Fix health care and pay off the national debt in 6 years with the savings!!!

The way you are talking the supply would have to far outstrip demand..
what????????????? what would change with capitalism is price would go down 80% because of competition. Do you understand that when businesses compete to survive there in incentive to offer a lower and lower price?

When everyone wants to buy a house, the prices rise rapidly. When there are fewer buyers the prices fall. Right now demand for medical care outstrips supply. Many doctors are not taking new patients. It takes six months to see the Doctor my wife uses. The only way for him to lower prices is if the demand for his services is reduced. The only way for that to happen is if he has fewer patients to see.

The Doctor has costs too. He has staff that expect to get paid. He has a building to pay for, insurance, utilities, supplies, and the list goes on. The Doctor isn't going to cut prices too much because those expenses aren't going to change. I suppose he could reuse tongue depressors or something.

The plan is idiotic.
Hey, I'll bet we could pay off our entire debt in just THREE years if we go back to the days of the Wild West!

we want to switch to capitalism as China just did so that the Chinese people could afford to buy 5 times more. Do you understand?
Hey, I'll bet we could pay off our entire debt in just THREE years if we go back to the days of the Wild West!
we want to switch to capitalism as China just did so that the Chinese people could afford to buy 5 times more. Do you understand?
Five times more?

Link please!

Please help me understand!
Please help me understand!
you want to understand how much richer the Chinese are under capitalism?? They have this new thing called google!!! How will you learn if you don't try?
I don't know!! Please help me learn how they can buy five times more, and how we can pay off the national debt in six years!!

Please help me understand!

What did you Google to learn this important information? What words?

Please! I can't wait to learn from you!
Please help me learn how they can buy five times more, and how we can pay off the national debt in six years!!

1) they can buy 5 times more because they now have a capitalist economic system

2) if we switch to capitalist health care the savings could be used to pay off national debt in 6 years.

Do you understand?
Please help me learn how they can buy five times more, and how we can pay off the national debt in six years!!.
1) they can buy 5 times more because they now have a capitalist economic system

2) if we switch to capitalist health care the savings could be used to pay off national debt in 6 years.

Do you understand?
No, I'm afraid I don't understand!

I see numbers there! Five and six! That means you must have done some math! I won't understand if you don't show me the math!

Please help me understand!

With math!
Please help me understand!
you want to understand how much richer the Chinese are under capitalism?? They have this new thing called google!!! How will you learn if you don't try?
I don't know!! Please help me learn how they can buy five times more, and how we can pay off the national debt in six years!!

Please help me understand!

What did you Google to learn this important information? What words?

Please! I can't wait to learn from you!

you want to understand how much richer the Chinese are under capitalism?? They have this new thing called google!!! How will you learn if you don't try?
Please help me understand!
you want to understand how much richer the Chinese are under capitalism?? They have this new thing called google!!! How will you learn if you don't try?
I don't know!! Please help me learn how they can buy five times more, and how we can pay off the national debt in six years!!

Please help me understand!

What did you Google to learn this important information? What words?

Please! I can't wait to learn from you!

you want to understand how much richer the Chinese are under capitalism?? They have this new thing called google!!! How will you learn if you don't try?
But Google is so big! Just tell me where me where you got your numbers so I can see them too!

Why won't you help me understand? Is it a secret for only special people? Please help!
So in your capitalist dream you want to limit the earnings to a socialist system amount.

no, to a capitalist amount,i.e., an amount determined by the free market which would be less than half of what they get now under the socialist system.
Why don't baseball players work for $70k a year?
its called the law of supply and demand. My HS produces 2-3 doctors every year while only one professional baseball player in its history! Can you see why a baseball player would earn more?
Such shit have never been used in this world to work towards maintaining a developed nation...

Actually there is a country named China that just switched to Republican capitalism and it enabled them to eliminate 40% of all the poverty on earth.

What you in effect said is that you lack the IQ to understand capitalism so instead you believe in magical govt. This is the nature of liberalism.
Capitalism also gives us high prices on medicines. Most CEO's are going to charge as much for medicine as they can get.

Remember the dude that jacked up prices on required medications by over 750 percent?

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