First thing the new temporary speaker does?

Claim a bigger office.

LOL, talk about having your priorities fucked up. All the shit that's going on up there and this is his biggest concern?

This guy is living proof that republicans can't govern.

She's attending Feinstein's funeral, not even in DC at the moment.

Give the guy a break, this is literally the only thing he has the power to do. No other business can be conducted till there is an official Speaker.
That's sadly funny from a guy who'll only be temporary Speaker for a very short time. NaziCons are evil.

We’ll be finding out soon if he can take it as well as he dishes it out. Nancy Pelosi is light years more intelligent than that panty waste, so she will easily make his life fun when the time comes.
Weren't they supposed to vacate those offices nine months ago? Why did they take those offices to begin with? Probably because they wanted to be important? Pelosi and Hoyer needed big offices so people would fear them?

Nope, there are multiple larger offices and traditionally the outgoing Speaker was allowed to stay in one of them.

But, we used to have adults in Congress.
We’ll be finding out soon if he can take it as well as he dishes it out. Nancy Pelosi is light years more intelligent than that panty waste, so she will easily make his life fun when the time comes.
What the hell is a "panty waste"?
She was supposed to be out months ago. Whats the big deal?
It seems to be more of a big deal to Republicans than Pelosi....I mean, it aint like she was the one who became the first person in US history ousted by her own party as speaker

"Pelosi added in her statement that the “eviction is a sharp departure from tradition,” saying: “As Speaker, I gave former Speaker Hastert a significantly larger suite of offices for as long as he wished.”

“Office space doesn’t matter to me, but it seems to be important to them,” she said. “Now that the new Republican Leadership has settled this important matter, let’s hope they get to work on what’s truly important for the American people.”

By the way, this 4ft little man is 47 years old......bawahahaha.....a fucking dweeb, couldn't even evict her in her face...I swear Republicans are pussies...
She conspired with McConnell, the CIA, and the FBI to make it happen.
Trump, and the Capital police tried to prevent it from happening and Nancy Pelosi prevented them from making sure it didn't happen.
Instead Pelosi made sure it happened.
That's the only reason she had her daughter filming her when it happened.
Because she made sure it happened.
Simple as that.
made happen what?

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