Flame Zone Entry Policy Revised.


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
We've modified the USMB policy for "new member" access to the Flame Zone. Here on out -- a minimum of 100 posts for new members is required to post or "thank" posts in the FZ.

Obviously, this measure is to discourage chronic "breaking and entering" by formerly banned members and should not present any real impediment to legitimate new USMB members. We reserve the right to INCREASE this minimum post requirement as required.

Questions should be addressed to USMB Moderation Staff via PM..
So what happens if a new member starts a thread that gets moved to the Flamezone? Do they lose the ability to post in their own thread? That might be a way the people might try to slip by the new rule.
So what happens if a new member starts a thread that gets moved to the Flamezone? Do they lose the ability to post in their own thread? That might be a way the people might try to slip by the new rule.
Yes, they will lose the ability the participate in that thread.
We've modified the USMB policy for "new member" access to the Flame Zone. Here on out -- a minimum of 100 posts for new members is required to post or "thank" posts in the FZ.

Obviously, this measure is to discourage chronic "breaking and entering" by formerly banned members and should not present any real impediment to legitimate new USMB members. We reserve the right to INCREASE this minimum post requirement as required.

Questions should be addressed to USMB Moderation Staff via PM..
Noobs should also have a note from their Mommy too.
So what happens if a new member starts a thread that gets moved to the Flamezone? Do they lose the ability to post in their own thread? That might be a way the people might try to slip by the new rule.

My guess would be they DO lose posting privileges.. We rarely move threads to the FZ. Unless they are funny enough.. :badgrin:
I think it should be raised to 250-500 posts. A person can get a good 25-50 post out of a good introduction thread alone.
I think all members should be required to pass a urine test before being allowed to post in the flame zone.


It isn't unusual for some people to make a hundred posts in a day around here.


From the list, it's mostly full time Democratic Party employees, or deranged shut-ins living in some institution somewhere, i.e. they should receive automatic admission.
I saw Bruce drinking from a cup the other day and then he spit it out real fast. What are you doing I said? He just stared and said "I hate these goddam urine tests!"
Was not newsworthy information. Thanks anyways, I'll be sure to keep 100 posts for cut and paste available.

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