First thing the new temporary speaker does?

Spineless Kevin had the speakers office.

Still does as far as we know.
I have to admit you're right. He did move into the speakers office.

Last non-spineless thing he did.

The new guy should have left Nancy the bigger space. She'll need room for the respirator, the changing table, the crash cart, etc.

He's Kevin's handpicked man, so hopefully won't be acting speaker long.
Rude. I bet you if Pelosi responded with a curt "no" that he would just say "ok" and move on. American politics is fascinating really, it has changed significantly over the years. These politicians have power They are literally dying while in office.
They're changing the locks, so she doesn't have that choice.
The first thing the new spraker should do is file to remove Garland and Mayorkas.

Those 2 NAZIS have damaged this country TREMENDOUSLY.
Claim a bigger office.

LOL, talk about having your priorities fucked up. All the shit that's going on up there and this is his biggest concern?

This guy is living proof that republicans can't govern.

She's attending Feinstein's funeral, not even in DC at the moment.
True, the email must of took a whole minute to write. Elections have consquences,

But Nancy Pelosi has class.

"Office space doesn't matter to me, but it seems to be important to them. Now that the new Republican Leadership has settled this important matter, let's hope they get to work on what's truly important for the American people."
yes, she has class ….
That's sadly funny from a guy who'll only be temporary Speaker for a very short time. NaziCons are evil.
So, having a person move to another office is now evil? explain how it is evil to move a person to another office?

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