Flashback 1985: Gov’t Scientists Predicted NYC Would Resemble Daytona Beach

Interesting. Article states government scientists, but never mentions a single one by name, nor does it name a paper with those predictions. I am calling bullshit on the article.
Interesting. Article states government scientists, but never mentions a single one by name, nor does it name a paper with those predictions. I am calling bullshit on the article.
I think it was an article. Guess that makes your post......wrong.
No, Just Crazy, no evidence in your postings that you have ever has a thought. No scientist named in the article, no paper cited. Strictly hearsay, and therefore, worthless.
Interesting. Article states government scientists, but never mentions a single one by name, nor does it name a paper with those predictions. I am calling bullshit on the article.

Maybe because you never actually read it. I mean, how could you miss the giant red link at the top of the third paragraph linking right to the New York Times where more than a few scientists are quoted.

I guess it's bullshit to you because it conflicts with your religious beliefs.
So this was written in 1985

“Beginning in a decade or two, scientists expect the warming of the atmosphere to melt the polar icecaps, raising the level of the seas, flooding coastal areas, eroding the shores and sending salt water far into fresh-water estuaries,” the Times reported. “Storm patterns will change, drying out some areas, swamping others and generally throwing agriculture into turmoil.”

and what a suprise, icecaps are beginning to melt, the sea level is beginning to rise and invincible ignorance is still invincible. Who'd have thought?
Interesting. Article states government scientists, but never mentions a single one by name, nor does it name a paper with those predictions. I am calling bullshit on the article.

Maybe because you never actually read it. I mean, how could you miss the giant red link at the top of the third paragraph linking right to the New York Times where more than a few scientists are quoted.

I guess it's bullshit to you because it conflicts with your religious beliefs.
These are the 'quotes' from government scientists.

''It's a creeping problem, an incremental problem, and we're very bad at dealing with incremental problems,'' says Stephen H. Schneider, a climate expert at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. ''There always seems to be an intermediate problem of higher value.''

''Whenever you work with a climate model, you are trying to play God,'' - V. Ramanathan

''The only way to be certain is to perform the experiment on ourselves,'' says Mr. Schneider. ''For better or worse, that's what we're doing.'

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"Government Scientists" = "everybody knows". Like kids used to tell their parents, it's OK for me to smoke, everybody knows it won't hurt .......

Some never grew out of that stage.
Not only is it invincible it's also pervasive.
No, Just Crazy, no evidence in your postings that you have ever has a thought. No scientist named in the article, no paper cited. Strictly hearsay, and therefore, worthless.
Read Don't Taz me's post. Again, you're failure is consistent as usual.
Google, "huge media blackout regarding earth and moon orbital changes"

and that last harvest moon apparently wasn't where it was supposed to be. I don't follow this stuff, so who knows?

so you can also try to Google, "Late Harvest Moon BHM"
Judging from the lack of ice at the arctic, and the mess of ice at the antarctic, it is probably wise to make your home north of the equator though. Things might get rocky.
Wow. Imagine how bad it would be without global warming.

We're saved!!!!!!!!!
Since the 1970s, the mainstream scientists have consistently predicted warming. They've been proven shown to be correct. Cronkite, not being a scientist, is irrelevant.

In contrast, the deniers have been predicting a new ice-age pretty much non-stop. They've consistently been failing for decades running now.

When you get it all right for decades running, you earn credibility, so the mainstream climate scientists have credibility. Deniers have failed at everything, so they have no credibility. They can complain about how their lack of credibility is due to the GreatSocialistConspiracy keeping them down, but that's not the case. Their science just stinks.
The biggest problem with the global warming debate is that some on the right understate it, and some on the left overstate it. It's impossible to have an honest discussion on the matter.

Al Gore did more harm to his cause than good when he released An Inconvenient Truth.
Since the 1970s, the mainstream scientists have consistently predicted warming. They've been proven shown to be correct. Cronkite, not being a scientist, is irrelevant.

In contrast, the deniers have been predicting a new ice-age pretty much non-stop. They've consistently been failing for decades running now.

When you get it all right for decades running, you earn credibility, so the mainstream climate scientists have credibility. Deniers have failed at everything, so they have no credibility. They can complain about how their lack of credibility is due to the GreatSocialistConspiracy keeping them down, but that's not the case. Their science just stinks.
hahahahahahahahaha...what a goof. The earth has been warming for centuries, so it must have been really hard to say, hey the earth is warming. Dude/dudette.. you need to get a life. You suck in here.
Since the 1970s, the mainstream scientists have consistently predicted warming. They've been proven shown to be correct. Cronkite, not being a scientist, is irrelevant.

In contrast, the deniers have been predicting a new ice-age pretty much non-stop. They've consistently been failing for decades running now.

When you get it all right for decades running, you earn credibility, so the mainstream climate scientists have credibility. Deniers have failed at everything, so they have no credibility. They can complain about how their lack of credibility is due to the GreatSocialistConspiracy keeping them down, but that's not the case. Their science just stinks.

I was alive, I was aware, I read the books and they had me scared. But you know what? Here we are 45 years later and we are still debating cooling and warming with nothing much really changed. Fool me once .......

Here is what I remember:

Americans who lived through the 1960s and ’70s may remember the dire global-cooling predictions that were hyped and given great credibility by Newsweek, Time, Life, National Geographic, and numerous other mainstream media outlets. According to the man-made global-cooling theories of the time, billions of people should be dead by now owing to cooling-linked crop failures and starvation.

And that was just the half of it, we were suppose to be out of oil by the 90s, and now a glut. I think it points to man being able to cope and solve problems.

No More Snow?

For well over a decade now, climate alarmists have been claiming that snow would soon become a thing of the past. In March 2000, for example, “senior research scientist” David Viner, working at the time for the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, told the U.K. Independent that within “a few years,” snowfall would become “a very rare and exciting event” in Britain. “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is,” he was quoted as claiming in the article, headlined “Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past.”

The very next year, snowfall across the United Kingdom increased by more than 50 percent. In 2008, perfectly timed for a “global warming” legislation debate in Parliament, London saw its first October snow since 1934 — or possibly even 1922, according to the U.K. Register. “It is unusual to have snow this early,” a spokesperson for the alarmist U.K. Met office admitted to The Guardiannewspaper. By December of 2009, London saw its heaviest levels of snowfall in two decades. In 2010, the coldest U.K. winter since records began a century ago blanketed the islands with snow.

The following is a well done article, not opinion.

Embarrassing Predictions Haunt the Global-Warming Industry
Since the 1970s, the mainstream scientists have consistently predicted warming. They've been proven shown to be correct. Cronkite, not being a scientist, is irrelevant.

In contrast, the deniers have been predicting a new ice-age pretty much non-stop. They've consistently been failing for decades running now.

When you get it all right for decades running, you earn credibility, so the mainstream climate scientists have credibility. Deniers have failed at everything, so they have no credibility. They can complain about how their lack of credibility is due to the GreatSocialistConspiracy keeping them down, but that's not the case. Their science just stinks.
No. In the 1970's the prediction was freezing due to ozone depletion and aerosol products were banned. In the 1980's AGW became the fad and an opportunity for lefties to demonize the oil industry that is perceived as sympathetic to repubs.

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