Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

Indictments resulting form illegal warrants tend to be thrown out of court.
Sure, but not all evidence presented would necesaarily have come directly from the wiretap in the warrant. So an indictment could still occur, with certain evidence (not the entire case) being dismissed as inadmissiblem
Indictments resulting form illegal warrants tend to be thrown out of court.
Sure, but not all evidence presented would necesaarily have come directly from the wiretap in the warrant. So an indictment could still occur, with certain evidence (not the entire case) being dismissed as inadmissiblem

So now you want to play Perry Mason now? No thanks.

Indictments resulting form illegal warrants tend to be thrown out of court.
Sure, but not all evidence presented would necesaarily have come directly from the wiretap in the warrant. So an indictment could still occur, with certain evidence (not the entire case) being dismissed as inadmissiblem

So now you want to play Perry Mason now? No thanks.

That doesn't make any sense. The things I am saying are facts, quite independent of what you or I had for breakfast. Point being, an indictment or lack thereof does not, by itself, speak to the validity of the FISA warrant.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Disregard. BULLSHIT CLAIM by a bullshit person from another bullshit source. You don't pass go nor collect $200, Creepy.
Please elaborate.

Plus you morons who try to insult me by changing my name are just proving how uneducated you are.

I was more educated at age 14 than you were at the age of 30.
I always am amused by posters who are so bereft of self esteem that they have to put out how awesome, how smarter, how more ______ they are than anyone else....on an anonymous message board. :71:
Why does the FBI need to redact this stuff when there are no freaking secrets left? Does anyone in their right mind think that a business trip to Russia justifies FBI surveillance of the supporters of a political candidate? Why didn't the FBI place a surveillance on Bill Clinton when he was offered a KGB funded trip to Russia when he was a student in England protesting his own Country? Does the left really think this selected redacted stuff vindicates the Hussein gestapo?

The reason is obvious, more leads need to be followed, and more leads, lead to more leads. RICO investigations take time; Oh, and BTW:

Although its primary intent was to deal with organized crime, Blakey said that Congress never intended it to merely apply to the Mob. He once told Time, "We don't want one set of rules for people whose collars are blue or whose names end in vowels, and another set for those whose collars are white and have Ivy League diplomas
It is hilarious the TDS folks thinks this helps their cognitive dissonant fake news POV. As already noted, half of it is blacked out. :p

Rosenstein is desperate and afraid of Rudy.


Leftards are butthurt idiots with no desire to face the truth that the real election influence peddling was done by the Hildebeast and the DNC using Russian oligarchs as a conduit . Hildebeast is a deep state puppet and the reason so many deep state operatives like Brennan, Mueller, Clapper, Hildebeast, et al are so freaked out about Trump's private meeting with Putin is because Putin KNOWS what really happened as it pertains to Uranium One and the laundering of 400 million dollars into the coffers of the Hildebeast. The guilty dog always barks the loudest.
:auiqs.jpg: :tinfoil:
Indictments resulting form illegal warrants tend to be thrown out of court.
Sure, but not all evidence presented would necesaarily have come directly from the wiretap in the warrant. So an indictment could still occur, with certain evidence (not the entire case) being dismissed as inadmissiblem

So now you want to play Perry Mason now? No thanks.

That doesn't make any sense. The things I am saying are facts, quite independent of what you or I had for breakfast. Point being, an indictment or lack thereof does not, by itself, speak to the validity of the FISA warrant.

To this point I haven't see even one indictment that could be related to the warrant that started the whole collusion delusion. Can you point to one?

To this point I haven't see even one indictment that could be related to the warrant that started the whole collusion delusion.
Exactly my point. But yes, i canI can point to indictments that arose out of russian meddling. The suspicion of collusion between Trump campaign people and Russia comes f more than from only the actions and words of page, as everyone knows.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics
This is a heavily redacted version.
I guess they needed to redact the fuck out of it to remove any evidence of abuse.

It's classified, dope.
So they say.
And they're using it as an excuse.
Guess Trump is letting them have all the rope they need to hang themselves......then he'll declassify everything.
Lol, what a silly thing to say!
To this point I haven't see even one indictment that could be related to the warrant that started the whole collusion delusion.
Exactly my point. But yes, i canI can point to indictments that arose out of russian meddling. The suspicion of collusion between Trump campaign people and Russia comes f more than from only the actions and words of page, as everyone knows.

Let us know when the trial starts.

Until then, you guys might want to concern yourself with the fact that your party is being hijaked by a group that is going to cost seats in both chambers.

But...hey wait a minute.

Actually, please stay focused on all happened.
I wonder how many current Republicans will be lawyered up by Christmas?
I,m tipping they're already deep in the Lawyer Doo-doo for months.
Supporting a crook like the Orange Turd is a dangerous game, and the Republicans have abandoned all semblance of decency.
I wonder how many current Republicans will be lawyered up by Christmas?
I,m tipping they're already deep in the Lawyer Doo-doo for months.
Supporting a crook like the Orange Turd is a dangerous game, and the Republicans have abandoned all semblance of decency.

So the GOP is on equal footing with the democrats.

Except....the GOP owns the show.

Please elaborate.

Plus you morons who try to insult me by changing my name are just proving how uneducated you are.

So you can cite a scientific source which backs your claim on education and its link to insults?

Remember the good old days when state run T.V. propaganda host Shawn Hannity from Fox news was telling his audience that the so called FBI illegal FISA warrant issued against Carter Page was all political to go after Trump, and that Donald Trump's recused butt boy Devin Nunes was spearheading the false scandal? Remember when Hannity said this would be worse than Watergate? We'll, it turns out it was all staged, and the lies have been exposed. As a matter of fact, now that it has all been botched by the criminals in the Republican party, a lot more evidence has surfaced about Page that corroborates the additional applications. Truth in justice sometimes takes a while, but in the end, the real criminals are exposed.
Got a couple of threads on this already. Still was a groundless investigation based on Democrat sponsored information gathering. Thanks for playing.
...and they had intercepted their communications which included them talking about how Carter Page was getting whatever information they asked for and saying how Page was an idiot.

I see, so the FBI actually had communications of Russian spies talking about Page.... and that didn't come out of the Steele dossier?

I hope you don't find it offensive but do you have some evidence of that?


and yet the primary source used to get the FISA warrants was the hilary clinton, steele dossier.......

No, it was not. It was basically a foot note.

The previous monitoring of Page and the investigations into the Russian spies was the primary source.

I'm done arguing with you. You fucking think some blog from some oddball site is a fact.
I have only one question for you. If the FBI had Page under surveillance since 2013 why did they still need to have him under investigation in 2016 useing the Steele joke and why has he not been charged?

Is the Mueller investigation over? Maybe Page has made a deal to cooperate with the investigation in return for immunity?
Immunity? It seems like everyone that cooperates in any way is announced before they even walk out of the meeting. Do you really expect anyone to buy that. If you will buy that I have a couple cans of air for a couple thousand a piece.

So you are basicly saying that the FBI and Mueller are sooo incompetent that after spying on Page since 2013. They still have nothing. They even wiretapped his communications which means by extension Trumps also yet nothing but a crappy FISA warrant not just once but a number of times.
I see, so the FBI actually had communications of Russian spies talking about Page.... and that didn't come out of the Steele dossier?

I hope you don't find it offensive but do you have some evidence of that?


and yet the primary source used to get the FISA warrants was the hilary clinton, steele dossier.......

No, it was not. It was basically a foot note.

The previous monitoring of Page and the investigations into the Russian spies was the primary source.

I'm done arguing with you. You fucking think some blog from some oddball site is a fact.
I have only one question for you. If the FBI had Page under surveillance since 2013 why did they still need to have him under investigation in 2016 useing the Steele joke and why has he not been charged?

Is the Mueller investigation over? Maybe Page has made a deal to cooperate with the investigation in return for immunity?
Immunity? It seems like everyone that cooperates in any way is announced before they even walk out of the meeting. Do you really expect anyone to buy that. If you will buy that I have a couple cans of air for a couple thousand a piece.

So you are basicly saying that the FBI and Mueller are sooo incompetent that after spying on Page since 2013. They still have nothing. They even wiretapped his communications which means by extension Trumps also yet nothing but a crappy FISA warrant not just once but a number of times.

Mueller is already asking for 5 anonymous people to get immunity in order to testify in the Manafort case.

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