FISA Court Rebukes FBI for Committing Abuses, Violating Laws / Constitutional Rights


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
FISA court slams FBI over surveillance applications, in rare public order

'In a rare public order Tuesday, the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court strongly criticized the FBI over its surveillance-application process, giving the bureau until Jan. 10 to come up with solutions, in the wake of findings from Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.'

Allowing the FBI to police themselves after they just committed the worst scandal in US history? WF?
FISA court slams FBI over surveillance applications, in rare public order

'In a rare public order Tuesday, the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court strongly criticized the FBI over its surveillance-application process, giving the bureau until Jan. 10 to come up with solutions, in the wake of findings from Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.'

Allowing the FBI to police themselves after they just committed the worst scandal in US history? WF?
The FISA COURT NEEDS TO DO MORE THAN REBUKE. They were defrauded. Either they do something about it, or we are going to Abolish The FISA COURT.

This tells me that judges on THE FISA COURT are Corrupt but had to say something because they have painted themselves in to a corner. Either they were in on it, or they should be coming out guns blazing to take these Mo Fos down. Their soft response tells me there is Corruption in The FISA Court.

Three years of this, and they issue a rebuke? Why not drop The HAMMER on the Offenders?
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FISA court slams FBI over surveillance applications, in rare public order

'In a rare public order Tuesday, the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court strongly criticized the FBI over its surveillance-application process, giving the bureau until Jan. 10 to come up with solutions, in the wake of findings from Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.'

Allowing the FBI to police themselves after they just committed the worst scandal in US history? WF?
They have until January 10 to come up with solutions. That doesn't mean the Court has to find them sufficient. (They better be sufficient).

This is, in no way, giving the FBI a pass. It's the exact opposite.

FISA court slams FBI over surveillance applications, in rare public order

'In a rare public order Tuesday, the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court strongly criticized the FBI over its surveillance-application process, giving the bureau until Jan. 10 to come up with solutions, in the wake of findings from Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.'

Allowing the FBI to police themselves after they just committed the worst scandal in US history? WF?
They have until January 10 to come up with solutions. That doesn't mean the Court has to find them sufficient. (They better be sufficient).

This is, in no way, giving the FBI a pass. It's the exact opposite.

They Better be More Than "Sufficient" they better be Punitive, and Better be a Reigning in, if not out right Abolishing of THE SURVEILLANCE STATE.
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...I'll put it this way. The LAST thing I would EVER want is for a Court to demand that I make sweeping changes to my process, TO THE COURT'S SATISFACTION.

That is nothing worse than the Court forcing the FBI to take self-imposed measures well beyond a typical punishment.

It's not good for the FBI.

...punish yourself. And if you don't do it good enough (you won't) I will punish you further.

That's what the Court just did.

...punish yourself. And if you don't do it good enough (you won't) I will punish you further.

That's what the Court just did.


I don't want to punish the FBI for a good faith effort at protecting the US. However, the temptation is too great to spy for political purposes. Look at the Trump campaign and "Operation Crossfire Hurricane" as Exhibit-A. IMHO we need a quick independent verification agency to independently verify the FISA applications. Say that the NSA and/or an appointee from the party not in the WH need to sign-off on the warrant as "independently verified".
That sanctimonious turd Comey looks like shit.

But where are the Contempt of Court citations and referrals for disbarment out of this suck-ass FISA court?
That sanctimonious turd Comey looks like shit.

But where are the Contempt of Court citations and referrals for disbarment out of this suck-ass FISA court?
Comey will be on some Left Tard cable channel tonight saying how The FISA COURT calling him an Asshole is a Vindication of his being Victimized all these long years where he was getting kicked around.

And then he will come out and say, well, "You aren't going to have James Comey to kick around anymore," and promptly jump out of a window!
FISA court slams FBI over surveillance applications, in rare public order

'In a rare public order Tuesday, the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court strongly criticized the FBI over its surveillance-application process, giving the bureau until Jan. 10 to come up with solutions, in the wake of findings from Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.'

Allowing the FBI to police themselves after they just committed the worst scandal in US history? WF?
The FISA COURT NEEDS TO DO MORE THAN REBUKE. They were defrauded. Either they do something about it, or we are going to Abolish The FISA COURT.

This tells me that judges on THE FISA COURT are Corrupt but had to say something because they have painted themselves in to a corner. Either they were in on it, or they should be coming out guns blazing to take these Mo Fos down. Their soft response tells me there is Corruption in The FISA Court.

Three years of this, and they issue a rebuke? Why not drop The HAMMER on the Offenders?

I don't think they have a hammer to drop . About all they can do is not grant warrants in future. I don't think they have any enforcement authority at all, that will have to come from the AG, ie Barr and or some of his federal attorneys.
FISA court slams FBI over surveillance applications, in rare public order

'In a rare public order Tuesday, the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court strongly criticized the FBI over its surveillance-application process, giving the bureau until Jan. 10 to come up with solutions, in the wake of findings from Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.'

Allowing the FBI to police themselves after they just committed the worst scandal in US history? WF?
The FISA COURT NEEDS TO DO MORE THAN REBUKE. They were defrauded. Either they do something about it, or we are going to Abolish The FISA COURT.

This tells me that judges on THE FISA COURT are Corrupt but had to say something because they have painted themselves in to a corner. Either they were in on it, or they should be coming out guns blazing to take these Mo Fos down. Their soft response tells me there is Corruption in The FISA Court.

Three years of this, and they issue a rebuke? Why not drop The HAMMER on the Offenders?

I don't think they have a hammer to drop . About all they can do is not grant warrants in future. I don't think they have any enforcement authority at all, that will have to come from the AG, ie Barr and or some of his federal attorneys.
So they can give the FBI the POWER to violate people's Constitutional Rights, but they have NO POWER to DEMAND anything of THE FBI? OR HOLD ANYONE ACCOUNTABLE?

Sorta strange, don't you think?

Seems like an organization that should be SHIT CANNED.
FISA court slams FBI over surveillance applications, in rare public order

'In a rare public order Tuesday, the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court strongly criticized the FBI over its surveillance-application process, giving the bureau until Jan. 10 to come up with solutions, in the wake of findings from Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.'

Allowing the FBI to police themselves after they just committed the worst scandal in US history? WF?
The FISA COURT NEEDS TO DO MORE THAN REBUKE. They were defrauded. Either they do something about it, or we are going to Abolish The FISA COURT.

This tells me that judges on THE FISA COURT are Corrupt but had to say something because they have painted themselves in to a corner. Either they were in on it, or they should be coming out guns blazing to take these Mo Fos down. Their soft response tells me there is Corruption in The FISA Court.

Three years of this, and they issue a rebuke? Why not drop The HAMMER on the Offenders?

I don't think they have a hammer to drop . About all they can do is not grant warrants in future. I don't think they have any enforcement authority at all, that will have to come from the AG, ie Barr and or some of his federal attorneys.
So they can give the FBI the POWER to violate people's Constitutional Rights, but they have NO POWER to DEMAND anything of THE FBI? OR HOLD ANYONE ACCOUNTABLE?

Sorta strange, don't you think?

Seems like an organization that should be SHIT CANNED.

Not really. Maybe they can piss and moan and prefer stuff to the AG for prosecution. Actually they've been caught up in misfeasance or at least non feasance themselves and someone should be digging into their shit too. At least kick some asses off the FISA court.
The FISA court is very secretive...its very possible that the judge involved is taking action that we are not privy to...if not...if this bullshit is okay with the court then we must redo the FISA process completely....before they use it against us to take our rights away...
FISA court slams FBI over surveillance applications, in rare public order

'In a rare public order Tuesday, the chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court strongly criticized the FBI over its surveillance-application process, giving the bureau until Jan. 10 to come up with solutions, in the wake of findings from Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz.'

Allowing the FBI to police themselves after they just committed the worst scandal in US history? WF?
They have until January 10 to come up with solutions. That doesn't mean the Court has to find them sufficient. (They better be sufficient).

This is, in no way, giving the FBI a pass. It's the exact opposite.

Time to throw Comey under the bus or on it ... either is OK with me:

We need a time out in the FISA court surveillance state so we can get it right this time....if a treasonous crumb like Obama can bastardize the process it needs to be fixed.....and fast....everyone should be able to agree on that....
...I'll put it this way. The LAST thing I would EVER want is for a Court to demand that I make sweeping changes to my process, TO THE COURT'S SATISFACTION.

That is nothing worse than the Court forcing the FBI to take self-imposed measures well beyond a typical punishment.

It's not good for the FBI.


I think our public officials should be held to the same standards as the citizens. What would happen to a local DA who filed a false application for surveillance on a suspect?
The FISA Court declared in this rebuke of the FBI that their intentional abuse in their going after Trump and his team was so massive and so frequent that they now wonder if ANY of their FISA requests were legitimate / valid.

This was a HUGE hit on the integrity, honesty, and trustworthiness of the ENTIRE FBI.

As a result of this scandal several politicians are considering terminating the FISA Court. As it stands now the FBI can not be trusted and the FISA Court was shown to be easily manipulated and abused to illegally violate Constitutional Right of Americans and to target a political opponent in an election / the President and his team.

This was the biggest scandal in US history and the biggest violation of Americans by a branch of the US govt. The potential loss of the FISA Court due to this criminal betrayal by the FBI is possibly a huge blow to our national security...

...but allowing the FISA Court to continue to be used by anyone in such a criminal manner as a political weapon or to violate the rights and privacy of US citizens is equally a threat to this country.

The FISA Court is pissed and is demanding the FBI release documents and to provide proof that the FBI can once again be trusted, will never commit such FISA Court abuses, and will never again betray and victimize the American people.

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