Five minutes of hate on NPR radio “Tribal News”

because it is educational and many of the programs can't be seen anywhere else especially for over the air broadcasts. it is the service of a good government.... As opposed to the crap that fills between your ears...
Who deemed it “educational”? You want it bad enough, you people pay for it. Forcing the taxpayer to pay for your propaganda is statist.
Who deemed it “educational”? You want it bad enough, you people pay for it. Forcing the taxpayer to pay for your propaganda is statist.
StFU and watch, Know nothing dupe. Sorry about reality.... Propaganda? You're an unbelievable twit...
Only the ones in the 'right' tribe.
What is the right tribe? The one with the casino? Whatever we have the same problem, with the GOP we don't tax the rich enough and we don't have enough cheap college and training to have good upward mobility. Helps the blacks the Browns and the Indians as well as the white poor....
Franco’s posts are toxic. I mean he does not care that Indians owned slaves and engaged in warfare just like the whites and blacks did

For what it is worth slavery in native american land was like slavery lite as it often just meant that your master got a cut of all your spoils/money from what I have read.
So what the heck are you talking about, Super Duper? Unfortunately we have the stupidest voters in the modern world, led by the GOP base who live on another planet with election fraud vaccine fraud lying FBI and DOJ and election officials and on and on. Everyone's lying but admitted liars Murdoch and Hannity and Trump Etcetera Etcetera.
Yet you keep voting for democrats, know that they will never give you what you really want, which is the decimation of everyone earning more than you do.
Yet you keep voting for democrats, know that they will never give you what you really want, which is the decimation of everyone earning more than you do.
What I really want is a living wage health care for all cheap college and training daycare help taxing the rich for crying out loud and great infrastructure and vacations which every other modern country has had for years. Change the channel you're on the anti-american hate channel, and oh yeah throwing Murdoch out of the country like Australia and the UK did. Absolute piece of crap
It’s not a matter about me. If fellow voters support taxpayers funding government run media with one sided content, then this voters should back it up.
You will just have to convince the voter you wish to sway, that it is one-sided, and/or controlled by the government. It is pretty uncommon in this country to gain control of anything with a 7% or less financial interest. If you wish to kill public radio, what are you going to do about the other 93% Plus of direct funding from corporations, private trusts, wealthy individuals and small donors, like myself across the country? What are you going to do, if they actually listen and hear a balanced viewpoint more often than not, and simply do not accept your position? How do you silence indigenous tribal nations, if they are in fact donors, themselves? I am not sure why you might be against indigenous tribes, if the report is what is bothering you. Did you lose at the casino?
You will just have to convince the voter you wish to sway, that it is one-sided, and/or controlled by the government. It is pretty uncommon in this country to gain control of anything with a 7% or less financial interest. If you wish to kill public radio, what are you going to do about the other 93% Plus of direct funding from corporations, private trusts, wealthy individuals and small donors, like myself across the country? What are you going to do, if they actually listen and hear a balanced viewpoint more often than not, and simply do not accept your position? How do you silence indigenous tribal nations, if they are in fact donors, themselves? I am not sure why you might be against indigenous tribes, if the report is what is bothering you. Did you lose at the casino?
I’m not advocating killing of NPR and PBS. I’m saying that taxpayers should not be funding any of it. If they want to compete as media entities in the free market whether it is corporate and private donations and sponsorship, have at it. If taxpayers must continue to fund these entities on any level, then all viewpoints must be heard regularly.
I’m not advocating killing of NPR and PBS. I’m saying that taxpayers should not be funding any of it. If they want to compete as media entities in the free market whether it is corporate and private donations and sponsorship, have at it. If taxpayers must continue to fund these entities on any level, then all viewpoints must be heard regularly.
Except for total garbage GOP fake news, Super Duper. Except a pure admitted proven totally discredited scumbag like Murdoch....GOP politics are already a total disgrace and embarrassment world wide....
I’m not advocating killing of NPR and PBS. I’m saying that taxpayers should not be funding any of it. If they want to compete as media entities in the free market whether it is corporate and private donations and sponsorship, have at it. If taxpayers must continue to fund these entities on any level, then all viewpoints must be heard regularly.
Which viewpoint on Native American tribal affairs have you found missing?
You don't mind if your taxes are used to spew leftist propaganda because you're a leftist.
Ewwwwwww, a leftist!:eek: I'm shocked! Quick, go tell Henny Penny and Chicken Licken! The sky is falling! To you, all centrist and independents are leftist. Big deal. IF you can't find something wrong with what they say, label them something you don't like and attack that? I'm looking at a government that spent millions of dollars on standardizing screw threads, never pulling it off. A government that pays over $300.00 a pop for fairly standard hammers, but certified they meet government spec that just happens to be a standard hammer. The same government that funds presidential golf trips, greater in cost, than presidential salary. This is the same government that can buy your house under imminent domain, sell to to a business for a project, though the project does note even have to be done, isn't done, yet you do not get your house back. The same government funds black GSA Suburbans with local/state officers, that can pull you over and if you are carrying cash, confiscate the cash, without having to charge you with anything, split with the Feds, who will make you fight in court at your expense, to get your money back, with civil asset forfeiture, having gone far as to knock off armored cars from local businesses legally operated in a state, tying their assets and daily cashflow up for years. You think I should be up in arms over the pittance of support Congress voted for public radio? I'm not. You can be the designated guy to raise hell as most people really do not care, or you would have would be politicians running for office on the pledge to do away with public radio if elected. Not even right wing candidates appear to be following your leadership. Have a Coke and a smile.:D
Except for total garbage GOP fake news, Super Duper. Except a pure admitted proven totally discredited scumbag like Murdoch....GOP politics are already a total disgrace and embarrassment world wide....
Do you ever provide empirical data to back up your propaganda?

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