Fiscal Cliff? Tax the Rich

They've had their comfortable tax rates for 12 years now and yet where are the jobs those rates are supposed to create?
There you have it....Resentment, covetousness and good old fashioned greed.

A shame you're too much of a coward to go loot those evil rich people yourself.

We see that with a lot of people today..sad
How did we raise up a generation of this?

easy... their parents worked hard and gave them everything they wanted when they wanted it.... the word no disappeared from the parenting handbook.

agree there
You trotted out a talking point that GOP expects 'everyday people to bear the entire burden.'

The opposite is true, and I shoved it up your ass. didn't. You expect massive cuts that are going to affect Everest people, but rebuke any additional tax hikes on the wealthy. expect the everyday people to bear the burden of any new fiscal measures alone, and the wealthy to bear no additional responsibility.

You want people who already are struggling to suffer more and have status quot for the wealthiest among us.

you didn't shove anything up anyone's just doubled down on the same old bullshit.


Dumbfuck entitlement baby has been taught that if he doesn't get the free gubmint stuff he demands, he is 'bearing' someone elses burden.

Fuck you douchebag. Never taken anything I didn't earn, 'bout you? ever take unemployment? Welfare?

These cuts are going to hurt people....people who are already struggling...but you don't give a fuck about them....all you care about is your "poor little rich boys"

Dumbfuck entitlement baby? That describes our wealthy perfectly. They have the world by the ass and cry like a fucking infant in a toy store when mommy tells them they can't have that new Xbox game. didn't. You expect massive cuts that are going to affect Everest people, but rebuke any additional tax hikes on the wealthy. expect the everyday people to bear the burden of any new fiscal measures alone, and the wealthy to bear no additional responsibility.

You want people who already are struggling to suffer more and have status quot for the wealthiest among us.

you didn't shove anything up anyone's just doubled down on the same old bullshit.


Dumbfuck entitlement baby has been taught that if he doesn't get the free gubmint stuff he demands, he is 'bearing' someone elses burden.

Fuck you douchebag. Never taken anything I didn't earn, 'bout you? ever take unemployment? Welfare?

These cuts are going to hurt people....people who are already struggling...but you don't give a fuck about them....all you care about is your "poor little rich boys"

Dumbfuck entitlement baby? That describes our wealthy perfectly. They have the world by the ass and cry like a fucking infant in a toy store when mommy tells them they can't have that new Xbox game.

I nailed it, entitlement baby. You aren't bearing anyone else's 'burden' when we cut off your Obama phone, regardless of what the welfare office is telling you.
Like I said before, this whole "tax the rich" mantra is nothing more than a tool for this President and his Children of the Corn to keep the conversation about those evil rich people than talking about entitlements - which is the real problem.
The Democrats would rather the country burn to the ground in debt than give up such a huge piece of their voting block - minorities and unions. Doing something about the runaway social programs would upset the very people who vote them in.

Wow, what a great analogy!

Human sacrifice is already taking place with the gov't financed abortions (kill the next generation, so that this generation can party, but no mention of what happens when they get old and "weak"... more human sacrifice).

And yes, this is exactly what murderous dictatorships did in the past. They selected the "wealthy" and murdered them for manufactured crimes to take their money (wealth). It never worked. Those that "supported" the murders were either murdered, also, or they were made into slaves. But those that support this "kill the wealthy" are the educated, so I guess they are well aware of what they are doing (which makes them worse that those that were "duped" by leaders with false promises)....

The democrats, "the children of the corn" (wonder if they will have the aborted and elderly turned down for medical care ground up and spread on "green energy" fields?).
They've had their comfortable tax rates for 12 years now and yet where are the jobs those rates are supposed to create?

We had low unemployment for a lot of that time and companies expanded, provided more jobs, etc. Now it is a recessionary period and Democrats, who only know how to raise taxes, think it's a great idea to raise taxes. All of a sudden, our national debt and deficit is important to them. Unfortunately a lot of companies have announced layoffs so we can raise taxes and cause more layoffs or leave them as is and still have layoffs.
They've had their comfortable tax rates for 12 years now and yet where are the jobs those rates are supposed to create?

The top 1% pay something like 40% of the Federal tax burden, and the top 10% more like 80%.

How much do you think is fair?

That's the kind of horseshit spewed out by the likes of Limbaugh and Fox news and lapped as the gospel truth by morons like you.
CBO office says that taxing the rich would bring in about 80 billion a year.
Does anyone have any info from the Dems on where that would be spent?
Does anyone have any info on what the Dems would cut in entitlement spending other than just the military?
I could not find specifics on either question.
They've had their comfortable tax rates for 12 years now and yet where are the jobs those rates are supposed to create?

The top 1% pay something like 40% of the Federal tax burden, and the top 10% more like 80%.

How much do you think is fair?

That's the kind of horseshit spewed out by the likes of Limbaugh and Fox news and lapped as the gospel truth by morons like you.

So you really can't give a reasoned answer as to what is fair, and all that you know is you just hate those evil greedy rich bastards?

I don't know.....seems to me he talked about a balanced approach that involved tax increases towards our wealthiest AND spending cuts.

and you fell for it?
How is it FAIR to single out a certain segment of the people in the country to tax?
Obama spews EVERYONE should have some skin in the game, so he pulls some magic numbers from his ass of $250, 000 that he says is fair to raise taxes on.

The man speaks with forked tongue and it's pretty evident a lot of people falls for it..
He has done a wonderful job of DIVIDING the county with his CLASS warfare, that is what makes me sick we have to endure another four years of this ugly man

The class warfare was when my Romney-loving boss fired me after I ran up too many medical bills in 2008.

It's only class warfare when the working class fights back.

If they had billions of dollars to spend to fund Romney's campaign, they can't go crying poor now.

Yes, it does make you wonder, if Obama spend a billion dollars on the campaign (not including taxpayers' dollars for flying him around the country/world), and really believes in "re-distribution", just why didn't he give his money to the gov't? Why didn't he write out a check for "what was fair" from his personal checking account?
I don't know.....seems to me he talked about a balanced approach that involved tax increases towards our wealthiest AND spending cuts.
That's what the sequester (i.e. "fiscal cliff") is all about.

Now both sides want to back out of having some of their favorite spending oxen gored, so the whole conversation gets diverted to the tax rates.
I don't know.....seems to me he talked about a balanced approach that involved tax increases towards our wealthiest AND spending cuts.
That's what the sequester (i.e. "fiscal cliff") is all about.

Now both sides want to back out of having some of their favorite spending oxen gored, so the whole conversation gets diverted to the tax rates.

I say, damn the torpedos and full speed ahead. I want us to go over the fiscal cliff. the sooner we reach bottom the quicker we can let the democrats fix what ails us don'tchyathink? tax those mother fucking rich people we'll have a balanced budget for about 8 days.. way to fucking go team. Of course we all know that we deserve it.
I don't know.....seems to me he talked about a balanced approach that involved tax increases towards our wealthiest AND spending cuts.

and you fell for it?
How is it FAIR to single out a certain segment of the people in the country to tax?
Obama spews EVERYONE should have some skin in the game, so he pulls some magic numbers from his ass of $250, 000 that he says is fair to raise taxes on.

The man speaks with forked tongue and it's pretty evident a lot of people falls for it..
He has done a wonderful job of DIVIDING the county with his CLASS warfare, that is what makes me sick we have to endure another four years of this ugly man

You don't think the CUTS are going to affect people? That's what you guys don't seem to get...the rich won't be affected by'll be everyday people. the wealthy does not need or use the services....we do.

What the GOP is clamoring for is for everyday people to bear the entire burden, and the wealthy to skip and frolic away unscathed.......AGAIN.

The point is: the gov't has spent so much money that if the gov't confiscated every penny the wealthy in this country had (thru them out on the street, homeless), there would not be enough money to run "this" gov't for 2 months. Where will the gov't get the money at that point? From you, and you, and you, the average worker that struggles for every dollar. The top 10% pay appoximately 75% of the federal income taxes in this country, and instead of those that pay less, saying "thank you" for earning and paying more, envy and greed is used to justify "taking" more from them.

The money IS going to come from the "middle class". It is just a matter of WHEN. Know it. Understand it. Every time you vote for a party that supports higher spending, you are voting to "hurt" the middle class; it does not matter what the politicians say, that is how it ends.

If it continues, we will see the mob (those that are on gov't entitlements), bankrupt this country. The invaders will not give a shit about how much you want then: if you are not willing to work for your new "master", you will be killed. Your property: you are the defeated, you have no rights. Who do you think will help at that point?
Like I said before, this whole "tax the rich" mantra is nothing more than a tool for this President and his Children of the Corn to keep the conversation about those evil rich people than talking about entitlements - which is the real problem.
The Democrats would rather the country burn to the ground in debt than give up such a huge piece of their voting block - minorities and unions. Doing something about the runaway social programs would upset the very people who vote them in.

The two biggest reasons why the economy crashed under W was #1, the insane military spending and #2 the tax cuts to the rich.

Both of these need huge cuts but the GOP is being a bunch of babies that doesn't give a damn about balancing the budget, only to keep bankrolling their cronies.

#1 was the housing bubble The tax cuts resulted in 5.2% unemployment until the Democrats took over Congress in 2006. Nothing insane about giving troops engaged in combat all of the weapons they need to survive.

If you think raising the tax rates on the few making over $250,000 will balance the budget, you are the one that is insane. There has already been a huge cut in military spending and the
Sec of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told Marines and sailors on Fridaythat Congress would be irresponsible if it doesn't act to prevent drastic military budget cuts.

Read more: Defense secretary Panetta blasts defense budget cuts in visit to ship off California coast | Fox News
The top 1% pay something like 40% of the Federal tax burden, and the top 10% more like 80%.

How much do you think is fair?

That's the kind of horseshit spewed out by the likes of Limbaugh and Fox news and lapped as the gospel truth by morons like you.

So you really can't give a reasoned answer as to what is fair, and all that you know is you just hate those evil greedy rich bastards?


It's about revenge and payback. The rich must be punished, and punished heavily.
I don't know.....seems to me he talked about a balanced approach that involved tax increases towards our wealthiest AND spending cuts.

I for one am a little tired of the talk.
Seems like Obama is very good at that....
Let's see some results.
1. Do you believe that Americans need to make sacrifices to fix our fiscal problems?

if your answer is 'yes'

2. Do you believe that the sacrifice should be shared?

if your answer is 'yes'

3. What should be the sacrifice of America's wealthy/high income earners, as their share?

Be specific.
I don't know.....seems to me he talked about a balanced approach that involved tax increases towards our wealthiest AND spending cuts.

Oh for...have you no memory cells?
This is exactly what he did last year...get in front of the cameras and use words like "compromise"..."non-partisan"...working together"...Jesus Steel - that is for television, not what is really going to happen.
What is really going to happen is the President, just like before, will have a token meeting with the house and senate leaders to give them the opportunity to agree with him - and just like before, N E I T H E R of them will agree - and outcomes the media blitz saying the Republicans (only) are obstructionist and want to protect "the rich".
When in reality anyone with a plural group of brain cells knows the "tax the rich" mantra is nothing more than diversionary tactics to keep the conversation about ANYTHING else but dealing with entitlements - which to Democrats, is untouchable no matter how bloated and corrupt the entitlement system is.

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