Flashback: Melinda Byerly, a silicon Valley Tech Founder, says Middle America Is Too ‘Violent, Stupid And Racist’ For New Jobs!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
just reminding everyone Silicon Valley sucks


Flashback: Melinda Byerly, a silicon Valley Tech Founder, says Middle America Is Too ‘Violent, Stupid And Racist’ For New Jobs!​

That is GREAT! When she needs to fill her next positions then for that $15/hr job, let her solicit Ivy League graduates owning multiple corporations driving a Bentley, and the ICE border prisons or the slums of Chicago looking for her next technician or associate.
you know who's stupid? People who are so dependent on tech that they can't even count back change. The computers go out, the whole store has to shut down> It's hilarious. One big EMP strike and these silicon valley techs are gonna be dumpster diving to feed themselves. LOL

Have they walked around San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, Baltimore, and other big cities, lately?

PS: He should stop being a bigot about what thinks about Middle America.


you know who's stupid? People who are so dependent on tech that they can't even count back change.

A few years ago I gave my neighbor's daughter (about 13 then) one of my old slide rules because she was supposed to be "smart." I thought she would get a kick out of how they worked learning to do math problems the way NASA scientists sent a man to the moon with! So I showed her some of the scales, explained that the 2 on it could represent 2, 20, 200, etc., so half way to 3 could be 2.5, 25, 250 and so on. She did not get it at all and replied: "Thank God for calculators!"

When I was in school, a calculator would get you a failed grade for that test.
public schools allow the kids to use calculators their phones anything to make it easy, anything to keep from teaching them anything helpful. This bunch of kids... they'll die in a few days when the shtf.

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