FLASH!! NOAA drives stake through heart of alarmists!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
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I've a better question. How stupid do you look if your name is Skookerasbil?
Why don't you see if you can find some data to refute this, cause I'm getting tired of posting it:

oh ................ oh ............. oh ...... !!!!!!!!!

Well.....this sure sucks for the AGW alarmists!!!

Government data shows conclusively........... http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamestaylor/2014/06/25/government-data-show-u-s-in-decade-long-cooling/

:D:D:DUSA in decade long cOoLInG:D:D:D

How stoopid do you look if you are an alarmist k00k in 2014? For 15 years, people have been saying this is a fucking hoax yet the obsessed nutters clung to their fairy tale!!!


So Forbes says that Watt says that...

Oh, wait... Forbes link is to a graph that Watt made up.

Come back when you have a fact.
Why don't you see if you can find some data to refute this, cause I'm getting tired of posting it:


Even without that, it's a non-starter. Linear regression that yields a near horizontal line has no signficance. The line is meaninless because of the error built into the calculations. The line could be anywhere from a slope of -1 to 1.

There aren't any facts here.
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oh ................ oh ............. oh ...... !!!!!!!!!

Well.....this sure sucks for the AGW alarmists!!!

Government data shows conclusively........... Government Data Show U.S. in Decade-Long Cooling - Forbes

:D:D:DUSA in decade long cOoLInG:D:D:D

How stoopid do you look if you are an alarmist k00k in 2014? For 15 years, people have been saying this is a fucking hoax yet the obsessed nutters clung to their fairy tale!!!


So Forbes says that Watt says that...

Oh, wait... Forbes link is to a graph that Watt made up.

Come back when you have a fact.

This is exactly the MO of the modern far lefty in 2014.......in the face of facts that are 100% certifiable.....from the US Government no less.......

The facts dont matter to the religion......and isn't that the way it is with any religion? Anything that doesn't conform with the established narrative of the religion is "made up" or "BS".

From NASA climatologist Bill Patzert >>>

But is the record-setting summer 2012 evidence of climate change?

"Not necessarily," says Patzert. "We've always had extreme weather. US history is written in great natural calamities -- tornadoes, hurricanes, heat waves, droughts, floods. Global warming is happening, but it would be irresponsible to say that this heat wave and all these broken records are due to global warming from human causes. It's just not that simple."

The Summer of 2012 -- Too Hot to Handle? - NASA Science

From NASA.gov ^^^^ .......obviously, another fake source to the religion!!!:D:D:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Make no mistake.....every single climate alarmist on this site is a fraud. They know their shit is phoney. Perpetuating the big lie is the most important thing these cheesedicks have going on in their while lives. There is NOTHING that will ever be presented......EVER......that will change their minds!!! Religion? You betcha'!!!!:2up:

Which is also why green energy is still laughable after 20 years of bomb throwing........the frauds STILL haven't made their case!!! Even by 2040 green energy will still be only about 10% of our energy........go check the latest Obama EIA report. Im sick and tired of posting it up........I laugh too damn hard. It gets exhausting!!!

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This is why I'm so disappointed. I started reading about AWG to learn about this hoax thing. And then it turn out that everytime I follow up on a report, it turns out to be either meaningless or straight up false.

And the thing is that it ends up proving AWG. Everytime they post, they add further proof that climate change is correct.

some people never heard the saying, "Opinions are like assholes................":coffee:
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oh ................ oh ............. oh ...... !!!!!!!!!

Well.....this sure sucks for the AGW alarmists!!!

Government data shows conclusively........... Government Data Show U.S. in Decade-Long Cooling - Forbes

:D:D:DUSA in decade long cOoLInG:D:D:D

How stoopid do you look if you are an alarmist k00k in 2014? For 15 years, people have been saying this is a fucking hoax yet the obsessed nutters clung to their fairy tale!!!


So Forbes says that Watt says that...

Oh, wait... Forbes link is to a graph that Watt made up.

Come back when you have a fact.

This is exactly the MO of the modern far lefty in 2014.......in the face of facts that are 100% certifiable.....from the US Government no less.......

The facts dont matter to the religion......and isn't that the way it is with any religion? Anything that doesn't conform with the established narrative of the religion is "made up" or "BS".

From NASA climatologist Bill Patzert >>>

But is the record-setting summer 2012 evidence of climate change?

"Not necessarily," says Patzert. "We've always had extreme weather. US history is written in great natural calamities -- tornadoes, hurricanes, heat waves, droughts, floods. Global warming is happening, but it would be irresponsible to say that this heat wave and all these broken records are due to global warming from human causes. It's just not that simple."

The Summer of 2012 -- Too Hot to Handle? - NASA Science

From NASA.gov ^^^^ .......obviously, another fake source to the religion!!!:D:D:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Make no mistake.....every single climate alarmist on this site is a fraud. They know their shit is phoney. Perpetuating the big lie is the most important thing these cheesedicks have going on in their while lives. There is NOTHING that will ever be presented......EVER......that will change their minds!!! Religion? You betcha'!!!!:2up:

Which is also why green energy is still laughable after 20 years of bomb throwing........the frauds STILL haven't made their case!!! Even by 2040 green energy will still be only about 10% of our energy........go check the latest Obama EIA report. Im sick and tired of posting it up........I laugh too damn hard. It gets exhausting!!!


Bloviating doesn't you any good because you still can't present anything fatual. You don't have an education in science. You can't do stastistic, which is required. You've never posted original research or analysis. You haven't even demnsrated you have a reading comprehension above the 8th grade. I'm not convinced you even graduated highschool.

You are good at jerking self off and laughing at what you feel passes for funny. Keep your day job (if you managed to get you're GED) cuz you won't make it doing standup and you'll won't get that minimum wage back now that they've met you.
oh ................ oh ............. oh ...... !!!!!!!!!

Well.....this sure sucks for the AGW alarmists!!!

Government data shows conclusively........... Government Data Show U.S. in Decade-Long Cooling - Forbes

:D:D:DUSA in decade long cOoLInG:D:D:D

How stoopid do you look if you are an alarmist k00k in 2014? For 15 years, people have been saying this is a fucking hoax yet the obsessed nutters clung to their fairy tale!!!


So Forbes says that Watt says that...

Oh, wait... Forbes link is to a graph that Watt made up.

Come back when you have a fact.

This is exactly the MO of the modern far lefty in 2014.......in the face of facts that are 100% certifiable.....from the US Government no less.......

The facts dont matter to the religion......and isn't that the way it is with any religion? Anything that doesn't conform with the established narrative of the religion is "made up" or "BS".

From NASA climatologist Bill Patzert >>>

But is the record-setting summer 2012 evidence of climate change?

"Not necessarily," says Patzert. "We've always had extreme weather. US history is written in great natural calamities -- tornadoes, hurricanes, heat waves, droughts, floods. Global warming is happening, but it would be irresponsible to say that this heat wave and all these broken records are due to global warming from human causes. It's just not that simple."

The Summer of 2012 -- Too Hot to Handle? - NASA Science

From NASA.gov ^^^^ .......obviously, another fake source to the religion!!!:D:D:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Make no mistake.....every single climate alarmist on this site is a fraud. They know their shit is phoney. Perpetuating the big lie is the most important thing these cheesedicks have going on in their while lives. There is NOTHING that will ever be presented......EVER......that will change their minds!!! Religion? You betcha'!!!!:2up:

Which is also why green energy is still laughable after 20 years of bomb throwing........the frauds STILL haven't made their case!!! Even by 2040 green energy will still be only about 10% of our energy........go check the latest Obama EIA report. Im sick and tired of posting it up........I laugh too damn hard. It gets exhausting!!!


What is really amazing is that you think posting;

From NASA climatologist Bill Patzert >>>

" Global warming is happening,", says Patzert.

Actually helps your case.

See what I'm saying about reading comprehension? You don't have any.
So Forbes says that Watt says that...

Oh, wait... Forbes link is to a graph that Watt made up.

Come back when you have a fact.

This is exactly the MO of the modern far lefty in 2014.......in the face of facts that are 100% certifiable.....from the US Government no less.......

The facts dont matter to the religion......and isn't that the way it is with any religion? Anything that doesn't conform with the established narrative of the religion is "made up" or "BS".

From NASA climatologist Bill Patzert >>>

But is the record-setting summer 2012 evidence of climate change?

"Not necessarily," says Patzert. "We've always had extreme weather. US history is written in great natural calamities -- tornadoes, hurricanes, heat waves, droughts, floods. Global warming is happening, but it would be irresponsible to say that this heat wave and all these broken records are due to global warming from human causes. It's just not that simple."

The Summer of 2012 -- Too Hot to Handle? - NASA Science

From NASA.gov ^^^^ .......obviously, another fake source to the religion!!!:D:D:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Make no mistake.....every single climate alarmist on this site is a fraud. They know their shit is phoney. Perpetuating the big lie is the most important thing these cheesedicks have going on in their while lives. There is NOTHING that will ever be presented......EVER......that will change their minds!!! Religion? You betcha'!!!!:2up:

Which is also why green energy is still laughable after 20 years of bomb throwing........the frauds STILL haven't made their case!!! Even by 2040 green energy will still be only about 10% of our energy........go check the latest Obama EIA report. Im sick and tired of posting it up........I laugh too damn hard. It gets exhausting!!!


What is really amazing is that you think posting;

From NASA climatologist Bill Patzert >>>

" Global warming is happening,", says Patzert.

Actually helps your case.

See what I'm saying about reading comprehension? You don't have any.

Well.....what can I say?

As long as the whole "man-made" crap continues to be viewed by the public as exactly that.............crap...............Im happy s0ns!!:D:D
Yes indeedy, you are the CHAMPION ignorant, anarchist bigot.
Why don't you see if you can find some data to refute this, cause I'm getting tired of posting it:


Explain what you THINK that means and it's easily refuted..
But that has nothing to do with this topic either -- does it?

Think he's gonna take some balls and wait for a full count? Or just swing for the fences?

Strike TWO !!!

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