Fiscal Cliff? Tax the Rich


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
links in article at site


John Ransom
Barack Obama wants you to know that the rich are out of control.

And I partially agree. It’s a matter of fairness.

After thinking about it for a few years, he has finally figured out that our economic problems have a very simple explanation: There are too many rich people.

I know of at least one too many. The one occupying the White House? Way too rich.

Too many rich people are causing a jobless “recovery.” Having too many rich people caused gas prices to go up, the stock market to go down and the housing bubble to burst. Too many rich people meant that a peaceful demonstration against America in Benghazi turned into terrorism.

The rich, Obama would have you believe, are probably responsible for the next ice age too.

Rich people, it seems, run up huge budget deficits on silly things like entitlement spending disguised as healthcare reform, green energy swindles disguised as “jobs programs” and road projects that benefit the Illinois Asphalt Contractors Association -bada-bing!

all of it here
Fiscal Cliff? Tax the Rich - John Ransom - Townhall Finance Conservative Columnists and Financial Commentary - Page 1
Like I said before, this whole "tax the rich" mantra is nothing more than a tool for this President and his Children of the Corn to keep the conversation about those evil rich people than talking about entitlements - which is the real problem.
The Democrats would rather the country burn to the ground in debt than give up such a huge piece of their voting block - minorities and unions. Doing something about the runaway social programs would upset the very people who vote them in.
I don't know.....seems to me he talked about a balanced approach that involved tax increases towards our wealthiest AND spending cuts.
Like I said before, this whole "tax the rich" mantra is nothing more than a tool for this President and his Children of the Corn to keep the conversation about those evil rich people than talking about entitlements - which is the real problem.
The Democrats would rather the country burn to the ground in debt than give up such a huge piece of their voting block - minorities and unions. Doing something about the runaway social programs would upset the very people who vote them in.

The two biggest reasons why the economy crashed under W was #1, the insane military spending and #2 the tax cuts to the rich.

Both of these need huge cuts but the GOP is being a bunch of babies that doesn't give a damn about balancing the budget, only to keep bankrolling their cronies.
I don't know.....seems to me he talked about a balanced approach that involved tax increases towards our wealthiest AND spending cuts.

and you fell for it?
How is it FAIR to single out a certain segment of the people in the country to tax?
Obama spews EVERYONE should have some skin in the game, so he pulls some magic numbers from his ass of $250, 000 that he says is fair to raise taxes on.

The man speaks with forked tongue and it's pretty evident a lot of people falls for it..
He has done a wonderful job of DIVIDING the county with his CLASS warfare, that is what makes me sick we have to endure another four years of this ugly man
The two biggest reasons why the economy crashed under W was #1, the insane military spending and #2 the tax cuts to the rich.

Both of these need huge cuts but the GOP is being a bunch of babies that doesn't give a damn about balancing the budget, only to keep bankrolling their cronies

I do hope you're joking. Those two actions had nothing to do with the economic collapse. Anyway, it appears neither side cares about balancing the budget and both sides only want to continue to bankroll cronies. What do you think Solyndra was?
I don't know.....seems to me he talked about a balanced approach that involved tax increases towards our wealthiest AND spending cuts.

except history shows they never get around to the cuts.. donut? so he's a liar. and America deserves to be lied to. They absolutely do.
obama sees the revolt of the proletariat! That's what this is all about. It worked for the Russian revolution. Why not obama as another glorious Lenin.
I don't know.....seems to me he talked about a balanced approach that involved tax increases towards our wealthiest AND spending cuts.

Lets put some numbers to it instead of your empty whine.

The tax revenues grabbed by those increased taxes on the rich would cover about 4% of deficit spending. A pimple on the elephants ass.

But of course, everyone knows you don't raise taxes in a down economy.

How much less revenues do you think said taxes would cost us in Federal tax receipts?

And please don't trot out some dumbassed Keynsian argument that the new gubmint spending from the taxes received will drive new revenues. This tax money is to REPLACE borrowed money and is not new monies.

So give us your number.
The two biggest reasons why the economy crashed under W was #1, the insane military spending and #2 the tax cuts to the rich.

Both of these need huge cuts but the GOP is being a bunch of babies that doesn't give a damn about balancing the budget, only to keep bankrolling their cronies

I do hope you're joking. Those two actions had nothing to do with the economic collapse. Anyway, it appears neither side cares about balancing the budget and both sides only want to continue to bankroll cronies. What do you think Solyndra was?

It was a program in R&D approved by Bush (not Obama) along with a dozen other companies, with the expectation some of them WOULD fail.
The two biggest reasons why the economy crashed under W was #1, the insane military spending and #2 the tax cuts to the rich.

Both of these need huge cuts but the GOP is being a bunch of babies that doesn't give a damn about balancing the budget, only to keep bankrolling their cronies

I do hope you're joking. Those two actions had nothing to do with the economic collapse. Anyway, it appears neither side cares about balancing the budget and both sides only want to continue to bankroll cronies. What do you think Solyndra was?

they do believe that, Obama and the Lapdog media has blamed Bush for four years.
and you seem to be right on the budget too..this government sucks and is sucking the life out of us..but you can't get that across to A LOT of people
I don't know.....seems to me he talked about a balanced approach that involved tax increases towards our wealthiest AND spending cuts.

and you fell for it?
How is it FAIR to single out a certain segment of the people in the country to tax?
Obama spews EVERYONE should have some skin in the game, so he pulls some magic numbers from his ass of $250, 000 that he says is fair to raise taxes on.

The man speaks with forked tongue and it's pretty evident a lot of people falls for it..
He has done a wonderful job of DIVIDING the county with his CLASS warfare, that is what makes me sick we have to endure another four years of this ugly man

The class warfare was when my Romney-loving boss fired me after I ran up too many medical bills in 2008.

It's only class warfare when the working class fights back.

If they had billions of dollars to spend to fund Romney's campaign, they can't go crying poor now.
I don't know.....seems to me he talked about a balanced approach that involved tax increases towards our wealthiest AND spending cuts.

and you fell for it?
How is it FAIR to single out a certain segment of the people in the country to tax?
Obama spews EVERYONE should have some skin in the game, so he pulls some magic numbers from his ass of $250, 000 that he says is fair to raise taxes on.

The man speaks with forked tongue and it's pretty evident a lot of people falls for it..
He has done a wonderful job of DIVIDING the county with his CLASS warfare, that is what makes me sick we have to endure another four years of this ugly man

You don't think the CUTS are going to affect people? That's what you guys don't seem to get...the rich won't be affected by'll be everyday people. the wealthy does not need or use the services....we do.

What the GOP is clamoring for is for everyday people to bear the entire burden, and the wealthy to skip and frolic away unscathed.......AGAIN.
First off i don't think 250k is .... rich. And is he talking people who make 250k before or after taxes? I would start "rich" at a million a year....after taxes.

I do agree with omama that we need to take in more(taxes) and spend less.... So if he is going to tax the rich... then the poor, if not going to be taxed, should in the same turn... get much less.

The single best way to control to line item review every single item bought and paid for by this country.

Also... if obam wants to lead ...he should lead by example...and control HIS cost to this country....and if not him.... at least control the cost his family is putting the screws to this country for.
I don't know.....seems to me he talked about a balanced approach that involved tax increases towards our wealthiest AND spending cuts.

and you fell for it?
How is it FAIR to single out a certain segment of the people in the country to tax?
Obama spews EVERYONE should have some skin in the game, so he pulls some magic numbers from his ass of $250, 000 that he says is fair to raise taxes on.

The man speaks with forked tongue and it's pretty evident a lot of people falls for it..
He has done a wonderful job of DIVIDING the county with his CLASS warfare, that is what makes me sick we have to endure another four years of this ugly man

You don't think the CUTS are going to affect people? That's what you guys don't seem to get...the rich won't be affected by'll be everyday people. the wealthy does not need or use the services....we do.

What the GOP is clamoring for is for everyday people to bear the entire burden, and the wealthy to skip and frolic away unscathed.......AGAIN.

The rich pay their highest share of the Federal income tax burden EVER, you stupid, partisan fuck.
The two biggest reasons why the economy crashed under W was #1, the insane military spending and #2 the tax cuts to the rich.

Both of these need huge cuts but the GOP is being a bunch of babies that doesn't give a damn about balancing the budget, only to keep bankrolling their cronies

I do hope you're joking. Those two actions had nothing to do with the economic collapse. Anyway, it appears neither side cares about balancing the budget and both sides only want to continue to bankroll cronies. What do you think Solyndra was?

they do believe that, Obama and the Lapdog media has blamed Bush for four years.
and you seem to be right on the budget too..this government sucks and is sucking the life out of us..but you can't get that across to A LOT of people

ah yes..... the old story of blame the administration that came before. Well... now how is he going to blame... himself?


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