with no action at all until next year.

Those are two different things.


You can bet that Kirk has permission from McConnell to disagree because he is likely to loose his seat in November.

My McConnell taking the heat for dereliction of duty, Kirk and publicly disagree now.

Yo, here is a traitor in the Conservative Movement, who needs another job, like ditch digging!!! Let`s see who the others are?

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination


Mar. 18, 2016 9:21 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Mark Kirk became the first Republican senator to break with party leaders and call for a vote on President Barack Obama's Supreme Court selection, saying Friday, "It's just man up and cast a vote."

The statement by Kirk, who faces a difficult re-election battle this fall in Democratic-leaning Illinois, came two days after Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy created by the February death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Garland, a Chicago native, is chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Kirk's stance directly contradicts the path charted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that most GOP senators have followed. McConnell has said for weeks that there will be no Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for any Obama nominee for the vacancy and no confirmation vote by the Senate.

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination

Sen. Mark Kirk Below:
View attachment 68051
He's a Republican senator in a democrat state. If he's voted out he will be replaced by a dem. Would the Republican Party or the conservative movement be better off in that case?

He may not be a completely reliable vote but the other way would be a complete loss of a Republican vote on a lot of otherwise important issues.

Yo, fine and dandy, let him run as a Democrat in a Democrat State! We don`t need Moderates in the Republican Party, period! We are not in the Old Days? We need to save this Country from a bunch of Mini Socialist trying to take what we have left, after Obama!!!

View attachment 68107
I've got news for you; what we fondly refer to as the "conservative movement" is about to disappear or become a splinter party which will exist in only some of the state's.

Many if not most who call themselves conservatives have a very limited concept of what that is - as indicated by the Trump phenomenon - and if challenged (as it is being) to become a stand-alone party will cease to exist.

Personally I have voted Republican as a conservative since JFK and I've never felt so hopeless as now.
Nice try, asshole, but they're just following the Biden Rule.

Did you actually watch the video?

Biden called for hearings and a vote for a nominee after the November elections.

McConnell is saying no hearings or votes based on who the President is with no action at all until next year.

Those are two different things.


Yo, you are trying to be to technical? The Election Season? That means a New President, DAHHHHHHHH!!!


Yo, here is a traitor in the Conservative Movement, who needs another job, like ditch digging!!! Let`s see who the others are?

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination


Mar. 18, 2016 9:21 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Mark Kirk became the first Republican senator to break with party leaders and call for a vote on President Barack Obama's Supreme Court selection, saying Friday, "It's just man up and cast a vote."

The statement by Kirk, who faces a difficult re-election battle this fall in Democratic-leaning Illinois, came two days after Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy created by the February death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Garland, a Chicago native, is chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Kirk's stance directly contradicts the path charted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that most GOP senators have followed. McConnell has said for weeks that there will be no Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for any Obama nominee for the vacancy and no confirmation vote by the Senate.

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination

Sen. Mark Kirk Below:
View attachment 68051
He's a Republican senator in a democrat state. If he's voted out he will be replaced by a dem. Would the Republican Party or the conservative movement be better off in that case?

He may not be a completely reliable vote but the other way would be a complete loss of a Republican vote on a lot of otherwise important issues.

Yo, fine and dandy, let him run as a Democrat in a Democrat State! We don`t need Moderates in the Republican Party, period! We are not in the Old Days? We need to save this Country from a bunch of Mini Socialist trying to take what we have left, after Obama!!!

View attachment 68107
I've got news for you; what we fondly refer to as the "conservative movement" is about to disappear or become a splinter party which will exist in only some of the state's.

Many if not most who call themselves conservatives have a very limited concept of what that is - as indicated by the Trump phenomenon - and if challenged (as it is being) to become a stand-alone party will cease to exist.

Personally I have voted Republican as a conservative since JFK and I've never felt so hopeless as now.

Yo, why didn`t you, the brain, explain when asked about Conservative? Only because you are a Moderate Republican! Keep feeling the way you do, Love It!!! And no, we Conservatives carry on, like the Tea Party, Media can`t get rid of us, so Good Luck!

A Real Conservative running since Reagan, Mr. Conservative!!!
Don't worry, Tammy Duckworth is on her way to doing just what you wingnuts want.

Mark Kirk is this year's Mark Pryor.
If he votes with the Democrats he should change parties.
Nice try, asshole, but they're just following the Biden Rule.

Did you actually watch the video?

Biden called for hearings and a vote for a nominee after the November elections.

McConnell is saying no hearings or votes based on who the President is with no action at all until next year.

Those are two different things.


He said "until after the election is COMPLETED". It's not completed until the new president is sworn in.
If he votes with the Democrats he should change parties.
Nice try, asshole, but they're just following the Biden Rule.

Did you actually watch the video?

Biden called for hearings and a vote for a nominee after the November elections.

McConnell is saying no hearings or votes based on who the President is with no action at all until next year.

Those are two different things.


He said "until after the election is COMPLETED". It's not completed until the new president is sworn in.

No it isn't.
Did you actually watch the video?

Biden called for hearings and a vote for a nominee after the November elections.

McConnell is saying no hearings or votes based on who the President is with no action at all until next year.

Those are two different things.

Yo, you are trying to be to technical? The Election Season? That means a New President, DAHHHHHHHH!!!

I didn't say "The Election Season", I said November elections.

You could have just admitted that you hadn't you know.

"Mr. President, where the Nation should be treated to a consideration of constitutional philosophy, all it will get in such circumstances is partisan bickering and political posturing from both parties and from both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. As a result, it is my view that if a Supreme Court Justice resigns tomorrow, or within the next several weeks, or resigns at the end of the summer, President Bush should consider following the practice of a majority of his predecessors and not--and not--name a nominee until after the November election is completed."

He said "until after the election is COMPLETED". It's not completed until the new president is sworn in.

The election is complete after election day.

The rest is the counting of results and swearing in the new office holders. But the election is complete once the ballots are cast.

He said "until after the election is COMPLETED". It's not completed until the new president is sworn in.

The election is complete after election day.

The rest is the counting of results and swearing in the new office holders. But the election is complete once the ballots are cast.

No, it's over when the new president is sworn in. Sorry.
He said "until after the election is COMPLETED". It's not completed until the new president is sworn in.

The election is complete after election day.

The rest is the counting of results and swearing in the new office holders. But the election is complete once the ballots are cast.

I don't really see the functional difference. The results of the election will decide if they are going to go ahead with the nominations and I don't think for one second that congress would vote a nominee in if they were guaranteed to get a better deal in 2 months - do you?
Yo, here is a traitor in the Conservative Movement, who needs another job, like ditch digging!!! Let`s see who the others are?

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination


Mar. 18, 2016 9:21 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Mark Kirk became the first Republican senator to break with party leaders and call for a vote on President Barack Obama's Supreme Court selection, saying Friday, "It's just man up and cast a vote."

The statement by Kirk, who faces a difficult re-election battle this fall in Democratic-leaning Illinois, came two days after Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy created by the February death of Justice Antonin Scalia. Garland, a Chicago native, is chief judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

Kirk's stance directly contradicts the path charted by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that most GOP senators have followed. McConnell has said for weeks that there will be no Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for any Obama nominee for the vacancy and no confirmation vote by the Senate.

First GOP senator calls for vote on Garland court nomination

Sen. Mark Kirk Below:
View attachment 68051

Republicans would look pretty stupid for turning down a nominee that they fully supported for district court.

You know you're not going to win the Presidency--Trump and the Trumpet's have insured that's not going to happen. Hillary Clinton with 100% certainty will be the next POTUS.
Senators say they might confirm Obama's high court pick after election

So you better take the one you like, and have already approved of NOW. You may never get another chance at getting Garland. And a Scalia type nominee is never, ever going to happen.


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