Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

Got a couple of threads on this already. Still was a groundless investigation based on Democrat sponsored information gathering. Thanks for playing.
Who said the investigation was over, and the game has just started. And your welcome.
Got a couple of threads on this already. Still was a groundless investigation based on Democrat sponsored information gathering. Thanks for playing.
I need an MSDNC brainless Drone picture... They still wont acknowledge that it outs Strzok and the Clinton Cabal...
Got a couple of threads on this already. Still was a groundless investigation based on Democrat sponsored information gathering. Thanks for playing.
Before you decide to end the game, where are your talking points about this "so called groundless investigation", minus the staged manufactured scandal that was exposed against the Right?
Got a couple of threads on this already. Still was a groundless investigation based on Democrat sponsored information gathering. Thanks for playing.
Before you decide to end the game, where are your talking points about this "so called groundless investigation", minus the staged manufactured scandal that was exposed against the Right?
Your seeing conspiracy where none exists....

Get your meds checked...
Got a couple of threads on this already. Still was a groundless investigation based on Democrat sponsored information gathering. Thanks for playing.
I need an MSDNC brainless Drone picture... They still wont acknowledge that it outs Strzok and the Clinton Cabal...
Off topic and you automatically lose. Try again Billy Bob when you can bring on topic material to the debate next time.
and yet the primary source used to get the FISA warrants was the hilary clinton, steele dossier.......

No, it was not. It was basically a foot note.

The previous monitoring of Page and the investigations into the Russian spies was the primary source.

I'm done arguing with you. You fucking think some blog from some oddball site is a fact.
I have only one question for you. If the FBI had Page under surveillance since 2013 why did they still need to have him under investigation in 2016 useing the Steele joke and why has he not been charged?

Is the Mueller investigation over? Maybe Page has made a deal to cooperate with the investigation in return for immunity?
Immunity? It seems like everyone that cooperates in any way is announced before they even walk out of the meeting. Do you really expect anyone to buy that. If you will buy that I have a couple cans of air for a couple thousand a piece.

So you are basicly saying that the FBI and Mueller are sooo incompetent that after spying on Page since 2013. They still have nothing. They even wiretapped his communications which means by extension Trumps also yet nothing but a crappy FISA warrant not just once but a number of times.

Mueller is already asking for 5 anonymous people to get immunity in order to testify in the Manafort case.
I have those cans of air where should I send them?

Muller is still only pushing Manafort. His case has nothing to do with Page or Trump. You can dream all you want but do you really think that if Mueller had anything on either one of them Trump would still be sitting in the White House? No he would be waltzing Trump out in handcuffs and placing the crown on Hillary's head.
Got a couple of threads on this already. Still was a groundless investigation based on Democrat sponsored information gathering. Thanks for playing.
Before you decide to end the game, where are your talking points about this "so called groundless investigation", minus the staged manufactured scandal that was exposed against the Right?
Your seeing conspiracy where none exists....

Get your meds checked...
Apparently Republicans took theirs and woke up to the reality that they've been had. Enjoy the rest of your dosage.
Got a couple of threads on this already. Still was a groundless investigation based on Democrat sponsored information gathering. Thanks for playing.
I need an MSDNC brainless Drone picture... They still wont acknowledge that it outs Strzok and the Clinton Cabal...
Off topic and you automatically lose. Try again Billy Bob when you can bring on topic material to the debate next time.
You put on you're rose colored glasses and see only what you want.. This is called cherry picking... Most prosecutors don't do this and look at all the facts... Too bad you fail to..
No, it was not. It was basically a foot note.

The previous monitoring of Page and the investigations into the Russian spies was the primary source.

I'm done arguing with you. You fucking think some blog from some oddball site is a fact.
I have only one question for you. If the FBI had Page under surveillance since 2013 why did they still need to have him under investigation in 2016 useing the Steele joke and why has he not been charged?

Is the Mueller investigation over? Maybe Page has made a deal to cooperate with the investigation in return for immunity?
Immunity? It seems like everyone that cooperates in any way is announced before they even walk out of the meeting. Do you really expect anyone to buy that. If you will buy that I have a couple cans of air for a couple thousand a piece.

So you are basicly saying that the FBI and Mueller are sooo incompetent that after spying on Page since 2013. They still have nothing. They even wiretapped his communications which means by extension Trumps also yet nothing but a crappy FISA warrant not just once but a number of times.

Mueller is already asking for 5 anonymous people to get immunity in order to testify in the Manafort case.
I have those cans of air where should I send them?

Muller is still only pushing Manafort. His case has nothing to do with Page or Trump. You can dream all you want but do you really think that if Mueller had anything on either one of them Trump would still be sitting in the White House? No he would be waltzing Trump out in handcuffs and placing the crown on Hillary's head.

Yeah he is pushing Manafort because Flynn plead guilty. Gates plead guilty. Papadopolous plead guilty. The Dutch lawyer went to jail.
To this point I haven't see even one indictment that could be related to the warrant that started the whole collusion delusion.
Exactly my point. But yes, i canI can point to indictments that arose out of russian meddling. The suspicion of collusion between Trump campaign people and Russia comes f more than from only the actions and words of page, as everyone knows.

I literally hate fagots like you. If you are going to have a conversation with me, quote the whole damn string. Pulling out one sentence doesn't accurately portray the conversation.

I didn't ask you if you had seen indictments about Russian meddling!

I asked if you had seen any indictment related to the Page FISA warrant, don't start dancing and trying to change the subject, just answer the damn question.

I have only one question for you. If the FBI had Page under surveillance since 2013 why did they still need to have him under investigation in 2016 useing the Steele joke and why has he not been charged?

Is the Mueller investigation over? Maybe Page has made a deal to cooperate with the investigation in return for immunity?
Immunity? It seems like everyone that cooperates in any way is announced before they even walk out of the meeting. Do you really expect anyone to buy that. If you will buy that I have a couple cans of air for a couple thousand a piece.

So you are basicly saying that the FBI and Mueller are sooo incompetent that after spying on Page since 2013. They still have nothing. They even wiretapped his communications which means by extension Trumps also yet nothing but a crappy FISA warrant not just once but a number of times.

Mueller is already asking for 5 anonymous people to get immunity in order to testify in the Manafort case.
I have those cans of air where should I send them?

Muller is still only pushing Manafort. His case has nothing to do with Page or Trump. You can dream all you want but do you really think that if Mueller had anything on either one of them Trump would still be sitting in the White House? No he would be waltzing Trump out in handcuffs and placing the crown on Hillary's head.

Yeah he is pushing Manafort because Flynn plead guilty. Gates plead guilty. Papadopolous plead guilty. The Dutch lawyer went to jail.
Have you noticed that not only is he pushing on cases that were long before Trump ever decided to run. He is also using a fifty year old law that only six have ever been indicted on but three of those have connections to Trump. Yet anyone with half a brain knows there are more then ten each and everyday that have not registered as foreign agents.

Do you have a mailing address for those cans yet?
Is the Mueller investigation over? Maybe Page has made a deal to cooperate with the investigation in return for immunity?
Immunity? It seems like everyone that cooperates in any way is announced before they even walk out of the meeting. Do you really expect anyone to buy that. If you will buy that I have a couple cans of air for a couple thousand a piece.

So you are basicly saying that the FBI and Mueller are sooo incompetent that after spying on Page since 2013. They still have nothing. They even wiretapped his communications which means by extension Trumps also yet nothing but a crappy FISA warrant not just once but a number of times.

Mueller is already asking for 5 anonymous people to get immunity in order to testify in the Manafort case.
I have those cans of air where should I send them?

Muller is still only pushing Manafort. His case has nothing to do with Page or Trump. You can dream all you want but do you really think that if Mueller had anything on either one of them Trump would still be sitting in the White House? No he would be waltzing Trump out in handcuffs and placing the crown on Hillary's head.

Yeah he is pushing Manafort because Flynn plead guilty. Gates plead guilty. Papadopolous plead guilty. The Dutch lawyer went to jail.
Have you noticed that not only is he pushing on cases that were long before Trump ever decided to run. He is also using a fifty year old law that only six have ever been indicted on but three of those have connections to Trump. Yet anyone with half a brain knows there are more then ten each and everyday that have not registered as foreign agents.

Do you have a mailing address for those cans yet?

He's pushing on cases that involve money. That's because money is what motivates and pushes everything. More than likely, if Russia does have anything on Trump, it is money related. It's just like with Al Capone, it can be too difficult to stick a conspiracy or murder charge on him, so they got him for tax evasion. It really didn't matter what the charge was, it put him behind bars, which is all that matters in the end.

Remember the good old days when state run T.V. propaganda host Shawn Hannity from Fox news was telling his audience that the so called FBI illegal FISA warrant issued against Carter Page was all political to go after Trump, and that Donald Trump's recused butt boy Devin Nunes was spearheading the false scandal? Remember when Hannity said this would be worse than Watergate? We'll, it turns out it was all staged, and the lies have been exposed. As a matter of fact, now that it has all been botched by the criminals in the Republican party, a lot more evidence has surfaced about Page that corroborates the additional applications. Truth in justice sometimes takes a while, but in the end, the real criminals are exposed.
state run T.V. propaganda
:rofl: I mean, really? :rofl:
I literally hate fagots like you. If you are going to have a conversation with me, quote the whole damn string. Pulling out one sentence doesn't accurately portray the conversation.
Oh shut your cryhole. I was saying what my point was, not yours, you insufferable little crybaby.

Remember the good old days when state run T.V. propaganda host Shawn Hannity from Fox news was telling his audience that the so called FBI illegal FISA warrant issued against Carter Page was all political to go after Trump, and that Donald Trump's recused butt boy Devin Nunes was spearheading the false scandal? Remember when Hannity said this would be worse than Watergate? We'll, it turns out it was all staged, and the lies have been exposed. As a matter of fact, now that it has all been botched by the criminals in the Republican party, a lot more evidence has surfaced about Page that corroborates the additional applications. Truth in justice sometimes takes a while, but in the end, the real criminals are exposed.
state run T.V. propaganda
:rofl: I mean, really? :rofl:
Non-existent rebuttals is what we like to see.

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