FISA Court: The FBI Violated The Patriot Act, Illegally Spied On Americans 278,000 Times In 2021 Alone


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

'The FBI improperly used warrantless search powers against U.S. citizens more than 278,000 times in the year ending November 2021, according to an unsealed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) filing.'

The FBI'S response?

"As Director Wray has made clear, the errors described in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court’s opinion are completely unacceptable.

"As a result of the audits that revealed these instances of noncompliance, the FBI changed its querying procedures to make sure these errors do not happen again.

Wow, Deja Vu.....this sounds ALMOST EXACTLY like the FBI's response to Durham exposing and officially reporting on the FBI's TREASON during Hillary's Hoax!

'The ERRORS described in the Durham report are unacceptible; however, the FBI has already taken steps to ensure this bever happens again.'

No remorse, no contrition, no apology.

'Treason duly noted, corrctiins taken, MOVING ON!'

The fact that they use the term 'ERRORS' - 278,000 OF THEM - instead of using the terms 'CRIME', 'CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATION', or 'TREASON'shows they accept / acknowledge no criminality in their actions.

It proves the Criminal, Treasonous FBI gas ZERO respect / disregard for the Constitution and rule of law.

The fact that the FBI just filed a Congressional report admitting they are STILL doing it proves they have NO INTENTION OF STOPPING!

To hell with Impeaching these pathological criminals and hell with sending them to prison. These sons of bitches need to be sent to Gitmo and forgotten about or either publicly lined up and shot!


It all starts right there, the Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans" and all the effort to cover up the truth.

The W supporters who supported

Dept of Homeland Security
Socializing senior drugs
porking out $1 trillion to public education with no provision for vouchers
making "Osama" not a priority
siding with Taliban over The Northern Alliance in Afghan

are not conservative or patriotic to America at all. They are disgusting sub human imbeciles.


and Traitor Joe's hijacked 2020 election was all about COVERING UP 911, Global Warming and other things Zionist Fascism is behind
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'The FBI improperly used warrantless search powers against U.S. citizens more than 278,000 times in the year ending November 2021, according to an unsealed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) filing.'

The FBI'S response?

"As Director Wray has made clear, the errors described in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court’s opinion are completely unacceptable.

"As a result of the audits that revealed these instances of noncompliance, the FBI changed its querying procedures to make sure these errors do not happen again.'

Wow, Deja Vu.....this sounds ALMOST EXACTLY like the FBI's response to Durham exposing and officially reporting on the FBI's TREASON during Hillary's Hoax!

'The ERRORS described in the Durham report are unacceptible; however, the FBI has already taken steps to ensure this bever happens again.'

No remorse, no contrition, no apology.

'Treason duly noted, corrctiins taken, MOVING ON!'

The fact that they use the term 'ERRORS' - 278,000 OF THEM - instead of using the terms 'CRIME', 'CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATION', or 'TREASON'shows they accept / acknowledge no criminality in their actions.

It proves the Criminal, Treasonous FBI gas ZERO respect / disregard for the Constitution and rule of law.

The fact that the FBI just filed a Congressional report admitting they are STILL doing it proves they have NO INTENTION OF STOPPING!

To hell with Impeaching these pathological criminals and hell with sending them to prison. These sons of bitches need to be sent to Gitmo and forgotten about or either publicly lined up and shot!


nothing to see here.

It's been resolved
FISA judges knew they have been lied to and did NOTHING!

FISA judges are in on it!

Every aspect of our gov't is corrupt.

FISA Judges called all 3 FBI Directors before them on these 'errors'. They reported it to the FBI & to corrupt US AGs who WERE 'in on it'.

What else were they supposed to do? Bring it to the people?

The people now know the FBI has broken laws and have illegally spied on Americans literally
HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF TIMES ... and snowflakes, bots, and trolls STILL defend them because 'their side / party' is doing it.
But the FBI is very contrite about it. They probably won’t ever do it again.

FBI abused surveillance tool against :dunno: George Floyd protesters, Jan. 6 suspects, filing shows

Interesting how the feds hunted down conservatives for a year to put them in prison but made no effort to track down / arrest BLM domestic terrorists and thugs who looted, burned, destroyed, assaulted, and murdered to the cost of BILLIONS of dollars in the name of George Floyd....
To Democrat Supporters:

Is violating the Constitution, defrauding the FISA Court, and illegally spying on Americans HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF TIMES

1. Acceptible?

2. Punishable?
Many who warned the PA would eventually be used against us back when it was legislated were painted conspirator theorists.......~S~
Many who warned the PA would eventually be used against us back when it was legislated were painted conspirator theorists.......~S~

'Conspiracy Theorists l' / 'Conspiracies'....yet eventually proven true.

Interesting. Seems to be a common theme...
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'The FBI improperly used warrantless search powers against U.S. citizens more than 278,000 times in the year ending November 2021, according to an unsealed Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) filing.'

The FBI'S response?

"As Director Wray has made clear, the errors described in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court’s opinion are completely unacceptable.

"As a result of the audits that revealed these instances of noncompliance, the FBI changed its querying procedures to make sure these errors do not happen again.'

Wow, Deja Vu.....this sounds ALMOST EXACTLY like the FBI's response to Durham exposing and officially reporting on the FBI's TREASON during Hillary's Hoax!

'The ERRORS described in the Durham report are unacceptible; however, the FBI has already taken steps to ensure this bever happens again.'

No remorse, no contrition, no apology.

'Treason duly noted, corrctiins taken, MOVING ON!'

The fact that they use the term 'ERRORS' - 278,000 OF THEM - instead of using the terms 'CRIME', 'CONSTITUTIONAL VIOLATION', or 'TREASON'shows they accept / acknowledge no criminality in their actions.

It proves the Criminal, Treasonous FBI gas ZERO respect / disregard for the Constitution and rule of law.

The fact that the FBI just filed a Congressional report admitting they are STILL doing it proves they have NO INTENTION OF STOPPING!

To hell with Impeaching these pathological criminals and hell with sending them to prison. These sons of bitches need to be sent to Gitmo and forgotten about or either publicly lined up and shot!

Russia hates the FBI. What a coincidence.
Federal judges are complicit.

If the FBI comes to the FISA Court with an immediate request claiming 'National Security' / 'Threat Implications' - some, not all or in all cases - how are the Judges to know if they are legitimate search warrant requests when it is legally the FBI's responsibility to ensure all the legal boxes are checked BEFORE submitting the requests?

You also can not fault judges for 278,000+ WARRANTLESS cases of spying, where the FBI simply conducts the spying illegally without even trying to get warrants, as required by the Patriot Act.
Federal judges are complicit.
Federal judges? They are all complicit. Federal judges, state judges, SCOTUS, Congress, FBI, CIA, Disney, Hollywood, the media, green M&Ms, Xbox controllers, Budweiser, Harley Davidson, capital police, our global allies, Dixie chicks, teachers, education, IRS, colleges, immigrants, singers, the military, cities, pizza joints, space lasers, Italian servers, dominion, poll workers, school boards, the DOJ, the national archives, Mickey Mouse, Dr. Seuss, Soros, Hillary and Bill, Obama, all of Trump's national security advisors, etc etc.

Truly the only person we can trust is Donald trump. All those above are simply trying to beat down Trump because he is so honest and only wants what's best for Russia....err I mean America.

Worshipping one man has always turned out great historically. Keep it up. Russia approves.
To Democrat Supporters:

Is violating the Constitution, defrauding the FISA Court, and illegally spying on Americans HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF TIMES

1. Acceptible?

2. Punishable?

After asking this question, snowflakes seem to have 'channeled their inner Jeane-Pierre' and just walked off, refusing to answer the question.

Again, is the FBI violating the US Constitution, defrauding the FISA Court - or ignoring it altogether, violating tbe Patriot Act, and illegally spying on Americans literally HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF TIMES 'ACCEPTABLE'?

Should FBI Director Wray be held responsible for allowing this to happen and continue to happen?

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