Five insane things Chritian fundies are teaching their kids

really, and who is it that came up with the conclusion they are INSANE things?

the lockness monster? are YOU people freaking KIDDING

We need to list all the INSANE things liberals teach their kids. Starting with: ABORTING your own offspring is a piece of cake.

SNOBS are worthless people
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BUT but but: whatever you do don't you dare accuse them like SALON and their cult followers of dividing and tearing this country apart
really, and who is it that came up with the conclusion they are INSANE things?

the lockness monster? are YOU people freaking KIDDING

We need to list all the INSANE things liberals teach their kids. Starting with: ABORTING your own offspring is a piece of cake.

SNOBS are worthless people

That's "HALAROIUS" ... Are you really saying you those points are not insane? You believe they are true???


Are you feeling okay?

I'm asking because you're sounding even more delusional than usual.
really, and who is it that came up with the conclusion they are INSANE things?

the lockness monster? are YOU people freaking KIDDING

We need to list all the INSANE things liberals teach their kids. Starting with: ABORTING your own offspring is a piece of cake.

SNOBS are worthless people

Because of global warming the coastlines are at sea level.

Gender and race can be changed by declaration.

Just a couple off the top. has a long history of publishing complete bull shit.

This is undoubtably an example of it.
5 completely insane things Christian fundamentalists are teaching their kids -

1. the Loch Ness monster disproves evolution
2. Solar fusion is a myth
3. japanese whaling boat found dinosaur
4.evolution has been discredited
5. human footprints found beside dino tracks.

Should we rewrite all of our biology textbooks?
No books are fine but you should go seek mental health,I kinow of no Christians that have taught their kids anything like that line of shit
Liberals teach their boy to be a girl, or if they are white, they can be black if they feel like it. Lol
My brothers children are home schooled, by a christian woman. So far the two that have graduated earned two full scholarships.
If you folks don't hear from me for a while, it is because the spelling nazi's have put me in a FEMA camp....
5 completely insane things Christian fundamentalists are teaching their kids -

1. the Loch Ness monster disproves evolution
2. Solar fusion is a myth
3. japanese whaling boat found dinosaur
4.evolution has been discredited
5. human footprints found beside dino tracks.

Should we rewrite all of our biology textbooks?
horseshit article. However, if you want to discuss denying science:
1'. Liberals believe even if you are born Caucasian, if you say you're black, then you are black.
2. If you cut off your dick, you are suddenly a girl.

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