Flight to London has to return to Miami because of anti Mask "Karen"

Nor wearing useless masks on a long flight caused nothing.
It just points out that masks on a long flight are just lies.
Science says they can't work once saliva has time to evaporate.
You're pathological.

Like their rules or not, everyone must abide by them. Those who don't will at best be removed from the plane as soon as possible; at worst, may be arrested.
That is stupid because masks can't possibly work.
They can temporarily slow down spread of saliva droplets for a short period, but not during a long flight when droplets are going to evaporate and cause the individual viruses to be separated.

Handcuffing won't prevent someone from removing a mask.
The back of the plane get the same air circulation as the front.

The logical thing to have done would have been to let the flight continue, but then quarantine and test people upon arrival.
Which is what they should always do with any travel anyway.
Mask can not possible many and difference at all after a half hour or so, when the breath droplets evaporate.
If handcuffed behind the back like police do, it will prevent somebody removing their mask.
As idiotic as saying the infamous shoe bomber had no control over where his flight took him. :cuckoo:

That makes no sense.
Obviously the shoe bomber had no control over where his flight took him.
Once he tried to light the fuse, they took his shoes and tied him up.
Doesn't matter if they went back, landed sooner, or continued on to their original destination.

But comparing an actual bomb to saliva droplets, is not at all rational.
A bomb can cause a plane to depressurize and be torn apart by the high speed winds.
Everyone is going to get the saliva droplets of everyone else on any long flight.
That is pretty much guaranteed.
You're pathological.

Like their rules or not, everyone must abide by them. Those who don't will at best be removed from the plane as soon as possible; at worst, may be arrested.

When rules are contrary to science, then they must be defeated at all costs.
Rules are arbitrary and do not contain a legal basis unless they are based on science.
Mask rules can have some science for short periods, but not long enough periods for saliva to evaporate.
Rules that make no sense are part of an authoritarian dictatorship.
Like in Woody Allen's movie "Bananas", where as a double for a dictator, Woody orders all underwear to be worn on the outside of clothing.
People who believe in science and and freedom, realize you can't let people do that.
It is like the illegal War on Drugs.
If you let them get away with it, you end up with the largest prison population in the world by %, and your entire legal system is destroyed by things like illegal mandated sentences, illegal asset forfeiture, etc.
We have to resist irrational and illegal mandates constantly, or else we quickly become a total dictatorship.
It likely is way too late by now.
We should have started shooting back when they came up with Prohibition.
Rules desired by a company are no more authoritarian than any other rules set for your employees and customers within your place of business. If you do not like them, do not shop there or accept employment.
Preventing drug addiction is not a poor goal. They just went about it the same way they did alcohol prohibition, which didn't work either.
I did not advocate locking up people who do not mask, against company rules, which is more toward the topic of the thread, than drug prohibition, as "Karen" didn't take off the mask to toke up. I just advocate they be controlled whether they like it or not for the duration in which they choose to use the flight service.
And the way, this thread is backwards.
A "Karen" is one who tries to use the "rules" in order to harm innocents.
So the Karens in this situation are the airlines, not the passengers.
Video or it didn't happen....
If she was hot, I don't see the need for a mask.
If she was fat pig, however, mask would be mandatory.
The person just has to rub the mask down against something.
Stick'm in an aft bathroom. There really isn't that much to see at 40,000 ft. out over the ocean.
Rules desired by a company are no more authoritarian than any other rules set for your employees and customers within your place of business. If you do not like them, do not shop there or accept employment.
Preventing drug addiction is not a poor goal. They just went about it the same way they did alcohol prohibition, which didn't work either.
I did not advocate locking up people who do not mask, against company rules, which is more toward the topic of the thread, than drug prohibition, as "Karen" didn't take off the mask to toke up. I just advocate they be controlled whether they like it or not for the duration in which they choose to use the flight service.

Rules can be good or bad, but the point is that in a democratic republic, rights must always have superiority over arbitrary rules.
Arbitrary rules are how you get racially divided drinking fountains, and are illegal in most cases.

Arbitrary rules not based on science, are illegal and criminal, that should be fought against.

Preventing drug addiction is a great goal, but is one that can NOT POSSIBLY be accomplished by police, courts, or prisons.
Obviously police, courts, and prisons greatly increase drug addition, drug profits, government profits, loss of freedom, arbitrary edicts, etc.
Drug addiction is a medical problem easily taken care of by the medical community.

Masks on a long plane flight are totally and completely ridiculous.
They can not possibly help once saliva has time to dry out.
So are just as silly as wearing underwear on the outside.
There is ZERO science to it.
Ask anyone who knows the science.
Stick'm in an aft bathroom. There really isn't that much to see at 40,000 ft. out over the ocean.

Unless you close the vent to that bathroom, you accomplish nothing since the circulation is very strong and rapid.
Rules can be good or bad, but the point is that in a democratic republic, rights must always have superiority over arbitrary rules.
Arbitrary rules are how you get racially divided drinking fountains, and are illegal in most cases.

Arbitrary rules not based on science, are illegal and criminal, that should be fought against.

Preventing drug addiction is a great goal, but is one that can NOT POSSIBLY be accomplished by police, courts, or prisons.
Obviously police, courts, and prisons greatly increase drug addition, drug profits, government profits, loss of freedom, arbitrary edicts, etc.
Drug addiction is a medical problem easily taken care of by the medical community.

Masks on a long plane flight are totally and completely ridiculous.
They can not possibly help once saliva has time to dry out.
So are just as silly as wearing underwear on the outside.
There is ZERO science to it.
Ask anyone who knows the science.
You are talking about society rules vs. rules in the private workplace or business. If you do not like the rules of a business, do not favor that business. If you feel you must, because it is the cheapest most effective game in town, follow it's rule while using it's service.
Unless you close the vent to that bathroom, you accomplish nothing since the circulation is very strong and rapid.
I am not that familiar with those systems or any of the filtration in place. I do not know if you what you say is true or false.
That makes no sense.
Obviously the shoe bomber had no control over where his flight took him.
Once he tried to light the fuse, they took his shoes and tied him up.
Doesn't matter if they went back, landed sooner, or continued on to their original destination.

But comparing an actual bomb to saliva droplets, is not at all rational.
A bomb can cause a plane to depressurize and be torn apart by the high speed winds.
Everyone is going to get the saliva droplets of everyone else on any long flight.
That is pretty much guaranteed.
Hahahahahahaha typical Dimmer mushbrain.....a bomb and a facediaper have the same concern. Hahahahahahahaha
You are talking about society rules vs. rules in the private workplace or business. If you do not like the rules of a business, do not favor that business. If you feel you must, because it is the cheapest most effective game in town, follow it's rule while using it's service.

Rules that have no negatives are easy to follow whether they are logical or fair, or not.
But when a rule is wrong, just as refusing to serve Blacks, then it is our DUTY to deliberately violate those rules until they are stamped out.

The science on masks is clear.
They can not possibly hold back a virus size particle at all, but can hold back the saliva droplets we exhale, for a little while.
Until they evaporate.
So for 15 or 20 minutes, masks can do some good.
After that, they no longer can possibly do any good at all.
I am not that familiar with those systems or any of the filtration in place. I do not know if you what you say is true or false.

It does not take any expertise.
Viruses are smaller than even most smoke particles,
With only the smallest smoke particles being down to the 0.3 micron size of a covid virus.
And clearly these masks do not block smoke, so then can not block a virus.

If an airplane filtration system was so fine that is blocked smoke, then it would rapidly get clogged up in such a long flight.
It just could not be possible.
Rules that have no negatives are easy to follow whether they are logical or fair, or not.
But when a rule is wrong, just as refusing to serve Blacks, then it is our DUTY to deliberately violate those rules until they are stamped out.

The science on masks is clear.
They can not possibly hold back a virus size particle at all, but can hold back the saliva droplets we exhale, for a little while.
Until they evaporate.
So for 15 or 20 minutes, masks can do some good.
After that, they no longer can possibly do any good at all.
Rules that have no negatives, do not exist in nature or society and never have.
Science on masks has been obscured by partisanship on both sides. The mask partisans have at time purported masks the perfect solution, though they are and were not perfect filtration, no matter the quality of non respirator type masks. The anti-mask partisans to this day would have you believe that anything less than perfect 100% filtration are of no benefit. Both positions are wrong.
Hahahahahahaha typical Dimmer mushbrain.....a bomb and a facediaper have the same concern. Hahahahahahahaha

The point is there is no point in turning around over either.
Once the bomb was found and removed, nothing could have been accomplished by turning around.
Same with the person removing their mask.
If that could harm anyone, then it is already too late.
Turning around only caused the passengers to disperse to many different flights instead of staying all together, where is would have been easier to quarantine.

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