Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

Donald J. Trump


....and the DOJ, FBI and Obama Gang need to be held to account. Source #1 was the major source. Avoided talking about it being the Clinton campaign behind it. Misled the Court to provide a pretext to SPY on the Trump Team. Not about Carter Page..was all about getting Trump.....

4:01 AM - Jul 23, 2018
Carter Page was being looked at all the way back to 2013. No one knew Trump was running for president at that time. The conclusions by Trump and his Sheep are not only lies, but they resemble arguments coming from total retards. How damn stupid does a person have to be to acknowledge the tweets by Trump, when Trump himself declassified these documents, that, by the way has never been done before? And, Nunes never read them, and then they make up lies as a result? You have to be some more kind of special stupid to go along with that. Get back to planet earth people. Your country needs patriots. Not a bunch of cowards who support pussy grabbers; DOJ releases FISA documents in Russia probe
What's so critical for national security that date has to be redacted?



I noticed that too

The "supervisory special agent" is a secret too

Maybe his name is Strzok, or is that simply paranoia?

Try stupid.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics
Trump must have as much on Nunes, as Putin has on Trump. The man has entirely abandoned his duties as a congressman, and has spent the last year and a half covering up crimes that he hasn't even been told about.
madmax oking burning the american flag. More outrageous than anything else you can post.
How exactly? We need details, not some buzz words that tell us nothing. Play ball man. Quit hiding behind vague words that go no where.

You mean words like collusion...
Lol! You approach this debate like a dying fish on its side. You aren't going to tell us anything. Isn't it past your bed time?
Which is the beauty of it all. With roughly 400 pages associated with the warrants, additional evidence was included, corroborating the applications even more, and cementing the need to apply for additional ones. Because of much more additional evidence accumulated, that explains the repeat use of the application process. So to say it can't be checked? Who's saying that? It certainly isn't me. That's exactly what I am saying. Up against the Nunes memo, it paints the picture of Republicans lying about there's and the Democrats telling the truth, based on the latest FBI report. The 400 page application with evidence proves that the FBI had good standing in renewing those applications, without political bias. Remember, investigating Page started in 2013. Way before the Nunes talking points about the dossier. Nunes and all his complicit thugs in this investigation got caught with their pants down. The FBI proved that. Next!

Wrong...... the steele dossier was the primary source.....and it was the secondary source because it was leaked to journalists and those leaks of the dossier were used to "confirm" what the dossier stated..... you don't know what you are talking about.

Page worked with the FBI to indict a Russian spy......... they submitted a fake FISA request to federal judges. You can't submit any fake information that you know is fake when you are getting a warrant, it tainted the entire application.
Damn your slow. The FISA applications started on Page in 2013. That's over 3 years until anyone ever heard of any dossier. So, you are 100% wrong on that. And do you know how I know that? Because there is no link to verify that. You just took the opportunity to lie about it. Show us a link where the dossier is the main source for the FISA?

And where is your proven link that Page worked for the FBI, while the FBI had a warrant on Page? You can't produce that either, because you are lying again. Boss, you can forget it. The gig is up on the Republicans with this manufactured scandal. Are you folks ashamed? Of course not.

No... the FISA application didn't start in 2013 ..... that is a lie. The FISA warrants against page when he worked for Trump came after the Steele dossier, what part of that do you not understand? It is right there in the application.
Republicans concede key FBI 'footnote' in Carter Page warrant I said they had been investigating Page since 2013. I don't know the exact date of the first application. I stated that the FBI had not used the dossier as a main point of the inquiry. You said that, and that is not the FBI's claim. And Nunes has fessed up about his inaccuracies.

You are wrong......I posted the link that compares the Nunez memo to the Application....
Look at how full of shit Nunes is;
Nunes: Fine, the FBI Didn’t Lie, But Its Font Was Too Small Nunes in that two paragraph segment is admitting he is wrong. Making hay about a footnote is not a cause for some 7 month manufactured scandal. He got caught with his pants down. And that comes after he recused himself. You can't get more obvious than that. He is Trump's butt boy who will fall off a cliff to cover for him. The whole Republican party is nothing more than a thug enterprise. And they're supposed to be doing oversight.They're nothing but hood rats. Get over yourself and this thug party that's been exposed.
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Donald J. Trump


....and the DOJ, FBI and Obama Gang need to be held to account. Source #1 was the major source. Avoided talking about it being the Clinton campaign behind it. Misled the Court to provide a pretext to SPY on the Trump Team. Not about Carter Page..was all about getting Trump.....

4:01 AM - Jul 23, 2018

Lol @ piece of shit lying POTUS, Carter WAS NOT with Trump campaign at the time of his surveilance.
In a surprise move, on Saturday evening the Department of Justice released copies of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications used to obtain a secret court order to conduct electronic surveillance on former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. The 412 pages of documents turned over in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by several media outlets included the initial October 2016 application and the three applications for renewal of the surveillance order.

While the newly released documents remain heavily redacted, the details revealed confirm the charges of abuse laid out early this year by House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA). The documents also provide additional evidence that the Obama administration’s Department of Justice and career DOJ, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and State Department employees misused the FISA court system to spy on the Trump campaign. Here are ten key take-aways.

1. The State Department Had Its Fingers In this Mess

Last month, during a Senate Select Committee on Intelligence hearing, it was revealed for the first time that “[f]ormer British spy Christopher Steele visited the State Department in October 2016 and briefed officials there about his work on the infamous anti-Trump dossier.” During questioning of President Barack Obama’s assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, Victoria Nuland, committee Chairman Richard Burr disclosed that “ased upon our review of the visitor logs at the State Department, Mr. Steele visited the State Department, briefing officials on the dossier in October 2016.”

Nuland, who in June 2016 had authorized the FBI to meet with Steele in London, denied attending the October 2016 meeting with Steele. She also “said in previous interviews that she and other State Department officials referred the dossier to the FBI,” but as The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross noted, “Burr’s revelations suggest the agency maintained interest in Steele and his report much longer than previously known.”

Saturday’s release of the FISA applications now exposes a new troubling detail: The DOJ sought the FISA surveillance order based on the information provided “by the U.S. Department of State” “in or about October 2016.” When considered in light of last month’s revelation that Steele had met with State Department officials in October, it now appears that the Obama administration’s State Department bore equal responsibility for presenting the FISA court unverified hearsay to justify spying on the Trump campaign.

2. The Applications Relied Heavily on the Steele Dossier

In charging the DOJ and FBI with abusing the FISA system, Republicans have long maintained that the FISA applications relied heavily on the Steele dossier’s unverified information—information the former British spook compiled for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

Democrats challenge that assertion, stressing the bulk of the FISA applications and other information included. Although the redactions make it impossible to fully refute these claims, the FISA applications demonstrate the DOJ’s heavy reliance on the Steele dossier.

First, while the initial FISA application totals some 50 pages, large swaths of the double-spaced length consist of boilerplate jargon detailing the requested scope of the surveillance, claiming “compliance” with the statutory requirements for certification by FBI officials, and efforts to minimization the unintentional interception of third-party information.

Then there are the long narratives of background information concerning Russia’s attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election. Only a relatively small portion of the total applications go to the question of whether probable cause exists to surveil Page. Those sections rely on the information the Steele dossier provided.

3. The FBI Paid Christopher Steele

It has long been known that the Clinton campaign and DNC paid Steele to compile the dossier. Media outlets have also reported, though, that the FBI did not compensate Steele. For instance, the Washington Post ran a story asserting, based on “several people familiar with the arrangement,” that Steele “had reached an agreement with the FBI a few weeks before the election for the bureau to pay him,” but “ltimately, the FBI did not pay Steele.” In another article, the Washington Post again claimed Steele was “not being paid as an informant,” but added that he may have been reimbursed for some travel expenses.

Those reports now appear questionable: The FISA applications state that Steele (identified as Source #1), “has been compensated” “by the FBI.” The redactions, though, leave open the question of how much and whether any of the payments compensated Steele for investigating the Trump campaign.

4. Warrants Relied On Hearsay from Tertiary Sources
The newly released FISA applications also confirm a fourth significant fact: To obtain the surveillance warrant, the DOJ and FBI relied on unverified hearsay from sub-sources (i.e., Steele’s sources) of unknown reliability.

While the government may rely on unverified information provided by an informant who has a history of providing reliable information, to establish probable cause with evidence coming from a source of unknown reliability, the government must corroborate that information. The FISA applications make no mention of corroboration of the sub-sources’ claims concerning Page’s purported conversations with two Russian agents.

Further, the FISA applications reveal that the DOJ only established Steele’s reliability, notthat of “sub-sources.” But as former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy first highlighted in February 2018:

The only reliability that counts is the reliability of the factual informants, not of the investigator who purports to channel the informants. The judge wants to know why the court should believe the specific factual claims: Was the informant truly in a position to witness what is alleged, and if so, does the informant have a track record of providing verified information? The track record of the investigator who locates the sources is beside the point. A judge would need to know whether Steele’s sources were reliable, not whether Steele himself was reliable.

While we do not know what lay behind the redacted portions of the applications, it seems clear from the placement, context, size of the blackouts that the FBI did not include information in the application either establishing the sub-sources’ reliability or detailing any efforts to corroborate Page’s claimed collusion with the Russian agents.

10 Key Takeaways From Released FISA Warrants Against Carter Page
for the rest of the story.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics
Trump must have as much on Nunes, as Putin has on Trump. The man has entirely abandoned his duties as a congressman, and has spent the last year and a half covering up crimes that he hasn't even been told about.
madmax oking burning the american flag. More outrageous than anything else you can post.
Lol, but...but...but... Waters!
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics
CNN?? I don't think so.
In a surprise move, on Saturday evening the Department of Justice released copies of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) applications used to obtain a secret court order to conduct electronic surveillance on former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page. The 412 pages of documents turned over in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit brought by several media outlets included the initial October 2016 application and the three applications for renewal of the surveillance order.

While the newly released documents remain heavily redacted, the details revealed confirm the charges of abuse laid out early this year by House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA). The documents also provide additional evidence that the Obama administration’s Department of Justice and career DOJ, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and State Department employees misused the FISA court system to spy on the Trump campaign. Here are ten key take-aways.
There is zero evidence that the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign.

1. The State Department Had Its Fingers In this Mess
Last month, during a Senate Select Committee on Intelligence hearing, it was revealed for the first time that “[f]ormer British spy Christopher Steele visited the State Department in October 2016 and briefed officials there about his work on the infamous anti-Trump dossier.”
What is an "infamous anti-Trump dossier"? What is the source of that claim? Devin Nunes maybe?
During questioning of President Barack Obama’s assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, Victoria Nuland, committee Chairman Richard Burr disclosed that “ased upon our review of the visitor logs at the State Department, Mr. Steele visited the State Department, briefing officials on the dossier in October 2016.”
And? What about it? What is the wrong doing?

Nuland, who in June 2016 had authorized the FBI to meet with Steele in London, denied attending the October 2016 meeting with Steele. She also “said in previous interviews that she and other State Department officials referred the dossier to the FBI,” but as The Daily Caller’s Chuck Ross noted, “Burr’s revelations suggest the agency maintained interest in Steele and his report much longer than previously known.”
Once again, "AND"?

Saturday’s release of the FISA applications now exposes a new troubling detail: The DOJ sought the FISA surveillance order based on the information provided “by the U.S. Department of State” “in or about October 2016.” When considered in light of last month’s revelation that Steele had met with State Department officials in October, it now appears that the Obama administration’s State Department bore equal responsibility for presenting the FISA court unverified hearsay to justify spying on the Trump campaign.
Negative! The FBI had been investigating Carter Page since 2013. They had their own investigation of Russia meddling independent of Steele. So it is impossible to knowingly link the two unless you are part of the investigation. This is totally wishful thinking on those who are out to make hay. Not good enough. Try again.

2. The Applications Relied Heavily on the Steele Dossier
Negative again. No evidence to prove that at the time. The dossier proved reliable later on.

In charging the DOJ and FBI with abusing the FISA system, Republicans have long maintained that the FISA applications relied heavily on the Steele dossier’s unverified information—information the former British spook compiled for the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee.
How would they know? Nunes said he never read it, and admitted to using their footnote for his famous memo as an excuse to create mayhem over nothing.Nunes: Fine, the FBI Didn’t Lie, But Its Font Was Too Small

Democrats challenge that assertion, stressing the bulk of the FISA applications and other information included. Although the redactions make it impossible to fully refute these claims, the FISA applications demonstrate the DOJ’s heavy reliance on the Steele dossier.
Whoever wrote that two sentence paragraph needs a lesson in critical thinking, because it doesn't make any sense. How can the article admit the "impossibility to fully refute", then make the claim that the applications demonstrate the DOJ's heavy reliance on the dossier, when there are still redacted parts? They just destroyed their own argument.

First, while the initial FISA application totals some 50 pages, large swaths of the double-spaced length consist of boilerplate jargon detailing the requested scope of the surveillance, claiming “compliance” with the statutory requirements for certification by FBI officials, and efforts to minimization the unintentional interception of third-party information.
According to who? The folks that wrote this article? Lol! Who made that conclusion and what are their credentials?

Then there are the long narratives of background information concerning Russia’s attempts to influence the 2016 presidential election. Only a relatively small portion of the total applications go to the question of whether probable cause exists to surveil Page. Those sections rely on the information the Steele dossier provided.
How do they know? Did they ask the FBI, in order to draw that conclusion? This article is a make it up as you go kind of thing.

3. The FBI Paid Christopher Steele
And? What does that have to do with the price of apples, other than it tells us nothing about Steele having anything to do with the original investigation of Page?

It has long been known that the Clinton campaign and DNC paid Steele to compile the dossier.
You mean the dossier that the Republicans first had, right?
Media outlets have also reported, though, that the FBI did not compensate Steele. For instance, the Washington Post ran a story asserting, based on “several people familiar with the arrangement,” that Steele “had reached an agreement with the FBI a few weeks before the election for the bureau to pay him,” but “ltimately, the FBI did not pay Steele.” In another article, the Washington Post again claimed Steele was “not being paid as an informant,” but added that he may have been reimbursed for some travel expenses.
So? What about it? This doesn't dispute or negate the other legs to this investigation. There is no connection, because the article is foraging. It isn't defining any facts. It's all a speculation tour. The whole article has not defined anything with concrete facts.

Those reports now appear questionable: The FISA applications state that Steele (identified as Source #1), “has been compensated” “by the FBI.” The redactions, though, leave open the question of how much and whether any of the payments compensated Steele for investigating the Trump campaign.
How is any of this relevant to the initial investigation of Carter Page? Answer, there is nothing relevant. The article is planting suspicious innuendos to lead us down a path of wrong doing, where none exist. It's all semantics and buzz words to cloud the reality of this investigation. It's a total con.

4. Warrants Relied On Hearsay from Tertiary Sources
The newly released FISA applications also confirm a fourth significant fact: To obtain the surveillance warrant, the DOJ and FBI relied on unverified hearsay from sub-sources (i.e., Steele’s sources) of unknown reliability.
Here we go again. "Hearsay" by who, verified by whom? No one answers that key question, suggesting that the article continues to throw spaghetti up against the wall.

While the government may rely on unverified information provided by an informant who has a history of providing reliable information, to establish probable cause with evidence coming from a source of unknown reliability, the government must corroborate that information. The FISA applications make no mention of corroboration of the sub-sources’ claims concerning Page’s purported conversations with two Russian agents.
You yourself said there were redactions, so verification could not be established by the applications. Therefore, why bring it up to begin with? Answer, to cloud the credibility of this document.

Further, the FISA applications reveal that the DOJ only established Steele’s reliability, notthat of “sub-sources.” But as former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy first highlighted in February 2018:
The only reliability that counts is the reliability of the factual informants, not of the investigator who purports to channel the informants. The judge wants to know why the court should believe the specific factual claims: Was the informant truly in a position to witness what is alleged, and if so, does the informant have a track record of providing verified information? The track record of the investigator who locates the sources is beside the point. A judge would need to know whether Steele’s sources were reliable, not whether Steele himself was reliable.
And? The dossier has still not been the source of verified court claims, so why is it an issue, when the judge has not signed off on its validity?

While we do not know what lay behind the redacted portions of the applications, it seems clear from the placement, context, size of the blackouts that the FBI did not include information in the application either establishing the sub-sources’ reliability or detailing any efforts to corroborate Page’s claimed collusion with the Russian agents.
Based on your own lengthy failed post here, the article clearly tells us it was on a foraging tour, and left out facts that could have advanced its narrative. But it didn't. It was all guesses and accusations, without any firm backing. Your post was an apology tour for the failed Nunes memo.
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This thread is about an FBI FISA warrant on Carter Page and how it shows Nunes was trying to protect Trump through lies.

Within less than a page in this thread however, it's already been directed to being about Hillary Clinton using psychotropic drugs in children's vaccinations that causes them to have seizures when looking into the sky when secret military planes are spreading chem trails meant to spread alien DNA into the human gene pool.

Your reading comprehension really sucks...

First Thoughts On the Carter Page FISA Application

But Page has never been charged with anything. Accordingly, the least we can say is that Obama’s FBI and DOJ were wrong.

Second, the application’s description of Christopher Steele and the provenance of his dossier was misleading at best:

he “identified U.S. person” is Glenn Simpson, the head of Fusion GPS. Source #1 is Christopher Steele. The DOJ’s statement that “the FBI speculates that the identified U.S person [Simpson] was likely looking for information that could be used to discredit Candidate #1’s [Trump’s] campaign” could only have been an intentional effort to deceive the FISA judge.

The FBI was perfectly well aware that the Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC hired Simpson through their lawyers, and the purpose of doing so was to attack candidate Donald Trump.

References to “speculation” about “likely” motives are entirely dishonest.

Third, the application relies to an astonishing degree on anti-Trump news stories published in the Democratic Party press. Does the FBI really get surveillance warrants on the basis of partisan press accounts? Apparently so. For example:

Amazingly, the FISA application relies on “speculation in U.S. media” for the proposition that Russia was behind the phishing of DNC emails:

Fourth, we still don’t know who at the FBI assembled the FISA application, since that person’s signature is redacted. But we do know who approved it–hyper-partisans James Comey and Sally Yates:

That probably tells us all we need to know about the veracity of the FISA application. Perhaps one day we will learn that Peter Strzok was the Democratic Party activist who prepared the application.

What I really want to know is the identity of the judge who signed off on the surveillance of Carter Page, based on such flimsy grounds. Some are speculating that he must be from Hawaii.

No, the only thing that sucks...

Is the fact that you guys can not even remotely discuss the topic. I mean you guys get so far off topic, so quickly, it's fucking amazing.

Let me repeat a very simple thing that anyone that still thinks this is a joke needs to pay attention to.

The FBI was investigating the actions of some Russian spies who were trying to groom American assets. The FBI TOLD CARTER PAGE who they were and what they were trying to do. Carter Page fucking ignored the FBI's warning and kept cooperating with the Russian spies and even ramped up his game.

So how in the wide wide world do you think the FBI was not justified in getting a FISA warrant on Page? THEY WARNED HIM OF EXACTLY WHO AND WHAT THE GUYS WERE. Page still did his thing.

You desperately need to ignore the fact that the FISA warrants were obtained illegally against American citizens.....

You Trumpkins clearly have a desperate need to lie that the FISA warrants were obtained illegally- even though no one- not the House, not the Senate- nor the IJ- agrees with you.

But you follow the Lying Don the Con- so it is to be expected.
It is hilarious the TDS folks thinks this helps their cognitive dissonant fake news POV. As already noted, half of it is blacked out. :p

Rosenstein is desperate and afraid of Rudy.

And Trump even more. He's the idiot who de-classified the document for the first time in its history, only to have that same document turn him and Republicans into liars.
Let us know when the trial starts.
oh, I'm sure I will find that you are already here, trying to discredit and smear the third cousin twice removed of the judge's wife.

Why ?

Trump goes.....look who is on in the on-deck circle.

You'll be praying for Trump's return six months after he leaves.
No, I would prefer Pence be president. You don't have to explain to me who pence is, i live in Indiana.

So why would I care ?

Pence takes over and it's business as usual.
A liar, criminal, and a traitor to their country wouldn't. Carry on!

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