Fiscal Conservatism??

Here's another favorite of the rube herd given to them to parrot so they are distracted by the GOP's massive spending: "Revenues increase when you cut taxes."

What the rube herd has never noticed is that revenues have increased after every tax increase, too.

I say "noticed", as if the rube herd ever engages in critical thinking or independent investigation. They only parrot what they are told to parrot, and bleev what they are told to bleev.

And they NEVER catch on!

Their propagandists depend on this weakmindedness for their bread and butter.
Gee as I recall the SS were there protecting Barry when he played golf. And boy did he play a lot of golf.

Every president needs to unwind. If golf does it for Barry and Trump then so be it.

Grow the fuck up you nutjobs.
“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

When Trump says "Bleev me", he is probably lying.

When Trump says "Bleev me" three times, you can bet your house he is lying.
Well he found time to play golf and good for him.

If you don't like it I guess its just tough shit.
Well he found time to play golf and good for him.

If you don't like it I guess its just tough shit.
And here we see a member of the rube herd actively engaged in willful blindness.

Trump counts on this. He has nothing but contempt for these sad little submissive people to whom he constantly lies.
Well he found time to play golf and good for him.

If you don't like it I guess its just tough shit.
And here we see a member of the rube herd actively engaged in willful blindness.

Trump counts on this. He has nothing but contempt for these sad little submissive people to whom he constantly lies.

Well we all know you think you are the smartest guy in the room so we take anything you say with a grain of salt.

Trump is doing a good job as POTUS and I'm thankful its him and not the asshole Hitlery.

You however can fuck off pal. LOL
Secret Service spent $137K on golf carts to protect Trump at New Jersey, Florida clubs

Report: Trump’s stay at his Scotland resort cost $68,800

Look like the conservatives in the Congress have failed to curtail Trump's willingness to spend Taxpayers dollars. Oh, and BTW:

The government is paying big bucks to rent space in Trump Tower

"When Donald Trump travels to one of his properties for weekends of golf and well-done steak, he brings a massive entourage of aides, Secret Service agents, and all the trappings of the world’s most powerful job. And it’s all on the taxpayer’s tab.

"It’s still not clear how much all of that costs, but we now know how much money it takes to operate the biggest presidential accessory involved with these trips: Every hour Trump flies on Air Force One costs taxpayers more than $142,000. For just two weekend trips to Mar-a-Lago that Trump took in March, taxpayers paid $1.2 million. Again, that’s just for the plane that ferried Trump. That doesn’t count the cost of fighter jet escorts, the planes carrying Trump’s limousines, or any of the on-the-ground costs."
Here's what it costs taxpayers to fly Trump to Mar-a-Lago

What say you Ryan and members of the Freedom Caucus (aka Tea Party).

Isn't it rich when Sarah Sanders says security clearances may be revoked because they "politicized and in some cases monetized their public service" :confused-84:
No POTUS in US history has "monetized" their public service to anywhere NEAR the extent Dotardo has.
Irony - Thy name is TRUMP
Well he found time to play golf and good for him.

If you don't like it I guess its just tough shit.
And here we see a member of the rube herd actively engaged in willful blindness.

Trump counts on this. He has nothing but contempt for these sad little submissive people to whom he constantly lies.

Well we all know you think you are the smartest guy in the room so we take anything you say with a grain of salt.
I'm a very stable genius with the best words.

The debt continues to increase... only repubs to blame.

Did you argue to remove protection from Obama?

Obamas office at his country club didnt look like this


Looks like the waiting room in Finland for Putin meeting was well selected by Finn’s.

100 - 1 the SOB has that computer hooked up to a private server at the country club too ...

Well he found time to play golf and good for him.

If you don't like it I guess its just tough shit.
And here we see a member of the rube herd actively engaged in willful blindness.

Trump counts on this. He has nothing but contempt for these sad little submissive people to whom he constantly lies.

Well we all know you think you are the smartest guy in the room so we take anything you say with a grain of salt.
I'm a very stable genius with the best words.


If you say so and I'm sure you believe every word you post.

Well he found time to play golf and good for him.

If you don't like it I guess its just tough shit.
And here we see a member of the rube herd actively engaged in willful blindness.

Trump counts on this. He has nothing but contempt for these sad little submissive people to whom he constantly lies.

Well we all know you think you are the smartest guy in the room so we take anything you say with a grain of salt.
I'm a very stable genius with the best words.


If you say so and I'm sure you believe every word you post.

The sad part is you bleev every word Trump says. And when he lies to you, and you find out he lied to you, you don't care. It's part of your submissiveness and what makes his hucksterism so successful.

Trump loves you like a master loves his house slaves.
Seriously. How submissive a dumbass do you have to be to bleev a big spending party when they tell you they are fiscally conservative?

Just how much of a willfully blind fuckwit do you have to be to fall for that shit?

"Duh Dems're makin em spend so much!" That one's my favorite. :lol:
Well he found time to play golf and good for him.

If you don't like it I guess its just tough shit.
And here we see a member of the rube herd actively engaged in willful blindness.

Trump counts on this. He has nothing but contempt for these sad little submissive people to whom he constantly lies.

Well we all know you think you are the smartest guy in the room so we take anything you say with a grain of salt.
I'm a very stable genius with the best words.


If you say so and I'm sure you believe every word you post.

The sad part is you bleev every word Trump says. And when he lies to you, and you find out he lied to you, you don't care. It's part of your submissiveness and what makes his hucksterism so successful.

Trump loves you like a master loves his house slaves.

Nope. The sad part is you believe everyone who doesn't agree with you is a dummy and a rube as you call them.

You also believe everything you post is the absolute way it is.

Me? Well I tend to ignore people who have such a high opinion of themselves.

You? You are a condescending asshole.

Oh and I'm no one house slave. LMAO

Have a good one smartest guy in the room.
Last edited:
The debt continues to increase... only repubs to blame.

Did you argue to remove protection from Obama?

Obamas office at his country club didnt look like this


Looks like the waiting room in Finland for Putin meeting was well selected by Finn’s.

100 - 1 the SOB has that computer hooked up to a private server at the country club too ...


You're a condescending moron who pats himself on the back every chance he gets. It's sad really, your self worth is completely wrapped up in this. All politicians lie, they ALL spend money and NONE of them do anything for the "people".
The debt continues to increase... only repubs to blame.

Did you argue to remove protection from Obama?

Didn't you post on the "Hillary lost, get over it" threads? Did you ever complain about what Obama cost when he traveled?

Yes, security is a "cost of doing business". But travel for business and travel for golf are two different things.

Republican or Democrat, I would like to see ANYONE be a fiscal conservative. We haven't had one of those in decades.

I don't recall complaining about the cost of Obama's travel or golfing. Perhaps Michelle's.

Fiscal conservatism has been defeated. Every time it is even hinted at, the libs demagogue it as being heartless about the poor.

So, that's a dead horse. Sorry, you lose.
God and Guns ,,,Repub BS

What the hell are you talking about?

Christianity and gun rights are both valid issues. That have nothing to do with what we were discussing.

Are you drunk?
The debt continues to increase... only repubs to blame.

Did you argue to remove protection from Obama?

Didn't you post on the "Hillary lost, get over it" threads? Did you ever complain about what Obama cost when he traveled?

Yes, security is a "cost of doing business". But travel for business and travel for golf are two different things.

Republican or Democrat, I would like to see ANYONE be a fiscal conservative. We haven't had one of those in decades.

I don't recall complaining about the cost of Obama's travel or golfing. Perhaps Michelle's.

Fiscal conservatism has been defeated. Every time it is even hinted at, the libs demagogue it as being heartless about the poor.

So, that's a dead horse. Sorry, you lose.
God and Guns ,,,Repub BS

What the hell are you talking about?

Christianity and gun rights are both valid issues. That have nothing to do with what we were discussing.

Are you drunk?
You're all hypocrites And I'm being kind
The debt continues to increase... only repubs to blame.

Did you argue to remove protection from Obama?

Didn't you post on the "Hillary lost, get over it" threads? Did you ever complain about what Obama cost when he traveled?

Yes, security is a "cost of doing business". But travel for business and travel for golf are two different things.

Republican or Democrat, I would like to see ANYONE be a fiscal conservative. We haven't had one of those in decades.

I don't recall complaining about the cost of Obama's travel or golfing. Perhaps Michelle's.

Fiscal conservatism has been defeated. Every time it is even hinted at, the libs demagogue it as being heartless about the poor.

So, that's a dead horse. Sorry, you lose.
God and Guns ,,,Repub BS

What the hell are you talking about?

Christianity and gun rights are both valid issues. That have nothing to do with what we were discussing.

Are you drunk?
and btw not yet but headed for the scotch
Yes, the far left does not care about spending, they proved that in the Obama years when they were silent.

Washington has a spending problem and we know the far left will be against any type of cuts in spending, except for the military.
Did you argue to remove protection from Obama?

Didn't you post on the "Hillary lost, get over it" threads? Did you ever complain about what Obama cost when he traveled?

Yes, security is a "cost of doing business". But travel for business and travel for golf are two different things.

Republican or Democrat, I would like to see ANYONE be a fiscal conservative. We haven't had one of those in decades.

I don't recall complaining about the cost of Obama's travel or golfing. Perhaps Michelle's.

Fiscal conservatism has been defeated. Every time it is even hinted at, the libs demagogue it as being heartless about the poor.

So, that's a dead horse. Sorry, you lose.
God and Guns ,,,Repub BS

What the hell are you talking about?

Christianity and gun rights are both valid issues. That have nothing to do with what we were discussing.

Are you drunk?
You're all hypocrites And I'm being kind

Seriously, are you drunk? Because you do not seem to be responding appropriately.

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