Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

'Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.'

It is quite incredible - the lengths snowflakes have gone to feign complete ignorance and deny reality - in their hatred of the President and embrace of proven criminals and traitors.
from Breitbart 7/22/2018=
How the F*CK can Page be a “foreign agent” who KNOWINGLY engaged in activities FOR A FOREIGN POWER, but at the same time be a “target for recruitment” by THE SAME FOREIGN POWER??????
If you work on it really, really hard, you SHOULD be able to discern that the two situations you pose are NOT mutually exclusive. But it does take about 4 microseconds of effortless thought for an average surface dweller!
They are mutually exclusive, moron.
People register as foreign agents in the US all the time since it is a felony not to. Check out FARA at 22 USC §§ 611-621. its the law you fucking puke!

Further, if one is recruited (targeted) for espionage work AND is also a foreign agent under FARA they are sure as Hell NOT "mutually exclusive", you simpering, oozing pustule excuse of a child! Anything else, boi?

Remember the good old days when state run T.V. propaganda host Shawn Hannity from Fox news was telling his audience that the so called FBI illegal FISA warrant issued against Carter Page was all political to go after Trump, and that Donald Trump's recused butt boy Devin Nunes was spearheading the false scandal? Remember when Hannity said this would be worse than Watergate? We'll, it turns out it was all staged, and the lies have been exposed. As a matter of fact, now that it has all been botched by the criminals in the Republican party, a lot more evidence has surfaced about Page that corroborates the additional applications. Truth in justice sometimes takes a while, but in the end, the real criminals are exposed.
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included corroborating the applications even more, and fermenting the need to apply for additional ones.

Are you guys all lying with the same talking points? We can compare the Nunez memo to the actual application and nothing you just posted is true or accurate.... you can't lie and think it can't be checked now, the only thing you had going was they hadn't released the application, now they have, now you can be seen to be lying along with the democrats.....

FISA warrant application supports Nunes memo!
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included, corroborating the applications even more, and cementing the need to apply for additional ones. Because of much more additional evidence accumulated, that explains the repeat use of the application process. So to say it can't be checked? Who's saying that? It certainly isn't me. That's exactly what I am saying. Up against the Nunes memo, it paints the picture of Republicans lying about there's and the Democrats telling the truth, based on the latest FBI report. The 400 page application with evidence proves that the FBI had good standing in renewing those applications, without political bias. Remember, investigating Page started in 2013. Way before the Nunes talking points about the dossier. Nunes and all his complicit thugs in this investigation got caught with their pants down. The FBI proved that. Next!

Wrong...... the steele dossier was the primary source.....and it was the secondary source because it was leaked to journalists and those leaks of the dossier were used to "confirm" what the dossier stated..... you don't know what you are talking about.

Page worked with the FBI to indict a Russian spy......... they submitted a fake FISA request to federal judges. You can't submit any fake information that you know is fake when you are getting a warrant, it tainted the entire application.
Damn your slow. The FISA applications started on Page in 2013. That's over 3 years until anyone ever heard of any dossier. So, you are 100% wrong on that. And do you know how I know that? Because there is no link to verify that. You just took the opportunity to lie about it. Show us a link where the dossier is the main source for the FISA?

And where is your proven link that Page worked for the FBI, while the FBI had a warrant on Page? You can't produce that either, because you are lying again. Boss, you can forget it. The gig is up on the Republicans with this manufactured scandal. Are you folks ashamed? Of course not.

No... the FISA application didn't start in 2013 ..... that is a lie. The FISA warrants against page when he worked for Trump came after the Steele dossier, what part of that do you not understand? It is right there in the application.

Remember the good old days when state run T.V. propaganda host Shawn Hannity from Fox news was telling his audience that the so called FBI illegal FISA warrant issued against Carter Page was all political to go after Trump, and that Donald Trump's recused butt boy Devin Nunes was spearheading the false scandal? Remember when Hannity said this would be worse than Watergate? We'll, it turns out it was all staged, and the lies have been exposed. As a matter of fact, now that it has all been botched by the criminals in the Republican party, a lot more evidence has surfaced about Page that corroborates the additional applications. Truth in justice sometimes takes a while, but in the end, the real criminals are exposed.
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included corroborating the applications even more, and fermenting the need to apply for additional ones.

Are you guys all lying with the same talking points? We can compare the Nunez memo to the actual application and nothing you just posted is true or accurate.... you can't lie and think it can't be checked now, the only thing you had going was they hadn't released the application, now they have, now you can be seen to be lying along with the democrats.....

FISA warrant application supports Nunes memo!
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included, corroborating the applications even more, and cementing the need to apply for additional ones. Because of much more additional evidence accumulated, that explains the repeat use of the application process. So to say it can't be checked? Who's saying that? It certainly isn't me. That's exactly what I am saying. Up against the Nunes memo, it paints the picture of Republicans lying about there's and the Democrats telling the truth, based on the latest FBI report. The 400 page application with evidence proves that the FBI had good standing in renewing those applications, without political bias. Remember, investigating Page started in 2013. Way before the Nunes talking points about the dossier. Nunes and all his complicit thugs in this investigation got caught with their pants down. The FBI proved that. Next!

Wrong...... the steele dossier was the primary source.....and it was the secondary source because it was leaked to journalists and those leaks of the dossier were used to "confirm" what the dossier stated..... you don't know what you are talking about.

Page worked with the FBI to indict a Russian spy......... they submitted a fake FISA request to federal judges. You can't submit any fake information that you know is fake when you are getting a warrant, it tainted the entire application.
Damn your slow. The FISA applications started on Page in 2013. That's over 3 years until anyone ever heard of any dossier. So, you are 100% wrong on that. And do you know how I know that? Because there is no link to verify that. You just took the opportunity to lie about it. Show us a link where the dossier is the main source for the FISA?

And where is your proven link that Page worked for the FBI, while the FBI had a warrant on Page? You can't produce that either, because you are lying again. Boss, you can forget it. The gig is up on the Republicans with this manufactured scandal. Are you folks ashamed? Of course not.

And where is your proven link that Page worked for the FBI

Here you go....notice the agents name?

And the FISA warrant in question was given in 2016, not 2013....and they used the steel dossier to get it...they lied to a federal judge...


Although Page thought the man was a legitimate banker after meeting him at an energy symposium in New York City, he was a Russian agent under federal investigation. He was later caught on surveillance dismissing Page as an “idiot.”

The FBI informed Page in 2013 that the Russians might be trying to recruit him.

A U.S. Naval Academy alumnus, Page cooperated as a witness in that case, which was coordinated with the bureau’s Counterespionage Section Chief Peter Strzok in Washington, and he helped the government convict the Russian spy.

Evgeny Buryakov pleaded guilty to espionage-related charges on March 11, 2016. FBI agents, as well as federal prosecutors, huddled with Page around that time to tie up loose ends, he said. “It had absolutely nothing to do with the election interference story, which surfaced months later,” Page said.

Court records appear to back him up. Buryakov was sentenced in May 2016 and deported to Russia early last year. Schiff maintains that Page "remained on the radar of Russian intelligence and the FBI” due to the prior case, which gave them grounds to spy on him “independent" of the dossier.
How exactly? We need details, not some buzz words that tell us nothing. Play ball man. Quit hiding behind vague words that go no where.

You mean words like collusion...
Lol! You approach this debate like a dying fish on its side. You aren't going to tell us anything. Isn't it past your bed time?

Remember the good old days when state run T.V. propaganda host Shawn Hannity from Fox news was telling his audience that the so called FBI illegal FISA warrant issued against Carter Page was all political to go after Trump, and that Donald Trump's recused butt boy Devin Nunes was spearheading the false scandal? Remember when Hannity said this would be worse than Watergate? We'll, it turns out it was all staged, and the lies have been exposed. As a matter of fact, now that it has all been botched by the criminals in the Republican party, a lot more evidence has surfaced about Page that corroborates the additional applications. Truth in justice sometimes takes a while, but in the end, the real criminals are exposed.
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included corroborating the applications even more, and fermenting the need to apply for additional ones.

Are you guys all lying with the same talking points? We can compare the Nunez memo to the actual application and nothing you just posted is true or accurate.... you can't lie and think it can't be checked now, the only thing you had going was they hadn't released the application, now they have, now you can be seen to be lying along with the democrats.....

FISA warrant application supports Nunes memo!
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included, corroborating the applications even more, and cementing the need to apply for additional ones. Because of much more additional evidence accumulated, that explains the repeat use of the application process. So to say it can't be checked? Who's saying that? It certainly isn't me. That's exactly what I am saying. Up against the Nunes memo, it paints the picture of Republicans lying about there's and the Democrats telling the truth, based on the latest FBI report. The 400 page application with evidence proves that the FBI had good standing in renewing those applications, without political bias. Remember, investigating Page started in 2013. Way before the Nunes talking points about the dossier. Nunes and all his complicit thugs in this investigation got caught with their pants down. The FBI proved that. Next!

Wrong...... the steele dossier was the primary source.....and it was the secondary source because it was leaked to journalists and those leaks of the dossier were used to "confirm" what the dossier stated..... you don't know what you are talking about.

Page worked with the FBI to indict a Russian spy......... they submitted a fake FISA request to federal judges. You can't submit any fake information that you know is fake when you are getting a warrant, it tainted the entire application.
Damn your slow. The FISA applications started on Page in 2013. That's over 3 years until anyone ever heard of any dossier. So, you are 100% wrong on that. And do you know how I know that? Because there is no link to verify that. You just took the opportunity to lie about it. Show us a link where the dossier is the main source for the FISA?

And where is your proven link that Page worked for the FBI, while the FBI had a warrant on Page? You can't produce that either, because you are lying again. Boss, you can forget it. The gig is up on the Republicans with this manufactured scandal. Are you folks ashamed? Of course not.

No... the FISA application didn't start in 2013 ..... that is a lie. The FISA warrants against page when he worked for Trump came after the Steele dossier, what part of that do you not understand? It is right there in the application.
Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant I said they had been investigating Page since 2013. I don't know the exact date of the first application. I stated that the FBI had not used the dossier as a main point of the inquiry. You said that, and that is not the FBI's claim. And Nunes has fessed up about his inaccuracies.

Remember the good old days when state run T.V. propaganda host Shawn Hannity from Fox news was telling his audience that the so called FBI illegal FISA warrant issued against Carter Page was all political to go after Trump, and that Donald Trump's recused butt boy Devin Nunes was spearheading the false scandal? Remember when Hannity said this would be worse than Watergate? We'll, it turns out it was all staged, and the lies have been exposed. As a matter of fact, now that it has all been botched by the criminals in the Republican party, a lot more evidence has surfaced about Page that corroborates the additional applications. Truth in justice sometimes takes a while, but in the end, the real criminals are exposed.
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included corroborating the applications even more, and fermenting the need to apply for additional ones.

Are you guys all lying with the same talking points? We can compare the Nunez memo to the actual application and nothing you just posted is true or accurate.... you can't lie and think it can't be checked now, the only thing you had going was they hadn't released the application, now they have, now you can be seen to be lying along with the democrats.....

FISA warrant application supports Nunes memo!
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included, corroborating the applications even more, and cementing the need to apply for additional ones. Because of much more additional evidence accumulated, that explains the repeat use of the application process. So to say it can't be checked? Who's saying that? It certainly isn't me. That's exactly what I am saying. Up against the Nunes memo, it paints the picture of Republicans lying about there's and the Democrats telling the truth, based on the latest FBI report. The 400 page application with evidence proves that the FBI had good standing in renewing those applications, without political bias. Remember, investigating Page started in 2013. Way before the Nunes talking points about the dossier. Nunes and all his complicit thugs in this investigation got caught with their pants down. The FBI proved that. Next!

Wrong...... the steele dossier was the primary source.....and it was the secondary source because it was leaked to journalists and those leaks of the dossier were used to "confirm" what the dossier stated..... you don't know what you are talking about.

Page worked with the FBI to indict a Russian spy......... they submitted a fake FISA request to federal judges. You can't submit any fake information that you know is fake when you are getting a warrant, it tainted the entire application.
Damn your slow. The FISA applications started on Page in 2013. That's over 3 years until anyone ever heard of any dossier. So, you are 100% wrong on that. And do you know how I know that? Because there is no link to verify that. You just took the opportunity to lie about it. Show us a link where the dossier is the main source for the FISA?

And where is your proven link that Page worked for the FBI, while the FBI had a warrant on Page? You can't produce that either, because you are lying again. Boss, you can forget it. The gig is up on the Republicans with this manufactured scandal. Are you folks ashamed? Of course not.

And where is your proven link that Page worked for the FBI

Here you go....notice the agents name?

And the FISA warrant in question was given in 2016, not 2013....and they used the steel dossier to get it...they lied to a federal judge...


Although Page thought the man was a legitimate banker after meeting him at an energy symposium in New York City, he was a Russian agent under federal investigation. He was later caught on surveillance dismissing Page as an “idiot.”

The FBI informed Page in 2013 that the Russians might be trying to recruit him.

A U.S. Naval Academy alumnus, Page cooperated as a witness in that case, which was coordinated with the bureau’s Counterespionage Section Chief Peter Strzok in Washington, and he helped the government convict the Russian spy.

Evgeny Buryakov pleaded guilty to espionage-related charges on March 11, 2016. FBI agents, as well as federal prosecutors, huddled with Page around that time to tie up loose ends, he said. “It had absolutely nothing to do with the election interference story, which surfaced months later,” Page said.

Court records appear to back him up. Buryakov was sentenced in May 2016 and deported to Russia early last year. Schiff maintains that Page "remained on the radar of Russian intelligence and the FBI” due to the prior case, which gave them grounds to spy on him “independent" of the dossier.
All of this is totally irrelevant to my thread. It's a distraction from the false memo the Republicans put out. I just linked that evidence. No one is talking about Carter Page and any guilt here. No one has brought the subject up here but you. Start a thread if that is what you want to discuss. Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant
from Breitbart 7/22/2018=
How the F*CK can Page be a “foreign agent” who KNOWINGLY engaged in activities FOR A FOREIGN POWER, but at the same time be a “target for recruitment” by THE SAME FOREIGN POWER??????

If Carter Page was an FBI asset and witness, responsible for the bust of a high level Russian agent in 2013, and remained so throughout the court case UP TO May of 2016, how the f**k it is possible that on October 21st, 2016, Carter Page is put under a FISA Title-1 surveillance warrant as an alleged Russian agent?

Conclusion: He wasn’t.

The DOJ National Security Division and the FBI Counterintelligence Division, knew he wasn’t a Russian agent. The DOJ-NSD and FBI flat-out LIED to the FISA court.

Now, go back to the March 2016 DOJ Press Release of the guilty pleading for Evgeny Buryakov, announced from the New York office:
…”Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and John P. Carlin, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, announced”…

Because “FISA Title-I” surveillance authority against a U.S. citizen is so serious (the U.S. government is essentially calling the target a spy), only a few people are authorized to even apply for such surveillance warrants.

Page wrote in a letter he was an unofficial adviser about energy for the Russian government. He even said tonight he maybe sat in on 2 meetings.
How exactly? We need details, not some buzz words that tell us nothing. Play ball man. Quit hiding behind vague words that go no where.

You mean words like collusion...
Lol! You approach this debate like a dying fish on its side. You aren't going to tell us anything. Isn't it past your bed time?
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included corroborating the applications even more, and fermenting the need to apply for additional ones.

Are you guys all lying with the same talking points? We can compare the Nunez memo to the actual application and nothing you just posted is true or accurate.... you can't lie and think it can't be checked now, the only thing you had going was they hadn't released the application, now they have, now you can be seen to be lying along with the democrats.....

FISA warrant application supports Nunes memo!
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included, corroborating the applications even more, and cementing the need to apply for additional ones. Because of much more additional evidence accumulated, that explains the repeat use of the application process. So to say it can't be checked? Who's saying that? It certainly isn't me. That's exactly what I am saying. Up against the Nunes memo, it paints the picture of Republicans lying about there's and the Democrats telling the truth, based on the latest FBI report. The 400 page application with evidence proves that the FBI had good standing in renewing those applications, without political bias. Remember, investigating Page started in 2013. Way before the Nunes talking points about the dossier. Nunes and all his complicit thugs in this investigation got caught with their pants down. The FBI proved that. Next!

Wrong...... the steele dossier was the primary source.....and it was the secondary source because it was leaked to journalists and those leaks of the dossier were used to "confirm" what the dossier stated..... you don't know what you are talking about.

Page worked with the FBI to indict a Russian spy......... they submitted a fake FISA request to federal judges. You can't submit any fake information that you know is fake when you are getting a warrant, it tainted the entire application.
Damn your slow. The FISA applications started on Page in 2013. That's over 3 years until anyone ever heard of any dossier. So, you are 100% wrong on that. And do you know how I know that? Because there is no link to verify that. You just took the opportunity to lie about it. Show us a link where the dossier is the main source for the FISA?

And where is your proven link that Page worked for the FBI, while the FBI had a warrant on Page? You can't produce that either, because you are lying again. Boss, you can forget it. The gig is up on the Republicans with this manufactured scandal. Are you folks ashamed? Of course not.

No... the FISA application didn't start in 2013 ..... that is a lie. The FISA warrants against page when he worked for Trump came after the Steele dossier, what part of that do you not understand? It is right there in the application.
Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant I said they had been investigating Page since 2013. I don't know the exact date of the first application. I stated that the FBI had not used the dossier as a main point of the inquiry. You said that, and that is not the FBI's claim. And Nunes has fessed up about his inaccuracies.

You are wrong......I posted the link that compares the Nunez memo to the Application....
Your reading comprehension really sucks...

First Thoughts On the Carter Page FISA Application

But Page has never been charged with anything. Accordingly, the least we can say is that Obama’s FBI and DOJ were wrong.

Second, the application’s description of Christopher Steele and the provenance of his dossier was misleading at best:

he “identified U.S. person” is Glenn Simpson, the head of Fusion GPS. Source #1 is Christopher Steele. The DOJ’s statement that “the FBI speculates that the identified U.S person [Simpson] was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit Candidate #1’s [Trump’s] campaign” could only have been an intentional effort to deceive the FISA judge.

The FBI was perfectly well aware that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC hired Simpson through their lawyers, and the purpose of doing so was to attack candidate Donald Trump.

References to “speculation” about “likely” motives are entirely dishonest.

Third, the application relies to an astonishing degree on anti-Trump news stories published in the Democratic Party press. Does the FBI really get surveillance warrants on the basis of partisan press accounts? Apparently so. For example:

Amazingly, the FISA application relies on “speculation in U.S. media” for the proposition that Russia was behind the phishing of DNC emails:

Fourth, we still don’t know who at the FBI assembled the FISA application, since that person’s signature is redacted. But we do know who approved it–hyper-partisans James Comey and Sally Yates:

That probably tells us all we need to know about the veracity of the FISA application. Perhaps one day we will learn that Peter Strzok was the Democratic Party activist who prepared the application.

What I really want to know is the identity of the judge who signed off on the surveillance of Carter Page, based on such flimsy grounds. Some are speculating that he must be from Hawaii.

No, the only thing that sucks...

Is the fact that you guys can not even remotely discuss the topic. I mean you guys get so far off topic, so quickly, it's fucking amazing.

Let me repeat a very simple thing that anyone that still thinks this is a joke needs to pay attention to.

The FBI was investigating the actions of some Russian spies who were trying to groom American assets. The FBI TOLD CARTER PAGE who they were and what they were trying to do. Carter Page fucking ignored the FBI's warning and kept cooperating with the Russian spies and even ramped up his game.

So how in the wide wide world do you think the FBI was not justified in getting a FISA warrant on Page? THEY WARNED HIM OF EXACTLY WHO AND WHAT THE GUYS WERE. Page still did his thing.

You desperately need to ignore the fact that the FISA warrants were obtained illegally against American citizens.....with the okay of the leadership of the FBI and the Department of Justice, likely with the approval of the White House since an operation against the opposition party is so far outside legitimate activity that it makes the Plumbers and Watergate a nothing burger in comparison.....

They weren't obtained illegally. They followed the FISA warrant process.

Your brain is stuck on this idea it was based only based off the Steele dossier. That's fucking wrong. Page was under investigation as far back as 2013 because he didn't listen to the FBI's warnings.

Do you have any idea how rare it is that the FBI would actually warn an American citizen beforehand like this? Basically exposing that the Russian spies covers had been blown? Yet Page ignored that lifeline and even doubled down when he went to Russia and praised Russia and made anti-American statements.

... but then again Trump supporters suddenly like Russia and Putin now. :dunno:

Moron.... you can't lie to get a FISA warrant and they lied to the Federal Judges..... they knew the steele dossier was created and paid for by the hilary campaign, and that the other "news" sources that they used to lie to the judges were leaks to those sources...from the Steele dossier... that is the circular intelligence that was the lie......

The FISA warrants were obtained by lying to federal judges..... you are a moron....and a doofus.


How many fucking times do you have to be told this? The dossier wasn't even created until 2016 and Page was under investigation as far back as 2013.

Yes, they did..... they got the FISA warrant in 2016 moron....... Page helped them get a russian spy in 2013...... they didn't get the FISA warrant until he started to work for spy on Trump.....

It is in the freaking application you moron.
Funny....the US IG report already cited FBI abused the FISA Courts...
Link to that. And not from some nutjob right wing site that says Obama was born in Kenya.

With the release of new documents, Devin Nunes’s memo on Carter Page has gotten even less credible

  1. That the dossier of reports from former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele on behalf of the firm Fusion GPS were an “essential” part of the application.
  2. That the fact that Fusion GPS was being paid by a law firm working for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee was never explicitly stated.
  3. That neither Steele nor Fusion GPS are identified by name.
  4. That the application cites a Yahoo News article from September 2016 that “does not corroborate the Steele dossier because it is derived from information leaked by Steele himself to Yahoo News.” The application also incorrectly asserts that Steele wasn’t directly Yahoo’s source for the story.
  5. That the application mentions another Trump campaign adviser, George Papadopoulos but that there is no evidence of cooperation between him and Page.

And more about Nunez being accurate..

The twelfth paragraph:

4) According to the head of the counterintelligence division, Assistant Director Bill Priestap, corroboration of the Steele dossier was in its "infancy" at the time of the initial Page FISA application. After Steele was terminated, a source validation report conducted by an independent unit within FBI assessed Steele's reporting as only minimally corroborated. Yet, in early January 2017, Director Comey briefed President-elect Trump on a summary of the Steele dossier, even though it was -- according to his June 2017 testimony -- "salacious and unverified." While the FISA application relied on Steele's past record of credible reporting on other unrelated matters, it ignored or concealed his anti-Trump financial and ideological motivations. Furthermore, Deputy Director McCabe testified before the Committee in December 2017 that no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.

That is accurate. The thirteenth, and final, paragraph:

5) The Page FISA application also mentions information regarding fellow Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, but there is no evidence of any cooperation or conspiracy between Page and Papadopoulos. The Papadopoulos information triggered the opening of an FBI counterintelligence investigation in late July 2016 by FBI agent Pete Strzok. Strzok was reassigned by the Special Counsel's Office to FBI Human Resources for improper text messages with his mistress, FBI Attorney Lisa Page (no known relation to Carter Page), where they both demonstrated a clear bias against Trump and in favor of Clinton, whom Strzok had also investigated. The Strzok/Lisa Page texts also reflect extensive discussions about the investigation, orchestrating leaks to the media, and include a meeting with Deputy Director McCabe to discuss an "insurance" policy against President Trump's election.

That is accurate.
”Yet, in early January 2017, Director Comey briefed President-elect Trump on a summary of the Steele dossier, even though it was -- according to his June 2017 testimony -- "salacious and unverified."

That’s not accurate. In fact, it’s a lie. Comey never testified that the Steele Dossier was “salacious and unverified.” He said parts were, eluding to parts that could be embarrassing to the president.

According to Comey’s testimony. Meanwhile, Nunes cherry-picked the phrase, ”salacious and unverified,” from Comey’s testimony to create the illusion Comey was speaking of the entirety of the dossier, Comey’s full testimony was clearly speaking of only the parts which could have potentially created an embarrassment for the president. Other reports identified that as the salacious and unverified claim that Trump paid Russian prostitutes to perform a golden shower.

I first met then-President-Elect Trump on Friday, January 6 in a conference room at Trump Tower in New York. I was there with other Intelligence Community (IC) leaders to brief him and his new national security team on the findings of an IC assessment concerning Russian efforts to interfere in the election. At the conclusion of that briefing, I remained alone with the President Elect to brief him on some personally sensitive aspects of the information assembled during the assessment.

The IC leadership thought it important, for a variety of reasons, to alert the incoming President to the existence of this material, even though it was salacious and unverified. Among those reasons were: (1) we knew the media was about to publicly report the material and we believed the IC should not keep knowledge of the material and its imminent release from the President-Elect; and (2) to the extent there was some effort to compromise an incoming President, we could blunt any such effort with a defensive briefing.

The Director of National Intelligence asked that I personally do this portion of the briefing because I was staying in my position and because the material implicated the FBI's counter-intelligence responsibilities. We also agreed I would do it alone to minimize potential embarrassment to the President-Elect. Although we agreed it made sense for me to do the briefing, the FBI's leadership and I were concerned that the briefing might create a situation where a new President came into office uncertain about whether the FBI was conducting a counter-intelligence investigation of his personal conduct.

Remember the good old days when state run T.V. propaganda host Shawn Hannity from Fox news was telling his audience that the so called FBI illegal FISA warrant issued against Carter Page was all political to go after Trump, and that Donald Trump's recused butt boy Devin Nunes was spearheading the false scandal? Remember when Hannity said this would be worse than Watergate? We'll, it turns out it was all staged, and the lies have been exposed. As a matter of fact, now that it has all been botched by the criminals in the Republican party, a lot more evidence has surfaced about Page that corroborates the additional applications. Truth in justice sometimes takes a while, but in the end, the real criminals are exposed.
On Saturday night, the New York Times published a report detailing the public disclosure of more than 400 pages of heavily redacted documents related to a FISA warrant filed in 2016 against Carter Page, an advisor for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Page has been a key focus of the intelligence community’s investigation into Russian interference from the very beginning. And as Saturday’s disclosure reveals, the FBI presented enough probable cause suggesting Page had been recruited by Russian officials that four separate Republican-appointed judges authorized still-undisclosed surveillance measures targeting Page.
The only thing the newly released FISA documents show is that Republicans have been lying for months
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No, the only thing that sucks...

Is the fact that you guys can not even remotely discuss the topic. I mean you guys get so far off topic, so quickly, it's fucking amazing.

Let me repeat a very simple thing that anyone that still thinks this is a joke needs to pay attention to.

The FBI was investigating the actions of some Russian spies who were trying to groom American assets. The FBI TOLD CARTER PAGE who they were and what they were trying to do. Carter Page fucking ignored the FBI's warning and kept cooperating with the Russian spies and even ramped up his game.

So how in the wide wide world do you think the FBI was not justified in getting a FISA warrant on Page? THEY WARNED HIM OF EXACTLY WHO AND WHAT THE GUYS WERE. Page still did his thing.

You desperately need to ignore the fact that the FISA warrants were obtained illegally against American citizens.....with the okay of the leadership of the FBI and the Department of Justice, likely with the approval of the White House since an operation against the opposition party is so far outside legitimate activity that it makes the Plumbers and Watergate a nothing burger in comparison.....

They weren't obtained illegally. They followed the FISA warrant process.

Your brain is stuck on this idea it was based only based off the Steele dossier. That's fucking wrong. Page was under investigation as far back as 2013 because he didn't listen to the FBI's warnings.

Do you have any idea how rare it is that the FBI would actually warn an American citizen beforehand like this? Basically exposing that the Russian spies covers had been blown? Yet Page ignored that lifeline and even doubled down when he went to Russia and praised Russia and made anti-American statements.

... but then again Trump supporters suddenly like Russia and Putin now. :dunno:

Moron.... you can't lie to get a FISA warrant and they lied to the Federal Judges..... they knew the steele dossier was created and paid for by the hilary campaign, and that the other "news" sources that they used to lie to the judges were leaks to those sources...from the Steele dossier... that is the circular intelligence that was the lie......

The FISA warrants were obtained by lying to federal judges..... you are a moron....and a doofus.


How many fucking times do you have to be told this? The dossier wasn't even created until 2016 and Page was under investigation as far back as 2013.

Yes, they did..... they got the FISA warrant in 2016 moron....... Page helped them get a russian spy in 2013...... they didn't get the FISA warrant until he started to work for spy on Trump.....

It is in the freaking application you moron.

Yeah... you're right. I'm sure you know more about the FISA warrant than Marco Rubio who is on the Senate Intelligence Committee.
What's so critical for national security that date has to be redacted?



Remember the good old days when state run T.V. propaganda host Shawn Hannity from Fox news was telling his audience that the so called FBI illegal FISA warrant issued against Carter Page was all political to go after Trump, and that Donald Trump's recused butt boy Devin Nunes was spearheading the false scandal? Remember when Hannity said this would be worse than Watergate? We'll, it turns out it was all staged, and the lies have been exposed. As a matter of fact, now that it has all been botched by the criminals in the Republican party, a lot more evidence has surfaced about Page that corroborates the additional applications. Truth in justice sometimes takes a while, but in the end, the real criminals are exposed.
On Saturday night, the New York Times published a report detailing the public disclosure of more than 400 pages of heavily redacted documents related to a FISA warrant filed in 2016 against Carter Page, an advisor for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Page has been a key focus of the intelligence community’s investigation into Russian interference from the very beginning. And as Saturday’s disclosure reveals, the FBI presented enough probable cause suggesting Page had been recruited by Russian officials that four separate Republican-appointed judges authorized still-undisclosed surveillance measures targeting Page.
The only thing the newly released FISA documents show is that Republicans have been lying for months
You are exactly right. This FISA scheme was a total fiasco; DOJ releases FISA documents in Russia probe I would go so far as saying that this scheme by Trump and Nunes and the House Intel was an attack against the U.S. intelligence in defense of the indefensible Trump.

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