Flat tires and chinese junk

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Rant on /

So last year while I was still going into Walmart they had a stack of little air pumps ...
20 bucks neat little thing... ya plug it in to the car cigarette lighter,, digitally set the psi, and hit the power button boom.!.air pumpin action on the side of the road....fill a tire fast

The wondas an convenience of da modien woild as they would say ..

So I used this thing once before on a friends car,the tire he had a slow leak ....it was half flat.... set the psi thing worked like a charm ...

So this morning I'm supposed to meet someone on some serious clown biz. friend from NY in Tennessee looking to buy land .... he's about lil under 3 hours away..he's still a carrer guy and his company is doing something outside Nashville. .he's ecstatic to be leaving NYC

......so I ...i thought I'd leave when the sun came up ....make a stop right down the road fer a large cold brew with sugar ....Doobie dooo wah ready to rock for the ride down the interstate .....derp

I'm pulling out with my delicious large bucket of coffee... light ice ...suckin away ....i come out of the place... blamo! driver side rear tire ran over piece of metal i didnt even see....flat an sharp ...
Immediate total pressure fail ...i felt it and of course the sensor goes off

I'm always prepared.?.I got a fix a flat can and the chi com Walmart 19.99 air pump right , ha I'm fuckin superman ...i even got water and vacuum packed nature valley bars in the friggin trunk ...blankets...2 flannel blankets you bet, knife with a flint , tools ,Battery powered lantern... the cheap chi com air pump even has a light on it

Fix a flat.?..air pump good to go right.?.......Wrong !

I didn't see the metal until I put the donut on and had the 20 inch bitch of a tire off .... but before I even attempted the donut .... I go well shit fix a flat ....then top it off with the air pump! ....I'll limp to my hillbilly boys right down the road who are fucking geniuses when it comes to balancing my tires ........let's see if we can get a quick patch and ill be on my way ...I'll be the first one there ill sit in the lot and spark this doob...

I'm one of those guys who notices any little thing off on a car ...i had a hump hump hump in the front ...the dealers weights fell off ...who they make fun of so
Without even saying it ....when he was balancing it he shouts do ya got a hump hump hump

Yes ...yes i do !you fuckin genius

So that the plan forming in my mind ..if its an easy plug ...ill be on my way 10 minutes after they rub the crust outta thier eyes and roll up the gate

I get the stem at 4 an 8 o'clock pump the can of fix a flat into the tire
I'm ready to pump.?.plug air pump into lighter
Set psi to 30....i like 35 but I'd figure let's take it easy we're limpin ...air pump its lights on its letting me set psi

Ready.... set ....power
Pump go Brrr

Fuck me ...check lighter
Brrrrr dies
Flick power on and off
Check lighter socket again

Brrrrr for a split second .....die s

Switch to lighter socket in front
Same thing

Is cheap Chinese shit really worth it ?
I used it once....20 bucks ....

He'll no ...garbage

Thiers 20000 miles on em and the slice, right in the middle of the treads ! practically dead center
Its to big to fix...the gash that is

2 new Michelins are in my near future as in this morning ....this is gonna cost me lol ...viva la frogs ya make some mighty fine tires...
I'm also gonna order an old fashioned metal rim and use the other good rear tire as a full spare

And I wanna buy a little air pump thats either made USA , Germany , Taiwan, Japan ,or South friggin Korea...anywhere but mainland China

Cheap Chinese crap is nothing but JUNK..i would off been better off burning that 20 bucks
Rip off jip ...outta jip joint Walmart
Rant off /
Its bilge pump went out the second time they used it

I don't know how in the hell I never noticed the name on the pump

Thats one for engrish.com
It came in a cardboard sleeve ...i don't think I would of even bought it if it had "made by slime " on the outer packaging...made by slime ...indeed

I got the tires ordered the steel rim for the full spare ...some days nothing goes right I'm telling ya
I went to a tire chain the web site said in stock at your store
Take a wild guess what wasn't in stock at my store ........don't worry mr g we can have then sent over from this store theyll be here in 45 minutes

No problemo

Buffalo wild wings is right there and they have a bar ...its open ...before noon lookie there huzzah snack n a beer

2 hours later no tires
3 hours later ring ring ring mr g your tires are here we apologize blah blah blah blah bullshit bullshit large tire chain cares very deeply about you blah blah bullshit bullshit bullshit

now I'm a lil on the not cool to drive side buzzed no rush ....i gotta wait another hour now anyway
The bartender was smoking hot ...we played a few rounds of 500 rummy with the waitress it was so dead ...
I blame the waitrees she wanted a shot ....

then ....the girlfriend calls ...well now your waiting till I get off of work Friday and I'm coming with you .........fuck you honey I'm waiting all morning which is now the afternoon now I gotta wait for YOU ...who the fuck are you lady! No ....
Yes you are
No I wanna leave now
That didn't go very well ...i caved call it a strategic retreat cause She keeps kinda sorta pushing us to live together .........and that ain't happening ...ill let her dump me and play the gent ,,,she will eventually ...

Sigh what time is it ......im still waiting
We gotta get outta dis place if its the last thing we ever do

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