Flight to London has to return to Miami because of anti Mask "Karen"

I've spent plenty of time on airplanes. It sucks.
Did you know that some people with pulmonary medical conditions may have a hard time breathing on airplanes, and anything that obstructs their breathing, such as a face diaper, will just make it worse?

Or are you just too stupid to comprehend that fact?

Are you really that fucking stupid?
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Probably best way to do that would have been the handcuffed and masked in the back of the plane option.
Could you explain to the USMB forum, the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to that bizarrely stupid conclusion?
There was no reason to waste that kind of money and time turning the plane around.

The best reason of all ... DRAMA!

Did you know that some people with pulmonary medical conditions may have a hard time breathing on airplanes, and anything that obstructs their breathing, such as a face diaper, will just make it worse?

Or are you just too stupid to comprehend that fact?

Are you really that fucking stupid?

I hadn't thought of it, but there's a good point, there. Although modern airliners are pressurized, they are not pressurized to full sea-level pressure. A quick bit of Googling tells me that they are pressurized to the equivalent of an altitude of 8,000 feet, and at that pressure, altitude, the air is thin enough to significantly reduce the blood-oxygen level in even a healthy passenger. The last thing anyone needs under those conditions, especially if there are also relevant medical issues affecting an individual's ability to breath and process oxygen, is to be forced to spend several hours wearing a mask that further obstructs breathing.

Given the overwhelming proof that these masks do not do shit to contain any virus at all, it's stupid to require anyone to wear them even on the ground, but in an aircraft at altitude, it's even more stupid.
Could you explain to the USMB forum, the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to that bizarrely stupid conclusion?
The airline has their rules. If you want to use their service, abide by their rules, be forced to abide or suffer the consequence of your refusal to abide by them at 40,000 ft. What's the problem? I didn't say they should be made to get out and walk.
They should send her a bill for the fuel they had to waste because of her.
They should have given her the option of paying for the fuel to turn around - and telling her about how much that will be - or putting the stupid mask on.
What's the point of turning around? Already too late.
It doesn't change anything.
If she had covid , those around her were already exposed regardless of where the plane landed.
If she doesn't have Covid, those around her are perfectly fine, regardless of where the plane landed.
Irrelevant drama.
Passenger was confirmed negative prior to boarding, but even if the passenger was positive, a mask wouldn't have done anything anyway. There was no reason to waste that kind of money and time turning the plane around. What a stupid waste of time and money, just to enforce political agenda. The crew should be fired immediately.
Bull. That sucker drinks fuel. They should have give choice, mask, be handcuffed and masked in the back of the plane or give the asshole the bills for the time, fuel, scheduling costs, and any losses suffered by other passengers for the delay. If somebody doesn't want to mask, let them buy their own plane and fly how they would like to.

That is stupid because masks can't possibly work.
They can temporarily slow down spread of saliva droplets for a short period, but not during a long flight when droplets are going to evaporate and cause the individual viruses to be separated.

Handcuffing won't prevent someone from removing a mask.
The back of the plane get the same air circulation as the front.

The logical thing to have done would have been to let the flight continue, but then quarantine and test people upon arrival.
Which is what they should always do with any travel anyway.
Mask can not possible many and difference at all after a half hour or so, when the breath droplets evaporate.
The airline has their rules. If you want to use their service, abide by their rules, be forced to abide or suffer the consequence of your refusal to abide by them at 40,000 ft. What's the problem? I didn't say they should be made to get out and walk.

Rules that make no sense are part of an authoritarian dictatorship.
Like in Woody Allen's movie "Bananas", where as a double for a dictator, Woody orders all underwear to be worn on the outside of clothing.
People who believe in science and and freedom, realize you can't let people do that.
It is like the illegal War on Drugs.
If you let them get away with it, you end up with the largest prison population in the world by %, and your entire legal system is destroyed by things like illegal mandated sentences, illegal asset forfeiture, etc.
We have to resist irrational and illegal mandates constantly, or else we quickly become a total dictatorship.
It likely is way too late by now.
We should have started shooting back when they came up with Prohibition.
Passenger was confirmed negative prior to boarding, but even if the passenger was positive, a mask wouldn't have done anything anyway. There was no reason to waste that kind of money and time turning the plane around. What a stupid waste of time and money, just to enforce political agenda. The crew should be fired immediately.
They had to virtue signal to the world. It’s what activists live for.
She was the one who caused it.

Nor wearing useless masks on a long flight caused nothing.
It just points out that masks on a long flight are just lies.
Science says they can't work once saliva has time to evaporate.
They should have given her the option of paying for the fuel to turn around - and telling her about how much that will be - or putting the stupid mask on.

Turning around accomplishes nothing.
If not wearing a mask infects others, then they already are all infected.
Turning the plane around can't change that.
And if the other passengers are infected, they will carry the infection on the next flight they are put on.
So turning around spread any possible infection even more, to other planes.

But anyone who thinks a mask can work on a long flight, has to be a total idiot.

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