Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

Yeah lying to the FBI about question on the Russia investigation. :290968001256257790-final:

Even strzok stated to comey that Flynn wasn't did the other FBI agents who interviewed him but mueller threatened to go after his son if the didn't take a guilty plea.

No that's not what was said. They said the agents didn't think he appeared to be lying. Agents are trained while doing interviews to look for keys to whether a person is being truthful or not. Now however, Flynn is a career government/military employee that was the head of part of the intelligence community. It's pretty obvious he knows how to pass a lie detector test. So him "not appearing" to lie doesn't mean he didn't lie.

and yet he didn't lie....... and the only way they got the guilty plea was to threaten his son with financial ruin.

No, he knows how to lie without looking like he's lying. They teach you how to tell if someone is lying, and they teach you how to get away with lying.

If you weren't a left winger I would have to ask how you live with yourself and all the lies you tell....but being a left winger, your entire existence is a lie.

My lies? I guess I have to apologize then. I apologize that society has failed you, because obviously you didn't get a quality education.
The indictments all arose from a phony "dossier" and an illegal warrant
Of course, those are both your opinions, and they hold little sway in actual proceedings. So I don't see much need to respond to your arguments of what should happen in fantasyland.
Got a couple of threads on this already. Still was a groundless investigation based on Democrat sponsored information gathering. Thanks for playing.
Who said the investigation was over, and the game has just started. And your welcome.
Just started?

I thought the "game" part was also interesting.
Where's the skin in this game boys and girls. Just because it's Sunday doesn't mean you should draw up and quit like a bunch of whipped dogs. Or is it? The facts surrounding this farce of a scandal got you all by the tail I guess, huh?

This is more time than I normally devote to a liberal cut and paste. You just aren't very good and as such, not worthy.
Thanks for the weak excuse. You folks are wobbling off the field here. You all just can't play this game that can't be won. Nunes and the rest of you Trump apologists have dropped the ball, and the FBI and the Democrats were telling the truth. And the FISA warrants were legit. And had nothing to do with political motivations. Thanks for the concession losers.
Someone like Nunes has had the courage to stand up for decency in governmental affairs. He is not discredited!
Nunes has been throroughly discredited.
The indictments all arose from a phony "dossier" and an illegal warrant
Of course, those are both your opinions, and they hold little sway in actual proceedings. So I don't see much need to respond to your arguments of what should happen in fantasyland.

They are not opinions. It's a documented fact that the dossier is phony. It's also a fact that the FISA warrant would not have been issued if the judge had known the facts. At least, I hope he wouldn't have. You never can tell with all these deep state traitors running around.
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Remember the good old days when state run T.V. propaganda host Shawn Hannity from Fox news was telling his audience that the so called FBI illegal FISA warrant issued against Carter Page was all political to go after Trump, and that Donald Trump's recused butt boy Devin Nunes was spearheading the false scandal? Remember when Hannity said this would be worse than Watergate? We'll, it turns out it was all staged, and the lies have been exposed. As a matter of fact, now that it has all been botched by the criminals in the Republican party, a lot more evidence has surfaced about Page that corroborates the additional applications. Truth in justice sometimes takes a while, but in the end, the real criminals are exposed.

Are you guys all lying with the same talking points? We can compare the Nunez memo to the actual application and nothing you just posted is true or accurate.... you can't lie and think it can't be checked now, the only thing you had going was they hadn't released the application, now they have, now you can be seen to be lying along with the democrats.....

FISA warrant application supports Nunes memo!
from Breitbart 7/22/2018=
How the F*CK can Page be a “foreign agent” who KNOWINGLY engaged in activities FOR A FOREIGN POWER, but at the same time be a “target for recruitment” by THE SAME FOREIGN POWER??????

If Carter Page was an FBI asset and witness, responsible for the bust of a high level Russian agent in 2013, and remained so throughout the court case UP TO May of 2016, how the f**k it is possible that on October 21st, 2016, Carter Page is put under a FISA Title-1 surveillance warrant as an alleged Russian agent?

Conclusion: He wasn’t.

The DOJ National Security Division and the FBI Counterintelligence Division, knew he wasn’t a Russian agent. The DOJ-NSD and FBI flat-out LIED to the FISA court.

Now, go back to the March 2016 DOJ Press Release of the guilty pleading for Evgeny Buryakov, announced from the New York office:
…”Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and John P. Carlin, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, announced”…

Because “FISA Title-I” surveillance authority against a U.S. citizen is so serious (the U.S. government is essentially calling the target a spy), only a few people are authorized to even apply for such surveillance warrants.

Remember the good old days when state run T.V. propaganda host Shawn Hannity from Fox news was telling his audience that the so called FBI illegal FISA warrant issued against Carter Page was all political to go after Trump, and that Donald Trump's recused butt boy Devin Nunes was spearheading the false scandal? Remember when Hannity said this would be worse than Watergate? We'll, it turns out it was all staged, and the lies have been exposed. As a matter of fact, now that it has all been botched by the criminals in the Republican party, a lot more evidence has surfaced about Page that corroborates the additional applications. Truth in justice sometimes takes a while, but in the end, the real criminals are exposed.
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included corroborating the applications even more, and fermenting the need to apply for additional ones.

Are you guys all lying with the same talking points? We can compare the Nunez memo to the actual application and nothing you just posted is true or accurate.... you can't lie and think it can't be checked now, the only thing you had going was they hadn't released the application, now they have, now you can be seen to be lying along with the democrats.....

FISA warrant application supports Nunes memo!
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included, corroborating the applications even more, and cementing the need to apply for additional ones. Because of much more additional evidence accumulated, that explains the repeat use of the application process. So to say it can't be checked? Who's saying that? It certainly isn't me. That's exactly what I am saying. Up against the Nunes memo, it paints the picture of Republicans lying about there's and the Democrats telling the truth, based on the latest FBI report. The 400 page application with evidence proves that the FBI had good standing in renewing those applications, without political bias. Remember, investigating Page started in 2013. Way before the Nunes talking points about the dossier. Nunes and all his complicit thugs in this investigation got caught with their pants down. The FBI proved that. Next!

Also, the main part of this examination of this FISA application was originally edited by the FBI in order to prevent spoiliation of evidence. Now that it has been declassified, much more evidence comes out, that tarnishes what Nunes has said, mainly because Nunes himself never read the whole 400 page application himself. He just installed what he wanted his side to look at. We all know the trick here. And so now that all of it is on the table, the 400 page FISA tells the whole story. And that whole story is that the Democrats told the truth, not the Republicans.
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from Breitbart 7/22/2018=
How the F*CK can Page be a “foreign agent” who KNOWINGLY engaged in activities FOR A FOREIGN POWER, but at the same time be a “target for recruitment” by THE SAME FOREIGN POWER??????
Brilliant point! That's what happens when you start making stuff up: you get caught up in your own lies.

Remember the good old days when state run T.V. propaganda host Shawn Hannity from Fox news was telling his audience that the so called FBI illegal FISA warrant issued against Carter Page was all political to go after Trump, and that Donald Trump's recused butt boy Devin Nunes was spearheading the false scandal? Remember when Hannity said this would be worse than Watergate? We'll, it turns out it was all staged, and the lies have been exposed. As a matter of fact, now that it has all been botched by the criminals in the Republican party, a lot more evidence has surfaced about Page that corroborates the additional applications. Truth in justice sometimes takes a while, but in the end, the real criminals are exposed.
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included corroborating the applications even more, and fermenting the need to apply for additional ones.

Are you guys all lying with the same talking points? We can compare the Nunez memo to the actual application and nothing you just posted is true or accurate.... you can't lie and think it can't be checked now, the only thing you had going was they hadn't released the application, now they have, now you can be seen to be lying along with the democrats.....

FISA warrant application supports Nunes memo!
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included, corroborating the applications even more, and cementing the need to apply for additional ones. Because of much more additional evidence accumulated, that explains the repeat use of the application process. So to say it can't be checked? Who's saying that? It certainly isn't me. That's exactly what I am saying. Up against the Nunes memo, it paints the picture of Republicans lying about there's and the Democrats telling the truth, based on the latest FBI report. The 400 page application with evidence proves that the FBI had good standing in renewing those applications, without political bias. Remember, investigating Page started in 2013. Way before the Nunes talking points about the dossier. Nunes and all his complicit thugs in this investigation got caught with their pants down. The FBI proved that. Next!

Wrong...... the steele dossier was the primary source.....and it was the secondary source because it was leaked to journalists and those leaks of the dossier were used to "confirm" what the dossier stated..... you don't know what you are talking about.

Page worked with the FBI to indict a Russian spy......... they submitted a fake FISA request to federal judges. You can't submit any fake information that you know is fake when you are getting a warrant, it tainted the entire application.
from Breitbart 7/22/2018=
How the F*CK can Page be a “foreign agent” who KNOWINGLY engaged in activities FOR A FOREIGN POWER, but at the same time be a “target for recruitment” by THE SAME FOREIGN POWER??????
If you work on it really, really hard, you SHOULD be able to discern that the two situations you pose are NOT mutually exclusive. But it does take about 4 microseconds of effortless thought for an average surface dweller!
How the F*CK can Page be a “foreign agent” who KNOWINGLY engaged in activities FOR A FOREIGN POWER, but at the same time be a “target for recruitment” by THE SAME FOREIGN POWER??????
Because... they would attempt to recruit him, and then be successful in doing so?

I gotta say, that didn't take a lot of brain power to puzzle out.
from Breitbart 7/22/2018=
How the F*CK can Page be a “foreign agent” who KNOWINGLY engaged in activities FOR A FOREIGN POWER, but at the same time be a “target for recruitment” by THE SAME FOREIGN POWER??????
If you work on it really, really hard, you SHOULD be able to discern that the two situations you pose are NOT mutually exclusive. But it does take about 4 microseconds of effortless thought for an average surface dweller!
They are mutually exclusive, moron.

Remember the good old days when state run T.V. propaganda host Shawn Hannity from Fox news was telling his audience that the so called FBI illegal FISA warrant issued against Carter Page was all political to go after Trump, and that Donald Trump's recused butt boy Devin Nunes was spearheading the false scandal? Remember when Hannity said this would be worse than Watergate? We'll, it turns out it was all staged, and the lies have been exposed. As a matter of fact, now that it has all been botched by the criminals in the Republican party, a lot more evidence has surfaced about Page that corroborates the additional applications. Truth in justice sometimes takes a while, but in the end, the real criminals are exposed.
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included corroborating the applications even more, and fermenting the need to apply for additional ones.

Are you guys all lying with the same talking points? We can compare the Nunez memo to the actual application and nothing you just posted is true or accurate.... you can't lie and think it can't be checked now, the only thing you had going was they hadn't released the application, now they have, now you can be seen to be lying along with the democrats.....

FISA warrant application supports Nunes memo!
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included, corroborating the applications even more, and cementing the need to apply for additional ones. Because of much more additional evidence accumulated, that explains the repeat use of the application process. So to say it can't be checked? Who's saying that? It certainly isn't me. That's exactly what I am saying. Up against the Nunes memo, it paints the picture of Republicans lying about there's and the Democrats telling the truth, based on the latest FBI report. The 400 page application with evidence proves that the FBI had good standing in renewing those applications, without political bias. Remember, investigating Page started in 2013. Way before the Nunes talking points about the dossier. Nunes and all his complicit thugs in this investigation got caught with their pants down. The FBI proved that. Next!

Wrong...... the steele dossier was the primary source.....and it was the secondary source because it was leaked to journalists and those leaks of the dossier were used to "confirm" what the dossier stated..... you don't know what you are talking about.

Page worked with the FBI to indict a Russian spy......... they submitted a fake FISA request to federal judges. You can't submit any fake information that you know is fake when you are getting a warrant, it tainted the entire application.
Damn your slow. The FISA applications started on Page in 2013. That's over 3 years until anyone ever heard of any dossier. So, you are 100% wrong on that. And do you know how I know that? Because there is no link to verify that. You just took the opportunity to lie about it. Show us a link where the dossier is the main source for the FISA?

And where is your proven link that Page worked for the FBI, while the FBI had a warrant on Page? You can't produce that either, because you are lying again. Boss, you can forget it. The gig is up on the Republicans with this manufactured scandal. Are you folks ashamed? Of course not.

"These documents affirm that our nation faced a profound counterintelligence threat prior to the 2016 election, and the Department of Justice and FBI took appropriate steps to investigate whether any U.S. persons were acting as an agent of a foreign power,” Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif, who serves as ranking member of the House intelligence committee, said in a statement.

“FBI and DOJ would have been negligent had they not used all the tools at their disposal, including Court-authorized [Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] FISA surveillance, to protect the country," he added.
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How exactly? We need details, not some buzz words that tell us nothing. Play ball man. Quit hiding behind vague words that go no where.

You mean words like collusion...

Lol! You approach this debate like a dying fish on its side. You aren't going to tell us anything. Isn't it past your bed time?

I got some newpaper for yours, or would you prefer a tissue?

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