Fla Sheriff Recomends Carry Guns for you Own Protection, or else.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
The sheriff said that calling 911 means officers are on their way, but said, “Until they arrive, it’s up to you and those with you to neutralize or eliminate the threat.”
Ivey encouraged people to take self-defense classes, and urged those with concealed weapons permits to carry their guns with them at all times.
“No matter who you are or what your position is on guns, there’s no denying the fact that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun or a knife is an armed and well-prepared citizen or law enforcement officer,” Ivey said.
The sheriff’s message received a mixed response. Some residents applauded his stance while others criticized it, calling it “fear-mongering” and encouraging vigilantes.

Source Brevard County News or the Brevard Sheriffs web site.
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A good idea in Florida. Murder is almost legal there.
I know what you mean, The Fort Lauderdale attack was a first in Fla History, the shooting at the Pulse Club as a first also and the mass shooting in Orlando the same all done in the name of Muzzy gods.
Yeah everyone knows drunk people carrying guns at 2 a.m. in a nightclub is a recipe for success
I have cc carried now for almost 40 years in three states and have pulled my sidearm three times but never have had to fire it.

what fun is that?
Guns for me can be fun as far as competition shooting. But then the real reason you shoot in competition is to improve your safety level in aiming and firing. So it's not so much an issue of fun for me. It's an issue of if the attacker and the victim are inches apart can I find and fire the clean shot? Because a life depends on it!
The statistical probability of being in a situation where a firearm might clearly be necessary is so small that carrying all the time only really raises the level of possibility of unintended harm.
I'm old school 38 snub hammerless. 5 shot. If you need more then that what the hell where you doing there?
In home? 20 gauge solid slug. These idiots using 00 are fools. In a tight space you need to be surgical with your shot not Rambo.
The sheriff said that calling 911 means officers are on their way, but said, “Until they arrive, it’s up to you and those with you to neutralize or eliminate the threat.”
Ivey encouraged people to take self-defense classes, and urged those with concealed weapons permits to carry their guns with them at all times.
“No matter who you are or what your position is on guns, there’s no denying the fact that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun or a knife is an armed and well-prepared citizen or law enforcement officer,” Ivey said.
The sheriff’s message received a mixed response. Some residents applauded his stance while others criticized it, calling it “fear-mongering” and encouraging vigilantes.

Source Brevard County News or the Brevard Sheriffs web site.
The gun is not magical however.

It takes training and practice too.

You need to be able to draw and shoot straight from concealment in one second or less. That's not easy.

Without practice it is impossible.
I'm old school 38 snub hammerless. 5 shot. If you need more then that what the hell where you doing there?
In home? 20 gauge solid slug. These idiots using 00 are fools. In a tight space you need to be surgical with your shot not Rambo.
38 is a fine caliber and load.

Hammerless lets you shoot from inside a coat pocket.

I prefer to draw and shoot however.
The statistical probability of being in a situation where a firearm might clearly be necessary is so small that carrying all the time only really raises the level of possibility of unintended harm.
It's the same statistical probability that any herd animal has of being cut out of the herd by a predator and eaten.

If you want to be a herd animal then go for it.
The sheriff said that calling 911 means officers are on their way, but said, “Until they arrive, it’s up to you and those with you to neutralize or eliminate the threat.”
Ivey encouraged people to take self-defense classes, and urged those with concealed weapons permits to carry their guns with them at all times.
“No matter who you are or what your position is on guns, there’s no denying the fact that the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun or a knife is an armed and well-prepared citizen or law enforcement officer,” Ivey said.
The sheriff’s message received a mixed response. Some residents applauded his stance while others criticized it, calling it “fear-mongering” and encouraging vigilantes.

Source Brevard County News or the Brevard Sheriffs web site.
The gun is not magical however.

It takes training and practice too.

You need to be able to draw and shoot straight from concealment in one second or less. That's not easy.

Without practice it is impossible.

Not true. You don't need to be able to do that to defend yourself. It helps but many people have successfully saved their lives and the lives of others without having to draw their weapon that fast.
I have cc carried now for almost 40 years in three states and have pulled my sidearm three times but never have had to fire it.

what fun is that?
Guns for me can be fun as far as competition shooting. But then the real reason you shoot in competition is to improve your safety level in aiming and firing. So it's not so much an issue of fun for me. It's an issue of if the attacker and the victim are inches apart can I find and fire the clean shot? Because a life depends on it!
Guns for me are all work and no play.

When I am shooting at the indoor range I am visualizing an actual encounter and I am striving to do everything right to make the perfect shots (usually a pair of double taps).

It is frustrating when they are not perfect.

Then there is cleaning the pistol and mag's.

Other than reassure my self confidence and work my muscle memory it is not what I would consider fun. It all takes several hours, then changing clothes right away and taking a shower to get all the residue off.

Work. Not fun.

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