Fiscal Conservatism??

Secret Service spent $137K on golf carts to protect Trump at New Jersey, Florida clubs

Report: Trump’s stay at his Scotland resort cost $68,800

Look like the conservatives in the Congress have failed to curtail Trump's willingness to spend Taxpayers dollars. Oh, and BTW:

The government is paying big bucks to rent space in Trump Tower

"When Donald Trump travels to one of his properties for weekends of golf and well-done steak, he brings a massive entourage of aides, Secret Service agents, and all the trappings of the world’s most powerful job. And it’s all on the taxpayer’s tab.

"It’s still not clear how much all of that costs, but we now know how much money it takes to operate the biggest presidential accessory involved with these trips: Every hour Trump flies on Air Force One costs taxpayers more than $142,000. For just two weekend trips to Mar-a-Lago that Trump took in March, taxpayers paid $1.2 million. Again, that’s just for the plane that ferried Trump. That doesn’t count the cost of fighter jet escorts, the planes carrying Trump’s limousines, or any of the on-the-ground costs."
Here's what it costs taxpayers to fly Trump to Mar-a-Lago

What say you Ryan and members of the Freedom Caucus (aka Tea Party).

It would be an embarrassment to the nation and politically damaging if he was assassinated.

Cost of doing business.

Golf is business? Tweeting, golfing and campaign rallies seem to be his main business, when he not insulting allies or praising Kim and Putin.

Presidents have never been expected to hole up in a bunker during their terms. They travel, they do personal shit.

And they get protected while doing it.

Stop playing stupid.
No ones playing stupid You don't think the great deal maker is over doing it a bit?? Now he wants 12 billion to bail out those who voted for him who are stuck because the idiot put them in hot water?
Secret Service spent $137K on golf carts to protect Trump at New Jersey, Florida clubs

Report: Trump’s stay at his Scotland resort cost $68,800

Look like the conservatives in the Congress have failed to curtail Trump's willingness to spend Taxpayers dollars. Oh, and BTW:

The government is paying big bucks to rent space in Trump Tower

"When Donald Trump travels to one of his properties for weekends of golf and well-done steak, he brings a massive entourage of aides, Secret Service agents, and all the trappings of the world’s most powerful job. And it’s all on the taxpayer’s tab.

"It’s still not clear how much all of that costs, but we now know how much money it takes to operate the biggest presidential accessory involved with these trips: Every hour Trump flies on Air Force One costs taxpayers more than $142,000. For just two weekend trips to Mar-a-Lago that Trump took in March, taxpayers paid $1.2 million. Again, that’s just for the plane that ferried Trump. That doesn’t count the cost of fighter jet escorts, the planes carrying Trump’s limousines, or any of the on-the-ground costs."
Here's what it costs taxpayers to fly Trump to Mar-a-Lago

What say you Ryan and members of the Freedom Caucus (aka Tea Party).

It would be an embarrassment to the nation and politically damaging if he was assassinated.

Cost of doing business.

Golf is business? Tweeting, golfing and campaign rallies seem to be his main business, when he not insulting allies or praising Kim and Putin.

Presidents have never been expected to hole up in a bunker during their terms. They travel, they do personal shit.

And they get protected while doing it.

Stop playing stupid.

You're a hypocrite

Tracking the president's visits to Trump properties

"Trump's trips have so far been concentrated in Palm Beach, Florida. He also took a 17-day "working vacation" in August, spending 15 days at his Bedminster, New Jersey, golf club and two days at Trump Tower in Manhattan. He also frequents his golf course in Sterling, Virginia, near Washington, D.C. — and sometimes will visit multiple properties on the same day. On a July trip to the U.K., the president visited his Trump Turnberry golf property."

Sure. You can call me a hypocrite, when you post an example of me complaining about Obama golfing or travelling a lot.

Hint: Don't waste your time looking. I was always supportive of Obama staying away from the office.
Remember the obama days when righties would post with great outrage over every travel bill?? Ah the hypocrisy.

I never once complained about that sort of thing. Besides, when the federal govt stops blowing millions studying stuff like the mating habits of quail high on cocaine then we can talk "fiscal conservatism".
The debt continues to increase... only repubs to blame.

Did you argue to remove protection from Obama?

Obamas office at his country club didnt look like this



So? We all knew he was rich during the campaign. What do you think that proves?

I mean, seriously, what the fuck do you think that proves?


it proves youre blowing smoke up peoples ass wen it comes to Trump

You folks need to break out of this false binary political construct. Both wings of the political class belong to the same bird. They ALL work for the same people. They're playing everyone against each other and laughing all the way to the bank.
The debt continues to increase... only repubs to blame.

Did you argue to remove protection from Obama?

Obamas office at his country club didnt look like this



So? We all knew he was rich during the campaign. What do you think that proves?

I mean, seriously, what the fuck do you think that proves?

And he's going to be a hell of a lot richer when his term is up A fn thief is a fn thief
Remember the obama days when righties would post with great outrage over every travel bill?? Ah the hypocrisy.

I never once complained about that sort of thing. Besides, when the federal govt stops blowing millions studying stuff like the mating habits of quail high on cocaine then we can talk "fiscal conservatism".

Well a lot of people have . Including Don Trump himself .
Trump Golf Count

123 golf trips so far.

Cost to Taxpayer: At least $72,199,394

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me, folks." - Donald Trump, August 8, 2016

You folks need to break out of this false binary political construct. Both wings of the political class belong to the same bird. They ALL work for the same people. They're playing everyone against each other and laughing all the way to the bank.

And this is why Trump was elected and why democrats and establishment GOP and the deep state wants him gone. He threatens to undermine the status quo.
The debt continues to increase... only repubs to blame.

Did you argue to remove protection from Obama?

Obamas office at his country club didnt look like this



So? We all knew he was rich during the campaign. What do you think that proves?

I mean, seriously, what the fuck do you think that proves?


it proves youre blowing smoke up peoples ass wen it comes to Trump


Remember the obama days when righties would post with great outrage over every travel bill?? Ah the hypocrisy.

I never once complained about that sort of thing. Besides, when the federal govt stops blowing millions studying stuff like the mating habits of quail high on cocaine then we can talk "fiscal conservatism".

Well a lot of people have . Including Don Trump himself .

Trump gets trashed by both sides for wanting NATO countries to pay their fair share, or for being reluctant to engage in more military adventures overseas. He gets trashed by both sides for saying something positive about "single payer". The left is like "LOL he CONNED you RUBES LOL!" and the right is like "he's a FAKE conservative!".
The debt continues to increase... only repubs to blame.

Did you argue to remove protection from Obama?

Didn't you post on the "Hillary lost, get over it" threads? Did you ever complain about what Obama cost when he traveled?

Yes, security is a "cost of doing business". But travel for business and travel for golf are two different things.

Republican or Democrat, I would like to see ANYONE be a fiscal conservative. We haven't had one of those in decades.
The federal debt is a much bigger threat to our national security than Mexicans or Muslims or homosexuals.


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