First World Feminists: Air-Conditioning Is ‘Sexist’

When people complain it is too cold, i just tell can put on more clothes or I can take mine off...which do you prefer?

The flakes come out of the woodwork like cockroaches scuttling after crumbs.

In an Afghan village, terrorists throw acid on little girls’ faces, poison their water, and hurl grenades into their classrooms to stop them from going to school. In an American office, some women are a little chilly. For first world radical feminists, the latter issue takes precedence, especially in the scorching summer heat.

Yesterday, Atlantic staff writer Taylor Lorenz tweeted that air-conditioning is “unhealthy, bad, miserable, and sexist,” bringing attention to a feminist movement against air-conditioning. That’s right, a miraculous wonder of technology that allows people to settle in sweltering climates is now “an engine of the patriarchy.”

And a/cs remove moisture from the air so people, especially women, have to buy moisturizes manufactured by male-dominated labs.

For employers, these findings mean that by insisting on the subzero fridges you call cubicles, not only are you making half your employees miserable, you are also sacrificing productivity.

And the piece goes on and on in a like manner @ First World Feminists: Air-Conditioning Is ‘Sexist’

Such a load of vaporish, melodramatic tripe, any way you look at it. I work in an office full of nothing but females, and I'm STILL cold most of the time. It's almost like humans are individuals, or some shit.

I don't see your point. We are talking about females. Not humans.

We're humans, dear. We're just the 2.0 version that adds all the extra features upgrading from the more basic "Male" model. :D
AC is definitely sexist. Consider- the majority of building superintendents are male (women don’t like fixing stuff), and they keep the building cold in the summer when women generally wear lighter blouse. This cause the females nipples to become hard, and guys like that. See, total sexist.

Shut UP! You're not supposed to give away the keys like that! :mad:

You didn't really think you guys were being sneaky and keeping this a secret from us, did you? Maybe teach the younger guys not to stare and drool, if that was your goal. Not exactly subtle.
AC is definitely sexist. Consider- the majority of building superintendents are male (women don’t like fixing stuff), and they keep the building cold in the summer when women generally wear lighter blouse. This cause the females nipples to become hard, and guys like that. See, total sexist.

Shut UP! You're not supposed to give away the keys like that! :mad:

You didn't really think you guys were being sneaky and keeping this a secret from us, did you? Maybe teach the younger guys not to stare and drool, if that was your goal. Not exactly subtle.

We like the high beams. :04:
AC is definitely sexist. Consider- the majority of building superintendents are male (women don’t like fixing stuff), and they keep the building cold in the summer when women generally wear lighter blouse. This cause the females nipples to become hard, and guys like that. See, total sexist.

Shut UP! You're not supposed to give away the keys like that! :mad:

You didn't really think you guys were being sneaky and keeping this a secret from us, did you? Maybe teach the younger guys not to stare and drool, if that was your goal. Not exactly subtle.

We like the high beams. :04:

And I have no particular objection, since WE like being able to mind-control men so easily. :eusa_angel: Just pointing out that none of this was exactly James Bond, Agent 007 stuff. We knew.

On the other hand, have you ever noticed that when your woman wants to ask you for something, the house is suspiciously a little bit colder than usual? :D
actually, Air conditioning is an easy solution to a tough problem.

it's hot in here


it's not hot in here
AC is definitely sexist. Consider- the majority of building superintendents are male (women don’t like fixing stuff), and they keep the building cold in the summer when women generally wear lighter blouse. This cause the females nipples to become hard, and guys like that. See, total sexist.

Shut UP! You're not supposed to give away the keys like that! :mad:

You didn't really think you guys were being sneaky and keeping this a secret from us, did you? Maybe teach the younger guys not to stare and drool, if that was your goal. Not exactly subtle.

We like the high beams. :04:

And I have no particular objection, since WE like being able to mind-control men so easily. :eusa_angel: Just pointing out that none of this was exactly James Bond, Agent 007 stuff. We knew.

On the other hand, have you ever noticed that when your woman wants to ask you for something, the house is suspiciously a little bit colder than usual? :D

Usually with me it was a nice big meal..and then here it comes! :auiqs.jpg:
My house is set 79 Winter and Summer.
I must be getting old but I now wear a light wool, long-sleeved shirt to try to fend off the cold air from the A/C.

Many places are kept cold to fight germs and infections.
Funny thing about this is my work has a girl floor and a boy floor. The ladies keep their AC set in the 76-78 range and complain it is chilly; the boy floor is 68 and people often wear shorts and tshirts and complain it is still hot. In the winter, the ladies keep it still 76-78 and complain it is cold. the boys heat doesn't even come on until 63 or 65 cause we like it nippy.

where the hell do you work?

Hens R' Us.

The ground floor is where all the secretaries, bookkeepers, etc are which is why it is populated with women
3 Helpful Tips For The Suffering Feminists Who Are Being Persecuted By Air Conditioning


Share this with all your female friends and coworkers.

1. Wear a sweater – simple, isn’t it!

2. Dress appropriately

3. Thank God that you live in such comfort and luxury that you have the time and energy to complain about something like this. - think of the uncounted millions who have no idea what air conditioning is.

Explanations @ WALSH: 3 Helpful Tips For The Suffering Feminists Who Are Being Persecuted By Air Conditioning

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