First the FBI and now the CIA

At least if Hillary becomes president, one of the jobs journalists have will be greatly simplified. Every time there is a leak on Capitol Hill, it can be attributed to Hilly, instead of making it into a guessing game.

Journalists jobs are already simplified, as they are no longer journalists. Just propagandists.

Even propagandists must account for leaks of highly classified information.

Under a Hillary administration, 'accountability' is removed from the English language.

Who would be accountable, if and when WWIII breaks out after Hillary unilaterally starts yet another war or directs major new military actions in targeted areas?

50+ a few percent of our fellow indoctrinated and low information fellow electorate.
At least if Hillary becomes president, one of the jobs journalists have will be greatly simplified. Every time there is a leak on Capitol Hill, it can be attributed to Hilly, instead of making it into a guessing game.

Journalists jobs are already simplified, as they are no longer journalists. Just propagandists.

Even propagandists must account for leaks of highly classified information.

Under a Hillary administration, 'accountability' is removed from the English language.

Who would be accountable, if and when WWIII breaks out after Hillary unilaterally starts yet another war or directs major new military actions in targeted areas?

50+ a few percent of our fellow indoctrinated and low information fellow electorate.

Not necessarily... Trump is almost as likely to start WWIII as Hillary. We have to vote for either Hildy or Trump. How can the voters be guilty? What can we possibly do at this point? Marches on Washington have little to no effect. Civil disobedience doesn't work anymore, because the police come down on them like a ton of bricks. And nobody desires riots.

Ever since Bush Jr. came in, new presidents have wanted to look powerful to the world by starting at least one unprovoked war. I hope it will, but I do not believe that trend will end.

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