The Director Of The FBI That Participated In A Coup, Violated the Patriot Act / Constitution Said WHAT?

Under FBI Directors Mueller, Comey, and Wray the FBI has been proven to have....

Criminally protected a former Sect of State who violated numerous laws / rules / regs regarding the handling of TS information, stole TS/SCI information, perpetrated the legal definition of espionage...

Violated the Patriot Act, Violated the Constitution and Rule of Law, Defrauded the FISA Court, Illegally spied on Americans / the President & his team....

Participated in a failed coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a President of the US...

Withheld exculpatory evidence proving the innocence of 4 Americans and sent innocent Americans to jail...

Withheld exculpatory evidence in Hillary's / Obama's Russian Collusion Scandal, the largest criminal political scandal in US history...

Admittedly leaked classified information through a 3rd party to the media...

Refused to comply with a Presidential Order IOT protect FBI leadership and tbe agency...

Collaborated with the DOJ, WH, & teachers unions to label American citizens - patents - as 'Domestic terrorists' for opposing govt-driven CRT, Transgender, and partisan training and indoctrination...

Infiltrated a militia, planned the kidnapping of a Governor, then manipulated the militia into taking part in the kidnapping before arresting the mitia members for the planned kidnapping...

Admittedly ran operations / Ops teams at the Capitol prior to and during the events of 6 Jan against US citizens / Capitol protestors....

Hid Hunter Biden's laptop containing numerous crimes / evidence of crimes committed by Hu ter Biden and the Biden family, to include current President Biden; continues to protect the criminal President and his family....

And current FBI Director Wray had the nerve / lack of ethics, honesty, and integrity to declare the following about his rogue criminal agency:

"Unfounded attacks on the integrity of the FBI erode respect for the rule of law and are a grave disservice to the men and women who sacrifice so much to protect others.

Every day I see the men and women of the FBI doing their jobs professionally and with rigor, objectivity, and a fierce commitment to our mission of protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution. I am proud to serve alongside them.


The FBI has no credibility anymore.

The weird thing is, the FBI was always corrupt under Hoover, but at least he used his corruption to go after real bad guys. Now the Marxist grooming democrats use that corrupt agency to go after good Americans who are thwarting the democrat's Marxist takeover of America. That makes the FBI very, very dangerous to our very Liberty.
Magaturds (law breakers) aren't patriots.
Yeah, because these people aren't breaking the law:

Wray is using the line agents as a human shield to dodge this criticism!
Wray is protecting the establishment bureaucrats in power. He fears them more than he fears WE THE PEOPLE. That fact alone should scare the hell out of every American.
Under FBI Directors Mueller, Comey, and Wray the FBI has been proven to have....

Criminally protected a former Sect of State who violated numerous laws / rules / regs regarding the handling of TS information, stole TS/SCI information, perpetrated the legal definition of espionage...

Violated the Patriot Act, Violated the Constitution and Rule of Law, Defrauded the FISA Court, Illegally spied on Americans / the President & his team....

Participated in a failed coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a President of the US...

Withheld exculpatory evidence proving the innocence of 4 Americans and sent innocent Americans to jail...

Withheld exculpatory evidence in Hillary's / Obama's Russian Collusion Scandal, the largest criminal political scandal in US history...

Admittedly leaked classified information through a 3rd party to the media...

Refused to comply with a Presidential Order IOT protect FBI leadership and tbe agency...

Collaborated with the DOJ, WH, & teachers unions to label American citizens - patents - as 'Domestic terrorists' for opposing govt-driven CRT, Transgender, and partisan training and indoctrination...

Infiltrated a militia, planned the kidnapping of a Governor, then manipulated the militia into taking part in the kidnapping before arresting the mitia members for the planned kidnapping...

Admittedly ran operations / Ops teams at the Capitol prior to and during the events of 6 Jan against US citizens / Capitol protestors....

Hid Hunter Biden's laptop containing numerous crimes / evidence of crimes committed by Hu ter Biden and the Biden family, to include current President Biden; continues to protect the criminal President and his family....

And current FBI Director Wray had the nerve / lack of ethics, honesty, and integrity to declare the following about his rogue criminal agency:

"Unfounded attacks on the integrity of the FBI erode respect for the rule of law and are a grave disservice to the men and women who sacrifice so much to protect others.

Every day I see the men and women of the FBI doing their jobs professionally and with rigor, objectivity, and a fierce commitment to our mission of protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution. I am proud to serve alongside them.


"I saw hundreds, if not thousands, of documents related to Christopher Steele, things like the Alpha Bank connections … there is a question if they are marked top-secret whether they are top-secret," said Ratcliffe. "All of these things were no more top-secret than your children's creative writing assignments for their homework."

Under FBI Directors Mueller, Comey, and Wray the FBI has been proven to have....

Criminally protected a former Sect of State who violated numerous laws / rules / regs regarding the handling of TS information, stole TS/SCI information, perpetrated the legal definition of espionage...

Violated the Patriot Act, Violated the Constitution and Rule of Law, Defrauded the FISA Court, Illegally spied on Americans / the President & his team....

Participated in a failed coup to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a President of the US...

Withheld exculpatory evidence proving the innocence of 4 Americans and sent innocent Americans to jail...

Withheld exculpatory evidence in Hillary's / Obama's Russian Collusion Scandal, the largest criminal political scandal in US history...

Admittedly leaked classified information through a 3rd party to the media...

Refused to comply with a Presidential Order IOT protect FBI leadership and tbe agency...

Collaborated with the DOJ, WH, & teachers unions to label American citizens - patents - as 'Domestic terrorists' for opposing govt-driven CRT, Transgender, and partisan training and indoctrination...

Infiltrated a militia, planned the kidnapping of a Governor, then manipulated the militia into taking part in the kidnapping before arresting the mitia members for the planned kidnapping...

Admittedly ran operations / Ops teams at the Capitol prior to and during the events of 6 Jan against US citizens / Capitol protestors....

Hid Hunter Biden's laptop containing numerous crimes / evidence of crimes committed by Hu ter Biden and the Biden family, to include current President Biden; continues to protect the criminal President and his family....

And current FBI Director Wray had the nerve / lack of ethics, honesty, and integrity to declare the following about his rogue criminal agency:

"Unfounded attacks on the integrity of the FBI erode respect for the rule of law and are a grave disservice to the men and women who sacrifice so much to protect others.

Every day I see the men and women of the FBI doing their jobs professionally and with rigor, objectivity, and a fierce commitment to our mission of protecting the American people and upholding the Constitution. I am proud to serve alongside them.


All true . But what as regular citizens is our options against the highest cops in the land?
Tell it to the Special Counsel
You mean the puke that SCOTUS rebuked for targeting conservative groups? That left tard piece of trash? That Criminal??? The one who has huge conflicts in interests because of his past behavior?
You mean the puke that SCOTUS rebuked for targeting conservative groups? That left tard piece of trash? That Criminal??? The one who has huge conflicts in interests because of his past behavior?
Bitch all you want. he's the Special Counsel
It is amazing how the Trumptards sound more and more like the radical commie pinkos of the 60s.

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