FISA renewal in March? Maybe not.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
Representative Mark Meadows (R., N.C.) warned Monday that the FISA Court’s controversial appointment of Obama-DOJ lawyer and Carter Page critic David Kris as a special adviser to help oversee reforms to the FBI could result in Congress denying FISA reauthorization in March.

“I can tell you that a few of us, are not only appealing this to the Judge who has now taken over the FISA process, but we are also looking at this when it comes to renewing the FISA process within Congress,” Meadows told conservative commentator Sara Carter.

“There’s a renewal of a section of the FISA that is coming up,” Meadows added, saying he was in discussions with former representative and House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte — who previously requested a special counsel to investigate FISA abuses — over potential next steps.

“We’re now working very actively with the administration to make sure that no American — not just the President of the United States, not Carter Page, it’s not just a few people — but to ensure that no American’s civil liberties were actually infringed upon, and that’s what happened here,” Meadows said. “Not only did it happen, but it happened deliberately and until we fix it, all Americans are at risk.”

And more:

In his Monday interview, Meadows also slammed the appointment of Kris, saying “when you look at just his politics, there’s no way that he can fix the problem.”

Kris, a frequent contributor to the left-leaning Lawfare blog and a former assistant attorney general in the Obama DOJ’s national security division, has a long history of both defending the FBI’s efforts to surveil Page and criticizing Representative Devin Nunes’s attempts to expose abuses, before the release of Horowitz’s report validated many of Nunes’s concerns.

“When you look at his twitter feed, when you look at the comments he’s made — not only did he go after Devin Nunes, but he’s gone after the President, he’s a contributor for MSNBC at times,” Meadows said of Kris’s record.

“So when you look at just his politics there’s no way that he can fix the problem, if he doesn’t even acknowledge that there is a problem. And I say that, as the most recent IG report when Inspector General Horowitz came out and said ‘there was a problem,’ (Kris) down played it,” he added.
[same link]

ME: Nunes told the people at Fox and Friends that Congress can't force the FISA Court to remove Kris, but what they can do is hold up the renewal or possibly even redo/disband the whole thing. I doubt that's going to happen, but at least people are looking at fixing the problem. Frankly, I don't much like the approach taken by FBI Director Wray, nor have I read much about what the FISA Court is doing to change their ways either. More training just doesn't cut it IMHO.
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The Potemkin court:

The FISC [i.e., the FISA court] wants further refinements of government procedures to make sure that the “inexplicable errors” found by the OIG will not be repeated. But these so-called “errors” were not the regrettable result of a deficient process. They were the direct and fully intended result of concerted corrupt action by the leadership of James Comey’s FBI.

The real issue is that Comey and his leadership cadre decided to play presidential politics by dishonestly manipulating the FISC to spy on Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, transition team, and administration. This was a failure of character at the leadership level that can’t and won’t be fixed by rearranging FBI and DOJ’s guidelines.

Over the last three years, as the FBI’s corruption was laid bare step by painful step, with the expectation that an aroused FISC would take action against those who had manipulated it. Now, in light of Kris’ appointment, it is apparent that the FISC will do no such thing. To the contrary, the astonishing designation of this defender of Comey’s corrupt FBI has made clear that the FISC is not an outraged victim of deception, but, rather, is part of the problem and content to avert its gaze from the ample proof of the government’s dishonesty and malign motives that are at the very heart of the Carter Page spy scandal.

We now know beyond any reasonable doubt that the FISA court has been compromised. It is going through the motions to mitigate the revelation of its own fault now that we know it too is among the institutions corrupted in the Russia hoax.
Representative Mark Meadows (R., N.C.) warned Monday that the FISA Court’s controversial appointment of Obama-DOJ lawyer and Carter Page critic David Kris as a special adviser to help oversee reforms to the FBI could result in Congress denying FISA reauthorization in March.

“I can tell you that a few of us, are not only appealing this to the Judge who has now taken over the FISA process, but we are also looking at this when it comes to renewing the FISA process within Congress,” Meadows told conservative commentator Sara Carter.

“There’s a renewal of a section of the FISA that is coming up,” Meadows added, saying he was in discussions with former representative and House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte — who previously requested a special counsel to investigate FISA abuses — over potential next steps.

“We’re now working very actively with the administration to make sure that no American — not just the President of the United States, not Carter Page, it’s not just a few people — but to ensure that no American’s civil liberties were actually infringed upon, and that’s what happened here,” Meadows said. “Not only did it happen, but it happened deliberately and until we fix it, all Americans are at risk.”

And more:

In his Monday interview, Meadows also slammed the appointment of Kris, saying “when you look at just his politics, there’s no way that he can fix the problem.”

Kris, a frequent contributor to the left-leaning Lawfare blog and a former assistant attorney general in the Obama DOJ’s national security division, has a long history of both defending the FBI’s efforts to surveil Page and criticizing Representative Devin Nunes’s attempts to expose abuses, before the release of Horowitz’s report validated many of Nunes’s concerns.

“When you look at his twitter feed, when you look at the comments he’s made — not only did he go after Devin Nunes, but he’s gone after the President, he’s a contributor for MSNBC at times,” Meadows said of Kris’s record.

“So when you look at just his politics there’s no way that he can fix the problem, if he doesn’t even acknowledge that there is a problem. And I say that, as the most recent IG report when Inspector General Horowitz came out and said ‘there was a problem,’ (Kris) down played it,” he added.
[same link]

ME: Nunes told the people at Fox and Friends that Congress can't force the FISA Court to remove Kris, but what they can do is hold up the renewal or possibly even redo/disband the whole thing. I doubt that's going to happen, but at least people are looking at fixing the problem. Frankly, I don't much like the approach taken by FBI Director Wray, nor have I read much about what the FISA Court is doing to change their ways either. More training just doesn't cut it IMHO.

FISA is good till Dec 31, 2023 after Trump signed the bill for it back on Jan 19, 2018. There is just one small part that is up for review, not all of FISA as your thread title suggest.
Representative Mark Meadows (R., N.C.) warned Monday that the FISA Court’s controversial appointment of Obama-DOJ lawyer and Carter Page critic David Kris as a special adviser to help oversee reforms to the FBI could result in Congress denying FISA reauthorization in March.

“I can tell you that a few of us, are not only appealing this to the Judge who has now taken over the FISA process, but we are also looking at this when it comes to renewing the FISA process within Congress,” Meadows told conservative commentator Sara Carter.

“There’s a renewal of a section of the FISA that is coming up,” Meadows added, saying he was in discussions with former representative and House Judiciary Committee chairman Bob Goodlatte — who previously requested a special counsel to investigate FISA abuses — over potential next steps.

“We’re now working very actively with the administration to make sure that no American — not just the President of the United States, not Carter Page, it’s not just a few people — but to ensure that no American’s civil liberties were actually infringed upon, and that’s what happened here,” Meadows said. “Not only did it happen, but it happened deliberately and until we fix it, all Americans are at risk.”

And more:

In his Monday interview, Meadows also slammed the appointment of Kris, saying “when you look at just his politics, there’s no way that he can fix the problem.”

Kris, a frequent contributor to the left-leaning Lawfare blog and a former assistant attorney general in the Obama DOJ’s national security division, has a long history of both defending the FBI’s efforts to surveil Page and criticizing Representative Devin Nunes’s attempts to expose abuses, before the release of Horowitz’s report validated many of Nunes’s concerns.

“When you look at his twitter feed, when you look at the comments he’s made — not only did he go after Devin Nunes, but he’s gone after the President, he’s a contributor for MSNBC at times,” Meadows said of Kris’s record.

“So when you look at just his politics there’s no way that he can fix the problem, if he doesn’t even acknowledge that there is a problem. And I say that, as the most recent IG report when Inspector General Horowitz came out and said ‘there was a problem,’ (Kris) down played it,” he added.
[same link]

ME: Nunes told the people at Fox and Friends that Congress can't force the FISA Court to remove Kris, but what they can do is hold up the renewal or possibly even redo/disband the whole thing. I doubt that's going to happen, but at least people are looking at fixing the problem. Frankly, I don't much like the approach taken by FBI Director Wray, nor have I read much about what the FISA Court is doing to change their ways either. More training just doesn't cut it IMHO.

FISA is good till Dec 31, 2023 after Trump signed the bill for it back on Jan 19, 2018. There is just one small part that is up for review, not all of FISA as your thread title suggest.

FISA court needs to go.
Somebody correctly pointed out that appointing this David Kris to oversee the reform of the FISA court is comparable to hiring a pedophile to babysit your kids. Although, admittedly, the pedophile may actually be a human being.

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