Fisa documents released. Nunes memo thoroughly discredited.

As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics
This is a heavily redacted version.
I guess they needed to redact the fuck out of it to remove any evidence of abuse.

View attachment 206362

That's what you and your fellow fucknut Communists are claiming, without a shred of evidence.

Why did the FSB lie to the FISA court? Why did they commit perjury on the application? Who will go to prison for this?
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Disregard. BULLSHIT CLAIM by a bullshit person from another bullshit source. You don't pass go nor collect $200, Creepy.
Please elaborate.

Plus you morons who try to insult me by changing my name are just proving how uneducated you are.

How are we changing your name, creep?

Further, what does that have to do with education? You are a hack, pure and simple. You're a hate filled Communist spewing idiocy from the hate sites. You started a thread crowing about how great it is that the FISA document was released, even though that document confirms that the fabricated Steel Dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin was the basis,
Provide proof with links please?
Meaning the FISA warrant application is an act of perjury, as even "I'm With HER" Comey acknowledes that the slander was never verified. Further, the FSB failed to disclose that the SOURCE of their warrant was the opposition party and campaign.
That is false. The source of the warrant was disclosed by way of Papadopolous. You all keep spinning, and we'll keep spinning you back to nothing; Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I.

You seem too dumb to grasp that this is a complete disaster for you Communists, that this establishes collusion between the Obama Regime through a corrupt DOJ and FSB with the Clinton Campaign to rig the presidential election.
Quoting from the actual FISA, I think not. You, Nunes, Gowdy, and all of Trump's butt boys have been made.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.[/QUOTE]
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics
This is a heavily redacted version.
I guess they needed to redact the fuck out of it to remove any evidence of abuse.

View attachment 206362

That's what you and your fellow fucknut Communists are claiming, without a shred of evidence.

Why did the FSB lie to the FISA court? Why did they commit perjury on the application? Who will go to prison for this?
Nunes, Gowdy, and the rest of Trump's butt boys should. They were the one's who made up the whole lying story. The FISA clearly states that the investigation started with Papadopolous who gave the Australians the information.Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Disregard. BULLSHIT CLAIM by a bullshit person from another bullshit source. You don't pass go nor collect $200, Creepy.
Please elaborate.

Plus you morons who try to insult me by changing my name are just proving how uneducated you are.

How are we changing your name, creep?

Further, what does that have to do with education? You are a hack, pure and simple. You're a hate filled Communist spewing idiocy from the hate sites. You started a thread crowing about how great it is that the FISA document was released, even though that document confirms that the fabricated Steel Dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin was the basis,
Provide proof with links please?
Meaning the FISA warrant application is an act of perjury, as even "I'm With HER" Comey acknowledes that the slander was never verified. Further, the FSB failed to disclose that the SOURCE of their warrant was the opposition party and campaign.
That is false. The source of the warrant was disclosed by way of Papadopolous. You all keep spinning, and we'll keep spinning you back to nothing; Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I.

You seem too dumb to grasp that this is a complete disaster for you Communists, that this establishes collusion between the Obama Regime through a corrupt DOJ and FSB with the Clinton Campaign to rig the presidential election.
Quoting from the actual FISA, I think not. You, Nunes, Gowdy, and all of Trump's butt boys have been made.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.

Son, you and Schiff are both fucking liars.

2016 FISA Application on Carter Page

Page 13, you lying pile of shit.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Disregard. BULLSHIT CLAIM by a bullshit person from another bullshit source. You don't pass go nor collect $200, Creepy.
Please elaborate.

Plus you morons who try to insult me by changing my name are just proving how uneducated you are.

How are we changing your name, creep?

Further, what does that have to do with education? You are a hack, pure and simple. You're a hate filled Communist spewing idiocy from the hate sites. You started a thread crowing about how great it is that the FISA document was released, even though that document confirms that the fabricated Steel Dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin was the basis,
Provide proof with links please?
Meaning the FISA warrant application is an act of perjury, as even "I'm With HER" Comey acknowledes that the slander was never verified. Further, the FSB failed to disclose that the SOURCE of their warrant was the opposition party and campaign.
That is false. The source of the warrant was disclosed by way of Papadopolous. You all keep spinning, and we'll keep spinning you back to nothing; Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I.

You seem too dumb to grasp that this is a complete disaster for you Communists, that this establishes collusion between the Obama Regime through a corrupt DOJ and FSB with the Clinton Campaign to rig the presidential election.
Quoting from the actual FISA, I think not. You, Nunes, Gowdy, and all of Trump's butt boys have been made.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.

Son, you and Schiff are both fucking liars.

2016 FISA Application on Carter Page

Page 13, you lying pile of shit.[/QUOTE]
Are you really this stupid? Can you really not connect A to B? Damn these Republicans are dumb. Look "shit for brains", Papadopolous was the catalyst for the continuation of this investigation after Carter Page. It doesn't say Page was not someone who they suddenly did not have on their radar, or was not subject to a FISA. Showing me the application on Page, is showing me shit. Stop trying to cloud the debate with distractions of Pages application to underscore Papadopolous. Good grief, you people are screwed in the head.Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I. Schiff points it out clearly. You can ignore reality all you want. That's on you. He explained so a six year old could understand it. Nunes, Gowdy, and Trump lied.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Amen! Nunes should be expelled from Congress. Lawrence O'Donnell is currently doing an excellent segment on why he should be expelled.
Nunes, and the rest of these pirates are trying to ruin this country. All they do is sit around trying to make up conspiracies to undermine everything this country stands for. They are pure scum. And to think, they are in charge of protecting and serving this country. They have been proven liars over and over, and these Trump Sheep keep right on supporting this trash.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Disregard. BULLSHIT CLAIM by a bullshit person from another bullshit source. You don't pass go nor collect $200, Creepy.
Please elaborate.

Plus you morons who try to insult me by changing my name are just proving how uneducated you are.

How are we changing your name, creep?

Further, what does that have to do with education? You are a hack, pure and simple. You're a hate filled Communist spewing idiocy from the hate sites. You started a thread crowing about how great it is that the FISA document was released, even though that document confirms that the fabricated Steel Dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin was the basis,
Provide proof with links please?
Meaning the FISA warrant application is an act of perjury, as even "I'm With HER" Comey acknowledes that the slander was never verified. Further, the FSB failed to disclose that the SOURCE of their warrant was the opposition party and campaign.
That is false. The source of the warrant was disclosed by way of Papadopolous. You all keep spinning, and we'll keep spinning you back to nothing; Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I.

You seem too dumb to grasp that this is a complete disaster for you Communists, that this establishes collusion between the Obama Regime through a corrupt DOJ and FSB with the Clinton Campaign to rig the presidential election.
Quoting from the actual FISA, I think not. You, Nunes, Gowdy, and all of Trump's butt boys have been made.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.
Why do you keep ignoring the US IG report that stated the FBI misled / abused the FISA Court?

McCabe has been recommended for indictment already...but Rosenstein is too busy with Obstructing Justice and indicting Russians who will never be interviewed or be handed over to indict McCabe and other co-conspirators.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics
Of course the OP is completely full of shit. CNN never said the sources and funding of the dossier were explained to the judge. They were not.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Disregard. BULLSHIT CLAIM by a bullshit person from another bullshit source. You don't pass go nor collect $200, Creepy.
Please elaborate.

Plus you morons who try to insult me by changing my name are just proving how uneducated you are.

How are we changing your name, creep?

Further, what does that have to do with education? You are a hack, pure and simple. You're a hate filled Communist spewing idiocy from the hate sites. You started a thread crowing about how great it is that the FISA document was released, even though that document confirms that the fabricated Steel Dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin was the basis,
Provide proof with links please?
Meaning the FISA warrant application is an act of perjury, as even "I'm With HER" Comey acknowledes that the slander was never verified. Further, the FSB failed to disclose that the SOURCE of their warrant was the opposition party and campaign.
That is false. The source of the warrant was disclosed by way of Papadopolous. You all keep spinning, and we'll keep spinning you back to nothing; Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I.

You seem too dumb to grasp that this is a complete disaster for you Communists, that this establishes collusion between the Obama Regime through a corrupt DOJ and FSB with the Clinton Campaign to rig the presidential election.
Quoting from the actual FISA, I think not. You, Nunes, Gowdy, and all of Trump's butt boys have been made.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.
Why do you keep ignoring the US IG report that stated the FBI misled / abused the FISA Court?

McCabe has been recommended for indictment already...but Rosenstein is too busy with Obstructing Justice and indicting Russians who will never be interviewed or be handed over to indict McCabe and other co-conspirators.[/QUOTE]
Show me where the IG report said the FBI abused FISA?
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Amen! Nunes should be expelled from Congress. Lawrence O'Donnell is currently doing an excellent segment on why he should be expelled.
Nunes, and the rest of these pirates are trying to ruin this country. All they do is sit around trying to make up conspiracies to undermine everything this country stands for. They are pure scum. And to think, they are in charge of protecting and serving this country. They have been proven liars over and over, and these Trump Sheep keep right on supporting this trash.
Funny only tells us you have nothing worthy of debate. Carry on.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Amen! Nunes should be expelled from Congress. Lawrence O'Donnell is currently doing an excellent segment on why he should be expelled.
Nunes, and the rest of these pirates are trying to ruin this country. All they do is sit around trying to make up conspiracies to undermine everything this country stands for. They are pure scum. And to think, they are in charge of protecting and serving this country. They have been proven liars over and over, and these Trump Sheep keep right on supporting this trash.
Why so mad bro? Upset more are working? Upset people received raises and bonuses? Or, are you truly upset we are no longer funding the Iranian military and their terrorist groups?
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Amen! Nunes should be expelled from Congress. Lawrence O'Donnell is currently doing an excellent segment on why he should be expelled.
Nunes, and the rest of these pirates are trying to ruin this country. All they do is sit around trying to make up conspiracies to undermine everything this country stands for. They are pure scum. And to think, they are in charge of protecting and serving this country. They have been proven liars over and over, and these Trump Sheep keep right on supporting this trash.
The Obama administration Conspiracy has been revealed.

Brennan, Clapper, Lynch, Strzok, Comey, McCabe - all have been proven to have committed Perjury and Obstruction.

Again, the US IG already reported the FBI abused and recommended McCabe for indictment .... And Rosenstein has refused to do so thus far. The US IG also pointed out how the FBI was found to have altered witness testimony after the fact.

Mueller, Rosenstein, and Comey have Obstructed Justice, as the US IG pointed out, by refusing to comply with a Congressional subpoena.


Their boss illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, & even USSC JUSTICES before running their own Watergate.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics
Of course the OP is completely full of shit. CNN never said the sources and funding of the dossier were explained to the judge. They were not.
Disregard. BULLSHIT CLAIM by a bullshit person from another bullshit source. You don't pass go nor collect $200, Creepy.
Please elaborate.

Plus you morons who try to insult me by changing my name are just proving how uneducated you are.

How are we changing your name, creep?

Further, what does that have to do with education? You are a hack, pure and simple. You're a hate filled Communist spewing idiocy from the hate sites. You started a thread crowing about how great it is that the FISA document was released, even though that document confirms that the fabricated Steel Dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin was the basis,
Provide proof with links please?
Meaning the FISA warrant application is an act of perjury, as even "I'm With HER" Comey acknowledes that the slander was never verified. Further, the FSB failed to disclose that the SOURCE of their warrant was the opposition party and campaign.
That is false. The source of the warrant was disclosed by way of Papadopolous. You all keep spinning, and we'll keep spinning you back to nothing; Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I.

You seem too dumb to grasp that this is a complete disaster for you Communists, that this establishes collusion between the Obama Regime through a corrupt DOJ and FSB with the Clinton Campaign to rig the presidential election.
Quoting from the actual FISA, I think not. You, Nunes, Gowdy, and all of Trump's butt boys have been made.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.
Why do you keep ignoring the US IG report that stated the FBI misled / abused the FISA Court?

McCabe has been recommended for indictment already...but Rosenstein is too busy with Obstructing Justice and indicting Russians who will never be interviewed or be handed over to indict McCabe and other co-conspirators.
Show me where the IG report said the FBI abused FISA?[/QUOTE]
Posted it numerous times - feel free to look it up. Your tactic of repeatedly asking for the same links repeatedly has been played out.

The fact is, however, that the US IG reported the FBI abused the court, exposed their crimes, and even recommended McCabe for indictment.
Funny....the US IG report already cited FBI abused the FISA Courts...

Your new screen name is LiberalThreadDestroyer
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Amen! Nunes should be expelled from Congress. Lawrence O'Donnell is currently doing an excellent segment on why he should be expelled.
Nunes, and the rest of these pirates are trying to ruin this country. All they do is sit around trying to make up conspiracies to undermine everything this country stands for. They are pure scum. And to think, they are in charge of protecting and serving this country. They have been proven liars over and over, and these Trump Sheep keep right on supporting this trash.
Why so mad bro? Upset more are working? Upset people received raises and bonuses? Or, are you truly upset we are no longer funding the Iranian military and their terrorist groups?
You mean the Obama economy? The one that Trump had nothing to do with? And the fact that we weren't funding the Iranian military, but were told those lies by you and other Republicans? No!
I'm mad that Republicans have forsaken their country, to cowardly hide behind a bone spur pussy criminal, who will do anything to sell himself to the devil, while his Sheep play right along, at the expense of this Republic, and its well being.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics
Of course the OP is completely full of shit. CNN never said the sources and funding of the dossier were explained to the judge. They were not.
Please elaborate.

Plus you morons who try to insult me by changing my name are just proving how uneducated you are.

How are we changing your name, creep?

Further, what does that have to do with education? You are a hack, pure and simple. You're a hate filled Communist spewing idiocy from the hate sites. You started a thread crowing about how great it is that the FISA document was released, even though that document confirms that the fabricated Steel Dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin was the basis,
Provide proof with links please?
Meaning the FISA warrant application is an act of perjury, as even "I'm With HER" Comey acknowledes that the slander was never verified. Further, the FSB failed to disclose that the SOURCE of their warrant was the opposition party and campaign.
That is false. The source of the warrant was disclosed by way of Papadopolous. You all keep spinning, and we'll keep spinning you back to nothing; Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I.

You seem too dumb to grasp that this is a complete disaster for you Communists, that this establishes collusion between the Obama Regime through a corrupt DOJ and FSB with the Clinton Campaign to rig the presidential election.
Quoting from the actual FISA, I think not. You, Nunes, Gowdy, and all of Trump's butt boys have been made.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.
Why do you keep ignoring the US IG report that stated the FBI misled / abused the FISA Court?

McCabe has been recommended for indictment already...but Rosenstein is too busy with Obstructing Justice and indicting Russians who will never be interviewed or be handed over to indict McCabe and other co-conspirators.
Show me where the IG report said the FBI abused FISA?
Posted it numerous times - feel free to look it up. Your tactic of repeatedly asking for the same links repeatedly has been played out.

The fact is, however, that the US IG reported the FBI abused the court, exposed their crimes, and even recommended McCabe for indictment.[/QUOTE]

Funny....the US IG report already cited FBI abused the FISA Courts...

Your new screen name is LiberalThreadDestroyer
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics

Amen! Nunes should be expelled from Congress. Lawrence O'Donnell is currently doing an excellent segment on why he should be expelled.
Nunes, and the rest of these pirates are trying to ruin this country. All they do is sit around trying to make up conspiracies to undermine everything this country stands for. They are pure scum. And to think, they are in charge of protecting and serving this country. They have been proven liars over and over, and these Trump Sheep keep right on supporting this trash.
Why so mad bro? Upset more are working? Upset people received raises and bonuses? Or, are you truly upset we are no longer funding the Iranian military and their terrorist groups?
You mean the Obama economy? The one that Trump had nothing to do with? And the fact that we weren't funding the Iranian military, but were told those lies by you and other Republicans? No!
I'm mad that Republicans have forsaken their country, to cowardly hide behind a bone spur pussy criminal, who will do anything to sell himself to the devil, while his Sheep play right along, at the expense of this Republic, and its well being.
How many billions did Obama send to Iran? Was it money the SC ruled on? You are a coward or poorly informed.
As we all knew, when the truth came out, the Nunes memo was total bullshit.

FBI releases Carter Page surveillance warrant documents - CNNPolitics
Of course the OP is completely full of shit. CNN never said the sources and funding of the dossier were explained to the judge. They were not.
Please elaborate.

Plus you morons who try to insult me by changing my name are just proving how uneducated you are.

How are we changing your name, creep?

Further, what does that have to do with education? You are a hack, pure and simple. You're a hate filled Communist spewing idiocy from the hate sites. You started a thread crowing about how great it is that the FISA document was released, even though that document confirms that the fabricated Steel Dossier that Hillary bought from the Kremlin was the basis,
Provide proof with links please?
Meaning the FISA warrant application is an act of perjury, as even "I'm With HER" Comey acknowledes that the slander was never verified. Further, the FSB failed to disclose that the SOURCE of their warrant was the opposition party and campaign.
That is false. The source of the warrant was disclosed by way of Papadopolous. You all keep spinning, and we'll keep spinning you back to nothing; Rep. Adam Schiff: Nunes, Gowdy lied about the F.B.I.

You seem too dumb to grasp that this is a complete disaster for you Communists, that this establishes collusion between the Obama Regime through a corrupt DOJ and FSB with the Clinton Campaign to rig the presidential election.
Quoting from the actual FISA, I think not. You, Nunes, Gowdy, and all of Trump's butt boys have been made.

Congress is already preparing the subpoena for that corrupt sack of shit Loretta Lynch.
Why do you keep ignoring the US IG report that stated the FBI misled / abused the FISA Court?

McCabe has been recommended for indictment already...but Rosenstein is too busy with Obstructing Justice and indicting Russians who will never be interviewed or be handed over to indict McCabe and other co-conspirators.
Show me where the IG report said the FBI abused FISA?
Posted it numerous times - feel free to look it up. Your tactic of repeatedly asking for the same links repeatedly has been played out.

The fact is, however, that the US IG reported the FBI abused the court, exposed their crimes, and even recommended McCabe for indictment.[/QUOTE]
We'll then, that wouldn't make sense, because the recent release of the 400 page FISA has shown that there was no abuse, because the explanation as to who was paid, and the reasons for the FISA to be placed on Page are all there. There is nothing hidden in the application other than the most sensitive of information. So its anyone's guess what you are talking about?The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained Not to mention, what did the IG have to do with FISA?
US IG Flags FBI For Abuse Under Mueller:

"We found that the FBI had issued national security letters (NSL) for information& after the FISA Court, citing first amendment concerns, had twice declined to sign section 215 orders in the same investigation," the report noted.

The NSL report found continued problems with how the FBI used national security letters, and that the record requests were issued without proper authorization and resulted in the improper collection of telephone and e-mail records."

The SOB has a proven history of breaking the law and trampling people's rights. He once sent innocent people to jail, withholding evidence that proved they were innocent.

Justice Dept. Audits Flag FBI Privacy Abuses

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