First Twitter, now LinkedIn: Harvard Med professor censored for contrarian COVID posts

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
People who utter "the science is settled" don't really believe in science; they believe in dogma. When dissenting voices are stifled it can have dangerous consequences and Big Tech continues to be complicit.

"The point is not whether a minority viewpoint is right," bioethics professor Jonathan Darrow, who cowrote a journal article with Kulldorff last year, wrote in an email. If such views are silenced, "public health options may be closed off prematurely, matters may be erroneously believed to be settled, and needed research may never be conducted."

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Our ancestors knew we were headed for the crapper. . . I can't believe the left, or the right will deny, we are living in a police state now.

. . . it is only going to get worse, from here on out.

. . . and folks told me I was a nutter for warning you all. :rolleyes:


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