Five years of Obama

And! The right wings tried how many times and failed to over turn the law of the ACA.
They are the productive group?

Yeah, got it, RW.----------------Bush did it. You are so full of shit. your boy has had 5 fricken years to fix it and he has made everything worse.

obama failed, he is the worst president in history-------face reality and move on.

Its too bad that the first black president was a failure, but he was and is, accept it, deal with it.
2008 vs today

full time workers 118M 117M
workforce participation 65.9% 62.8%
home ownership 67.5% 65.0%
median income $ 53,664 $51,017
poverty 13.2% 15.0%
people on food stamps 28.2M 47.6M
debt to GDP ratio 64.8% 101.6%

and the gap between rich and poor is larger than ever and the world is laughing at our incompetent president-----------way to go libs, you elected him twice. the mess belongs to you.
If you had any balls or brains you would do the comparison of the US that Clinton left gwb and the US gwb left Obama. So far Obama has had to spend his time cleaning up the mess that bush left Obama. Making it more difficult is a republican house which will be rated the worst in history. But of course, you prefer to make up your own history as you go.
And! The right wings tried how many times and failed to over turn the law of the ACA.
They are the productive group?

Yeah, got it, RW.----------------Bush did it. You are so full of shit. your boy has had 5 fricken years to fix it and he has made everything worse.

obama failed, he is the worst president in history-------face reality and move on.

Its too bad that the first black president was a failure, but he was and is, accept it, deal with it.
Hummm ..." ... he is the worst president in history ..." Hummmm ... It seems to me that the worst president in history would be one who:
Was given a healthy economy and in 8 years managed to kill that economy and put the US on a course for another 1930's type depression.
Or perhaps it would be a president who took office when the US was not at war and left office with the US involved in two wars, one of which was based on lies.
Possibly it is a president who was responsible for the death of 4500 American troops because of a lie.
Or maybe it would be a president who was warned about terrorists attacking the US and who did absolutely nothing to try to prevent that attack.
But maybe it is a president who turned his back on a natural disaster that allowed thousands to die because of his incompetence.
It seems like a tough choice but it really isn't since all of the presidents suggested above are really the same president: GEORGE W. BUSH.
Oh, and about your idiotic comment that Obama has made "everything worse" statement, on bush's last months in office Americans were losing 750,000 jobs per month (PER MONTH!!!!). Obama stopped that job loss rate in one year and the economy has been slowly growing jobs ever since. Explain to me exactly how that has made "everything worse."
If Obama cured cancer, found a solution to world hunger, and ended wars on this planet you would find a way to condemn him and THAT is exactly why anything you post is irrelevant (and stupid).
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Don't forget, we still have the patriot act and a new cold war

and the silly bastard is more interested in gay marriage than in making this country energy self sufficient.

at first I did not believe it, but now I am convinced that he hates the USA and is determined to bring it down and punish it for being successful and for allowing slavery 200 years ago.

Liberals have amazing priorities.

Seriously, this morning my liberal relatives, who live in my house, made the most off-topic remark and thought they were very clever by invoking it.

I was talking about the California Senator who was arrested providing rocket launchers to Muslim extremists, automatic weapons to Latino gangs and drugs and donations from Chinese gangs --- all the while insisting and being a poster-boy for gun control (hypocrisy).

Their "clever" response was to mention Larry Craig scandal having gay sex in bathroom, since he often spoke against homosexuality (also hypocrisy).
After 5 years of obama, democrats are worried that Putin could be elected if he was able to run.

That says more about obama than democrats would like.
After 5 years of obama, democrats are worried that Putin could be elected if he was able to run.

That says more about obama than democrats would like.
Hummm .... I am sure that if the idiot gop could find a way to run Putin for president they would do so. At least Putin would be one hell of a lot smarter than the group of brain dead clowns that are the current gop offereing! With talent like the following; perry, ryan, paul, santorum, palin, bachman, bush, Romney and Christie I am sure they would vote for Putin in a heartbeat. Oh, and let's not forget that gingrich and cain will probably also enter the race. If I understand correctly the both have new books coming out and running for president is good for sales. And of course, let's not forget Old Faithful: The Donald who keeps throwing his hat into the ring and then pulling it out and then throwing it in and then ....
Obama Apologizes For Insurance Cancellations - YouTube

Obama on Midterm Shellacking: 'It Feels Bad' - YouTube

Does anyone have any Bush administration apologies?

I mean they killed close to half a million innocent people.

At the very apology would be nice.

Obama said he was sorry people lost their insurance....he never said he was sorry for lying about it for 4 years.

what I heard him say: "uh uh....uh I uh I'm uh sorry, uh people mis uh uh under uh stood uh uh what uh I uh said".
Since the arrival of President Ronald Wilson Reagan, it has become a matter of conservative orthodoxy that tax cuts for the rich will, inevitably, lead to economic prosperity. So ingrained is this philosophy that it seems as if it has been a bulwark of GOP ideology since time began—yet it was not always this way.
The Numbers Don't Lie-Why Lowering Taxes For The Rich No Longer Works To Grow The Economy - Forbes
So explain Reaganomics.

Reaganomics is simply neoliberalism ... a belief that markets are the most efficient means for allocated benefits, or growth or whatever term you want to use for "good stuff" in a society. Cutting taxes on the most wealthy by 60%, at a time when rates had been 90% and were still 70% to 28%. The result during Reagan's terms was more income inequality, but at the same time the top 10% actually paid more in an overall share of fed income tax and the bottom 50% paid less .... ALTHOUGH payroll taxes at least partially offset any benefit to lower income workers. (which btw is why mainstreet gopers have little problem with the eitc)

Basically, it freed up capital from tax dodges to seek the best return with little consideration of tax consequences. It coincided with the initial concrete growth from the tech revolution.

There's absolutely no evidence that further cuts created any additional real growth, and give the BushI hikes and Clinton hikes compared to W's cuts, the historical evidence is to the contrary.

However, there's no evidence that a return to classical Keynesian econ would provide any benefit, either.
Obama Apologizes For Insurance Cancellations - YouTube

Obama on Midterm Shellacking: 'It Feels Bad' - YouTube

Does anyone have any Bush administration apologies?

I mean they killed close to half a million innocent people.

At the very apology would be nice.

Obama said he was sorry people lost their insurance....he never said he was sorry for lying about it for 4 years.

He shouldn't have apologized at all.

It was never his fault that despicable insurers sought to make a quick buck by cobbling together shitty policies they knew they would have to cancel.

But he did.

Now back to the other part.

Close to 1/2 million innocent people were slaughtered by Americans because of Bush's policies.


No apology?
Obama Apologizes For Insurance Cancellations - YouTube

Obama on Midterm Shellacking: 'It Feels Bad' - YouTube

Does anyone have any Bush administration apologies?

I mean they killed close to half a million innocent people.

At the very apology would be nice.

Obama said he was sorry people lost their insurance....he never said he was sorry for lying about it for 4 years.

what I heard him say: "uh uh....uh I uh I'm uh sorry, uh people mis uh uh under uh stood uh uh what uh I uh said".
The NERVE of Obama. He should have made a whip out of bob wire, taken his shirt off, and whipped himself while he walked down Washington Avenue. Then he should have tied his arms and legs to four horses and had somebody whip them until this arms and legs were pulled off. Then he should have built a huge bon fire and thrown himself in. And then he should have gone out to the Nevada desert and had the Air Force drop an atomic bomb on him. And then the should have climbed into a wood chipper while it was on high, and then he should have draped his body over the tip of a missile and had it fired off. And then he should have cut off all his fingers and toes and arms and legs. And then ....
Satisfied now? I doubt it!
Don't forget, we still have the patriot act and a new cold war

and the silly bastard is more interested in gay marriage than in making this country energy self sufficient.

at first I did not believe it, but now I am convinced that he hates the USA and is determined to bring it down and punish it for being successful and for allowing slavery 200 years ago.

Liberals have amazing priorities.

Seriously, this morning my liberal relatives, who live in my house, made the most off-topic remark and thought they were very clever by invoking it.

I was talking about the California Senator who was arrested providing rocket launchers to Muslim extremists, automatic weapons to Latino gangs and drugs and donations from Chinese gangs --- all the while insisting and being a poster-boy for gun control (hypocrisy).

Their "clever" response was to mention Larry Craig scandal having gay sex in bathroom, since he often spoke against homosexuality (also hypocrisy).

Democrats and other Liberals are not permitted on ,y property, PERIOD! ! If one of my offspring turne Liberal or Democrat they are disowned immediately!!
After 5 years of obama, democrats are worried that Putin could be elected if he was able to run.

That says more about obama than democrats would like.
Hummm .... I am sure that if the idiot gop could find a way to run Putin for president they would do so. At least Putin would be one hell of a lot smarter than the group of brain dead clowns that are the current gop offereing! With talent like the following; perry, ryan, paul, santorum, palin, bachman, bush, Romney and Christie I am sure they would vote for Putin in a heartbeat. Oh, and let's not forget that gingrich and cain will probably also enter the race. If I understand correctly the both have new books coming out and running for president is good for sales. And of course, let's not forget Old Faithful: The Donald who keeps throwing his hat into the ring and then pulling it out and then throwing it in and then ....

The few obama supporters are freakin out i see, you know obama is a failure, but won't admit it. Lol i love it. He isn't nearly as the president bush was.
After 5 years of obama, democrats are worried that Putin could be elected if he was able to run.

That says more about obama than democrats would like.
Hummm .... I am sure that if the idiot gop could find a way to run Putin for president they would do so. At least Putin would be one hell of a lot smarter than the group of brain dead clowns that are the current gop offereing! With talent like the following; perry, ryan, paul, santorum, palin, bachman, bush, Romney and Christie I am sure they would vote for Putin in a heartbeat. Oh, and let's not forget that gingrich and cain will probably also enter the race. If I understand correctly the both have new books coming out and running for president is good for sales. And of course, let's not forget Old Faithful: The Donald who keeps throwing his hat into the ring and then pulling it out and then throwing it in and then ....

The few obama supporters are freakin out i see, you know obama is a failure, but won't admit it. Lol i love it. He isn't nearly as the president bush was.
Praise the Lord!
Since the arrival of President Ronald Wilson Reagan, it has become a matter of conservative orthodoxy that tax cuts for the rich will, inevitably, lead to economic prosperity. So ingrained is this philosophy that it seems as if it has been a bulwark of GOP ideology since time began—yet it was not always this way.
The Numbers Don't Lie-Why Lowering Taxes For The Rich No Longer Works To Grow The Economy - Forbes
So explain Reaganomics.

Reaganomics is simply neoliberalism ... a belief that markets are the most efficient means for allocated benefits, or growth or whatever term you want to use for "good stuff" in a society. Cutting taxes on the most wealthy by 60%, at a time when rates had been 90% and were still 70% to 28%. The result during Reagan's terms was more income inequality, but at the same time the top 10% actually paid more in an overall share of fed income tax and the bottom 50% paid less .... ALTHOUGH payroll taxes at least partially offset any benefit to lower income workers. (which btw is why mainstreet gopers have little problem with the eitc)

Basically, it freed up capital from tax dodges to seek the best return with little consideration of tax consequences. It coincided with the initial concrete growth from the tech revolution.

There's absolutely no evidence that further cuts created any additional real growth, and give the BushI hikes and Clinton hikes compared to W's cuts, the historical evidence is to the contrary.

However, there's no evidence that a return to classical Keynesian econ would provide any benefit, either.

There's plenty of evidence of that.

The whole growth middle class from 1950 to 1980.
So explain Reaganomics.

Reaganomics is simply neoliberalism ... a belief that markets are the most efficient means for allocated benefits, or growth or whatever term you want to use for "good stuff" in a society. Cutting taxes on the most wealthy by 60%, at a time when rates had been 90% and were still 70% to 28%. The result during Reagan's terms was more income inequality, but at the same time the top 10% actually paid more in an overall share of fed income tax and the bottom 50% paid less .... ALTHOUGH payroll taxes at least partially offset any benefit to lower income workers. (which btw is why mainstreet gopers have little problem with the eitc)

Basically, it freed up capital from tax dodges to seek the best return with little consideration of tax consequences. It coincided with the initial concrete growth from the tech revolution.

There's absolutely no evidence that further cuts created any additional real growth, and give the BushI hikes and Clinton hikes compared to W's cuts, the historical evidence is to the contrary.

However, there's no evidence that a return to classical Keynesian econ would provide any benefit, either.

There's plenty of evidence of that.

The whole growth middle class from 1950 to 1980.

Yeah, but Keynes failed in the Opec embargos. There's no evidence post 1980 than a return to classical Keynesian econ would do much good. In fact, if you look at world growth, the economies growing are still neoliberal economies.

The question remains, how do we get the econ benefit to "trickle down."?
Obama Apologizes For Insurance Cancellations - YouTube

Obama on Midterm Shellacking: 'It Feels Bad' - YouTube

Does anyone have any Bush administration apologies?

I mean they killed close to half a million innocent people.

At the very apology would be nice.

Yeah and the democrats put the black man in chains, where is their apology?

Yeah and the democrat sanction the killing the most innocent of society through abortion, any apology?

BTW, on the functional illiterate make up statistics.

Go nuttin'..


No, she got SUMPPIN', you just don't have the fucking brains or the integrity to admit it... you mouth breathing little crossed eyed twit...

Yeah and the democrats put the black man in chains, where is their apology?

Yeah and the democrat sanction the killing the most innocent of society through abortion, any apology?

BTW, on the functional illiterate make up statistics.

Go nuttin'..


No, she got SUMPPIN', you just don't have the fucking brains or the integrity to admit it... you mouth breathing little crossed eyed twit...

Thanks for posting

I think it is good to remind Americans what a great party Republicans once were and how little they care for the American people today

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